Friday, February 1, 2019

Healthy Origins CoQ10 (Kaneka Q10) 100 mg, 150 Softgels


What are antioxidants?

Natural or manufactured substances that help prevent or delay some types of damage to cells are called antioxidants . They can be presented as food components (in fruits and vegetables), or, as a dietary supplement .

One of the damages that can be produced to the cells is that caused by the so-called free radicals , molecules that get their stability by modifying the surrounding molecules, which causes a chain reaction that ends up damaging many cells.

Healthy Origins CoQ10 (Kaneka Q10) 100 mg, 150 Softgels
Healthy Origins CoQ10 (Kaneka Q10) 100 mg, 150 Softgels

In this case, antioxidants are responsible for stabilizing free radicals and inhibit their oxidation to protect organs and systems that may be affected.

A nutrient has antioxidant properties when it is able to neutralize these radicals without losing their own stability. However, in many cases, it is not able to combat them due to an excess of the same, caused by air pollution , tobacco smoke , herbicides , certain fats and other external factors.

This excess of free radicals, since it can not be eliminated by the body, damages the membranes of the cells and facilitates the development of various types of diseases.
Types of antioxidants

Antioxidants are divided into endogenous , manufactured by the cell itself, and exogenous or those that enter the body through diet or supplements.

A broader classification of these exogenous compounds is as follows:

Vitamin E

Set of phenolic compounds known as tocopherols , which have a greater vitamin action, and tocotrienols .

This antioxidant is found in cell membranes and has a process of absorption and transport closely linked to that of lipids, as well as being considered the most important protector of lipid molecules .

This vitamin is essential for humans since a lack of it can cause malabsorption of fats or even some chronic liver diseases .

Its most important source are vegetable oils, seed oils, wheat and corn germ, almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower or walnut.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid

It is a water-soluble antioxidant that acts by enhancing the effect of other antioxidants. It is not synthesized by the organism, so it is necessary that it be included in the diet.

One of the main consequences of vitamin C deficiency is scurvy , a rare disease in Western countries since their diets usually contain the minimum amount necessary to avoid this disease.

Its main source within vegetables is lemon, lime, orange, mango, kiwi or strawberry and, in the case of vegetables, include tomato, green leafy vegetables, cabbage, cauliflower or broccoli.


They are the precursors of vitamin A and its deficiency can cause keratosis , night blindness , ocular dryness or Bitot spot (white deposits of epithelium in the sclera), in addition to a lower resistance of the organism to infections.


They are natural pigments present in vegetables and protect the body from damage caused by oxidizing elements such as ultraviolet rays , environmental pollution and harmful substances present in food.

It is present in fruits, vegetables and drinks such as black tea and green tea.

In the case of endogenous antioxidants, these are the most important:


It is found in the cytoplasm of cells and consists of three amino acids : cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid.

Coenzyme Q 10

It is a powerful lipid-soluble antioxidant that comes from the diet and is found in all cell membranes, mainly in the mitochondria , where it participates in the aerobic breathing chain.

Thioctic acid

Also called alpha lipoic acid, it is a fatty acid that favors cellular rejuvenation in the transformation of glucose into energy.

Foods with more antioxidants

Within the diet, it is necessary to include foods that have a large proportion of antioxidants. Within that list, those that contain more antioxidants are:

The beans

They have a powerful antioxidant capacity since they are a source of vitamin C , phenolic acids and flavonoids .

In addition, thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids it contains, it entails extensive benefits for cardiovascular health.

The artichokes

This type of vegetables include a large amount of water, carbohydrates and vitamins B1 , E and B3 . In the case of the first, it intervenes in the use of hydrates, fats and proteins and in the balance of the nervous system.

Its most abundant mineral is potassium , although it is one of the vegetables that contains the most magnesium , phosphorus and calcium .

The potatoes

It is one of the most present products in the Spanish diet due to the large amount of nutrients it contains, such as phenolic compounds .

It includes, approximately, a third of the calories of the bread, whenever they are consumed boiled or baked, quantity that increases if they take frits.


The most remarkable aspect of this food, from the nutritional point of view, is its vitamin A content and its low level of calories.

They are a source of beta-carotene that acts as provitamin A and that is converted into vitamin A within the body. Other nutrients present in carrots are carbohydrates , folic acid , magnesium , manganese and phosphorus .

Fruits of the forest

One of the fruits that contains more antioxidants are blueberries that imply numerous health benefits.

Cranberries have a low sugar content compared to other fruits, and contain some of the most powerful antioxidant properties of all fruits and vegetables.

In addition to preventing heart disease and other diseases, they slow down the aging process, especially in the brain.

The Apple

It contains the essential vitamins and antioxidants recommended in a good diet, especially in the case of red apples.

The bitter chocolate

In addition to being an optimal source of antioxidants, dark chocolate contains compounds indicated for lowering blood pressure .

Even so, this type of products is important to consume them in moderation, being the recommended amount between 20 and 30 grams daily .