Saturday, June 29, 2019

Hello Oral Care Kids Fluoride Free and SLS Free Toothpaste, Natural Watermelon, 4.2 Ounce

Hello Oral Care Kids Fluoride Free and SLS Free Toothpaste, Natural Watermelon, 4.2 Ounce
Hello Oral Care Kids Fluoride Free and SLS Free Toothpaste, Natural Watermelon, 4.2 Ounce

Prevention of caries in children

We will try to adopt the results of recent research in this area in order to at least reach the European figure - on average, less than two fillings by the age of 12.

To date, the most common dental disease of a person is caries. Caring parents should help their child to keep their teeth healthy and rid them of toothache. To do this, you must pay considerable attention to the prevention of caries.

We will try to adopt the results of recent research in this area in order to at least reach the European figure - on average, less than two fillings by the age of 12.
1. You can begin to take care of preventing caries in a child during her mother's pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Taking special pills containing only 1 mg of fluorine, it is possible to achieve a double effect: on the one hand, strong teeth form in the fetus, on the other hand, the woman's body does not lose fluoride. And more lean on calcium, that is, on milk, cottage cheese and kefir, without frightening relatives with uncontrolled eating of school crayons.
2. After the baby is born, it is important to monitor hygiene.

First of all, dear parents, do not prematurely transfer your bacteria (Streptococcus mutans) to your child, which, according to one theory, causes caries. Most often, these microbes migrate from the parental mouth along with a licked spoon or nipple. Do not do this - it is more correct to rinse or boil a fallen nipple, and not to lick. And then the child’s oral cavity will remain free from caries longer.
3. To prevent the occurrence or development of caries, it is necessary to correctly organize the family food.

Calcium from dairy products should be present in the diet of the child. It is not difficult at all, since children's yoghurts, milk and kefir are becoming tastier and more varied. In order for calcium to be better absorbed, vitamin D is required, which is contained in fish dishes and is formed under the action of sunlight. So take sunbaths with your baby more often, go for walks that strengthen not only your teeth, but also family friendship. In addition to calcium, fluoride, which enriches toothpaste and some food products, is necessary for the prevention of caries.
4. So that all your efforts to prevent tooth decay in a child do not go to ashes, try to give him less sweets.

They are the main destroyers of teeth. Harmful to the teeth streptococci multiply on the tooth enamel only in the presence of sugar, which, in fact, feed. By processing sugar, bacteria secrete acid that destroys tooth enamel. Conversely, as often as possible feed the child with fresh fruits and vegetables: the sugar and fruit acids contained in them do not pose a danger to the teeth. Or, as in Europe, choose only sweets for children with a safe sweetener xylitol.
5. The most reliable tool against tooth decay in children is the traditional toothbrush with good toothpaste.

Brushing your teeth should be started from the moment of appearance of milk teeth - while maintaining their health, you will provide your child with the correct and timely germination of permanent teeth. It is very important for a child to cultivate the skill of brushing his teeth every day so that he realizes and assumes responsibility for the health of his teeth as soon as possible.
6. Twice a year the dentist should examine the child.

If, during a regular visit to the doctor, the beginning caries was found in the child, fluoride varnish (fluoride) or a compound of silver fluoride can be used to protect the enamel from destruction . The procedure is absolutely painless and takes no more than one minute, and the effectiveness of this method for preventing caries is very high.
7. When a child has permanent teeth, it is advisable to make a special visit to the dentist.

To carry out another, very useful procedure - the sealing of the depressions (fissures) of the teeth . To do this procedure preferably within a year and a half after the eruption of the molars. As a result, after a meal, plaque with bacteria that destroy enamel will not accumulate on the chewing surface of the teeth. During the procedure, the doctor cleans the teeth with a brush and paste, and then applies an acidic substance to the grooves and pits on the surface of the teeth. After that, a sealant is applied to the tooth, which flows into the micropores of the enamel and solidly hardens there under the action of a special lamp. The sealant not only seals the tooth, but also for a long time, it enriches the tooth enamel with fluorine, magnesium and calcium ions.

So, a multi-year program to save the child’s teeth from caries is built. You have done everything that is necessary, and you can be justly proud of yourself.


Colgate Total Whitening Toothpaste, 4.8 ounce - 4 pack

Colgate Total Whitening Toothpaste, 4.8 ounce - 4 pack
Colgate Total Whitening Toothpaste, 4.8 ounce - 4 pack

How to prevent caries?

Caries is one of the most common diseases. Currently, about 95% of the population suffers to some extent from this disease. Caries affects both healthy and sick teeth, slowly but surely leading to the destruction of a tooth in the absence of proper treatment. Dentists have developed a number of ways to prevent the development of caries or to minimize the likelihood of its occurrence. Consider their recommendations further.
Regular oral care

This is probably the simplest and most effective advice. Often patients themselves are to a large extent responsible for the fact that they have to treat their teeth. Irregular or improper care for the oral cavity is the foundation for the occurrence of diseases of the teeth and gums. You need to brush your teeth 2 times a day (minimum), rinse your mouth after each meal, use dental floss, massage your gums, perform exercises to strengthen your teeth (for example, tapping your jaws together).
To give up smoking

If you smoke, it is very likely to meet old age with orthopedic prostheses instead of your own teeth. Timely cessation of smoking will reduce the risk of cracks in the enamel and the appearance of caries, as well as inflammatory diseases of the gums or cancer of the oral cavity.
Diet correction

It has been established experimentally that sugar consumption directly affects the cariogenic situation in the oral cavity. Sucrose in the mouth of saliva is split into fructose, glucose and lactic acid, which accelerates the reproduction and growth of streptococci (Streptococcus mutans). These microbes help increase the level of dextrin in the oral cavity, and dextrin is the basis of tartar, which serves as a haven for germs that produce acids and destroy dentine (tooth tissue). Thus, you should eliminate or minimize the consumption of sugar, as well as control the consumption of other carbohydrates.

Dentists recommend using paste containing fluoride. This element inhibits the reproduction of bacteria that produce acids. In addition, fluorine is used in the substitution reaction of the hydroxyl group of the hydroxyapatite enamel. The pronounced anti-caries effect of fluorine is based on this. Fluoridation includes not only the use of fluoride-containing pastes, but can also be a separate procedure, which is carried out by a dentist with the use of appropriate preparations.
Fissure sealing

Fissure is a small dissection of the tooth surface, into which pathogenic bacteria can easily penetrate, contributing to the appearance and development of caries. Fissure sealing is a procedure that minimizes the risk of developing the disease. Note that sealing is a painless procedure, suitable for both adults and children.


Crest 3D White Whitening Toothpaste, Radiant Mint, 3.5oz, Twin Pack

Crest 3D White Whitening Toothpaste, Radiant Mint, 3.5oz, Twin Pack
Crest 3D White Whitening Toothpaste, Radiant Mint, 3.5oz, Twin Pack

How to prevent caries

Caries is a very unpleasant disease of the hard tissues of the tooth, its development entails the gradual destruction of the tooth enamel and dentin. Its first signs are small damages on the surface of the teeth. At first, they may not cause pain, but if measures are not taken on time, the damaged areas deepen and turn into cavities. As a result, the tooth can completely collapse.

It would be wrong to consider caries a defect of appearance, because it is a serious disease that needs to be treated promptly. The deeper the damage to the tooth, the more painful it can be treatment, so patients often need local anesthesia. In advanced cases, the doctor has to remove the nerve in the aching tooth, and often the tooth itself. To keep your teeth safe and sound and not to undergo painful and unpleasant procedures, you should know the causes of caries, as well as measures for its prevention. treatment of caries
The causes of dental caries

To understand how to prevent the appearance of carious teeth, you need to familiarize yourself with the main factors that cause caries.

improper hygienic oral care;
the prevalence of carbohydrates in the diet, calcium and vitamin deficiencies, lack of fresh fruits and vegetables;
harmful pathogenic bacteria that multiply in the mouth.

Of these factors, the greatest harm brings the latter. In the oral cavity of any person there is a certain amount of harmful microorganisms, they are called conditionally pathogenic. If their number is less than the critical level, there is no harm from them. What can provoke their reproduction? This may be a hormonal imbalance of the body, various diseases, weakened immunity and some other factors. As soon as the number of bacteria reaches a critical point, they begin to process the carbohydrates contained in food residues into organic acids. Under the influence of these acids, the surface layer of the enamel is damaged and caries occurs.

To keep your teeth healthy and unharmed, you should follow a few simple recommendations.
Preventive measures

The most important rule is to keep the mouth and teeth clean. Plaque remains permanently on the teeth, which eventually turns into tartar, and the remains of food that are food for harmful microorganisms get stuck between the teeth. Therefore, you need to brush your teeth twice a day. It is recommended to use soft brushes, and it is better to choose a paste with fluorine content, which strengthens the hard tooth tissues and eliminates small cracks. Preventing caries
It is also necessary to balance the diet, enter into the diet all the necessary vitamins and minerals. And it is better to refrain from smoking and alcohol abuse.
Be sure to regularly visit the dentist. In the initial stages, while the damage to the enamel is superficial, they are easily and painlessly treated. And the more a tooth is eaten away by caries, the greater are the health effects, because such cavities are an entrance for various disease-causing bacteria.


Colgate Cavity Protection Toothpaste with Fluoride - 6 ounce (6 Pack)

Colgate Cavity Protection Toothpaste with Fluoride - 6 ounce (6 Pack)
Colgate Cavity Protection Toothpaste with Fluoride - 6 ounce (6 Pack)

How to prevent tooth decay?

Many factors can cause caries. In order for teeth to begin to deteriorate, bacteria and carbohydrates must simultaneously be present in the mouth. Poor oral hygiene, occasional visits to the dentist and the use of products that destroy tooth enamel, also lead to blackening and tooth loss. Of course, there are ways to restore teeth health and prevent tooth decay. As a preventive measure, various methods of cleaning the teeth and mouth should be combined with proper dental care and frequent visits to the dentist.

Brush your teeth every day at least two times: in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. If you wear braces , use special cleaning tools.
When brushing your teeth, massage the gums with a toothbrush in a circular motion. This massage will help to increase blood circulation in the gums, which contributes to the health of the gums and teeth.
Brush your teeth after each snack. Carry a thread for your teeth with you and do not forget to use it when necessary.
Rinse your mouth with water after each use of beverages or fruits that are high in acid. Citric acid damages the tooth enamel and over time becomes the cause of permanent tooth decay.
Also rinse your mouth with water after sugary foods and drinks. These include sweets, fruit juices, soda and liquor.
After brushing your teeth in the morning and in the evening, use a mouthwash. The rinse removes all food particles and provides the mouth and teeth with additional protection against bacteria.
Ensure that the oral cavity always remains moist. Saliva in the mouth helps fight tooth decay because it washes away food debris and plaque from the teeth. And substances that are part of the saliva, contribute to the destruction of bacteria that destroy teeth.
Drink plenty of water. Water helps to soften and release the pieces of food that are stuck between the teeth and cause holes in the teeth.
Drink and eat foods and drinks containing calcium. These include skimmed milk, cheese and cottage cheese.


Quit smoking. If you smoke, the chemicals in cigarettes will not only cover your teeth with a yellow blob, but also lead to the appearance of tartar and gums on the teeth.
Prolonged use of narcotic drugs, such as methamphetamine, also contributes to tooth decay and tooth loss.


Crest Toothpaste Gum Detoxify Deep Clean, 4.1oz (Pack of 3)

Crest Toothpaste Gum Detoxify Deep Clean, 4.1oz (Pack of 3)
Crest Toothpaste Gum Detoxify Deep Clean, 4.1oz (Pack of 3)

How to prevent the development of caries

Manifestations of caries are pain, holes in the teeth and unpleasant visits to the dentist. Everyone knows about prevention of caries - it is necessary to brush your teeth twice a day and not to abuse sweet. But despite this, caries in our country suffer from 90% of the population. It means that far from everyone knows about the prevention of caries.

View from above
“Most patients go to the dentist only when they notice a hole in the tooth,” says the director of the dental practice “September,” a doctor of the highest category, Ph.D. Irina Ganzha, or when acute toothache occurs. In fact, the first signs of caries become visible long before the appearance of holes. On the teeth there are areas that lose luster, become lighter, sometimes even seem friable. This is caries. And at this stage, you can do without a drill, conservative methods. If the dentist didn’t see your teeth at this stage, the process deepens, a deepening appears in the tooth enamel. It still does not hurt, but there are unpleasant feelings during the reception of hot, cold or sour food. There is already a need for a seal. ” The pain arises even with medium and deep caries, it is at this stage that a person runs to a doctor. And the doctor puts him complex fillings. And if the patient turned to the doctor when there was still no pain, perhaps all his teeth would have remained intact. That is why dentists are advised to undergo a check-up twice a year, even when the teeth do not bother.

Treat or remove
Treatment of neglected caries is troublesome. Everyone who got an appointment with a dentist with an already well-decayed tooth knows this. And often the doctor has to hear: "Doctor, remove this tooth, why bother with it."
But professional dentists are adamant: you need to keep the tooth as long as possible.
“Tooth extraction will lead to a gradual displacement of neighboring teeth, which will affect the appearance and can create serious problems with chewing,” emphasizes Irina Ganzha. - Displacement will occur necessarily, because each of the teeth of the dental-maxillary system has its own function and load. Therefore, it is better to treat the tooth "to the last." But if the removal cannot be avoided, it is better to immediately put the implant. ”

Children's problems
If caries "donkey" on the baby tooth, you should immediately contact the doctor. There is a widespread opinion among parents that once this tooth falls out soon, there is no need to waste time and children's nerves to visit the dentist. However, it is necessary to treat baby teeth. “Milk teeth fall out as a result of the physiological resorption of their roots,” says Irina Ganzha. - Between them, all this time there are permanent teeth that erupt in place of dairy. If you do not treat tooth decay, it can lead to inflammation, a violation of the time of eruption, an enamel underdevelopment, or even a complete melting of the germ of a permanent tooth. "
Many are afraid of the notorious nerve removal. Indeed, it is necessary to carry out such a manipulation, when the tooth suffered because of our inattention rather strongly. But do not assume that the absence of a nerve can damage the tooth. “After removal of the nerve, the tooth is fed through the supporting ligament, therefore, the tooth does not become“ dead ”, explains the expert. - And its fragility is due to the initial defect of the tissue, which caused the removal of the nerve, - caries or trauma. Therefore, it is important to properly restore a weakened tooth. ”
According to the dentist, there are international standards for dental restoration. In case of a defect in hard tissues that has spread to one third of the tooth, restoration can be restored. If half of the tooth is affected, then a ceramic tab is required. And with the destruction of more than half of the tooth is already necessary crown.

Cleaning rules
Simple preventive measures can help prevent tooth decay. Brushing your teeth is necessary to prevent caries, but, as with everything, you need to know when to stop. Too long and diligent cleaning will do more harm than good. Brushing your teeth should take 2-3 minutes twice a day: after breakfast and after dinner. Such a gap between the cleanings (about 12 hours) is associated with the peculiarities of the formation of tartar. And do not try to replace two two-minute cleansing with one five-minute one.
Paste consumption should be moderate, it is enough to cover the head of the toothbrush. For the prevention of dental diseases, it is not the quantity at all that is important, but the quality of cleansing. The concept of quality cleansing includes the correct cleansing mechanism and time - at least 2-3 minutes.
Another important side of the issue is fluorine. “A person wants to know how to keep his teeth healthy, he is looking for information on the Internet,” says Irina Ganzha. - He finds texts on one or several sites, where it is said that fluorine is harmful, that it can cause fluorosis (a chronic disease that occurs in areas with excessive fluoride content in drinking water). And here, for example, the mother objects to the appointments of the dentist - and does not buy fluoride toothpaste for her child. Result? Increased risk of caries.
On the website of the World Health Organization we read the following: “Dental caries can be prevented by constantly maintaining low levels of fluoride in the oral cavity. Fluoride can be obtained from fluorinated drinking water, salt, milk and toothpastes, as well as by applying fluoride professionally or using mouth rinses. Under prolonged exposure to the optimal level of fluoride, less caries is formed in both children and adults. ” The same will tell and any competent dentist.
You can contact about caries in one of the municipal dental clinics, dental offices also work in many ordinary clinics. Dental departments are in hospitals - for example, in the SOKB them. M.I. Kalinin. There are private dental offices, clinics, centers.


Sensodyne Toothpaste for Sensitivity, Extra Whitening for Sensitive Teeth, 4 oz (Pack of 3)

Sensodyne Toothpaste for Sensitivity, Extra Whitening for Sensitive Teeth, 4 oz (Pack of 3)
Sensodyne Toothpaste for Sensitivity, Extra Whitening for Sensitive Teeth, 4 oz (Pack of 3)

Stop caries can be without drilling and sealing

For those who are afraid of dental drills and dentists, there was good news. According to a 7-year study by scientists from the University of Sydney (University of Sydney), Australia, the need for dental fillings can be reduced by 30–50% thanks to preventive oral care.

Usually, the holes in the teeth, formed as a result of caries, are reamed with a drill, and then filled with filling materials.

Research by scientists from the University of Sydney showed that the process of tooth decay (at the stage of early carious decay) can be stopped and prevented without applying the traditional approach (drilling and filling), which has dominated dental practice for many decades. During the study, scientists focused on identifying caries at an early stage and stopping the process of further tooth decay.

According to the lead author of the study, Professor Wendell Evans, the use of fillings in many cases is not a mandatory procedure: “For a long time, it was widely believed that dental caries spread rapidly and the best way to prevent its development - if it is detected, immediately drill out the hole and install filling to prevent further tooth decay. However, years of research have shown that caries does not actually spread as quickly as previously thought. Thus, on average, it takes 4–8 years for the disease to go from the initial stage of destruction of the outer layer of the tooth (enamel) to destruction of the internal (dentin). This time is enough to identify and fix the problem before sealing is required. ” From the point of view of Professor W. Evans, the prophylactic approach has advantages over the current practice of caries treatment, and the tooth must be drilled when there is a hole in it, that is, when its cavity is already visible.

Scientists from the University of Sydney have developed a system for caries treatment without using a drill (focus on the treatment of early caries). Thus, in the dental practice, it is recommended that local use of dental protective fluoride in the early stages of caries development. It is also worth spending more time teaching patients how to use a toothbrush and other oral hygiene skills. Patients are advised to reduce the number of snacks and drinks containing added sugar. You should also pay more attention to those at risk.

This system has been tested in Australia for 7 years. The method showed that at the beginning of the destruction of caries can be stopped and prevented, as a result of which the need for drilling and sealing has sharply decreased. Thus, the need for filling among patients of this program was reduced by 30–50% compared with the control group.


Arm & Hammer Advance White Extreme Whitening with Stain Defense, Fresh Mint, 6 oz Twin Pack (Packaging May Vary)

Arm & Hammer Advance White Extreme Whitening with Stain Defense, Fresh Mint, 6 oz Twin Pack (Packaging May Vary)
Arm & Hammer Advance White Extreme Whitening with Stain Defense, Fresh Mint, 6 oz Twin Pack (Packaging May Vary)

How to stop the development of caries

If you have noticed signs of caries, know that it can still be reversed, or at least stop further penetration into the dentin. The best way to stop the development of caries is a combination of good oral hygiene with some simple changes in nutrition. As part of measures to combat caries, you should also try homemade mineralized toothpaste. If it seems to you that you have a hole in the tooth, you should quickly go to the dentist until the situation has become worse.

How to stop the development of caries

In this article: Maintain dental health Make changes in the diet Make your own mineralized toothpaste 14 sources

If you have noticed signs of caries, know that it can still be reversed, or at least stop further penetration into the dentin. The best way to stop the development of caries is a combination of good oral hygiene with some simple changes in nutrition. As part of measures to combat caries, you should also try homemade mineralized toothpaste. If it seems to you that you have a hole in the tooth, you should quickly go to the dentist until the situation has become worse.
Method 1
Maintain dental health

Brush your teeth twice a day. Regular brushing is key to keeping teeth in good condition and preventing their further decay. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, in the morning and before bedtime. [one]
Choose a toothpaste with fluoride. Fluoride is needed to re-mineralize the teeth and stop the development of caries. It will also protect your teeth from further damage. [2]
Use a soft bristled toothbrush. Hard toothbrushes can damage teeth and gums. [3]
Scrub the entire surface of the teeth (front, back and top). Brush your teeth, making short, quick sweeps. Brush your teeth for two minutes, and then leave the toothpaste in your mouth for another two minutes before rinsing your mouth so that fluoride can re-mineralize the enamel.

Floss your teeth once a day. Flossing teeth is important because the toothbrush is not able to clean the cavity between the teeth, where bacteria that cause caries are usually hidden. That is why it is so important to clean the interdental spaces at least once a day. [four]
To brush your teeth, wrap a 45 cm length of thread around your index fingers. Then floss the cavity between the teeth.
When you brush your teeth with dental floss, try rubbing it on the sides of your teeth to get the remnants of plaque out under the gums. Do not push the thread back and forth just like that.
If you have difficulty using a thread, try using an irrigator. For people with braces or other types of dentures that can interfere with cleaning, the irrigator will be a useful tool for cleaning the cavity between the teeth - it uses water pressure to stimulate blood flow in the gums and thereby protects them from bacteria. [five]

Use mouthwash. Mouthwash is an excellent addition to routine dental hygiene. It slows down tooth decay, killing bacteria in the mouth. Some rinses contain fluoride, which will help strengthen your teeth. [6]
Pour the recommended amount of rinse into the cap (about 30 ml), and then rinse your mouth with it for one minute. When you finish rinsing your mouth, spit out the liquid. Never swallow mouthwash.
Do not rinse your mouth with water so that the antibacterial effect lasts longer. If the fluid is too strong and causes a burning sensation in the mouth, dilute it with water in a 50/50 ratio.

Regularly sign up for a cleaning session to the dentist. Periodic visits to the dentist will also help protect teeth from tooth decay. Make an appointment with your dentist to clean and check your teeth at least twice a year to keep your teeth healthy.
Consult your dentist about fluoride treatment and learn about other protective measures for your teeth. To protect teeth from decay, a dentist may apply dental sealant on them. [7]

Method 2
Make changes to the diet

Consume more vitamin D and calcium. Vitamin D and calcium play an essential role in dental health, so getting enough of these two key nutrients will help fight caries. Make sure you get plenty of vitamin D and calcium from your diet, dietary supplements, and other sources. [eight]
To increase your intake of calcium and vitamin D, eat two to three servings of dairy products every day, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese.
Another option is to take daily multivitamin supplements that contain 100% of the recommended daily intake of calcium and vitamin D.
Spend 10 to 15 minutes in the sun every day to get the recommended daily dose of vitamin D. If you plan to spend more than 15 minutes under the sun, be sure to use sunscreen.
Excessive mineral content in the body can lead to an increased concentration of deposits on the back surfaces of the front lower teeth, which is why you will have to undergo professional cleaning at least twice a year.

Do not drink sweet and carbonated drinks. Carbonated and sugary drinks can provoke tooth decay, so give them up if you try to stop it. Avoid drinking fruit juices, carbonated drinks, energy drinks, and any other carbonated or sweetened beverages. [9]
Instead of soda, drink water sweetened with fruit, or unsweetened tea with ice and a sprig of mint. Tea (hot or cold) contains polyphenols, which prevent bacteria from producing acids that cause caries. [10] The antibacterial effect is enhanced by increased saturation of body fluids, leading to an increase in salivation.

Limit citrus intake. Citrus fruits contain a lot of acid, which increases tooth decay. If you are trying to stop the development of caries, stop drinking citrus juices and limit citrus intake to a few servings per week. [11] List of citrus fruits:

Go to stevia or honey. Sugar is the main cause of tooth decay, so try to remove as many sugar sources as possible from your diet. [12] Instead of adding sugar to foods and drinks, try using stevia (a calorie-free herbal sweetener) or honey (an anti-bacterial sweetener).

Give preference to unprocessed foods. Foods with a high degree of processing contain a lot of sugar and starch, which can get stuck in the mouth (which makes it difficult to remove them), and contribute to the growth of bacteria that cause caries. [13] To minimize consumption of sources of caries, eat as little as possible of semi-finished products. Instead, eat unprocessed foods, for example:
Whole grain products.
Lean meat.
Milk products.

Method 3
Make your own mineralized toothpaste

Collect the necessary ingredients. Preparing your own mineralized toothpaste is quite simple and all you need is a couple of ingredients. This toothpaste can be used instead of the usual one, but it should be noted that this recipe does not contain fluoride, and the abrasive should not be used for more than 3-4 weeks in a row. Fluoride is an important mineral to fight tooth decay and protect teeth from further decay. To create your own mineralizing toothpaste, you will need:
30 g calcium powder (carbonate) (crush calcium carbonate tablets or buy calcium powder).
30 grams of baking soda.
Half or one packet of stevia.
5 g of sea salt.
60 ml of coconut oil.
A few drops of peppermint oil (optional).

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Fork mix all the ingredients. Ensure that the ingredients are well mixed and constitute a smooth paste. If the paste looks too thick, add another 15 or 30 ml of coconut oil to thin it.
Pour the paste into a glass jar and close it tightly.
Use a paste like regular toothpaste.

Keep your toothpaste in the fridge. If you stay in the fridge, the toothpaste will last you much longer, but you have to get it 15-20 minutes before it is needed, so that the coconut oil can warm to room temperature. Otherwise, the paste will be too hard to use.


Try chewing sugarless cud between meals. Sugar-free chewing gum provokes the production of saliva, which washes away harmful bacteria from food consumed. [14]
After you brush your teeth, do not rush to wash off the toothpaste, and leave it for a while on the teeth. So you give them the opportunity to soak up the minerals from the toothpaste.


If you think that you have a hole in the tooth, do not delay your visit to the dentist. Schedule an appointment immediately so as not to aggravate the situation and avoid the occurrence of infection.


Tom's of Maine Antiplaque and Whitening Fluoride-Free Toothpaste, Peppermint, 5.5 oz, Pack of 2

Tom's of Maine Antiplaque and Whitening Fluoride-Free Toothpaste, Peppermint, 5.5 oz, Pack of 2
Tom's of Maine Antiplaque and Whitening Fluoride-Free Toothpaste, Peppermint, 5.5 oz, Pack of 2

How to prevent caries

Caries can lead to painful sensations, endless dental visits, fillings and canal treatment. Keep your teeth healthy with these simple guidelines.


Brush your teeth every morning. Brush your teeth thoroughly for at least two minutes. Perform a rotational movement with a toothbrush from the gums to the tooth, then move back and forth to clean the outer, inner and chewing surfaces of each tooth.
Do not forget to clean the inner surface of the molars; the back of the mouth is often forgotten, and it is particularly prone to caries.

If you do not have time to brush your teeth, at least rinse your mouth with clean water.

Follow a balanced diet. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause gum disease.

Do not consume sweet and sour foods (cookies, candy, soda) between meals. Be careful with diet soda, although there is no sugar in it, the acid is just as harmful as sugar.

You can eat sweets while eating. How much you eat is not as important as how often your teeth are exposed to foods high in sugar.

Drink water after meals. Water returns the pH of the oral cavity to a neutral level, and it can counteract the effect of sour and sweet foods. Do regularly to develop caries and bad breath [1]

Brush and floss your teeth before bedtime. Think: your mouth will be closed for 8 hours in a row and will look like an incubator for bacteria.

Do professional dental cleaning regularly. Every 6 months, do professional teeth cleaning in order to keep your teeth healthy. A visit to the dentist to clean your teeth can be very enjoyable, especially at the dental spa. If you are uncomfortable with your dentist, see the Tips section below.


Use mouthwash, it fights deposits and prevents the accumulation of new dental plaque.
If you feel uncomfortable with your dentist, this should not prevent you from going for regular cleaning and checking. Talk to your dentist, and most likely the problem will have an easy solution. In addition, ask your friends to recommend a pleasant and attentive dentist.
If you have gaps between teeth, use an interdental brush in addition to dental floss.
Contrary to popular belief, (adult) tooth loss is not a natural part of aging! There are dozens of eighty people with all their teeth. Do not forget that eating and talking with natural teeth is much easier than with a denture.


Use a soft toothbrush, otherwise the gums may start to bleed and irritation may develop in the mouth.
Most diseases of the teeth and gums do not cause pain. When a tooth starts to really hurt, it's serious. That is why it is so important to regularly go for examinations and brushing your teeth - without them the disease progresses silently.


Crest Complete Whitening + Scope Toothpaste, Minty Fresh, 5.4 Ounce Triple Pack

Crest Complete Whitening + Scope Toothpaste, Minty Fresh, 5.4 Ounce Triple Pack
Crest Complete Whitening + Scope Toothpaste, Minty Fresh, 5.4 Ounce Triple Pack

How to prevent caries - supereffective prevention of caries

You probably know that dental caries is a hole in the tooth. But do you know what is the result of dental caries, what happens over time? Do you know that you can interrupt and even reverse this process to avoid a defect in the tooth?
Prevention of caries and gum disease

You probably know that dental caries is a hole in the tooth. But do you know what is the result of dental caries, what happens over time? Do you know that you can interrupt and even reverse this process to avoid a defect in the tooth?

This article explains how the process of tooth decay begins and how it can be stopped or even reversed, as well as effective methods for preventing caries that exist today.

What is going on inside our mouth?

How to prevent caries - supereffective prevention of caries

Our mouth is full of bacteria. Hundreds of different species live on the teeth, gums, tongue and other places in our mouths. Some bacteria are beneficial. But some of them may be harmful, such as those that play a role in the development of caries.

Tooth decay is the result of the vital activity of some microorganisms that feed on sugars from food debris. At the end of this food chain, acids appear. Over time, in an acidic environment and tooth decay appears.

What happens inside our mouths all day?

A fierce battle ensues between the bacteria throughout the day.

On one side of the team is plaque, a sticky, colorless film of bacteria — plus food and beverages containing sugar or starch (for example, milk, bread, cookies, candy, soda, juice, and many others). Whenever we eat or want to drink something that contains sugar or starch, the bacteria use them to make acids. These acids begin to settle on the surface of the tooth, or enamel.

dental plaque prevention

Another team is minerals in our saliva (such as calcium, for example, phosphates) plus fluoride from toothpaste, water, and other sources. This team helps to arrange the "repair" of enamel by replacing the minerals lost during the "acid attack".

Our teeth go through day-to-day this natural process of losing and returning nutrients from the hard tissues of a tooth.
How does caries develop?

When the tooth is exposed to acid frequently - for example, if you eat or drink, especially foods or drinks containing sugar and starches - repeated cycles of acid attacks affect the enamel, which continues to lose minerals. White spot demineralization - the result of this process may appear where useful minerals have been exhausted. This is a sign of early appearance of caries on the teeth.

How caries develops

Caries can be stopped or reversed only at the very beginning of this process! Enamel can regenerate itself with the help of minerals from saliva and fluoride from toothpaste or other sources.
But if the process of washing out microelements from the tooth continues, the enamel is weakened and destroyed, forming a black cavity. Black color says about dead tissue.

caries prevention methods
How can we help the teeth?
Local methods of caries prevention

Brush your teeth regularly!

prevention of caries

Fluoridated toothpaste is important for preventing tooth decay.

Here is what you need to know about cleaning:

Brush your teeth 2 times a day after meals.
Use different toothbrush movements to thoroughly clean all parts of the tooth.
Dental floss

Use dental floss to remove food particles between teeth.

dental floss

Hold the thread correctly

cleaning the upper teeth

Use floss to clean the upper teeth.


Use floss to clean the lower teeth.

Use fluoroprophylaxis

Fluorine is a chemical element that can prevent the development of caries and prevent it from progressing. It can even reverse, or stop the early development of caries.

Fluoride works to protect teeth:

prevents mineral loss in tooth enamel and replaces lost minerals
reduces the ability of bacteria to produce acid

You can get fluoride with:

Drinking fluorinated water from any water source
Cleaning with fluoridated toothpaste
Applying a remineralizing gel or varnish on the surface of the teeth
Fluorine-containing tablets
Fluoride mouthwash
Professional dental treatment at the reception of the dentist

Sealing the tooth with sealant

Sealants are impermeable to microbes structure, covering the chewing surface of the tooth with a thin layer. It is in the fissures, between the chewing tubercles, accumulates the maximum number of pathogens. Such places are the most vulnerable, which serves as a protective sealing fissures. Putting sealant easy and painless. The sealant is a lacquer, which after application quickly hardens and forms a film.
How are sealants applied?

sealant for teeth

Tooth cleaning

tooth cleaning

Carry out the drying of the tooth

home caries prevention

The solution is applied to the tooth, which makes the surface a bit rough.

dental solution

Tooth rinsed and dried.

teeth protection prevention

The sealant is applied in a liquid form - it hardens within a few seconds.

prophylaxis sealant

Sealant in place - performs its function.

The most important reason for applying varnish is to reduce the likelihood of caries formation.

Fluoride in toothpastes and drinking water protects the smooth surfaces of the teeth, but in some cases the teeth need extra protection.
It is very important to monitor your diet and diet.

Your child's diet is important in preventing tooth decay. Every time we eat or drink anything that contains sugar or starches, the bacteria in the mouth use these ingredients for their vital functions and growth, which impairs the level of hygiene in the mouth. Acids begin to erode tooth enamel and the rate of caries formation increases.

Our saliva can help fight this acid attack. But if we often eat during the day - especially food and beverages containing sugar and starches, this leads to regular loss of minerals and develops caries.
About bottled water

Bottled water does not contain enough fluoride to prevent tooth decay. If you only drink bottled water, talk to a dentist or doctor about whether you need extra fluoride in the form of a tablet, varnish or gel.

That is why it is very important to keep track of what and when you eat.
Useful tips on how to prevent tooth decay:

Take breaks between meals. This reduces the number of acid attacks on the teeth and gives the teeth the ability to restore enamel.
Leave candy, cookies, soda and other sweet drinks for special occasions.
Limit fruit juice.
Do not eat or drink food with sugar after brushing your teeth before bedtime. The amount of saliva decreases during sleep. Without sufficient saliva, teeth are less able to restore themselves after an acid attack.

In case braces are present on the teeth, it is recommended to use irrigators to clean the oral cavity. The device, through a special nozzle, delivers ultrafine trickles of water under pressure - as a result, all food debris and soft plaque are washed out.
Risks and prevention of caries

Bacteria are the main cause of caries disease. But some other factors can also contribute to diseases of the teeth and gums. They include other diseases, medications and habits. These factors may increase the risk of the disease or accelerate its development.


In some people, bad teeth and gums are a hereditary feature. But it should be understood that even for very bad teeth need careful care. Even people who are highly prone to periodontal disease can learn to prevent or control the disease with good care of the oral cavity.

Smoking and Tobacco Use

Smoking increases the risk of periodontal disease. The longer you smoke and the more you smoke, the higher the risk. If you have periodontal disease, smoking makes it more serious. Smoking is one of the main reasons why periodontal disease is resistant to treatment. Smokers usually have large amounts of tartar and pigmented plaque on their teeth. Often develop deep periodontal pockets, which leads to the impossibility of curing the disease. Unlike many other factors that affect the health of your gums, the decision to smoke or not is under your control. Quitting smoking can play an important role in keeping periodontitis and periodontal disease under control.


Stress can make gum disease worse and more difficult to treat. Stress weakens your body's immune system and makes your gums vulnerable.

Floating hormone levels

Whenever the hormone levels of the body go up and down, changes can occur in the mouth. Puberty and pregnancy may temporarily increase the risk and severity of gum disease. Adverse changes can occur in menopause.


Some types of medicines can cause dry mouth. Examples include some drugs to control depression and high blood pressure.


People with certain diseases have a higher risk of developing periodontal disease and periodontitis. For example, people with diabetes have a higher risk of periodontitis than non-diabetics. Their gum disease can also be more serious. Other diseases that increase the risk of gum disease include inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and HIV infections. Having one of these diseases can make controlling your periodontal disease more difficult. But a good periodontist or dentist who knows these problems can give you advice on how to keep your periodontal health.

Poor nutrition - nutrition is essential for overall good health, including a working immune system and healthy gums and oral cavity. Severe vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) can cause gum bleeding.

8 TIPS FOR PREVENTION Caries & Gum Disease

Brush your teeth twice a day. Pretty simple, isn't it? Do not underestimate the importance. This is a simple step that should never be overlooked. Brushing your teeth in the morning and again in the evening is important to remove plaque and bacteria that cause tooth decay and periodontal disease.
Thread daily. Your cleaning will not be complete without dental floss. Plaque builds up in these small distances between the teeth and around your gum line, which often leads to tooth decay and gum disease. Cleaning the interdental spaces between the teeth helps to control the health of the oral cavity.
As little as possible sugar. Sweet and starchy foods cause reactions in the mouth, which leads to tooth decay. Sugar reacts with bacteria in saliva to form acid, which destroys your tooth enamel, the outer protective layer of teeth.
Antibacterial fluid. To further improve hygiene, antibacterial mouthwash will be the best helper.
With the help of fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel to combat tooth decay.
Brush your tongue. Do not neglect your tongue! Your tongue is fraught with bacteria, so use a toothbrush or tongue scraper to make it clean.
Pay attention to your mouth and gums. When your gums have inflammation or if you see blood while brushing your teeth, this is a sign that you urgently need a dentist. Do not ignore the pain. Contact your partner dentist to make sure that this is not a symptom of something serious.
Visit your dentist every six months. It is vital for the health of your teeth and gums. Do not think that you can miss an appointment, because your teeth look healthy and you have not experienced any pain. The dentist is experienced to see symptoms or signs of trouble that are not yet visible to the human eye. In addition, brushing your teeth removes tartar and plaque that cannot be removed at home.


Crest 3D White Toothpaste Radiant Mint 4.8 oz (3 pack)

Crest 3D White Toothpaste Radiant Mint 4.8 oz (3 pack)
Crest 3D White Toothpaste Radiant Mint 4.8 oz (3 pack)

Prevention of dental caries

Caries is the most common cause of tooth loss. In order to prevent its occurrence, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the hygienic procedures of the oral cavity.

As part of a comprehensive program to protect the oral cavity, LISTERINE® rinses are recommended to strengthen tooth enamel, kill bacteria and reduce the formation of plaque.

The most common dental disease is tooth decay. So called the progressive destruction of hard tooth tissues under the action of bacteria. Beginning with enamel and extending deep into the dentin, this process can lead to purulent inflammation and damage to the pulp (neurovascular bundle), bone tissue and periosteum. All this often leads to tooth loss.

The problem of caries is faced by many people, in some regions of the country it is detected in almost 100% of the population. The prevalence in different social groups depends on the standard of living, the composition of water consumed, the frequency of treatment to the dentist. The quality and volume of daily oral hygiene has a great influence, because the high content of bacteria in the oral cavity creates a threat to the health of teeth and gums. Regular comprehensive prophylaxis helps to reduce the risk of their damage, as it is easier to prevent caries than to treat the complications that have arisen.

How to determine caries

What causes caries
To diagnose caries, a dentist can not only conduct an examination, but also use some of the methods of investigation. For example, staining of enamel allows you to identify microdamages and areas of demineralization. Caries is found at the initial stage of the white spot. Ultraviolet radiation also helps to detect subtle areas of the carious process. A radiography is needed to assess the depth and nature of tooth decay, the presence of periodontitis (inflammation of the tissues near the root), periostitis (periosteum inflammation) and other complications of caries. Comprehensive examination allows the doctor to determine the tactics of treatment.

Additional examinations can be carried out when a person turned to a dentist for the prevention of caries, routine inspection or professional oral hygiene.

Food to protect against caries

Ways to prevent caries
A great influence on the state of the teeth has the nature of human nutrition. Prevention of caries includes the correction of food habits. For this it is important to observe several recommendations:

reduce the amount of sweets and flour products consumed;
select the menu so that the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates matches age and lifestyle;
saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements, if necessary, take a multivitamin complex;
introduce raw vegetables into the daily diet, which will naturally clean the teeth during meals;
eat fish and seafood at least once every 3 days to get phosphorus and vitamin D;
enter into the menu fermented milk products that saturate the body with calcium;
refuse calorie sweet snacks;
chew food thoroughly;
rinse your mouth after eating or use chewing gum to clean your teeth and normalize acidity in your mouth.

How else to prevent caries
Brush your teeth properly

Cleaning your teeth from plaque with a brush and paste allows you to remove up to 60% of bacteria, reduces the risk of tartar and prevents inflammation of the gums. This is the basis of caries prevention. You should brush your teeth regularly and thoroughly, at least twice a day for 2-3 minutes. In this case, the brush head should make vertical (directed from the gums), horizontal and circular movements. Do not forget about the language, the removal of plaque from it should be carried out regularly. To clean the interdental spaces, it is advisable to use dental floss (floss), which helps to prevent caries from the contact surfaces of the teeth.

Use mouthwash

In the fight against plaque, a combination of brushing teeth with the use of a rinse is 70% more effective * than just using a toothbrush. LISTERINE® conditioners have an antimicrobial effect, helping to destroy up to 99.9% ** of oral pathogenic bacteria. This increases the effectiveness of caries prevention. The use of LISTERINE® rinse twice a day strengthens the enamel, freshens breath and reduces the risk of tartar and caries even in the interdental spaces.

Fill the lack of fluoride

The lack of fluoride in the diet is one of the factors contributing to changes in the structure of enamel and bone tissue. And filling the deficit of this microelement helps prevent both caries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Prevention of caries includes the use of fluorinated water, the correction menu and the use of tools enriched with fluorine. These can be anti-caries pastes and special mouth rinses, such as LISTERINE® TOTAL CARE and LISTERINE® EXPERT "Protection against caries", which contain the optimal amount of fluoride.

Avoid taking temperature contrasting foods.

Microdamage enamel can occur not only under the action of bacteria. Too hot or cold food often leads to cracking of the enamel, which contributes to the penetration of the infection deep into the tooth and the development of caries.

Visit the dentist regularly

For the prevention and treatment of dental caries, you need to go to the dentist at least 2 times a year, which will allow you to eliminate the damage to the teeth in the early stages. In children, caries often has an acute course, destruction proceeds faster than in adults. Therefore, children should be brought for preventive examinations once every 3 months. Primary caries caries needs compulsory treatment to prevent periodontitis and damage to permanent buds. Timely treatment also eliminates the source of chronic infection in the mouth, which helps to prevent tooth decay when changing teeth.


Cali White ACTIVATED CHARCOAL & ORGANIC COCONUT OIL TEETH WHITENING TOOTHPASTE, MADE IN USA, Best Natural Whitener, Vegan, Fluoride Free, Sulfate Free, Organic, Black Tooth Paste, Kids MINT (4oz)

Cali White ACTIVATED CHARCOAL & ORGANIC COCONUT OIL TEETH WHITENING TOOTHPASTE, MADE IN USA, Best Natural Whitener, Vegan, Fluoride Free, Sulfate Free, Organic, Black Tooth Paste, Kids MINT (4oz)
Cali White ACTIVATED CHARCOAL & ORGANIC COCONUT OIL TEETH WHITENING TOOTHPASTE, MADE IN USA, Best Natural Whitener, Vegan, Fluoride Free, Sulfate Free, Organic, Black Tooth Paste, Kids MINT (4oz)

How to prevent dental caries

Modern man is very often faced with such a disease as tooth decay. Caries is the most common disease that affects 93% of all people in one stage or another. The disease itself occurs most often due to improper cleaning of the teeth and improper care of the oral cavity. Particles of food remain on the teeth, which begin to rot under the influence of bacteria in the oral cavity. In the process of decay, organic acids are released, which corrode tooth enamel, dentin and so on.

To prevent the destructive effect of caries, regular prevention of the disease is necessary. So you can keep your smile in its original form for many, many years.

Types of prophylaxis
At all times and nowadays, one of the most important methods of caries prevention was and remains the usual brushing after a meal, as well as a visit to the dentist once every six months. The achievements of science now make it possible to avoid the development of caries in more than 95% of cases.

Common methods of caries prevention include:

organization of proper nutrition;
immunity strengthening;
increasing stress tolerance and removing stress factors from life;
the use of products and preparations containing various vitamins, fluorine and calcium.

Local methods include:

proper, thorough cleaning of teeth, tongue, gums, professional oral hygiene 1 time in half a year;
sealing fissure in children;
taking drugs that restore tooth enamel;
eating foods low in acids, carbohydrates.
When you visit the dentist every six months, the doctor will tell you what condition your teeth are in, will tell you how and how best to clean them, because toothbrushes come with various forms of cleaning part, with bristles of different hardness, etc. There is also a huge number of toothpastes, each of which is necessary for cleaning the teeth in one or another state. If necessary, the dentist will conduct professional teeth cleaning.

It is important for the child to seal the fissures (small crevices on the chewing surfaces of the teeth). Children are not inclined to watch their teeth well, and their risk of developing caries is higher than that of adults.

If you have damage to the enamel (it is worn out), there is a high sensitivity of the teeth, then perhaps you need to carry out remineralizing therapy. It may include the use of special mouth guards with a substance containing fluorine, calcium, tooth brushing with special toothpastes, the use of lining on the teeth, etc. The best method will offer you a dentist.

How do common causes affect caries?
Stress for a person is a very serious factor that can cause the development of various diseases. For example, there is a clear link between stress and peptic ulcer. The same works with caries. Under the action of stress, the body spends a large amount of strength and energy to cope with it, and these forces are not enough to fight tooth decay.

Proper nutrition is no less significant for healthy teeth!

In the first place in terms of importance for limiting the development of caries, this is a decrease in the consumption of carbohydrates. After each meal you need to rinse the mouth with mouthwash or at least plain water, if you can not fully brush your teeth.

Products for the prevention of caries

There are a number of products that help strengthen the teeth and do not allow the development of caries. It is very important to eat apples, they help to clean the teeth well, and specific substances that are in their composition do not allow bacteria to develop. The cocoa polyphenols also inhibit the development of bacteria that stimulate the appearance of caries. Flavonoids found in apples are also found in cranberries, therefore cranberries are an excellent product necessary for combating tooth decay. And it is also worth noting peanuts, which is not a cariogenic product, and also effectively cleanses teeth due to its coarse fibers.

Treatment of dental caries in dentistry "Martinka"
If your child has problems with his teeth, or you want to prevent the appearance of caries in him, we invite you to the clinic “Martinka”. We have excellent doctors who are well versed in child psychology and the treatment of dental diseases in children. We will conduct a quality consultation, help the child get rid of the fear of the dentist, if there is one, teach you how to properly brush your teeth, carry out all the necessary procedures for preventing the development of caries. Our child will receive only positive emotions!
