Friday, February 1, 2019

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Benefits of antioxidants in women's health

Due to differences in body composition between men and women, it has been shown that women need to consume fewer calories than men to maintain a healthy weight; However, due to hormonal differences, they need to consume a greater variety of nutrients than men, for example: antioxidants.

Stop Aging Now - MAX-Q10 CoEnzyme Q10 200 mg - 100% Natural Trans-Form CoQ10 with Black Pepper for Enhanced Absorption - 30 Veggie Caps
Stop Aging Now - MAX-Q10 CoEnzyme Q10 200 mg - 100% Natural Trans-Form CoQ10 with Black Pepper for Enhanced Absorption - 30 Veggie Caps

In order to understand the benefits that antioxidants provide, the Kellogg Institute of Nutrition and Health, through the Nutriologist Carmen Haro, provides us with some elements that contribute to the well-being and health of women.

What are antioxidants?

Antioxidants are compounds that come from some foods and that diminish or significantly prevent the damage caused to our cells by free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that are produced in our body by oxygen or by exposure to environmental factors such as sun, cigarette smoke, alcohol and pollution.

Some of the foods that have a high content of antioxidant substances (vitamins A, C and E, beta carotenes, lutein, lycopene and selenium) are:

1. Fruits and vegetables. Include abundant amounts of fruits and vegetables in your diet, not only provide antioxidants, but also fiber, iron and magnesium. The following describes the benefits that each one provides:

• Fiber It will help maintain a healthy weight and decrease constipation.

• Iron It will help to replace the losses that occurred during menstruation.

• Magnesium Involved in the absorption of calcium .

Some fruits and vegetables that provide antioxidants are: cherries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, apples, papaya, plums, pears, melon, kiwi, apricot, artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, spinach, peas, etc.

2. Oilseeds. In addition to providing you with antioxidants, they provide healthy fats, such as omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which can help: Protect the health of your heart; decrease some of the premenstrual symptoms such as colic ; maintain a good mood during the day; during menopause they can help reduce hot flashes. Some examples are: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts, etc.

3. Legumes. The recommendation is that you consume legumes as a source of protein replacing meat at least once a week (it is proven that the excessive consumption of protein of animal origin, in women, can affect the absorption of calcium, increasing the chances of suffer from osteoporosis). Some examples of legumes are: beans, beans, lentils, etc.

4. Products of animal origin. Within this group the foods that give you antioxidants are: Beef (preferably lean cuts or without visible fat); fish. It provides omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids; egg (in addition to antioxidants it provides vitamin D, which favors the absorption of calcium) ; dairy products (milk, cheese, etc.). It prefers low-fat versions and fortified with vitamin D.

5. Cereals Preferably look for whole grain cereals to increase your fiber intake. Some cereals that give you antioxidants are: corn, wheat and rice.

The key to healthy eating is to include the greatest possible variety of foods to obtain not only the antioxidants your body needs, but all the nutrients that will help you stay healthy. Keep in mind that no matter what your age, a healthy diet can help you to see yourself and feel better.


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