Friday, February 1, 2019

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Antioxidants: what they are, functions and best foods rich in antioxidants

What are antioxidants?
When we talk about dietary antioxidants, these are substances that are part of everyday foods that can prevent the adverse effects of oxidative stress that damages or kills the normal cells of human beings, thus fighting diseases.

CoQ10 200 mg Enhanced for Maximum Absorption Supplement by ABN. Made in USA. Coenzyme Q10 Ubiquinol Supports Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Heart Health for Men, Women. Gluten Free (30 Softgels)
CoQ10 200 mg Enhanced for Maximum Absorption Supplement by ABN. Made in USA. Coenzyme Q10 Ubiquinol Supports Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Heart Health for Men, Women. Gluten Free (30 Softgels)

The micronutrients and substances with antioxidant action are:

  • Vitamins A, E, C
  • Minerals such as selenium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, coenzyme Q
  • Flavonoids
  • In this first article we are going to focus on the first group, the antioxidants of vitamins.

Antioxidants from a chemical perspective, are molecules capable of retarding or preventing oxidation (chemical process of transformation of molecules by the action of oxygen) of an oxidizable substrate (molecules where enzymes act, these are proteins that regulate chemical processes).

There are two ways by which the body is protected from the action of free radicals, those oxygen molecules with electrical charge that have high potential to cause irreversible damage at the cellular level:

The endogenous or enzymatic pathway (antioxidants are synthesized by the body), which requires support from the exogenous pathway.
The exogenous pathway, where we will find non-enzymatic antioxidants (those provided by the daily diet) whose role is relevant, as we will discuss later.

What are antioxidants for? Functions of antioxidants
For decades, the functions of antioxidants and their role in health have been investigated. Currently it is a tendency to consume these products in the market, considered as functional foods, which in addition to providing nutrients have other bioactive components.

The incorporation of foods rich in antioxidants are related to multiple benefits in the body, the most relevant are:

  • * Researchers have shown that diets rich in antioxidant levels and with a caloric reduction improve the immune system which translates into good health and longevity.

In the aging process, antioxidant protection decreases, that is, the natural defenses of our body against oxidative processes becomes less effective, and there is age-specific cellular destruction. Apart there are degenerative changes of the immune system, which can lead to the onset of diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or cardiovascular problems, due to this a diet rich in antioxidant foods is recommended as a preventive measure.

  • * They have a beneficial effect on the cellular repair of the liver and gastric mucosa produced by excessive alcohol intake.
  • * Reduce oxidative stress during physical exercise, as oxygen consumption increases, causing more free radicals in our body and muscle fatigue. For this reason it is recommended to include foods with a high content of antioxidants in the diet of athletes and athletes.
  • * Antioxidants are related to the elimination of carcinogens and repair of damage to DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Damage caused by free radicals that can cause mutations tending to become cancer cells.
  • * The consumption of antioxidants has shown that they can modify human genes related to oxidative stress in the case of breast cancer. However, keep in mind that not all people react the same and antioxidants will not always be effective.
  • * They have anti-inflammatory effects, decreasing the production and inhibition of inflammatory mediators (such as reducing cyclo-oxygenase, complement activation and immobilization of leukocytes, among others).
  • * It has been shown to reduce blood pressure, specifically the consumption of garlic as one of the best antioxidants. The WHO (world health organization) recommends its use to prevent high blood pressure. Read also The 15 best infusions to lower high blood pressure.
  • * They have antibiotic activity. Associated with allicin and related compounds (thiosulfonate) which can be obtained in crushed garlic and onion.
  • * It has been shown that antioxidants have an antithrombotic effect, inhibiting platelet aggregation, thus reducing the formation of thrombi in atherosclerotic vessels, in addition to reducing cholesterol levels, mainly LDL, preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Not all antioxidants produce the same benefits, some will work better in eye health as those that contain vitamin A, while other antioxidants are better for the heart, it is important that you know which will contribute better to your health.

When the antioxidant response is deficient, illnesses are triggered in the organism, so its contribution in meals is important, so to ensure that you get enough, a varied diet is suggested.

The best foods with antioxidants

It is important to note that the concentration of antioxidants in the diet of each individual will depend on the correct balance of the diet, the preparation and the level of nutrients contained in the food when ingested.

The best antioxidants and most important are vitamin C in citrus fruits, vitamin E in sprouted seeds, nuts and vegetable oils, β-carotene in carrots, lycopene in tomatoes, epigallocatechin galate (EGCG) in green tea, sulfoxides and polysulfoxides in allium ( is the genus of onions, garlic, leeks or garlic and onions or their extracts.)

In the following tables you can see the antioxidant content in mg per 100 grams of food:

Sources of Vitamin C:
  • Guava 400-500
  • Oranges or grapefruit 30-50
  • Kiwi 26
  • Pineapple, papaya, red cabbage, tomatoes 25-30
  • Spinach, cabbage, pepper or chili peppers 18-25
  • Potato or potato 15-20
  • Apples 8-10
  • Blueberries 9


Sources of vitamin A (Beta-carotenes):
  • Carrot 9500
  • Spinach 7800
  • Pumpkin or squash 7100
  • Papaya 3500
  • Berza, broccoli 3000
  • Chiles or peppers 3000
  • Avocado or avocado 900


The vegetables should be consumed together with the fats, since in general they are soluble in this one and thus the passage in the membranes of the intestine is facilitated thus favoring their absorption and use by our organism.


Sources of vitamin E:
  • Sunflower oil 75
  • Soybean or soybean oil 68
  • Olive oil 30
  • Wheat germ 30
  • Almonds 29
  • Hazelnuts 26
  • Coco 20
  • Peanut or peanut 19
  • Sunflower seeds 18
  • Pine nuts 10
  • Butter 3
  • Eggs 1
  • Whole milk 0.1


Some spices are also an important source of antioxidants:

  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon
  • Rosemary
  • Oregano
  • Coriander
  • Thyme
  • Sage
  • Cumin
  • Cardamom
  • Clove
  • Parsley

They are used, not only in gastronomy in cooking recipes, but also in home and natural remedies for their multiple benefits.

The foods, mainly the vegetables described above, contain several very important nutrients to maintain good health. But it should not be abused in its consumption since it has been demonstrated that both deficient and excessively high levels of antioxidants increase the risk of diseases.

Nutrition is an important factor in the modulation of disease and health. A balanced diet is recommended without drastic caloric restrictions, rich in antioxidant foods, with fruits and vegetables, such as the Mediterranean, which includes 3-5 servings of vegetables and 2-4 of fruits a day.

For better results, the beneficial effects of the best antioxidant foods should be combined with changes in lifestyle such as: physical exercise, refraining from smoking and drinking alcohol, exposure to toxic substances or radiation, control of body weight and thus reducing the risk of suffering from many pathologies related to free radicals.

Although antioxidant foods help our health by cleaning free radicals, providing the many benefits described, are not proven to treat any disease, you should always consult your doctor.