Showing posts with label Hydration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hydration. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Keto Chow Electrolyte Drops - Electrolytes for Fasting and ketosis (24ml Pocket Flask)

LIQUID Retrieval and Hydration

Keto Chow Electrolyte Drops - Electrolytes for Fasting and ketosis (24ml Pocket Flask)

Body Water Balance
Daily water balance depends on the net difference between water intake and water loss. Fluid intake is derived from daily consumed fluids, nutrients and metabolism.

1. Water intake from liquids : 1.2 L liquid is taken daily with liquids. Exercise and temperature increases the amount of fluid consumption increases 5-6 times normal. The biggest problem that occurs at this time is dehydration (loss of body water).

2. Water intake from food: Most of the nutrients, especially fruits and vegetables, contain a significant amount of water. 1L of water is taken from daily average foods.

3. Water from metabolism: When foods are used for energy formation, they break down to carbon dioxide and water. This water is known as metabolic water and accounts for about 25% of the daily water needs of people who live a sedentary life. 300mL of metabolic water is formed daily.

In contrast, water is removed from the body by urine, skin, respiration and feces.

1. Loss of water through the skin: Physical activity-heat stress during the main way of water loss sweating. Water is also lost by the sweat produced by the sweat glands found under the skin. Sweating rate; age, sex, body surface, intensity and duration of exercise, temperature compliance, environmental temperature and humidity. In humans, fluid loss by sweating may exceed 30 g / min or 1.8 kg / h. It was determined that 2-3 L sweating per hour may occur in individuals exercising intensively in hot and humid conditions. Significant changes in sweating rates (0.29 to 2.37 L / h) are also observed depending on the type and intensity of activity performed during the day. If this fluid is not replaced, dehydration develops. With sweating, fluid loss occurs in all parts of the body. As a result of a decrease in fluid in the blood, there is also an increase in the concentration of electrolytes in body fluids. The most lost electrolyte in sweating during physical activity is sodium, while less potassium is lost. This value depends on the diet consumed, the degree of dehydration and the temperature of the climate. Dehydration occurs before a sense of thirst develops. So dehydration has already developed when a sense of thirst has developed.

2.Water loss of urine: Under normal conditions, approximately 99% of 140-160 L of water filtered through the kidneys is absorbed back from the kidneys. As a result, the volume of urine excreted from the kidney varies between 1-1.5 L per day. The body requires 15 mL of water per 1 g of solids, such as metabolic degradation products. For this reason, supplying most of the energy from proteins during the day will also cause water loss from the body.

3. Water loss by inhalation: 250-350 mL of water is lost per day in the form of small water droplets by exhaling the inhaled air. Physical activity further increases the amount of this beat. 4. Loss of water with faeces: Digestive system losses are low unless an individual has diarrhea. 100-200 mL of water disappears through the intestines. With diarrhea and vomiting, this loss increases to 1500-5000 mL.

Fluid and Electrolyte Requirement and Affecting Factors

There are many factors that affect the water balance of healthy individuals. These;

-Environmental conditions; When the temperature of the environment is too high and humid, sweating mechanism can not eliminate this heat in the individual heat diseases (heat shock, etc.) occurs. Muscle contraction produces heat that is carried from the active muscles into the blood and body center. As the activity duration increases, a large amount of heat is produced in the internal tissues of the body. Ambient temperature can be increased from 37 ° C to 40 ° C even under normal conditions. However, in very hot and humid conditions or in excess of clothing, body temperature can easily rise to 41-42 ° C. Wearing thick or impermeable clothing greatly increases heat stress and leads to unexpected high sweat losses. At these temperatures, especially the brain cells are destroyed. In this case, excessive fatigue, fatigue, headache, dizziness, sweat discharge, confusion, staggering falls, loss of consciousness, such as many symptoms occur.

If an individual's body water balance deteriorates for a long time, it consumes sufficient fluid and electrolytes, it is ensured that “normal hydration” means body water.

How is the status of hydration assessed?

There are some methods used to evaluate the hydration status. Plasma osmolality, plasma volume, liquid regulating hormones and bioelectrical impedance measurements are complex measurement methods. However, more practical methods should be used since these methods have some limitations such as high cost and impracticality.

However, the most common practical measure to determine the hydration status is to measure body weight. The body weight value of a well hydrated individual whose energy balance is maintained in the morning should be constant and fluctuations in body weight should be <1%.

Urine color is an inexpensive, practical and relatively reliable method of assessment of hydration status. Normal urine color is defined as light yellow, while severe dehydration is defined by brownish-green urine color. Caution should be exercised when consuming liquid in fast and excessive amounts, and in the case of consuming certain vegetables and vitamin supplements, as the urine color will be affected and misinterpretations may be caused. In fact, although the color of the urine is uncertain, it is a good method for the individual to evaluate the hydration status by himself. Below is the scale used to assess urine color.

What is Fluid Requirement?

Authorities recommend daily 2.5 L fluid intake for female individuals and 3.5 L for male subjects. However, these recommendations do not necessarily mean requirements. Daily fluid intake should be specific to the individual taking into account the above-mentioned fluid intake-loss conditions and hydration status assessment methods. In this case, the best type of beverage that individuals will choose is clean water. This is followed by buttermilk, freshly squeezed juices, plain soda, tea and coffee. The negative effects of sparkling and still beverages containing sugar on body weight gain and development of chronic diseases should not be forgotten.

In addition to inadequate fluid intake by individuals, excessive fluid intake (more than sweat loss) can cause fluid balance to deteriorate. This is also called “water intoxication” or “water poisoning”. However, dehydration is generally more common. However, hyponatremia due to excessive fluid intake is more dangerous.

Caffeine is found in many foods and beverages. Although moderate caffeine consumption does not have a negative effect on dehydration, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount of food and drink containing caffeine during the day.

Keto Chow Electrolyte Drops - Electrolytes for Fasting and ketosis (24ml Pocket Flask)

TRIORAL - Oral Rehydration Salts ORS (15, One Liter Packets/Box) World Health Organization (WHO) New Formula for Food Poisoning, Hangovers, Diarrhea, Electrolyte Replacement


TRIORAL - Oral Rehydration Salts ORS (15, One Liter Packets/Box) World Health Organization (WHO) New Formula for Food Poisoning, Hangovers, Diarrhea, Electrolyte Replacement



The second most important requirement for human health after oxygen is water. Water is a general solvent and carrier, so water is the basis of all biological processes in the human body.

Water also helps to regulate body temperature.

It is vital for humans to maintain a certain level of body temperature

Think about your life, you can live 6 weeks without eating, but you can not live more than a week without drinking water. When people lose 10% of their body water, their lives are in danger, and when they lose 20%, death is inevitable. The average human body contains about 38-46 liters of water. 92% of the blood, 22% of the bones, 75% of the brain and muscles are water.


The human body is largely composed of water. The proportion of water in our bodies varies throughout our life. While 75% of the body weight of a newborn baby consists of water, this rate is 70% in children, 60% in adults and 50% in the elderly. An adult person needs 2-3 liters of water a day, some of which is supplied from food.

Water has very important functions in the human body. These functions can be listed as follows:

• Water is a biological solvent and with its role as a solvent, it provides both the transport and dissolution of vitamins and minerals in the body.

• Water plays a very important role in regulating body temperature.

• It plays a fundamental role in moisturizing the skin, removing toxins and cleansing the body.

• Facilitates the operation of the kidneys.

• As a lubricant, it ensures the proper functioning of many organs.

• Water helps to regulate the natural functions of the muscles at the time of contraction by maintaining the balance of the muscles.

• Allows the body to be free from harmful substances.

• It reduces digestive complaints by facilitating digestion and provides maximum nutrients.

• Without oxygen, no substance can burn, the food is also burned in the body.

• It provides the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the cells and also the removal of waste products from the kidneys.

• Maintains the moisture balance of body tissues such as mouth, eyes and nose.

• It provides the immune system to work efficiently.

• When enough water is not taken from the outside, the cells keep the water in their bodies and produce edema. Therefore, it has an important role in preventing edema in the body.


The water content of the human body varies according to age, sex, height, body weight and physical activity. The children's body has a high proportion of water, and as the age gets older, water is replaced by adipose tissue. Therefore, water needs to consume more as the age progresses.


The rate of water in the body of athletes is 5 percent higher than standard persons. 70% of his muscles are water. The energy required for movement occurs in an environment where water is so dense.

Water should be increased depending on the exercise. Adequate water consumption is essential to replace the water lost during exercise and to restore body water balance. Water consumption can be either after exercise or before or even during the exercise to prepare the body for dehydration (sipping water at 15 minute intervals).

Thirst indicates that the amount of fluid in our body is reduced. It is necessary to take care to drink water before the feeling of thirst occurs. Failure to do so may result in irreversible problems.

These problems include the inability of the muscles to work in full efficiency.


It is known that athletes who maintain fluid balance during exercise achieve optimal exercise performance and progressive dehydration (decrease in the amount of fluid in the body) adversely affects performance. In addition, for athletes, dehydration increases the risk of life-threatening hot exhaustion and heat stroke. In athletes, 2-3% fluid losses (aerobic capacity decreases 10-20%) performance is affected, 4-5% loss can reduce performance by 20-30%.

Together with sweat, the most lost minerals are sodium and potassium. Losses vary according to ambient temperature, hydration, exercise intensity and duration.

Athletes should start exercising with sufficient fluid in their bodies. While 400-600 ml fluid consumption is recommended 2-3 hours before the exercise, this application provides the optimal fluid balance before the exercise and gives the athlete the time required for excretion of excess liquid in the urine.

It is recommended that athlete's drinks provide the athlete with the minerals he has lost in small amounts of carbohydrates and sweat during exercise. It is appropriate to use sports drinks in competitions and training sessions lasting 1 hour or more. It is recommended that athlete drinks used during exercise contain 4-8% carbohydrates.


The need for water varies according to the person. 1.5 ml per calorie spent by the body in infants and children. water is required (average 1-1.5 liters). Adult individuals need an average of two to three liters of water. It is recommended that a healthy woman drink 10 glasses of water a day, and a man 14 glasses of water. Pregnant women, athletes working hard and athletes need an average of three to three and a half liters of fluid.


In our daily lives, we buy liquids mostly with drinks such as tea, coffee and soft drinks. However, these caffeine-containing drinks have a diuretic effect (excretion of excess fluid from the body). In the same way, tea, cola and instant coffee should be drunk with water. Since the best solvent is pure, pure and natural beverage water, 3/4 of the daily liquid requirement should be preferred as water. Especially in summer, it is necessary to give more importance to water. Soup, buttermilk, compote, fresh vegetables and fruits on average 750 ml. our liquid requirement can be met, the remaining liquid need must be met as water.


Drinking too much water may cause toxic poisoning in the body. Drinking excess water can also be a symptom of diabetes. If you drink too much and too much water and urinate frequently, you should have diabetes screening done at a health institution.


• In very hot and cold weather (to maintain normal body temperature),

• Intensive exercise and heavy work,

• On long journeys,

• Women during pregnancy and lactation,

• In case of illness,

• Vomiting, febrile diseases and diarrhea,

• Nutrition with high dietary fiber requires more fluids.


• Take a water break during the day instead of a coffee break. Have 1 cup and water in a jug on your desk, at the bedside.

• Complete your meals and snacks with water, milk, buttermilk, freshly squeezed juice or start your meals with soup.

• Keep water with you during your travels.


In order to sustain vital activities, the water lost from the body must be taken during the day. It is a great mistake to wait for a "water feeling" to drink water. Because the human brain cannot perceive the lack of water from the body sufficiently. Therefore, it is important to drink one glass of water per hour.

TRIORAL - Oral Rehydration Salts ORS (15, One Liter Packets/Box) World Health Organization (WHO) New Formula for Food Poisoning, Hangovers, Diarrhea, Electrolyte Replacement

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (8)

Importance of water, body and health benefits

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (8)

Some facts
The body loses water in the body through breathing, sweating and digestion, so it is important to re-ingest water by drinking liquids and eating water-containing foods.
Most people with good physical health, when dehydrated with drinking water and other beverages, as well as meals enough to take liquid.
Especially pregnant or breastfeeding women should not neglect fluid intake or even wish to consult their physician to increase.
Did you know that your body weight is approximately 60 percent water? Our body uses water to help regulate all of its cells, organs and tissues, temperature and maintain other body functions. Since our bodies lose water through breathing, sweating and digestion, it is important to replace the lost water by drinking liquids and eating water-containing nutrients. The amount of water you need may vary depending on various factors, such as the climate you are in, your physical activities, and a disease state.

Water Useful for Protecting Tissues, Spinal Cord and Joints
Water does not only quench your thirst and adjust the temperature of your body, it does more. Keeps the tissues in your body moisturized and stays moist. Moisturizing your body helps maintain optimal moisture levels in sensitive areas as well as blood, bones and brain. Water also helps protect the spinal cord and performs a lubricating function for your joints.

Water Protects Your Body from Wastes
Adequate water intake allows your body to dispose of waste by sweating, urinating and defecating. The kidneys and liver use water to help remove waste such as your intestines. Water also works to soften your feces and help you carry the food you eat in your intestines, preventing constipation.

Benefits of Water Digestion
Digestion begins with saliva, the basis of which is water. The basis of digestion is based on the enzymes found in the saliva, which aim to break down food and liquid and dissolve minerals and other nutrients. Proper digestion makes minerals and nutrients more accessible and beneficial to the body. It is also necessary to help you digest water soluble fibers. These fibers dissolve easily with the help of water and benefit our intestinal health by making well-shaped, well-formed soft stools.

Water Prevents the Body from Fluid
Our body loses fluid during intense exercise, sweating at high fever, when fever falls, or if you develop a disease that causes vomiting or diarrhea. If you are losing fluid for these reasons, it is very important to increase fluid intake. Thus, the body's natural fluid levels are recovered. Your doctor may also recommend that you drink more fluids to help with some other health problems such as bladder infections and urinary stones. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you may want to consult your doctor about your intake of fluids, because your body will use more fluids than usual, especially if you are breastfeeding.

How much water does the body need?
According to many studies, there is no exact amount. However, for a healthy body, it is recommended to drink an average of eight glasses of water per day.
Again, many people meet their daily thirst needs with drinking water only when they are thirsty. In fact, most people with a good and healthy physical condition receive enough fluids from drinking water and other beverages when they are dehydrated.
For normal, healthy people with no known illness, my advice to understand your body's water level is to look at your urine. If it's light, you're in good shape, if it's dark, your body is probably dehydrated.

Get rid of tap water!
We talked about how important water is to our bodies. Can we get the water that is so important for our body in a healthy way? You can stay away from tap water thanks to high quality water treatment devices. Unfortunately the tap waters are not healthy enough and the water quality is also quite poor.

Thanks to RS Water Purifiers you will have a quality water purifier and you will get your own water and you will live healthy. You will avoid paying for carboys or bottled water. At any time you will be able to prepare your own water. Your body needs water, but it is more important to be healthy.

Difference of RS Water Treatment Systems
RS's water treatment systems turn tap water into tasty, refreshing, safe and healthy drinking water. Our water treatment uses an advanced water filtration system that eliminates or reduces contaminants such as dirt, rust, chlorine and heavy metals. This system ensures that the water your family, customers and staff drink is free from bacteria, viruses and other chemicals and pesticides found in tap water.

RS water treatment equipment, which is one of the leading brands of water treatment equipment with its quality, is a pioneer brand not only with its quality but also with its prices in water treatment equipment. If you want to buy a water purifier in Ankara Sincan, do not buy a water purifier without stopping by us with our years of experience and listening to our water purifier recommendations.
Our RS water purifiers are at your service in Sincan with their brands, quality and prices.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (8)

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (48)

These nutrients meet the body's water needs

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (48)

Nutrition and Diet Specialist Dyt. Berna Ertug, fluid needs and thirst gave information about the nutrients ... Dyt. Ertug, the functions of each organ in the body to carry out a healthy way to replace the lost fluid and regular water consumption is of great importance, he noted.

Sweating and fluid loss due to the increase in air temperatures in the summer months makes you feel more thirsty. In order for every organ in the body to function properly, replacing the lost fluid and regular water consumption is of great importance.

These nutrients meet the body's water needs
After a few hours of drinking water , the electrolyte balance may deteriorate, causing problems such as weakness and fatigue. Not only fluid intake and water consumption, but also the regular availability of certain nutrients at the tables meets the body's need for water. Nutrition and Diet Department Dyt. Berna Ertug, liquid needs and thirst gave information about the nutrients .

Here are those foods:
These nutrients meet the body's water needs
Cucumber contains 95 percent water in its content. Therefore, it is a very useful vegetable in terms of replacing the liquid lost in summer heat. It is also rich in vitamins A and C.

These nutrients meet the body's water needs
Melon regulates blood pressure, relieves constipation and keeps satiety with its 90% water content, a good source of potassium and vitamin C.

These nutrients meet the body's water needs
Tomato strengthens the immune system thanks to the content of lycopene and prevents the slowing of circulation. With its 95% water content, it saves cells from water loss. In addition, the amount of lycopene in tomato increases more when cooked and broken. Therefore, consumption of tomato juice in summer is quite beneficial for body health.

These nutrients meet the body's water needs
Strawberry, which is very rich in vitamin C, contains more than 90 percent water content. It prevents cardiovascular diseases and helps to fight infections. Keeps it full for a long time thanks to its fiber structure

These nutrients meet the body's water needs
Yogurt contains 80 percent water . It is also an intestinal regulator with beneficial bacteria. It has a refreshing feature. Very useful for bones, teeth, muscles and nerve conduction.

These nutrients meet the body's water needs
Water content of watermelon is 92 percent. It is also a very rich fruit in terms of beta-carotene, lycopene and vitamin C. Contains B vitamins to help maintain energy during the day. It accelerates blood circulation and prevents the increase of cholesterol levels by keeping harmful substances away from your veins. However, it should be remembered that watermelon, which is consumed most during the summer months and gives coolness, contains a high amount of sugar.

These nutrients meet the body's water needs
Pepper contains plenty of vitamins A and C. Again, the amount of water in the content is more than 90 percent. With the vitamins it contains, it ensures the healthy functioning of the cells.

These nutrients meet the body's water needs
Zucchini stands out with its rich water content. It is one of the vegetables that contain more than 90 percent water in its structure. Therefore, instead of consuming heavy food in the summer heat, many meal options can be prepared with pumpkin.

These nutrients meet the body's water needs
The lemon contains more than 90 percent water and can be consumed in the form of sugar-free lemonade in summer.

These nutrients meet the body's water needs
On average 95 percent water is found in lettuce. In this respect, consuming lettuce in the summer significantly prevents the body's loss of water. Lettuce, which is also very rich in vitamin C, contains more water.

The amount of water we lost during the day is 2.5 liters
These nutrients meet the body's water needs
The body sometimes needs more fluid. Activities such as hot weather, movement, consumption of excess protein and salty foods, sweating and urination cause the body's need for water . In addition, in feverish diseases that increase body temperature, problems such as respiratory and diarrhea , water is lost through the intestine.

These nutrients meet the body's water needs
While the total amount of water lost during the day reaches 2.5 liters, many people leave their bodies dehydrated, unconsciously and unconsciously. In order for the cells to perform their vital activities and thus complete the functions of the body, the body's water balance must be maintained.

Tea and coffee do not replace water
These nutrients meet the body's water needs
The body needs to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water per day to get enough liquid. Water should be consumed without losing body resistance and feeling of thirst.

These nutrients meet the body's water needs
Especially in the summer, consuming a large amount of acidic beverages, the amount of tea and coffee is too high, can lead to frequent urination and fluid loss. Therefore, healthy drinks such as freshly squeezed fruit juices, homemade lemonade, buttermilk and mineral water should be preferred besides water.

Stay hydrated while exercising
These nutrients meet the body's water needs
Water consumption should also be taken into consideration when exercising during the summer months. 1-1.5 cups should be drunk 15 minutes before the exercise and half a glass of water should be drunk at intervals of 10-15 minutes. In addition, nutrients that meet the body's water needs can be included in the nutrition program in hot weather.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (48)

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit) (8)

You won't believe what happens when our bodies are dehydrated

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit) (8)

Water Consumption; It is vital for all organs, especially kidneys, heart and liver.


A healthy human body weight is 60% for men and 50% for women. This rate increases to 70% for newborn babies. 95% of the brain and 90% of the lungs are water. All systems that are connected to each other in the body need water and cannot fully perform their tasks when they cannot get enough water. As a result of a 2% decrease in the body water, fatigue, lack of attention and memory problems arise. The most important source of fatigue during the day is fluid reduction.


In order to carry out vital functions in a healthy way, sufficient water must be consumed. Consuming 8-9 cups or 2-2.5 liters of water per day meets the body's need for water. Those who do not like the taste of water or who experience nausea; it can sweeten the juice in sliced ​​fruit slices or vegetables such as carrots and celery. Drinks such as tea and coffee should not be replaced because water increases the discharge of water from the body.


Drinking water during the day without thirst helps to get enough water. The color of urine gives an idea of ​​whether or not drinking enough water during the day. A dark color and consistency of urine is the most important indicator that the body needs water. It is recommended that the ideal amount of water is balanced depending on the activities of the person during the day and the temperature of the air.


The largest organ of the body is proportional to the size of the skin's need for water. In cases where the circulatory system cannot bring enough water to the skin, that is, not enough water is consumed, the intracellular water decreases and the repair rate of the skin decreases. For a healthy, soft, moist skin without aging effects, it is important to pay attention to daily water consumption.


Inadequate water consumption can lead to many health problems. These;

- Forgetfulness

- Concentration disorder

- Headache

- Constipation

- Hair loss and dandruff

- Lack of milk in lactating women - Muscle cramps

- Renal function disorders

- Urinary tract infection

- Sand and stone formation in the kidneys

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit) (8)

Lyte Balance Electrolyte Concentrate - 16 oz; 64 Servings

10 indispensable benefits of water

Lyte Balance Electrolyte Concentrate - 16 oz; 64 Servings

10 reasons why water is given up:

From the joints to the intestines, from the skin to the kidneys, every organ needs water.
Water helps to reach important nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins in the body.
It contributes to the removal of residual substances formed in the cells and intestines through the kidneys and excretion from the body.
Allows joints to be more slippery.
Keeps the moisture of the skin under control while keeping the eyes, mouth and nose moist.
Keeps blood in sufficient volume while balancing body temperature.
After providing the drugs used to reach the required organs, it helps to remove waste materials.
It accelerates slimming by allowing us to reach a feeling of saturation much faster in our daily lives and by reducing appetite. Water consumed together with a healthy and balanced diet is a good appetite suppressant. Two glasses of water before meals reduce appetite, especially in nutrition programs that provide weight loss. Prevents constipation by accelerating bowel movements.
It also helps to improve metabolism and helps to lose weight.
It also contributes to the disposal of residual products formed by burning fat during slimming.

Lyte Balance Electrolyte Concentrate - 16 oz; 64 Servings

SaltStick Fastchews, Electrolyte Pills for Hydration, Supplements for Exercise Recovery, Youth & Adult Athletes, Hiking, Hangovers, & Sports Recovery, Bottle of 60 Tablets, Orange Flavor

What are the benefits of drinking water? How many glasses of water should we drink a day?

SaltStick Fastchews, Electrolyte Pills for Hydration, Supplements for Exercise Recovery, Youth & Adult Athletes, Hiking, Hangovers, & Sports Recovery, Bottle of 60 Tablets, Orange Flavor

Water that the body needs basic nutrients; It is the sole source of body, soul and nerve health. Regular and adequate water consumption; As well as contributing to overcoming many problems in the body, it is one of the solution points of healthy and fit life. So, how much water do we need daily? As adults, children, women and men, how many glasses of water should we drink a day? Here, the miracle benefits of water, the source of life ...

If the water, which forms the 55-75% of our body, is not consumed in sufficient amounts, it can cause body fatigue, regression of mental functions and even decrease in blood stores. The biggest problems caused by the inability of the body to access the water it needs are seen in the kidneys. Lack of water required for the kidneys to work regularly causes stone and sand formation. So why do we call water a source of life? How do we know if we drink enough water? Here are the miraculous benefits of water ...

* Prevents bad breath.
* Hair problems; broken, dandruff, prevents hair loss, adds health to the hair.
* Prevents frequent contractions and cramps of those who have muscle weight and exercise regularly.
* Adequate water consumption; dementia due to dehydration, attention problems and so on. regulates brain functions.
* Brain tissue with 85% water; If the person does not have enough water in the body, it will lead to stress and tension. Consequently, water fights stress.
* During pregnancy; It is important for the development of the baby living in a water lantern in the womb.
* The most important source of milk-making of breastfeeding mothers is water, although not known.
* Constipation, intestinal laziness under digestion problems such as not to eat enough water lies.
* Reflux is good, helps to pass completely.
* Water consumption is important to create body resistance to infectious diseases such as influenza.
* By increasing blood volume, it carries the necessary oxygen and nutrients for the cells and makes the heart healthier.
* One of the contributions of water to the heart is to greatly reduce the risk of heart attack. With insufficient water consumption, blood darkening and clotting can cause serious problems such as blood pressure imbalances, palpitations, arrhythmia and heart failure.
* Kidneys from the body's defense mechanisms cannot filter out foreign and harmful substances unless there is enough water. As a result, kidney stones, urinary tract inflammation are the biggest problems in kidneys.
* Due to the volume it creates in the stomach, it contributes to less energy and energy consumption.
* Has a significant effect on skin health. It contributes to the moisturizing of the skin to a youthful appearance. The skin of the person drinking enough water; shines, soft, moist, healthy and youthful appearance.
* Balances the body temperature and helps to eliminate the edema that causes great discomfort.
"Do not wait for the tongue and palate to dry from thirst to drink water. Pay attention to water consumption at regular intervals and in discipline!"

The amount of water consumption varies depending on weather conditions, age and gender. Sufficient water consumption is around 2.7 liters (8-9 glasses) for women, while it is around 3.7lts for men. Most people who do not drink enough water; fatigue, headache, mental disability etc. function stops. Therefore, the most important point in water consumption
It is possible for the person to determine whether he has taken enough water or not by some observations. The urine of the person drinking enough water is light yellow or pale yellow. Another important issue is how many times per day urine. Under normal circumstances, an adult should urinate 6-7 times a day.
They should consume much more water;
Especially those who lose water with excessive sweating in hot weather,
- Regularly engaged in sports and heavy activities,
- Increased fluid loss; nausea, vomiting and diarrhea,
-Mostly fed with fiber foods,
- Those who are fed a high protein diet should pay more attention to their water consumption and drink more water than normal consumption.
"With food and water between meals!"

Do other liquids replace water?
During the day, we consume plenty of tea, coffee, juice and so on. reducing water consumption of liquids; it causes the person to think that they have taken enough fluid. However, the consumption of water is important at the moment when the consumption of liquid is mentioned. This is due to the diuretic effect found in some of the beverages, which accelerates the discharge of the fluid rather than the intake of the body. In this way, on the one hand while making the liquid supplement; on the other hand, we cause loss of fluid. When consuming acidic drinks, we both disturb the stomach and cause the body to spend more water trying to reduce the effect of the acid taken.

People who say they are forced to drink water ...
Some people avoid drinking water unless they are thirsty. Some people consume too much water and cause nausea. The recommended method for this is to sweeten it by adding vegetable slices such as fruit slices, carrots and celery into the water.

How should children consume water?
Water consumption varies according to children's age, gender, weight, height and activity level. Water consumption of children according to their age should be as follows;

• 6 to 12 months: 30 ml to 100 ml
• Between 1-3 years: 1-3 liters
• Between 4-8 years: 1-4 iltre
• Between 9-13 years: 1-2 liters

As with everything else, the advice of doctors should be followed if there is a disease condition that needs to be followed in the decision of water consumption. Drinking water above the specified amount may cause the kidneys to not drain the water with overloading.

SaltStick Fastchews, Electrolyte Pills for Hydration, Supplements for Exercise Recovery, Youth & Adult Athletes, Hiking, Hangovers, & Sports Recovery, Bottle of 60 Tablets, Orange Flavor

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 8 Count)

Importance of water

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 8 Count)

The importance of water is that it is one of the most important basic elements necessary for living beings to survive. Water and oxygen are the two most basic elements necessary for living beings to survive. In order for living things to continue their life activities, organisms need water. We can say that water is the most essential substance that ensures the survival of living life. People can survive for 5 weeks by drinking only water without consuming any food. However, people can live up to 7-12 days without consuming any water. In humans, 62-67% of the organism consists of water, whereas in animals, 60-70% of the organism consists of water. Water is the most important substance that ensures the continuation of all human activities from the smallest organism to the largest. Although water is the most important substance required for circulatory system and digestive system to work, it is also the main element that allows the removal of toxic and residual substances from the body. In short, the word su water is life 'is the shortest and most meaningful sentence we can say for the importance of water.

A healthy person needs to consume at least 1.5 liters of water a day in order to perform the basic functions of the body. If a person is fed with protein-rich products, it is natural for the protein to break up and urinate for the breakdown of proteins. In this case, water loss increases and the need for water increases. One person meets the water requirement in 3 ways. First, it is natural drinking water, and secondly, it is the water in the constituents of the nutrients that make up the source diet and finally it is the metabolic water. Low consumption of water causes many vital problems in individuals. The person may face serious health problems such as loss of concentrate, excessive fatigue, renal failure and many more. A 20% loss of water in a person results in death. Therefore, the person should consume sufficient amount of water as well as the water lost from the body. Ideally, water consumption is beneficial for the cells in the human body to regenerate. We can list the most important items related to the importance of water as follows.

Importance of water in our lives

• Water consumption is important for the human brain to function.
• Water is the most important substance that regulates the body temperature level.
• Water contains 83% of the human body's blood.
• Water is the most important substance that provides toxins in the body.
• One of the importance of water in our lives is to protect our joints.
• Water is used to transport nutrients and oxygen to our cells.
• Water is the most important substance that ensures the regular functioning of metabolism.
• The importance of water is to help the digestion of foods that we take into our body.
• Water constitutes 75% of the muscles in the human body.
• Water is the substance that ensures the protection and regular functioning of internal organs.
• Although water is the main source of life, it is also one of the most abundant substances on earth.
• Water is an important ingredient that keeps the skin young, smooth and healthy.
• It is an important substance that ensures the transportation of products and excretion from kidneys.
• Water is also useful for preventing constipation and softening of feces.
• Water is the most important substance that should be consumed in sports and exercise to prevent sagging caused by weight gain.
• Water is the most important substance to reduce kidney stones.
• Water is the most important ingredient used in slimming. Because it provides a feeling of fullness to the stomach.
Water, which has such importance in the life and health of living things, is a matter that must be paid attention to its consumption. For a healthy life should not neglect water consumption, according to your body, height and weight ratio should consume water. In particular, athletes must consume 5% more water than normal people. Because the amount of water lost should be taken into the body again. We recommend that you consume water and that you are the most important part of your life.

Importance of Water Consumption

Daily water needs vary by weight, age, or even sex. Men should drink 2.5-3.7 liters per day and women should drink 2-2.7 liters of water. Mineral water, soda, buttermilk and tea also meet the body's fluid needs.

We call water is life at every turn. The importance of water consumption is something everyone knows. As it is known, the human body can survive for weeks without food; but without water, only days erişim Access to clean, safe drinking water is therefore absolutely vital. When three quarters of the world were covered with water, we always heard that it was the same in our bodies. However, according to scientific data, we know that approximately 55-60 percent of the human body consists of water. This rate reaches 75 percent in newborn babies. And it falls to 65 percent for babies who are 1 year old. Imagine babies who lost weight in the first days of life; You remember that doctors told you that they lost water in their bodies and how important this amount is. Of course, the proportion of water in our body can vary depending on where we live, our age, our sex and even our fat mass.
What are the effects of water on the body?

Water, in short, h2O, is the nutrient that our cells need to contain in order to preserve the vital structures they need. It also controls the internal heat of our body and keeps it in balance. And water is not only in our blood; Our organs are also composed of variable proportions of water. Our heart and brain are almost 3/4 of water. Almost one third of our bones, which we think may be dry, are made up of water.

Every day we lose 2 to 3 liters just by sweat, urine, bowel movements and even breathing. And these lost waters need to be replaced. If we are lucky enough to have access to clean water in our daily lives, it is quite easy to maintain a body balance that has received enough fluid. It was said that our daily fluid needs were eight glasses of water, but we know that the average is now a superstition. Together with the fine adjustment made as a result of research, how much we drink now depends on our weight, body surface area and even the environment we are in.
How much water should be consumed daily?

The recommended daily intake varies between 2.5-3.7 liters in men and approximately 2-2.7 liters in women, depending on age, activity and environment. While water is our healthiest source of liquid, mineral water, soda, buttermilk, other soft drinks, even drinks containing caffeine, such as green tea or tea, can maintain our body fluid balance. In addition, we buy about 20 percent of our daily water needs from the food we eat. We are able to meet both liquid needs and fiber needs from vegetables and fruits that have more than 90 percent water such as cucumber, zucchini, lettuce, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, strawberry, watermelon, grapefruit.
Are bottled waters healthy?

Today, 19 liters of bottled water for home, office and retail sales; it had to be presented in a plastic that was able to meet the market demand for recyclable, robust but lightweight bottles. This demand was partially resolved by the introduction of polycarbon water carboys by the plastic chemical manufacturers to the water sector. But as with all products intended for human consumption, speculation about carboy water has never ended. Currently, various researches are carried out.

The Ministry of Health is responsible for the licensing and supervision of the waters in our country. The Ministry of Health has regulated the issue with the Regulation on the Water Intended for Human Consumption and carries out its inspections strictly within the framework of this legislation. When the possibility of dirty water in the carboys was brought to the agenda, the subject was examined in detail by the investigative journalists and although the initial results showed that some of the waters had chemical pollution, a limited number of water was polluted by the ministry. And in the reports issued, it was declared that the productions were made in accordance with the regulations. However, there may also be contamination by various means other than production processes; in the first place, we should not overlook the possibility that natural resources are polluted.
Is the carboy healthy?

The polycarbonate; It has been the preferred material in food and beverage containers for nearly 60 years, as it is lightweight, break resistant and transparent. Bisphenol A (BPA) is added to increase the durability of polycarbonate carboys. These bottles have one of the longest service life of any commercially available water bottle and can be washed and reused more than 50 times.

At the end of their life, they can be recycled back to the first day and re-manufactured as a second bottle. Many international studies have been conducted to investigate whether there is a release of this substance, especially from polycarbonate bottles to beverages. Much of the research found that Bisphenol-A (BPA) could be passed into the liquid in the container, which was shown to be well below strict safety standards. Of course, you might think that standards are not strict enough and any amount will harm you. The most important finding that will enable us to think about this was revealed in a 2009 study at Harvard University. The researchers asked 77 volunteers to drink cold water from only two polycarbonate bottles for a week and followed them. The results showed that the urine concentration of bisphenol A increased by 69 percent by the end of the experiment. These results were in line with other studies and showed that bisphenol A leaks into liquids in polycarbonate bottles.

However, the results of these studies and comprehensive safety assessments by government agencies around the world show that polycarbonate plastic water bottles are safe for consumer use. In 2008, the Ministry of Health pointed out the tolerable BPA rates published by the European Food Agency (EFSA) and the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in a press release in 2008 and announced that the controls in Turkey were controlled by the Hygiene Centers in line with these rates. In 2012, the FDA; banned the use of baby bottle boxes in 2013, the use of baby food boxes in the inner surface coating.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 8 Count)

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit) (48)

The effect of insufficient water on the body 9

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit) (48)

Are you one of those who do not drink water from thirst? You don't even think about drinking water all day long and do you finish the day without drinking water? Remember that about 60 percent of our bodies are made up of water and that organs may need water. The body loses water through sweating, urine, and even breathing . In order for the vital activities to continue, the lost water must be replaced. Everyone's water needs vary according to weight and mobility. The amount of drinking water per kilo should be 30-40 ml. Failure to meet the daily enough water needs causes many problems from the kidneys to the skin. No water can have fatal consequences. Acıbadem Bakirkoy Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Ayca Guleryuz, how important to drink water while explaining warnings.

Balances blood pressure
90 percent of the blood is water. Drinking water directly affects blood volume and blood pressure. In case of insufficient water, blood pressure balance cannot be adjusted and may cause an increase in blood pressure.

Three-quarters of the brain is water
75 percent of the brain consists of water. Mild levels of thirst can cause deterioration in mood and cognitive functions. While the concentration decreases as a result of thirst, the performance of cognitive function such as short-term memory decreases significantly. As hand-eye motor coordination can be impaired, it is difficult to perform delicate or detailed work and security weakness may occur.

Water against asthma attacks
When water consumption is reduced, the airways are restricted by the body to minimize water loss, potentially causing asthma and allergies to worsen. Adequate water consumption is important for the removal of microbes in our body in a short time. Water consumption is crucial, especially in cases of high fever and diarrhea.

Cramps can be seen
Sweating is an important cooling mechanism for the body. Helps cool skin On the other hand, as we sweat, we lose salt and some minerals. If sweat losses are not compensated by fluid intake, regulation of body temperature cannot be achieved, and blood pressure to muscles can be reduced and muscle cramps and muscle contractions can be observed.

The intestines also need water to function properly. If you consume less water, digestive problems and constipation can become a problem. Insufficient water consumption can cause heartburn. Thirst can create an extremely acidic stomach that can promote the development of ulcers.

Kidney stone paving the ground
The kidneys need water for filtration of waste from the bloodstream and for urinary excretion. The kidneys dilute and dispose of harmful wastes (urea, creatinine, uric acid) that occur every day in our body. People who take less fluid than their daily needs can easily develop urinary tract inflammation and stones because urine flow will slow down. Insufficient water consumption can lead to renal failure in the long term.

For flexible skin…
About 30 percent of our skin is water. Water is necessary to maintain skin moisture and give the skin cells the necessary nutrients. It renews the skin texture and increases its elasticity. This helps to delay the appearance of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines. When less water is consumed, skin disorders and wrinkles are encountered earlier.

Important even for your joints
The cartilage in the joints and discs of the spine contains about 80 percent water. When drinking water is sufficient, cartilages work better and the well-lubricated spine can move more easily. Friction on the smoother spine is less affected. When thirst increases, it can cause degeneration and damage, causing severe pain.

Extends the duration of migraine attacks
Thirst can also cause headaches. Some observational studies say that drinking insufficient water can prolong migraine durations. We attribute the cause of the headache during the day to stress, fatigue, insomnia or illness. However, if you often suffer from headaches during the day and the unrelenting headaches turn into migraine, the main reason for this is that you do not drink water.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit) (48)

Nuun Lemon Lime Electrolyte Enhanced Drink Tablets(3-Pack of 10 Tablets)

Water in your body

Nuun Lemon Lime Electrolyte Enhanced Drink Tablets(3-Pack of 10 Tablets)

Water: The Largest Component of the Human Body

On average, 60% of an adult human body is water. Most of the water in the human body is contained within our cells.

In fact, billions of our cells need water to live.

The total amount of water in our bodies is located in three main places: in our cells (two-thirds of water), in the space between our cells and in our blood (one-third of water). For example, a 70-pound male consists of approximately 42 liters of water.

28 liters is water between cells.
14 liters of extracellular water
3 liters of blood plasma,
1 liter of transcellular fluid (cerebrospinal fluid, ocular, pleural, peritoneal and synovial fluids)
10 liters is the intermediate fluid (including lymph), an aqueous medium surrounding the cells. (one)

In fact, the amount of water contained in a body differs according to certain factors: the body of a newborn baby (75%) consists of more water than the body of an elderly person (50%). Also, the more muscular a body is, the more water it contains. The more fat the body has, the less water the body contains - because body fat contains less water than the body.

In addition, all our vital organs contain different amounts of water: the brain, lung, heart, liver and kidneys - between 65% and 85% depending on the organ - containing large amounts of water (2), while the bones contain less water (but still 31 is a)

For all these reasons, water is life.

Nuun Lemon Lime Electrolyte Enhanced Drink Tablets(3-Pack of 10 Tablets)

Keto Chow Electrolyte Drops - Electrolytes for Fasting and ketosis (250ml/8.3 fl oz. Refill with Empty)

What happens if the water in our bodies decreases?

Keto Chow Electrolyte Drops - Electrolytes for Fasting and ketosis (250ml/8.3 fl oz. Refill with Empty)

Inadequate amount of water in the body can cause many important health problems pointing Uz. Dr. Tülay Kadıoglu, "If there is not enough water amount of kidney stones, kidney failure may occur in later cases," he said.
Inadequate water intake in the body can cause many important health problems. Department of Internal Medicine, Uz. Dr. Tülay Kadıoglu made important statements about the effects of regular water consumption on health prior to Mart 22 March World Water Day ”.

A healthy human body weight is 60% for men and 50% for women. This rate increases to 70% for newborn babies. 95% of the brain and 90% of the lungs are water. All systems that are connected to each other in the body need water and cannot fully perform their tasks when they cannot get enough water.
As a result of a 2% decrease in the body water, fatigue, lack of attention and memory problems arise. The most important source of fatigue during the day is fluid reduction.

In order to carry out vital functions in a healthy way, sufficient water must be consumed.
Consuming 8-9 cups or 2-2.5 liters of water per day meets the body's need for water. Those who do not like the taste of water or who experience nausea; it can sweeten the juice in sliced ​​fruit slices or vegetables such as pond and celery. Drinks such as tea and coffee should not be replaced because water increases the discharge of water from the body.

The most important effect of not consuming enough water is seen in water-fed kidneys. The harmful substances such as urea, creatine and uric acid formed in the body are diluted with water and excreted from the kidneys. Since the lack of sufficient water slows down the urinary flow, urinary tract inflammation and kidney stones may develop, and in later cases renal failure may occur.

Drinking water during the day without thirst helps to get enough water. The color of urine gives an idea of ​​whether or not drinking enough water during the day. A dark color and consistency of urine is the most important indicator that the body needs water. It is recommended that the ideal amount of water is balanced depending on the activities of the person during the day and the temperature of the air.

The largest organ of the body is proportional to the size of the skin's need for water. In cases where the circulatory system cannot bring enough water to the skin, that is, not enough water is consumed, the intracellular water decreases and the repair rate of the skin decreases. For a healthy, soft, moist skin without aging effects, it is important to pay attention to daily water consumption.

If your body is dehydrated…
Inadequate water consumption can lead to many health problems. These;
1 - Forgetfulness
2 - Concentration disorder
3 - Headache
4 - Constipation
5 - Hair loss and dandruff
6 - Lack of milk in lactating women
7 - Muscle cramps
8 - Renal function disorders
9 - Urinary tract infection
10 - Sand and stone formation in the kidneys

Keto Chow Electrolyte Drops - Electrolytes for Fasting and ketosis (250ml/8.3 fl oz. Refill with Empty)

SaltStick Fastchews, Electrolyte Pills for Hydration, Supplements for Exercise Recovery, Youth & Adult Athletes, Hiking, Hangovers, & Sports Recovery, Bottle of 60 Tablets, Lemon Lime Flavor

Why is it important to drink water?

SaltStick Fastchews, Electrolyte Pills for Hydration, Supplements for Exercise Recovery, Youth & Adult Athletes, Hiking, Hangovers, & Sports Recovery, Bottle of 60 Tablets, Lemon Lime Flavor

Water is our main source of energy. It is the basic component of tissues, organs and joints in our body. The existence of every organ in our body depends on water because 75 percent of our body is made up of water.

Water ratios in the body
- 85 percent of the brain
- 90 percent of blood.
- 75 percent of muscles
- 82 percent of kidneys
- 22 percent of bones

Failure to take the water that the body needs can cause health problems. All nutrients; The basic solvent of vitamins and minerals is water. Water has many other functions in the body.

Duties of water in the body
- Transportation of food
- Supporting digestion
- Disposal of residual nutrients from the body
- Control of body temperature
- Ensuring the lubricity of joints
- Ensuring the functioning of the kidneys
- Excretion of toxins from the kidneys

You can watch our video to learn about the body's daily water needs: How many glasses of water should we drink a day?

SaltStick Fastchews, Electrolyte Pills for Hydration, Supplements for Exercise Recovery, Youth & Adult Athletes, Hiking, Hangovers, & Sports Recovery, Bottle of 60 Tablets, Lemon Lime Flavor

Ultima Replenisher Hydrating Electrolyte Powder, Pink Lemonade, 90 Serving Canister - Sugar Free, 0 Calories, 0 Carbs - Gluten-Free, Keto, Non-GMO with Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium


Ultima Replenisher Hydrating Electrolyte Powder, Pink Lemonade, 90 Serving Canister - Sugar Free, 0 Calories, 0 Carbs - Gluten-Free, Keto, Non-GMO with Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium

We knew that water was always useful, but now it's time to find out why nature is the simplest, most effective, safest and most "side-effect" miraculous drug ...
To start a new and healthy life, you will keep a glass of water in your hands right now ...
Because the most indispensable but consciously primary element of our lives is the primary element we never realized:
Water! .. Water / Not Thirsty In the book you are quite original and considerations on the subject to be considered ...
We only drink water when we want to. On the other hand, we know from the geography books that a number of millimeter movements of the Moon affect the water in our world, so that the seas rise and fall.
When this is the case, that is to say, the human being is made up of the material of this world, we cannot even think of the water levels in our bodies.
As a result of the eating and drinking habits of the society we are in, the habit of drinking water dominates our whole life, for example, drinking two glasses of water on a painful meal, in the hot summer we always want water, and so on ...
The Iranian physician Batmanghelidj doesn't think so in his book Water / You're Not Sick.
He argues that the only cause of all diseases is the fact that the body is dehydrated.
This is clearly demonstrated by its "thousands of water experiences".
Dr. Batmanghelidj learned that water was good for all kinds of diseases and healed people "by chance" in prison. So, what's a doctor doing there if he's not a prison doctor?
Our doctor is a criminal! His guilt is to help and abide the People's Mujahideen, an anti-regime revolutionary organization during the Shah period. After the mullahs came to power, they were naturally arrested and
Iran's most famous torture center is being thrown into Evin Prison.
As it is known, those who know (!) Prisons are places of punishment in terms of eating-drinking, digestion-evacuation conditions that a person cannot recover until the end of his life even after his freedom.
When this happens, it is the bankruptcy of the stomachs of people who suffer as much material and moral torture as possible and cannot eat properly.
One day in the ward, one of the imprisonment began to writhe with incredible pains, our doctor intervenes in the old man and the man is drinking two glasses of water. He soon observes that the pains have ceased.
This case, dr. This is the first time Batmanghelidj discovered how water has an impact on the treatment of diseases.
After this, our author intensified the water acclimation, in 2,5 years, he healed about 2 thousand prisoners and convicts passing by Evin's bench, only with water.
Then, when the time comes to evacuate about 2.5 years later, he asks the warden, "please keep me here for another year, because I have entered the most important phase of my research and I cannot find so many patients anywhere in the world ...
Thus, our author lives for another year of "voluntary imprisonment", then to the right America ... His research and studies continue for years and finally this book comes out.
Our author uses the following meaningful sentences in the preface:
"What you will read in this book is new information, and they give new explanations to the science of physiology. The physiology mentioned here is not the science that pharmaceutical manufacturers use, but the science that defines the natural workings of living tissues and organs in the body.
This book discusses some of the major health problems and the causes of these problems and how to treat them naturally.
When the cause and treatment of a health problem is revealed, medical terms that no one can understand are not needed.
What you read here is based on extensive clinical and scientific research.
In order to compile the information in this book, in 1950, St. After studying medicine at St. Mary's University Hospital, I did research, worked and wrote for more than 22 years.
"In this book, I will talk about the physiological effect and metabolic complications of chronic latent dehydration, the cause of treatment of many serious diseases;
Today, there are those who believe that this is the greatest advancement in contemporary medicine. "
This simple presentation of some of the health problems of our time will be a guide to the transition to medicine based on science and logic all over the world.
This book is written for the urgent problems of society. In particular, the family of 15 million children with asthma learn the cause of this disease and the simple and inexpensive treatment that can save children's lives.
It is important. "
According to the author, our body needs water for 46 reasons
1- Nothing can live without water.
2- Relative water insufficiency suppresses some functions of the body, then kills.
3- Water is the main energy source, the body's "cash flow."
4- Water produces electrical and magnetic energy in every cell of the body and gives us life force.
5- It is an adhesive that binds the substances in the cell structure.
6- Prevents DNA damage and helps repair mechanisms work better, thus reducing the number of abnormal DNA produced.
7- In the bone marrow, which is the center of the immune system (all of its mechanisms), it triples the system against various diseases, including cancer.
8- It is the basic solvent of all nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It breaks down nutrients in the body and acts in the digestive and final metabolic stages.
9- It gives energy to the food and the food that is shredded transfers this energy to the body during digestion. Eaten without water has no energy value for the body.
10- Water increases the absorption of the necessary elements in the nutrients.
11- It helps to carry all elements to the body.
12- Increases working efficiency of red blood cells that collect oxygen in the lungs.
13- The water reaching the cell gives oxygen to that cell and carries the waste gases to the lungs for disposal.
14- It collects toxic waste from various parts of the body and transports it to the liver or kidneys for disposal.
15- It is the basic lubricant in the joint cavities and helps to prevent the formation of arthritis and back pain.
16- Converts the spine discs into "shock absorbing water pads".
17- It is the lubricant that works the intestines best, prevents constipation.
18- It is protective against heart attack and stroke.
19- It prevents clotting in the heart and brain vessels.
20- It is indispensable for cooling (sweating) and heating (electrical) systems of the body.
21- It gives us power and electrical energy for all brain functions, especially for thinking.
22- Indispensable for the production of serotonin and other neurotransmitters.
23- It is necessary for the production of all hormones produced in the brain, including melatonin.
24- Solves the problem of attention deficit in children and adults.
25- Increases the working efficiency and increases the attention range.
26- Water can be found more easily than any other beverage in the world and has no side effects.
27- Stress, tension and helps to alleviate depression.
28- Regulates sleep.
29- It helps to relieve fatigue and gives us the energy of youth.
30- Softens the skin and helps to reduce the signs of aging.
31- Gives vitality and shine to eyes.
32- Helps to protect from glaucoma.
33- Regulates blood production systems in the bone marrow and helps prevent leukemia and lymphoma formation.
34- It is very necessary to strengthen the immune system in areas where infection and cancer cells develop in the body.
35- It dilutes blood and prevents clotting during circulation.
36- In women, relieves premenstrual pain and fever.
37- It prevents the solids in the circulation from settling down by diluting and waving the blood together with the heartbeat.
38- There is no water tank in the human body that can be used during dehydration. This is why a regular basis we need to drink water throughout the day.
39- Dehydration interferes with the production of the sex hormone, which is one of the main causes of impotence and loss of libido.
40- When you drink water, you can distinguish between thirst and hunger.
41- The best way to lose weight is to drink water. At regular intervals for water and without a strict regime to lose weight. You should not eat excessively when you feel hungry, but you should drink water when thirsty.
42- Dehydration leads to the accumulation of toxic deposits in tissue cavities, joints, kidneys, liver, brain and skin. Water cleans them.
43- Water reduces morning sickness during pregnancy.
44- Integrates mind and body functions.
45- Helps prevent memory loss in old age. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Lou Gehring's diseases.
46- Caffeine, alcohol and helps to eliminate the dependence on certain drugs.
Because, for years, you have to save your body from being a "waste drug store" ...

Ultima Replenisher Hydrating Electrolyte Powder, Pink Lemonade, 90 Serving Canister - Sugar Free, 0 Calories, 0 Carbs - Gluten-Free, Keto, Non-GMO with Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit, 30 Count)

Did you know how much water the body needs?

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit, 30 Count)

'8-10 glasses of water per day' sentence is engraved in your brain, although the fact that the need for water varies from person to person, and in fact, the cause of many health problems did you know that our body to leave without water?

Hospital Derindere Internal Medicine Specialist We talked with Ergün Kasapoglu about the importance of water in our bodies…
55-75% of your body weight is water.

Water accounts for about 83% of blood, 73% of muscles, 25% of body fat, and 22% of bones.
The first sign that you don't meet your fluid needs is thirst!

Thirst is one of the first warning signals you may be dehydrated; but it is not the only signal. Other early symptoms include fatigue, reddened skin, faster breathing, increased pulse rate, and difficulty exercising. Less common symptoms are weakness and dizziness. If you think you are dehydrated, sit in a cool place and meet your fluid needs by consuming slowly. Drinking fluids at a time can stimulate urination, causing your body to retain less water.
'For at least 8 glasses of water per day' Is it true? Is that wrong?

Although there is no evidence to support this, the body needs water. Men should consume approximately 2.5-3 liters of water per day and women should consume 2-2.5 liters of water; however, this requirement also includes water from all food and beverages. Unless most people are exposed to heat for a long time or are not very active, the amount of fluid consumed daily is sufficient.
You meet 20% of your water needs from nutrients.

People receive about 20% of their water needs from food during the day. 84% of apples, 74% of bananas and 91% of broccoli are water. Even foods that you consider not to contain water contain about 30% water. For example, 30% of a simple bagel is 55% of ground beef.
Exercising in hot and humid weather increases your need for water.

Therefore, do not exercise outdoors when the weather is very hot and humid. If you need to exercise, take longer breaks, reduce your training intensity and wear suitable for your sport. Take a break from sports to drink water every 20 minutes on average.
Your body determines your water needs.

Age: Children lose fluid more easily than adults. Therefore, they need plenty of fluids. Older people may need more fluids because they tend to lose their sense of thirst and because of health problems.
Gender: Men need more fluids than women. Especially pregnant women should have more fluid consumption.
Weight: Heavier people need more water.
Health: People with diabetes, cystic fibrosis and kidney disease have more fluid needs than other people.
Environment: You need more fluids in extreme hot, cold or humid weather conditions and at high altitudes.

Did you know how much water your body needs?
Adults lose about 10 glasses of water a day.

Your body, which has lost water while performing functions such as breathing, sweating and urinating, compensates for this loss with food and drinks.
The color of your urine indicates your need for water.

An easy way to monitor your fluid loss level is to check the color of your urine. If your urine is dark, you are dehydrated. Consume enough fluid to keep your urine lighter. Other practical ways to monitor your fluid status include considering your body weight (losing weight when you lose water) and sweating (the more you sweat, the more water you lose).
You can also meet your water needs with sodium-containing beverages.

Sodium is one of the electrolytes that your body loses during exercise, and your body needs it. That's why sports drinks are usually rich in sodium. Alcoholic beverages and snacks can also trigger thirst and help keep liquids. But too much salt can increase your blood pressure and in some people can worsen heart disease.
Fluid consumption does not only quench your thirst!

Every cell, tissue and organ in your body has water. Fluid consumption helps to transport nutrients, get rid of toxins, keep your temperature at the right level, lubricate joints, moisturize your skin and many other things.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit, 30 Count)

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (16)

What happens in the body when you don't drink water? (From premature to kidney failure!)

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (16)

Sık I can hardly drink a glass of water ",“ I don't feel any thirst, especially in winter ”,” I finish the day without drinking a glass of water ”. Because many of us, although vital, do not drink water unless thirsty. Especially in the winter months, we almost forget to drink water, we do not even realize that we are harming our health with our own hands!

Stating that 60-70 percent of our body is made up of water, all the cells and organs need water to work properly, Nutrition and Diet Expert Ayça Güleryüz emphasizes how important water is for living things:

“Every day, the body loses water through sweating, urine, and even breathing. In order for vital activities to continue, the lost water must be replaced. The body's water requirement varies depending on the person's weight, activity status, and water consumption per kilogram should be 30-40 ml. Never consumed can have fatal consequences. "

Nutrition and Diet Expert Ayça Güleryüz, who draws attention to the dangers awaiting our health when we drink less water than we need , gives warnings by explaining those dangers. Here are the damages of not drinking water to the body:

Reduces concentration: 75 percent of the brain consists of water. Mild levels of thirst can cause deterioration in mood and cognitive functions. While the concentration decreases as a result of thirst, the performance of cognitive function such as short-term memory decreases significantly. As hand-eye motor coordination can be impaired, it is difficult to perform delicate or detailed work and security weakness may occur.

Triggers asthma and allergy: When water consumption is reduced, the airways are restricted by the body to minimize water loss, potentially causing asthma and allergies to worsen. Adequate water consumption is important for the removal of microbes in our body in a short time. Water consumption is crucial, especially in cases of high fever and diarrhea.

Increases blood pressure: 90 percent of the blood consists of water. Since blood volume and blood pressure are directly affected by water consumption, if there is not enough water consumption, the blood pressure balance cannot be adjusted and may cause an increase in blood pressure.

Causes muscle cramps: Sweating is an important cooling mechanism for the body. Helps cool skin On the other hand, as we sweat, we lose salt and some minerals. If sweat losses are not compensated by fluid intake, regulation of body temperature cannot be achieved, and blood pressure to muscles can be reduced and muscle cramps and muscle contractions can be observed.

Gastro-intestinal disruption: The intestine needs water to function properly. If you consume less water, digestive problems and constipation can become a problem. Inadequate water consumption can cause an extremely acidic stomach that makes heartburn more common and can promote the development of stomach ulcers.

Can cause headaches : Thirst can also cause headaches, while some observational studies say that thirst can prolong migraine times. Many of us experience headaches during the day. We attribute this to stress, fatigue, insomnia or illness. However, if you often suffer from headaches during the day and the unrelenting headaches turn into migraine, the main reason for this is that you do not drink water.

Kidney failure: Kidneys need water for filtration of waste from the bloodstream and urinary excretion. The kidneys dilute and dispose of harmful wastes (urea, creatinine, uric acid) that occur every day in our body. People who take less fluid than their daily needs can easily develop urinary tract inflammation and stones because urine flow will slow down. Insufficient water consumption can lead to renal failure in the long term.

It causes wrinkles on the skin : about 30 percent of our skin is made up of water. Water is necessary to maintain skin moisture and give the skin cells the necessary nutrients. It renews the skin texture and increases its elasticity. This helps to delay the appearance of signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines. When less water is consumed; skin disorders and wrinkles are encountered earlier.

It causes joint pain: The cartilage in the joints and discs of the spine contains about 80 percent water. Cartilages work better when water consumption is sufficient and the well-lubricated spine can move more easily. Friction on the smoother spine is less affected. When thirst increases, it can cause degeneration and damage, causing severe pain.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (16)

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit) (16)

Why should we drink water regularly?

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit) (16)

Water, which is our su element of life ken while continuing our daily life, is a component that is constantly lost in our body and must be replaced. We often think that we only lose water when we exercise, sweat and go to the toilet, but significant amounts of water are lost even when swimming in the sea or in the pool.

All the cells and organs of the body need water to work properly. Water is also required for healthy movement of the joints, protection of the spinal cord and other sensitive tissues, regulation of body temperature, and absorption of vitamins and minerals in the intestines.

Water also supports the destruction of nutrients into the building blocks, thereby facilitating the uptake of these substances into the body.

Although some of the body's water needs is obtained through foods containing high amounts of water, such as soup, tomatoes, oranges, fruit juice, drinking water must be consumed to fully meet the water requirement. The best source of water for our bodies is drinking water.

How much water should we drink?

The amount of water to be consumed per day varies depending on the person's daily activity and how much sweating. There is no universally accepted amount of water that needs to be consumed every day, but there is a general consensus about what the healthy amount is. According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), sufficient intake for men is about 3 liters per day, and for women, sufficient intake is about 2.5 liters. It is recommended to increase this amount during exercise and hot weather. In addition, the amount of water to be consumed is directly proportional to body weight.
Relationship Between Water and Kidneys

Water is necessary for the functioning of the kidneys. If the kidneys do not function properly, waste products and excess fluid may accumulate in the body. Untreated kidney disease can lead to chronic renal failure, so that the organs do not function and may require dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Urinary tract infections (UTI) are the second most common type of infection in the body. If infections spread to the upper urinary tract, including the kidneys, permanent damage may occur. Sudden kidney infections (acute) can be life-threatening, especially if septicemia occurs.

Drinking plenty of water is one of the simplest ways to reduce the risk of a UTI and is also recommended for patients who already have a UTI.

The main cause of kidney stones is insufficient water intake. Kidney stones are frequently reported in people who do not drink the recommended amount of water daily. Research suggests that kidney stones also increase the risk of chronic kidney disease. In November 2014, the American College of Physicians published a report stating that drinking 2 liters of water a day can reduce the risk of kidney stone formation by at least fifty percent without any side effects.

Dehydration - loss of more water than the body receives - can disrupt the body's electrolyte balance. Electrolytes, such as potassium, phosphate and sodium, help to carry electrical signals between cells. Electrolyte levels in the body are kept in balance by properly functioning kidneys.

When the kidneys are unable to stabilize at the level of electrolytes, disturbances in these electrical signals occur. This can lead to seizures, causing involuntary muscle movements and loss of consciousness.

In some cases dehydration can also cause chronic renal failure. Possible complications of chronic renal failure include anemia, damage to the central nervous system, heart failure, and impaired immune system.

Water and Other Organs

Of course, the kidneys are not the only ones affected by the lack of water. Other negative consequences of dehydration include:

Since more than 90% of the blood is water, when no water is taken, the blood is put in and can increase blood pressure.
Breath exchange is restricted by the body to minimize water loss, potentially worsening asthma and allergies.
The skin becomes more vulnerable to skin disorders and premature wrinkles.
The intestines need water to work properly. Otherwise digestive problems and constipation can become a problem. Dehydration leads to an extremely acidic stomach, making heartburn more common and may promote gastric ulcer development.
The cartilage in the joints and spine contains about 80 percent water. When dehydration continues, pain may occur in the joints.
Dehydration can affect brain structure and brain function. If dehydration is prolonged, his ability to comprehend is weakened.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit) (16)

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 16 Count)

According to experts at least 2 liters per day! So why should we drink water?

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 16 Count)

The most important source for the continuity of life, the substance most needed by our metabolism, water constituting 60-70% of our body, is the cornerstone of life.

It is important to consume enough water to maintain the body's water content and to ensure that all of its systems function properly. March 22 World Water Day Hence Dyt. Emine Yüzbaşıoglu drew attention to the importance of water in our lives and listed 9 very important reasons for drinking water.
1- It is the basic solvent of all nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It breaks down nutrients in the body and helps digestion and removal of waste materials from the body.
2 - It dilutes blood and prevents clotting during circulation.
3 - Softens the skin and helps reduce the signs of aging.
4 - Prevents constipation and kidney stone formation.
5 - Helps alleviate stress, tension and depression.
6 - Provides weight loss by accelerating metabolism.
7 - Cells and tissues are involved in the protection of structures.
8 - Helps regulate body temperature.
9 - Strengthens the body resistance and immunity.

Consuming too much water has no use
If there is no fever, diarrhea and constipation in the body, the amount of water a person should drink daily is 1.5-2 liters. Physical activity, air temperature increases the amount of water that should be taken daily. In studies, it was observed that water consumption more than the body needs does not have any health benefits. It is important not to miss the measure as consuming too much water can also cause water poisoning.

I had a lot of tea and coffee today.
Water, coffee, tea, acidic beverages other than water does not replace the liquid water. On the contrary, over-consumption of such drinks suppresses the feeling of thirst and reduces the need for water. The lack of thirst does not mean that the body's daily water needs are met.

Dark urine is an alarm for you
Whether a person drinks the appropriate amount of water during the day can be determined by looking at the color of urine. If urine color is dark yellow, water consumption is inadequate and if light yellow or clear, water consumption is sufficient. Insufficient water consumption brings with it health problems such as fatigue, weakness, low blood pressure, dryness of the skin. It should not be forgotten that there is no water tank in the body, so daily water consumption should be paid attention.
Make drinking water enjoyable

There are many individuals who say that I don't like to drink water, I don't like the taste or it doesn't occur to me during the day. A few practical suggestions will help to gain the habit of drinking water in a short time.
- One should not wait for thirst to drink water.
- The individual can remind himself / herself of drinking water via phone alarm, reminder or small notes on computer screen.
- A colorful and stylish jug, glass or bottle can be kept on the desk or at home at all times.
- Apples, cinnamon, mint leaves, ginger, berries, grapes can be added to the water to increase the flavor.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 16 Count)