Friday, February 1, 2019

MaryRuth's Vegan CoQ10 Gummy Plant-Based Non-GMO Paleo Friendly Antioxidant Gluten Free Metabolism Dietary Supplement for Men, Women & Children 60-Count 120mg per Serving (2 Gummies)


Antioxidants provide great benefits in our body. Best of all: incorporating them daily is easier than we think.

Flavonoids, lycopenes, carotenoids are some of the elements that we should include daily in our table. Strange names? It may be, but as we elucidate, they should become allies of our nutrition. To begin we can say that they are all antioxidants and that common foods such as carrots, tomatoes, oranges, tea, cocoa, red wine, legumes, olive oil and soy, among others, are sources important of them.

MaryRuth's Vegan CoQ10 Gummy Plant-Based Non-GMO Paleo Friendly Antioxidant Gluten Free Metabolism Dietary Supplement for Men, Women & Children 60-Count 120mg per Serving (2 Gummies)
MaryRuth's Vegan CoQ10 Gummy Plant-Based Non-GMO Paleo Friendly Antioxidant Gluten Free Metabolism Dietary Supplement for Men, Women & Children 60-Count 120mg per Serving (2 Gummies)

Another clue: antioxidants are vitamins, minerals and various compounds present in food, which play a key role in our body. It is that while we have some antioxidants in the blood naturally, different situations such as environmental pollution, sun exposure, smoking and poor diet produce oxidation in our body greater than that occurs naturally. Hence the importance that daily include in our diet a good dose of antioxidants, which help to counteract this process.

"Oxidation processes generate the production of free radicals, responsible for premature aging and certain diseases. We, in a natural way, are always exposed to cellular oxidation and we have the necessary antioxidants to counteract them; However, it is important that we also receive an extra contribution from food, to prevent free radicals from having a negative effect on health, "warns Dr. Ada Cuevas, of the Center for Nutrition and Obesity at Clínica Las Condes.

The supplements

Some may wonder, then, that if antioxidants are so important and the current hectic lifestyle does not always favor proper nutrition, is it possible to achieve its benefits through the intake of supplements, for example, in the form of tablets? According to what the nutritionist explains, the real benefits of obtaining them via supplements have not been scientifically proven so far. "It happens that there are many different types of antioxidants, and the benefits are achieved by the combination of them. Not because vitamin C is a potent antioxidant means that its intake in the form of tablets can replace the consumption of fresh fruits. "

Pure health

On the other hand, there are numerous scientific studies that do indicate the action of antioxidants as factors that contribute to both prevention and relief of various diseases. Among the most important we can highlight:

  •     Prevention of cardiovascular diseases: free radicals and their oxidative action of lipoproteins contribute to atherogenesis (formation of atheromas or plaques). Both the cholesterol and the phospholipids of these lipoproteins are protected from oxidation by antioxidants such as vitamins E, B and C.
  •     Prevention of cancer: the intake of antioxidant agents would decrease the risk of acquiring different types of cancers. The main protective agent in this regard is beta-carotene.
  •     Prevention of premature aging: many of the antioxidant agents participate through different mechanisms reverting or slowing the processes of cellular aging (both the physical appearance of our skin, and our internal organs). It should also consider its indirect action in the prevention of various diseases associated with age, such as lack of memory, for example, as well as in the strengthening of the immune system in general.

Incorporate them on the table

Some simple tips to incorporate more antioxidants in our diet are:

  •     Put color in your diet: the more colors there are on your plate, the greater the amount of antioxidants to be consumed. Ideally there should be at least three different colors.
  •     Start the day with a cup of grain coffee and drink a daily cup of green, red or white tea.
  •     Consume two to three servings of fruit per day: as much as possible, choose the seasonal ones that are neither too green nor too ripe.
  •     Include salads at lunch and lunch, making them as varied as possible. A healthy suggestion is to incorporate legumes such as beans or lentils, which increase the supply of antioxidants.
  •     Consume fish two to three times per week.
  •     Season the foods with parsley, dill, turmeric, ginger, oregano or curry, as they are antioxidant foods that provide good flavor to your dishes.
  •     When you feel the need to eat something sweet, prefer a piece of dark chocolate (without milk), which provides a good dose of natural antioxidants.

Antioxidants     Food where they are     Function in our organism

  • Vitamin A (beta-carotene)     Pumpkin, carrot, apricots, mangoes     High antioxidant power, it is also essential for vision and to keep the skin and tissues in good condition.
  • Vitamin C     Strawberries, melon, kiwis, citrus fruits, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower     High antioxidant power, also helps the absorption of iron preventing anemia and helps wound healing.
  • Vitamin E     Vegetable oils such as sunflower, soy, corn, sesame, wheat germ and mainly olive oil, especially extra virgin first cold pressure     Powerful antioxidant action, stimulates the immune system and helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • Copper     Chicken, turkey, fish, seafood, oysters, organ meats (liver, kidneys), whole cereals, mushrooms, potatoes, nuts, sunflower seeds, raisins, legumes     It boosts the immune system, participates in the formation of enzymes, proteins and neuro-transmitters in the brain and is an anti-inflammatory and anti-infective agent.
  • Zinc     Dried fruits (nuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts), whole grains, dark parts of chicken and oysters     It improves our defenses and helps maintain the elasticity of the skin.
  • Manganese     Sesame seeds, bran and wheat germ, egg yolk and tea.     Necessary for the growth and formation of healthy cartilage and bones and intervenes in blood coagulation phenomena.
  • Magnesium     Nuts, especially almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, peanuts, nuts, green leaves     It helps the absorption of calcium and is a muscle relaxant.
  • Selenium     Nuts, garlic, fish, beef and chicken     Mineral with antioxidant function, which helps strengthen the immune system.
  • Lycopene     Tomato, watermelon     Powerful antioxidant, protects against prostate cancer.
  • Flavonoids     Tea, red wine, soy     Powerful antioxidant, in addition to enhancing memory, enhance the activity of vitamin C, prevent the formation of blood clots and enhance the immune system.