Saturday, June 22, 2019

certainPL Quick Foaming Toilet Cleaner Magic Bubble Bombs for Toilet Washing Machine Sink Pipeline Dredge Agent Toile (80g)

certainPL Quick Foaming Toilet Cleaner Magic Bubble Bombs for Toilet Washing Machine Sink Pipeline Dredge Agent Toile (80g)

certainPL Quick Foaming Toilet Cleaner Magic Bubble Bombs for Toilet Washing Machine Sink Pipeline Dredge Agent Toile (80g)

How to easily clean the toilet from persistent pollution and plaque

Every housewife sooner or later faces a problem that is not so pleasant to solve. It's about cleaning the toilet bowl. It is necessary to regularly clean the toilet from lime deposits and deposits of urinary stone, otherwise pollution will get old and it will be very difficult to get rid of them. Let's explore a very simple, effortless and “non-opposing” way of cleaning a toilet bowl.

You can, of course, apply a rather toxic household chemicals. Find in the sale of special tools is easy. But they have minuses! They are very harmful both for you and the environment, and they do not always work effectively enough.

Today, we will tell you about one method that can remove horribly old deposits, and even with regular regular cleaning can handle it.

You will need:
+ 100 g of citric acid,
+ 2 liters of Coca-Cola.
How to clean
In the evening, when the whole family goes to bed ...
1. Wear rubber gloves and use a small disposable cup to “siphon” the water from the toilet bowl.
2. Pour citric acid into the toilet.
3. Liberally moisten toilet paper with Coca-Cola and refill it under the rim of the toilet bowl.
4. Pour the rest of the Coca-Cola (about 2 liters) into the toilet (directly on citric acid).
5. Close the toilet lid and leave it at least for 6 hours.
6. After the specified time, remove the paper from under the rim of the toilet bowl and brush with a brush clean the toilet inside.
7. Wash away any residual dirt with clean water.


Lime-A-Way Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Liquid 16 oz (Pack of 2)

Lime-A-Way Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Liquid 16 oz (Pack of 2)

Lime-A-Way Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Liquid 16 oz (Pack of 2)

How to properly wash the toilet - instructions, tools, washing

Cleaning should be done in the correct order with special tools and detergents so that there are no germs and no unpleasant smell in the toilet.

How to wash the toilet

1. Wear rubber gloves.

They should be long, up to the elbows, so that the detergent does not get on the skin and does not cause a chemical burn.

After work, wash your hands with gloves and soap for disinfection. Instead of soap, hydrogen peroxide will do - wet a cotton pad and wipe the gloves outside. After washing your hands with soap and water.
2. Pour detergent under the rim of the toilet bowl and into the drain hole, distribute it with a brush and leave for 10-15 minutes.

The brush can be synthetic or silicone. Glass for the brush - plastic, glass or ceramic.

Disinfect the brush and tumbler once a week - pour detergent into the tumbler and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. If the brush turns yellow and starts to smell, put it in a container, add detergent to disinfect, half a cup of soda, 60–70 grams of vinegar, hot water and leave for an hour. Then discard the container. Instead, it is better to buy a new brush.

Silicone brush that will replace the plunger

Floor brush with lid to prevent odor

Brush with removable brush

3. While the detergent disinfects the toilet, wash the seat and cover. Lather a napkin and wipe the seat, cover and bezel from all sides. Rinse the cloth and wipe again so that there is no money left on the seat, cover and rim. After use, wash the cloth with detergent, store separately from other napkins. Wash the walls around the toilet with another cloth: soap it and wipe the walls, rinse and wipe again, wash the cloth and clean.

4. After 10–15 minutes, take the brush, rub the walls and drain hole, simultaneously flush the water and continue rubbing to wash off the residual product.

The floor should be washed every day at the end of the cleaning. You can use those detergents with which you wash the floor in other rooms.

All the rest - shelves, cabinets, washing machine - wipe once a week with a damp cloth without detergent.

I used the website to compile the rating - I read the reviews for each detergent and arranged them in decreasing order of effectiveness.

All of these tools are suitable for removing germs and small contaminants, that is, to maintain cleanliness. To remove a large amount of rust, plaque or urinary stone, there are other ways.
How to remove urinary stone, limescale and rust

Stone and plaque are dark colored salt deposits that accumulate, interfere with the discharge of water and look repulsive.

Urinary stone

Rust - are particles of oxidized metal, which fall into the water from rusty water pipes or from the tank, where there are metal parts.


If some tool did not help, repeat the procedure again or try another one, but you cannot mix the tools - they can react.

To clean the rust tank, pour a bottle of detergent (acetic, oxalic or citric acid) into the water, leave for 2 hours, rub with a brush and rinse. You can drain the water and process one of the ways above.

If these measures have to be applied more than once a month and rust quickly covers the plumbing, you need to change the old metal pipes to plastic.


Fluidmaster 8102P8 Flush 'n Sparkle Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaning System Refills, Blue 2-Pack

Fluidmaster 8102P8 Flush 'n Sparkle Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaning System Refills, Blue 2-Pack

Fluidmaster 8102P8 Flush 'n Sparkle Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaning System Refills, Blue 2-Pack

How to rid the toilet of lime and urinary stone

The appearance of urinary stone and lime scale is not a single day process. Health is unlikely to harm him, but sanitary ceramics is quite likely. In addition, the type of contaminated toilet or sink can spoil the whole picture of your perfect bathroom. Today we will tell how to fight the worst enemies of sanitary porcelain and earthenware in ordinary, home conditions.

Causes of sediment

In order to choose an effective way to control deposits on sanitary ceramics (faience), it is necessary to begin to find out the causes of their appearance, composition, etc. The proverb “You need to know the enemy by sight” is appropriate in our difficult task.
Plaque not only spoils the appearance, but also destroys the enamel of the sanitary device

Limescale is a deposition of minerals that are abundantly contained in tap water, on the surface of ceramic and chrome products. Contamination mainly occurs in places of flushing in the form of yellow-orange stains. And the more often the water in the toilet is washed off, the faster the plaque.

Important! If time does not remove plaque from the water supply nozzles, deposits can cause them to clog. Monitor the condition of each of your "home helpers."

Urinary stone is the deposition of minerals contained in the human body. They are derived from the urine and deposited on the walls of ceramic products. Combined with the minerals contained in the water, they form a dense and very unaesthetic layer of gray-yellow color. Irregularities in the coating of ceramics exacerbate and accelerate this process.
If the pottery is initially of poor quality, then the deposit on it is formed faster due to the porosity of the material.

When choosing sanitary ceramics, check the smoothness of the inner surface of the bowl. The ideal option is to purchase products from sanitary porcelain, in contrast to cheaper earthenware, it has a dense structure. This is achieved by increasing the temperature at which the product is burned. And it is precisely the density that makes the porcelain toilet bowls smoother, and the plaque and the stone do not so quickly eats into the porcelain structure, so it is much easier to clean it with your hands.

It should be understood that sanitary porcelain is the material for the manufacture of luxury plumbing, so the price of it is much higher than that of models from faience. Whether to attribute this feature to the minuses is up to each user to decide.
Porcelain ware

The main reason for the appearance of deposits of any kind is the neglect of prophylactic methods of cleaning ceramics. It should be remembered that the more frequent the planned cleaning of the toilet room and the cleaning of sanitary ware, the longer the toilet remains in its original form.
Cleaning with improvised and folk remedies

To clean the toilet, sink or shower tray from plaque, it is not necessary to run to the store and spend money on expensive chemicals. In addition, effective substances are expensive, and even less effective, I don’t want to spend money. In order to save yourself from unnecessary waste, and the toilet from lime and urinary stone, you can use the available tools that are always in the arsenal of any housewife. So, several methods of cleaning plumbing, borrowed from the people.
Lemon acid

The main enemy of limescale is citric acid. It very effectively fights sediments that have not reached their critical point.
Citric acid is an excellent means to remove plaque.

For this you need:

buy 3-4 bags of substance;
apply on contaminated sites;
close the toilet lid;
wait 4-5 hours (better until the morning);
wash off the water, thoroughly cleaning with a brush.

For greater efficiency, you can repeat the procedure several times.
Acetic acid

Works the same as lemon. But for its use, vinegar must be prepared:

measure out 250 g of vinegar or edible vinegar 9%;
heat the liquid to 45-50 ° C (be sure to cover the container with a lid to avoid caustic acetic odor);
pour warm vinegar into the toilet;

When working with acetic acid, remember to protect your airway with a bandage.

for efficiency, you can add a little baking soda (2-3 tsp);
be sure to close the toilet bowl lid;
leave for 2-3 hours or overnight.

In the morning, rinse the bowl thoroughly with water and rub with a brush or other brush.
Oxalic acid

This tool in our days goes to the background and comes across the stores less and less. But if you met him in the modern market, feel free to buy it since it is a cheap and effective way to restore the original whiteness of your ceramics. Apply the product should be on a slightly damp soft cloth or sprinkle the place of deposition of urinary stone and plaque. Sorry for the substance is not worth it. After processing, collect mineral deposits with a brush and rinse thoroughly with clean water.
Oxalic acid will clean the surface of the toilet in a short time
Baking soda

This drug is in the kitchen for everyone. Using soda, you can enhance the action of acid, acetic acid or citric acid. Soda that has fallen on contaminated sites destroys the structure of minerals and completely removes plaque from the surface of ceramic products. To clean the toilet will need at least 200 g (1 pack). For greater efficacy, it is best to leave the drug working overnight. In the morning, it will only be necessary to process the bowl with a brush, cleaning the remnants of mineral deposits.
Soda is absolutely safe and effective for cleaning the toilet
Coca Cola

No matter how strange it may sound, but with this wonderful drink you can not only quench your thirst, but also remove old lime. To do this, pour 1-2 liters of liquid into the bowl and leave it overnight. It is not known how the cleaning properties of Cola were revealed, we can only assume that the drink was poured into the toilet by a caring mother, who later discovered that he “ate” all the deposits.
Important! Although the tools at hand do not have a high concentration of acids or alkalis, it is necessary to work with them with gloves. And when using vinegar you need to take care of the respiratory tract.
Some housewives use even Coke to remove plaque.
Chemistry on guard of purity

With improvised substances, non-critical contaminants can be cleaned. When calcareous deposits look more like a toilet bowl cover, and the formation of a urinary stone has acquired a dark brown shade, folk remedies are useless. Only heavy artillery in the form of potent chemical cleaners will be able to handle it.

Very important! With caustic chemicals it is necessary to work only in rubber gloves! Do not neglect safety when using!

Orthophosphoric acid. This tool will help not only to clean the mineral deposits on the bottom of the toilet bowl, but also to get rid of rust, which covers the parts of the drain and filling fittings inside the tank. To clean, it is necessary to pour about 100-150 g of the preparation into the bowl and into the toilet bowl, wait 10-15 minutes and rinse the surface of the product thoroughly with running water. The main advantage of this tool is that it does not destroy rubber and plastic products.
Hydrochloric acid. It is necessary to use it extremely carefully, protecting not only the skin, but also the respiratory tract. It is enough to wipe the limescale with a substance, and it immediately dissolves. And to remove the urinary stone, it is necessary to pour ½ cup into the bowl and leave it for 10 minutes. When using, make sure that plastic or rubber compounds are not installed when connecting the toilet bowl. Hydrochloric acid will dissolve them along with the bloom.

Working with household chemicals, follow the instructions.
Chlorine. Used in whiteness and dissolves all organic compounds. Chlorine fumes are dangerous for the body, so this cleaning method is highly undesirable. Also, after using chlorine, rubber seals lose their elasticity and begin to leak water.
Abrasive preparations. The use of powders when cleaning sanitary ceramics is quite effective. But small granules can leave microscopic scratches on the surface of the toilet bowl, disrupting the smoothness of the coating of the product, which subsequently will lead to even greater deposition of lime and urinary stone.

It is best to use specialized detergents that are intended only for toilet bowls. Before use, be sure to examine the product label.
Having sustained means, surely process chusha with a brush

With critical and extremely abundant growths of mineral deposits, you can use a liquid electrolyte, which is used in car batteries. It can be used only as a last resort, when other means have not brought results. It contains sulfuric acid in its composition, so do not forget to take care of your own safety.
Preventive control measures

Everyone knows that it is much easier to prevent the appearance of pollution than to seek means to combat it. In order to prevent spread of lime and urinary stone deposits, you need to use several tips:

Adjust the drainage system so that water does not constantly flow into the bowl from the barrel. This will help not only to prevent lime deposits, but also to ensure an economical consumption of water resources.
Do not drain into the toilet fat and other food debris, they contribute to the appearance of tumors on the surface of the toilet.

Avoid severe surface contamination - perform routine cleaning regularly.
Every time after use, scrub the bowl with a brush, cleaning it from organic contaminants.
Use prophylactic soap substances that are added to the tank or attached directly under the rim of the toilet bowl.

If the toilet is kept clean, it will not be necessary to use caustic chemicals. With proper care, your ceramics will shine clean for a long time.


Lysol Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 48oz (2X24oz), 10X Cleaning Power (Pack of 2)

Lysol Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 48oz (2X24oz), 10X Cleaning Power (Pack of 2)

Lysol Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 48oz (2X24oz), 10X Cleaning Power (Pack of 2)

How to clean the toilet from stone and rust

The most common problem during toilet bowl cleaning is the removal of urinary stones and rust. One of the main reasons for the appearance of any traces on the perfect surface of your faience friend is lime.
How to remove plaque in the toilet?

Special pills for the tank prevent the formation of deposits and, when flushing, partially remove the existing plaque.
Cleaner will regularly protect the toilet from the appearance of plaque. Many hostesses consider Sanoks to be the best budget tool for the toilet. It removes even the strongest pollution. It is enough to clean it once a week. How to wash the toilet: fill the agent for 5 minutes, spread it over the surface, then wipe with a brush and rinse with water.
Abrasive powders - Pemolux is considered a proven agent. It is evenly applied to the surface and rubbed with a rag to completely remove dirt. Before this, do not forget to scoop up the water and wear protective gloves.
Alkaline products - based on a solution of sodium. Among these funds allocate "Whiteness" and "Domestos". To use them, it is necessary to remove water from the toilet bowl, apply the solution and wash it off after half an hour.

How to wash the toilet with the help of "folk remedies":

Dry oxalic acid - wipe it with dirt or dissolve a significant amount of the product in the toilet. Then clean the surface with a brush.
Battery electrolyte - also applies to acids. It must be applied to the surface of the toilet and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse.
Acetic essence - applied on a dry surface, valid for 10-15 minutes.

Some of these methods can damage the enamel of the toilet, so you should carefully select what to clean the toilet and wear rubber gloves to protect your hands.


Lysol Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 288oz (4X3X24oz), 10X Cleaning Power

Lysol Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 288oz (4X3X24oz), 10X Cleaning Power

Lysol Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 288oz (4X3X24oz), 10X Cleaning Power

How to clean the toilet

Everyone likes a clean toilet, but cleaning a toilet bowl is not something everyone will like. And no wonder. It is believed that the toilet - the dirtiest, microbial place. It will be so if you do not follow and care for the toilet. The easiest way to prevent severe contamination of the toilet.

But there are cases when the toilet got with bad, so to speak, heredity. You bought an apartment in the secondary market or temporarily rented a house in which the drunks who did not care about the hygiene of the home lived before. In life there is anything. As a result, we have a toilet, as in a public Soviet outhouse. Well, let's proceed to cleaning the toilet from urinary stone and rusty stains.

From what, from what, from what ...

Remember, in the children's song it was asked what the boys were made of. So we will ask this question - what does all this toilet mud consist of?

Mainly pollution in the toilet consists of mineral deposits, rust and waste of our vital activity.

Mineral deposits and rust fall on the toilet wall of the water. The harder the water, the more deposits appear. To get rid of these contaminants, it is necessary to carry out regular cleaning of the toilet bowl.
Tools to help clean the toilet

There are 3 types of toilet cleaner from urinary stone and rust - abrasives, alkaline-based cleaning agents and acid-based cleaning agents. Carefully read the composition on the label when buying detergents.
Toilet bowl cleaning tools

To clean the toilet from dirt, you will need not only cleaning products.

Be sure to purchase rubber gloves to protect your hands. If you use strong acids or alkalis, you will need goggles and a mask.

For cleaning and daily care of the toilet, you will need a brush. The most practical is a double brush with a brush for washing under the rim. If you do not have such a brush, then you can clean it under the rim using an old toothbrush. How to clean the toilet

Pumice stone will help you to cope with strong lime deposits. Ensure that the pumice stone is wet all the time. Of course, this is an extreme tool that should be used on white porcelain toilet. On the colored and enameled toilet pumice will scratch.

Using a foam sponge for cleaning toilet bowls is a bad idea. Because remaining moist after application, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. It is better to use disposable napkins or napkins that can be washed after cleaning.
Preventive measures

In order not to look for ways to clean the toilet from urinary stone and rust, you must follow some rules.

It is necessary to clean the toilet with cleaning products at least once a week (it depends on the number of people using the toilet).

After each use of the toilet bowl it is necessary to drain the water and, if necessary, use a brush.

To timely eliminate the leak from the tank. Thereby, you not only prevent the appearance of rust stains, but also save money (for water).

Use prophylactic agents - pills in the tank or funds that fit the toilet. They do not allow to appear new on the fly, gradually remove the old and have a pleasant smell.

In the toilet in the immediate vicinity of the toilet, you can keep wet wipes (well suited for children without oil impregnation). They can be used not only for hygienic purposes, but also for cleanliness - wipe the seat, toilet bowl outside, etc. They are inexpensive, and you will appreciate the benefits.

Only in any case, do not throw used napkins in the toilet. Wet wipes do not dissolve, which can lead to clogging of pipes.
Brief instruction

Remove all excess around the toilet, so that during cleaning splashes and dirt do not fall on these items. Do not forget to remove everything from the cistern to prevent objects from falling into the toilet during cleaning.
For better cleaning of the toilet bowl, pour hot water there. Be careful! Too hot water can cause the toilet to burst. Apply detergent. Do not forget the area under the rim. And leave for a while.
While the cleaner is doing its job, start cleaning the outside of the toilet bowl. Start from the top to prevent droplets from falling on an already clean surface. Wash the tank, then the toilet bowl outside. Pay particular attention to the back where the toilet is connected to the sewer pipe.
Never neglect to wash the toilet seat. It comes into direct contact with the human body. The seat should be thoroughly cleaned with a cloth and detergent, rinsed with clean water and wiped dry.
Now proceed to wash the toilet inside. Clean and rinse thoroughly under the rim. Then wash the whole bowl. Work well as a brush in the part where the water is. Close the lid and wash the water.
Wipe off any drops of detergent or water that may have occurred around the toilet bowl during cleaning. Remove all trash tools. Put in place all the things that you put away in step 1. Enjoy cleanliness.


Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Rim Hanger Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Lavender, 2 Count

Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Rim Hanger Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Lavender, 2 Count

Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Rim Hanger Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Lavender, 2 Count

How to clean the toilet from limescale: how to clean than to wash

Limescale and urinary stone are constant enemies and enemies of housewives. It seems that the more carefully you get rid of them, the more they appear. Indeed, the formation of limescale depends on the frequency of using the toilet. How to clean the toilet? We will arm the housewives with ways to get rid of the “enemy” in any situation.

Causes of lime (yellow) plaque formation on the toilet and in the tank Climbing from groundwater to the water intake, the water goes a long way. During this time, it contains organic organisms, minerals, and about a hundred more possible elements and substances. Some of them are completely dissolved, some are destroyed to the size of microparticles.

When water enters the water intake, it must undergo a good cleaning. But this is only “must”, but in reality in 90% of cities there are old filtration systems. Some have not changed at all since the time of the king of peas. Such systems are not able to produce high-quality cleaning. And if a breakdown occurs or one of the filters breaks, which is not immediately noticed, then part of the water generally goes to our cisterns and toilet bowls in its natural form. Substances that fall into the water, are deposited on the walls of plumbing, forming stones and raids. This is a combination of all sorts of salts, magnesium, iron and residues of human, natural waste. You can save people from such a problem by distilling water in a water intake. But this is too expensive for any municipal budget. Rust, yellow drips also appear in the toilet with an enviable tenacity. This is because there is a lot of iron in the groundwater. Moreover, all the pipes through which water passes are steel or cast iron.

Iron, upon contact with air, begins to strongly oxidize. It is these oxides that give rust in our plumbing.

Is it possible to prevent the formation of yellowness, how to remove plaque

Protecting oneself from such water is possible only in one way: to install a quality filter immediately upon entering the apartment. The filter will allow to sift out iron particles and block lime deposits. Deep cleaning filters make the water clean, suitable for any use, including for food purposes.

In new homes, especially luxury development, such filters are in each apartment. The cost of such a filter is not so high as to not buy it to an ordinary person. In any case, this will allow to preserve its health and its plumbing in its original form. But if you still can not buy a filter, you can buy special pills for the tank. At the heart of these pills are substances that completely break apart iron and lime particles. Additionally, tablets flavor the water, some are also disinfected.

The only caveat is that they are not always effective against rust. But there is only one preventative weapon against it: replacing parts in a tank or adjusting a float. There will be no rust if there is no trickle flowing down the center of the toilet bowl.

However, all these methods help to remove the formation of deposits and rust. But little is protected from the other: living bacteria and microorganisms, which are always present where there is water. Most of them are harmless to humans and animals, since they already exist in our body. But some of them can cause serious illness.

How to clean, than to wash and clean limescale

Mechanical removal of plaque in the toilet Clean up the plaque in two ways: mechanical and chemical. The mechanical method will help to wash and remove the yellowness on the surface of the toilet bowl, and also to whiten the toilet itself:

various brushes,
sponges with metal layers;
cleansing with improvised means in difficult places.

These methods always require more effort than the use of chemicals. But this can not be avoided when cleaning the toilet, because sometimes there are spots that need to be treated specially. The hardest thing to clean sanitary ware from ordinary earthenware. Here you need to carefully pick up cleaning products, because you can damage the coating itself. The process is much easier if the toilet is ceramic or porcelain. Choosing a composition for cleaning, be sure to read the instructions. Many powders have certain substances that may not be suitable for a particular toilet bowl material. The basis of many cleaning pastes abrasive filling that can damage the surface. It is possible to use such pastes at strong pollution, but it is required to scrub the dirt with all its strength. There are alkaline-based powders that are safer for cleaning off scurf. They include poisonous and caustic soda, which quickly eats away stains. It is simple to apply: to process a surface, to fill structure in a tank and in a toilet bowl discharge. Clean walls thoroughly and rinse thoroughly. Normal White is suitable for this method. Just do not forget: the use of such funds destroys the epithelium of the skin, so all actions are done strictly in gloves. For allergy sufferers and simply for people with sensitivity, they will either have to wear a mask or refuse mechanical effects. For heavy pollution, when all methods are powerless, you can use citric acid. She also handles the surface with a strictly soft cloth or sponge. Use acid for cleaning as little as possible. Acid at the sink is in the sewer and can harm pipes.

Than to wash a toilet and to bleach it - popular means to get rid of a raid from water

If you carefully monitor the toilet and all the plumbing, it is unlikely to have to use mechanical methods of cleaning. For the daily care of plumbing and cleaning any surface created a lot of money. Each of them is so effective that almost all the hostesses have refused such means as whiteness. The most important advantage of chemical mixtures is the safety of coatings and the removal of dirt without the use of force. Learn how to clean the toilet properly by reading the video:

Cleaners have a different form of release. Before you work, first decide: what exactly do you want to do? If you need to clean under the rim, then you need to buy a product with a special throat or nozzle. Do not expect to get there in any other way. Determine the degree of contamination not only the surface but also the drain. Particularly effective against lime scale are:

Cillit Bang.
Bref Duo Stik.
Ugly duck.

Comet and Domestos are best used in pairs, since they complement each other perfectly. Domestos well kills bacteria, fungi, copes with mold. But he is weak against rust. Comet cleans well and rust, and plaque, but does not destroy microbes.

Ugly duckling based on hydrochloric acid, is used in advanced cases when other means are useless.
Available in very convenient form: with a curved neck.
This allows you to completely clear difficult places. Bref Duo Stik is used as a prophylactic agent.
Available stickers, each is designed for 450-500 flushes, mounted inside the toilet.
Bref Duo Stik disinfects when draining water, and its foam protects not only the toilet itself, but also its knee from plaque. There are many cleaning products and everyone chooses an option that is more suitable for his budget and demand. The main thing is that today lime and yellow deposits are no longer a problem.


Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach, 6 Count

Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach, 6 Count

Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach, 6 Count

10 most effective tools for cleaning the toilet

Cleaning plumbing - a mandatory set of regular activities to maintain the cleanliness and safety of use of products. Lime deposits, rust, and urinary stone do not appear on the toilet bowl surface within a single day. The editorial “Plumber Portal” will talk about how to clean the toilet from dirt, using the 10 most effective cleaning tools.

Types of sediments and their causes

To understand how to clean the toilet from stubborn dirt, you need to find out what type of pollution in your case prevails. There are few hard-to-remove deposits and, as a rule, they are of the following types:

Urinary stone It consists of complex mineral salts, which with urine fall under the rim and on the surface of the bowl. This problem is characteristic where they forget to flush the toilet behind themselves or rarely treat the toilet for prevention. For health, it is not harmful, but sanitary ceramics corrodes. If the urinary stone has already appeared, it will be rather difficult, but possible, to eliminate it with the help of ordinary means.
Limescale. In houses where the water is hard enough, over time, the calcium salts contained in it settle on the walls of the tank and the toilet bowl. This is the main reason for the appearance of plaque in the toilet. Typically, lime deposits quickly accumulate various other contaminants. Lime scale in the toilet - what to remove? Use acid based products.
Rust. Rusty drips are often associated with poor water quality. The reason may be both old rusted water pipes, and water from a well with a high iron content. How to wash the yellow strip and whiten the toilet to the original whiteness? Chemical means.

To improve the quality of water, they usually use various filters or add various prophylactic agents in the form of special blisters and tablets that effectively get rid of lime and prevent its appearance.

Important! If time does not remove plaque from the water supply nozzles, deposits can cause them to clog.

During the acquisition of sanitary ceramics is recommended to check the inner surface of the bowl for smoothness. Ideally, it is best to purchase products made from sanitary porcelain, it differs from cheaper earthenware with a dense structure. Namely, the density directly affects the smoothness of the toilet, and thanks to this limescale it is more difficult to penetrate into the structure of ceramics, so cleaning it will be easier.

Mechanical damage to the faience allows dirt to accumulate. When removing contaminants from the toilet, you should not clean the surface of the bowl and cistern with tools that include abrasive materials, or use metal brushes. It is also not recommended to pour hot water into the toilet, as this contributes to the appearance of microcracks.

One of the main reasons due to which a urinary stone appears in the toilet and other types of sediments is the neglect of prevention methods for cleaning ceramics. So that you do not have to often look for ways to clean the toilet, you need to remember that the more often you carry out the planned cleaning of the toilet and clean the plumbing, the longer it will retain the original whiteness.
Folk ways to clean the toilet

To clean the pottery yourself, it is not necessary to purchase expensive chemical toilet cleaner products from the store. Effective substances that really whiten the surface of plumbing, are quite expensive, but for ineffective ones do not want to throw out money.

To avoid waste of money and clean the product from limescale, rusty streaks and urinary stone, you can use the improvised home remedies, which are always available in any self-respecting hostess.

So, here are some good folk ways to clean the toilets from the inside:

Lemon acid. One of the worst enemies of lime scale is citric acid. With its help you can easily remove deposits, the state of which has not yet reached a critical point. To do this, you need to take 3-4 sachets of substances, apply to contaminated places, cover the toilet with a lid, leave for 4-5 hours (best until the morning), wash off the water, process well with a brush. Effective removal of fresh dirt.
Acetic acid. The principle of action is similar to lemon. To apply it, you need to prepare it: you need to take 250 g of vinegar or food vinegar 9%, heat to 45-50 degrees under the lid closed. Then pour warm vinegar into the toilet, for greater effect, you can add a little baking soda (2-3 tsp.), Be sure to close the toilet bowl lid and leave for 2-3 hours or overnight. In the morning it is necessary to wash the toilet bowl intensively with water and wipe it with a brush. When working with acetic acid, it is necessary to protect the airways by covering them with a bandage.
Oxalic acid. It is a cheap and effective method to restore the original whiteness of your ceramics. The product should be applied on a slightly damp and soft cloth or sprinkled directly on the very place of deposition of lime and stone. Saving substance is not necessary. After processing, the accumulation of mineral deposits must be washed with a brush and rinsed thoroughly with water, the bowl will shine again like new.
Baking soda. Soda will help strengthen the action of acetic or citric acid. Soda, which falls on contaminated sites, destroys the structure of mineral deposits and thus allows them to be completely removed from the surface of ceramics. To clean the toilet you will need at least 1 pack (about 200 g). In order to increase the likelihood of destruction of deposits, it is recommended to leave the tool overnight. In the morning, it will only be necessary to process by cleaning the residual sediment with a brush.
Coca Cola. This drink has a good cleansing property. Coca-Cola will help not only freshen up in the heat, but also clean the toilet from the old limescale. To do this, it will be necessary to pour 1-2 liters of liquid into the bowl and leave it overnight. In the same way we clean the toilet "Belize" and get rid of old dirt.

If you are looking for options than to remove limescale in toilet bowls, then feel free to use any of the above folk methods.

Although the improvised means are not very strong concentrations of acids and alkalis, however, you should not neglect safety precautions and you should wear gloves while working with them. And when using vinegar, you also need to protect the airways.

If after the first time the contamination is not removed, the procedure must be repeated until the desired result is achieved. It so happens that the sediments that have “grown” over the years are not amenable to any efforts. Then you need to use the "heavy artillery."
Chemical removal of deposits

Handy tools will help get rid of small dirt. Code from the limescale is not visible cover the toilet, and sediments of urinary stone is dark brown in color, folk remedies can not do here. Here it is necessary to apply "heavy artillery", which is presented in the form of potent chemical cleaners. How to clean the toilet with chemicals:

Orthophosphoric acid. This tool will provide an opportunity not only to get rid of mineral deposits, but also to clean the toilet from rust, which often covers the parts of the drain and filling fittings inside the tank. In order to clean the drain barrel and the bowl of the toilet bowl, it is necessary to pour about 100-150 g of reagent into them, and after 10-15 minutes, rinse the surface of the product with running water. The main positive aspects of this drug is that it does not destroy rubber and plastic products.
Hydrochloric acid. It is necessary to work with it very carefully, before washing the plumbing with it, you must first protect not only the exposed skin, but also the respiratory tract. In order to dissolve lime deposits, it is enough to simply wipe them with this substance. In order to get rid of the urinary stone you need to pour half a glass of the product into the bowl and wait 10 minutes. Before using this reagent, it is necessary to make sure that no rubber or plastic compounds were used during connection of the toilet bowl, since their acid will dissolve as easily as plaque.
Chlorine. It is present in whiteness and is able to dissolve all organic compounds. Chlorine fumes can be harmful to health, because of this, this method is highly undesirable. Also, after chlorine has been used, rubber seals become less elastic and begin to leak water.
Abrasive preparations. Cleaning sanitary ceramics using powders is quite effective. But it is worth remembering that small granules are capable of leaving microscopic scratches on the floor of the toilet bowl, which will contribute to even larger mineral deposits.
With strong and abundant growths of lime deposits and urinary stone, you can use the liquid electrolyte used in automotive batteries. It is necessary to resort to its use only as a last resort, when the remaining funds do not give the desired result. It contains sulfuric acid, so it is recommended to secure yourself in advance before working with it.

Ideally, it is most effective to use special detergents for toilet bowls. Before you clean the toilet from urinary stone and other deposits, using these substances, carefully study the product label.

Very important! With caustic chemicals it is necessary to work only in rubber gloves! Do not neglect safety when using!

When choosing toilet cleaners, it is better to give preference to cream formulations and gels. Compared with powders and liquid products, they are simpler and more economical to use.

Regarding specific brands, based on user feedback, "Silit", "Toilet duckling", "Sanoks" and "Sanitary Gel", are able to get rid of any contamination. Domestos and Breffs do an excellent job with rust.

Universal means can be cleaned not only toilets, but also ceramic tiles: “Komet Universal”, “Santry”, “Sanitol”, “Sarma”, “Gel WC 5+” - are ideal means for daily care, sanitation and removal of deposits.
How to prevent the appearance of persistent pollution?

Many people know that it is much easier to prevent the appearance of pollution than to pick up the means to eliminate them. To prevent the spread of urinary stone and lime deposits, you need to use a few tips on how to prevent deposits in the toilet:

The drainage system must be adjusted so that water does not constantly flow from tank to bowl. This operation will not only prevent the occurrence of lime deposits, but also saves water.
There is no need to flush fat or other food debris into the toilet, since they can cause various tumors on the surface of the toilet bowl.
Take care of plumbing.
Regularly clean the surface of the toilet for prevention, do not allow it to be heavily soiled.
Constantly walk around the bowl after each use of the toilet, this will allow you to clean it of organic pollutants.
Use for the prevention of soapy substances that are mounted on the rim of the toilet bowl or added to the tank.
If you follow these recommendations, then you won’t have to ask how to remove plaque, rust or urinary stone from the toilet bowl.

Summing up, we note that when choosing a tool for cleaning the toilet, you should not often use potent substances, since they adversely affect the plumbing surface, leaving microdamages on it.

Once you get rid of mineral deposits, regularly resort to rehabilitation. If there is poor quality water, install house filters or use special pills that will help prevent the appearance of plaque in the cistern and toilet. With proper care, your plumbing will shine clean.


Fluidmaster 8300 Flush 'n Sparkle Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaning System, Bleach

Fluidmaster 8300 Flush 'n Sparkle Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaning System, Bleach

Fluidmaster 8300 Flush 'n Sparkle Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaning System, Bleach

Methods how to clean the urine stone toilet

The maintenance of the toilet room takes quite a lot of time and effort. Occasionally, rust stains of urinary stone may appear on the toilet. Without effective means it will be almost impossible to get rid of such a problem. What methods, how to clear a toilet bowl from an uric stone, exist?
Causes of urinary stone

There are several of them. It so happens that the stone appears because of the banal laziness of the owners to wash off after themselves. But this is not always the main reason. Even if the owners are especially clean - there is no guarantee that it will be possible to avoid the appearance of a raid. Here are the main reasons:

The appearance of microcracks on the glaze of the toilet. This happens if the surface is cleaned with metal wire wool, as well as due to the use of hard abrasive cleaners.
In microcracks accumulate lime deposits that appear with each flushing with hot water.
The water contains minerals. And, the more there will be flushes and water being flushed down the toilet, the greater the formation of urinary stone.
The other extreme is that the amount of water being washed is less than necessary.
Rare preventive cleaning.

how to clean the urine stone toilet
Disposal methods

There are several ways to clear the urinary stone, but folk methods are the least expensive. Choose a specific method of cleaning should be based on several factors: how strong the degree of contamination of the inner surface, and what the thickness of the plaque. You should not hope to clean the toilet to shine from the first attempt, but to achieve a good result after several regular cleanings is possible.

In no case is not recommended to try to get rid of plaque by scraping, with a knife or other sharp objects. From such merciless cleaning, the glaze will be damaged, and there will be even more problems. Most often, do without acid will not work. At the same time, you should wear rubber gloves, of sufficient density.
Folk remedies

Folk remedies are good and effective, and the undoubted additional advantage is their low price.

With the help of vinegar can be cleaned quite problematic and old urinary plaque. We take a metal saucepan, pour 0.5 liters of 9% vinegar into it, and heat well. Sprinkle the toilet from the inside with one glass of soda, and then pour the vinegar from the pot onto the walls. In this form, leave for the night. The next day, you should rub the problem areas with a sponge and wash the vinegar with water.
Citric acid

It is also effective, gives good results. We take a couple of tablespoons of acid, sprinkle the walls of the toilet bowl. Leave, as it is, all night. The next day, you should first wash off, then a brush to walk through the problem areas, again rinse. If you could not immediately achieve a positive result, then you can add soda to the acid. If the thickness of the urinary stone is of impressive size, then sachets of citric acid will be needed more.

what to clean the toilet

Such a way as to clean the toilet, suitable for less contaminated surfaces. Soda can not immediately take a fairly large thickness of the raid. It is applied just as simply: pour soda on the walls of the toilet bowl, wait a few hours or night. After washing and rubbing the problem areas with a brush.

We remove water from the toilet bowl to the end with the help of a plunger. Whitewash spill toilet and problem areas. Close the lid, put a rag on top to minimize harmful fumes. Waiting for the night. In the morning you should clean the dirt with a sponge, rinse. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
Household chemicals

When choosing a chemical cleaner should opt for those containing hydrochloric and formic acid. Below are some examples of household chemicals:

In "Silit" are quite strong acids, including hydrochloric. This cleaning is the most effective.
The main part of the means "Duckling active" - ​​hydrochloric acid. It helps to clean even the most old urinary deposits.
"Mr. Muscle" also provides a positive result. For several hours, the problem areas are filled up with granules, then they are simply washed away.

Preventive stone prevention measures

It is impossible that the water flowed without the need - this is one of the main causes of the stone.
Flush away with plenty of water.
Take care of regular toilet cleaning.


Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel Fresh, 2Count, 2.68 oz

Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel Fresh, 2Count, 2.68 oz

Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel Fresh, 2Count, 2.68 oz

How to clean the toilet from limescale (stone) and rust

The rules of hygiene and sanitation are the generally accepted norm, but the measure of their observance for each individual. At home, the question of how to clean the toilet is quite relevant. The methods and means used for this purpose depend on the condition, period of operation and degree of contamination of the toilet bowl itself.

The most common problem in this aspect is the formation of a urinary stone . However, before proceeding to the specific methods of removal, you should be familiar with the reasons for its occurrence on the surface of the plumbing.

First of all, lime deposits contribute to the formation of stone. Their presence is inevitable where water is taken from artesian wells or river intakes. If you look, it's everywhere. With regular use of the toilet urine is only a concomitant factor in the process of "growth" of the stone.
Limestone (plaque) in the toilet - the causes of education?

A certain amount of water contains a fixed amount of dissolved minerals. The amount of precipitated lime is directly proportional to the amount of water passing through it. And such a trivial matter, as an unregulated cistern, favors even more flow of water than when using the toilet for the intended purpose.
Plumbing with a porous and rough surface is more prone to the formation of deposits. Dirt less going where, respectively, less irregularities. This pattern applies to lime and urinary stone, rust.

When buying a toilet bowl should be considered: in glazed models of sanitary ware a smoother surface. This means that the need for cleaning will appear less frequently.

Porcelain can be said to be ideal, since it has an even smoother surface, which naturally affects the price.

Preventive measures to prevent the formation of urinary stone and rust

Plaque with a concomitant unpleasant smell is the result of a rare cleaning. What can be done without buying expensive tools that can easily clean the toilet?

Eliminate the leakage of water from the toilet bowl. To prevent the tank from overflowing, it is sometimes enough to adjust the float. In some cases, repair or complete replacement of valves.
To purchase special pills for the drain tank, which prevent the formation of deposits and help to partially dissolve the existing plaque.
At least once a week you need to handle the toilet cleaner. It is not difficult to apply it to the surface, and after a while just wash it off.

We should not forget about preventive measures, since no single tool can clean the toilet from stone and rust of a centimeter thickness in a few minutes. If this problem is present - the urinary stone has grown over the years of use - go to the store!
Video to combat plaque and rust toilets

Modern household chemicals to help

Abrasive Scouring Powders

For example, the famous tool "Pemolyuks." The principle of its application is simple: put on gloves, scoop out water from the toilet bowl, evenly distribute the powdered product and rub it with a rag until a snow-white surface appears.

Lesson tedious and unpleasant. The disadvantage is that the inner surface of the toilet after cleaning will become rough, because the abrasive leaves microscratches on the glaze or faience, which, in turn, contribute to a more rapid accumulation of dirt.

Alkaline cleaners

The available domestic representative of this group of products is “Whiteness”, the more expensive is the imported “Domestos”. The basis of such funds is usually used caustic soda solution. He is able to dissolve the urinary stone, and the remnants of sediment are easily removed with a brush and water.

How to clean the toilet with alkali? Siphon water from the toilet bowl, apply the solution to the pollution, wash it off after half an hour. If necessary, the procedure can be performed several times, and “Whiteness” (due to its affordable cost) can be poured in place of water.

If the tank even leaks slightly - it is necessary to cut off the water supply to it before cleaning, rinse and wait until it leaves without residue, otherwise the alkali will quickly wash off, without having to dissolve part of the sediment.

Acid cleaning products.

For example, "Silite". The principle of its action and method of use is similar to alkaline cleaners.

Folk remedies

Long before entering the sale of imported household chemicals, people knew how to clean the toilet from the raid using improvised means. It was enough to get a concentrated solution of any acid.

Oxalic acid is dry . It is used in the chemical industry, with the aim of etching surfaces before the direct application of enamels. A certain amount of this substance will fully cope with the removal of urinary stone in the toilet. To do this, apply acid to a damp cloth (gloves must be worn) and wipe contamination or dissolve a fair amount of acid directly in the toilet. After applying the tool is washed off, and the surface is cleaned with a brush.

Electrolyte for batteries . Also an acid. Apply and wash off after 15 minutes (can be repeated if necessary).

Citric acid and soda

Acetic essence . Before its application should drain the surface of the toilet. The sharp smell of vinegar is unpleasant, so it is better not to inhale the fumes.
Coca-Cola or Sprite . This popular "recipe" appeared not so long ago. One or two bottles of drink are poured into the toilet. Citric acid, which it contains, relatively quickly eats deposits.

Conclusion - it is easy to clean the toilet, if you do it regularly. The longer you do not take preventive measures, the more difficult it will be to remove stone deposits. But, judging by the number of cleaning products, this will be possible.


Scrubbing Bubbles Vanish Continuous Clean Toilet Bowl Drop-Ins, Box of 5 Blue Discs (2-Pack, 10 Discs Total)

Scrubbing Bubbles Vanish Continuous Clean Toilet Bowl Drop-Ins, Box of 5 Blue Discs (2-Pack, 10 Discs Total)

Scrubbing Bubbles Vanish Continuous Clean Toilet Bowl Drop-Ins, Box of 5 Blue Discs (2-Pack, 10 Discs Total)

How to clean the toilet from urinary stone at home

It's nice when the plumbing in the house shines clean, and according to the rules of hygiene, just a good tone, there should be a sterile environment in the bathroom. But sometimes the toilet is covered with brown bloom, and then the question arises: how to clean the toilet from urinary stone at home and return it to perfect whiteness? In the article we will tell why plaque and rust are formed in the tank and on the toilet, and what means to use to combat pollution.

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Why is a raid?

To understand how to solve the problem, which drugs to use, you must first find out the type of pollution, the reason for its occurrence.

The main enemies of white toilet:

Urinary stone

Let's get to know the enemies closer.

Urinary stone

The most important enemy that is very difficult to get rid of is the urinary stone. Usually it accumulates in the bottom of the toilet - where there is always water. The urinary stone consists of complex mineral salts that enter the toilet along with urine. The problem with brown deposits occurs in families where households often forget to flush with them or, if the toilet itself is rarely subjected to preventive treatment.

Sediating on the walls of plumbing, salt deposits turn into a rather thick layer of brown color. Due to such deposits, the diameter of the drain may even decrease. Therefore, ideally, it is necessary to fight the urinary stone as it is formed, and not to wait until it becomes “impenetrable”, because then, conventional chemical agents will not cope with it.

The appearance of rusty drips associated with the quality of water, the state of the metal parts of the pipe, the drain tank. The quality of water entering the drain can also be affected by old rusty plumbing plumbing pipes. In addition, if the rubber pads do not completely block the drain, and the metal parts used are of poor quality, then the rust formed on them will flow by gravity from the tank into the toilet and form an unaesthetic rusty strip.

Such a pollutant is less common, as it is found in homes with increased hardness of water containing calcium salts. The higher the water hardness, the faster the plaque will form. Calcium salts, over time, settle in the tank and on the toilet, and on top, on a lime scale, other contaminants quickly form. To get rid of the limescale helps funds containing an acid in its base.

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How to avoid serious pollution?

With different types of pollution easier to cope at the stage of appearance. In order not to look for, than to clean the toilet from rust and plaque with your own hands, follow simple preventive measures:

Eliminate leaks from the toilet bowl. Sometimes it is enough to adjust the float and the toilet will not overflow, and rust will not settle on its walls.
Get pills for the cistern. Preparations, albeit slowly, but still prevent the deposition of salts. In addition, the pills give the water a pleasant smell, color, help dissolve the already formed plaque.
To improve water quality, use different filters.
Ensure that no mechanical damage is formed on the surface of the toilet bowl. Porous, rough surface accelerates the formation of deposits. Do not use metal brushes or products with coarse abrasives for washing the toilet bowl or tank. In addition, hot water cannot be poured into the toilet, since microcracks are formed on the plumbing surface with such an impact.
Do not forget to clean the plumbing, at least once a week. Apply detergent, wipe with a brush after half an hour and rinse.

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How to clean the toilet to white at home?

Before solving the problem of how to clean the urinary stone toilet at home, decide whether it is worth the effort that you expect to spend on cleaning plumbing. If it is quite old, it is easier to buy a new one, especially if the thicket has already served its place in the past millennium.

If the ceramic “participant in the process” is dear to you as a memory or it is not possible to purchase a new one, then get down to business and buy a toilet cleaner with your own hands in the store. As in all cases, methods for solving any problem are divided into benign and radical. We will acquaint you with household chemicals that will help remove the urinary stone in the toilet.
What can household chemicals offer?

The industry offers a huge amount of solutions and powders. All drugs can be divided into four main groups, each of which acts in its own way and in one way or another allows to clean the toilet bowl from urinary stone at home.
Abrasive Scouring Powders

An example of such a means might be “Pemolux”. The principle of cleaning is quite simple. Your actions:

Wear rubber gloves.
Scoop out all the water from the cistern and toilet bowl.
Pour the product onto the plumbing surface.
Using a soft sponge or cloth, scrub the dirt until a white surface appears.

Important! With frequent use of powder on the surface of the plumbing may appear micro-scratches, and the surface will become rough. Therefore, give preference to gels and cream formulations. In addition, they are more economical and easy to use.

Alkaline agents

Liquid preparations contain caustic soda. They dissolve the urinary stone and relieve the plumbing surface from contamination. Preparations are well disinfected, do not damage the plumbing coating. Alkaline preparations perfectly dissolve fats, which allows to remove blockages of organic origin.

To clean the toilet using alkali, proceed as follows:

Siphon water from the toilet and cistern.
Apply the product to the plumbing surface.
Leave the bathroom for half an hour.
Wash away all residues of plaque with water.
Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Important! Consider that such products have a rather pungent and peculiar odor, and also do not have the best effect on the skin. Therefore, be sure to use protective equipment - gloves, mask, goggles. Otherwise, you will be able to clean the urine stone toilet at home, but in return you will get health problems.

Chlorine based products

Suitable for daily care, perfectly cleaned, disinfected, do not corrode the coating, do not form microcracks. Commercially available as a concentrated solution and powder.

Drugs perfectly remove odors, but after themselves leave the smell of chlorine.

Important! The most popular tool with such compositions is the familiar “Whiteness”, it will be inexpensive, which is an undoubted advantage.

Acid Cleaners

These chemicals will defeat the oldest sediments of urinary stone and rust. Apply them in the same way as alkaline agents. However, it is often not recommended to use acidic preparations, since they contain aggressive substances: oxalic, hydrochloric, formic, orthophosphoric acids, and their mixtures, which are capable of corroding the coating to some extent. Yes, and a couple of acids are very bad for human health.

As an example, the leaders of the group of acidic funds are “Sillit”, “Domestos”. Available in convenient plastic bottles. Curved spout capacity allows you to apply the product directly under the rim of the toilet bowl.

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How to whiten the toilet at home folk remedies?

Our mothers and grandmothers had to deal with the problem of hygiene in the bathroom long before the appearance of special household chemicals. Our ancestors knew how at home to clean the toilet from urinary stone with improvised means.

We offer you to use their recipes:

Heat a glass of 9% vinegar to 40 degrees and pour into the empty toilet bowl for several hours. This method is able to remove a significant portion of stone and limescale. To enhance the effect, add a little iodine, salt or soda (1 tbsp of soda per cup of vinegar). Perform all cleaning procedures in the evening to leave the solution overnight. The urinary stone will become soft, pliable, respectively - it can be easily removed.
Solve the problem and acetic essence with a concentration of 70%. From the toilet pump out all the water, the formed void, fill it with essence. Leave the plumbing for 1.5-2 hours. To enhance the effect, add a solution of iodine to vinegar, in a ratio of 1: 1. After the cleaning procedure, wipe the surface with a brush.
Citric acid is a worthy alternative to vinegar. Two or three tablespoons of acid poured into an empty toilet and tank. Leave for a few hours. Clean with a brush and rinse. Repeat the procedure several times until you have completely cleared the urine stone toilet.
Soda can not only enhance the action of acetic acid, but also perfectly copes with pollution. At night, put a whole pack of soda down the toilet and leave it until morning. When you wake up, clean the plumbing surface with a brush with a brush and wash away any residual dirt.
"Coca Cola". This popular recipe was born recently. Fill a dry toilet bowl with 1-1.5 liters of liquid and leave overnight. Soda water quickly corrode deposits.

Apply “heavy artillery”

If all the attempts made did not produce the expected effect, then use tough measures to clean the urinary stone toilet:

Dry oxalic acid. This tool is used in the chemical industry. Apply acid to etch the surface before applying enamel. Sold in powder form. Apply the product on a piece of cloth and wipe the coating. You can also use another method: dissolve a fair amount of product right in the toilet. After application, wash off the acid and clean the surface with a brush. Remember that when using acid, you must adhere to safety measures.
Hydrochloric acid. The tool is sold in plumbing stores. Use acid to clean water heaters in columns and gas boilers. Pour the liquid into the toilet, and after 0.5-1 hour rinse. Disadvantage: can not be used if the sewer pipes are made of plastic.
Monochloride iodine. Liquid can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies. Pour all contaminated areas with solution and immediately rinse with water. Liquid remedy perfectly removes all types of stone, and limescale and rust corrodes within a few minutes. Disadvantage: can not be used in homes with cast iron sewer pipes. In addition, iodine monochloride is aggressive to aluminum.
Electrolyte for acid batteries. The tool will get rid of all hard-to-remove unwanted deposits quickly and efficiently. Apply electrolyte for half an hour and hour and rinse with water. Disadvantage: it is necessary to use very carefully with the use of protective equipment, you can not use in houses and apartments with plastic pipes.

Important! When working with chemicals, use rubber gloves, a protective coat and a respirator. Do not close the door to the toilet during processing. After cleaning, thoroughly rinse the plumbing and ventilate the room well.

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Useful tips:

Do not use potent agents too often, as they damage the coating and leave microdamages on the surface. Once, having strictly removed the urinary stone and lime deposits, regularly carry out preventive measures with the use of more gentle cleaners.
Before carrying out the cleaning work, be sure to dry the toilet bowl. Drain the water with a plastic container, and remove the remaining moisture with a cloth.
In addition to preventive cleaning and sediment control, be sure to adjust the water supply to the tank. Excess water for flushing is not only economically unprofitable, but is also one of the reasons for the appearance of lime scale. The easiest way to reduce the amount of water supplied is to place 1-2 plastic containers with water in the tank. Savings: 2-3 liters with each use. In the case of purchasing new plumbing, choose a tank with a double button and the function of economical use of water.

When answering the question of how to clean the toilet, the choice of means and methods is always left to the user, because it is necessary to take into account not only the features of the sanitary device, but also the type of material, the degree of pollution and the presence of microcracks and damage. If deposits have appeared recently, then you should not resort to radical methods - start with popular, proven means, because you can clean the toilet with vinegar, if its smell does not irritate you. We hope that the information obtained will help you keep the plumbing in perfect cleanliness.


Lysol No Mess Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Ocean Fresh Scent, 8 Count

Lysol No Mess Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Ocean Fresh Scent, 8 Count

Lysol No Mess Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Ocean Fresh Scent, 8 Count

How to clean the toilet: from limescale, urinary stone

Even with the most careful use, the toilet still loses its whiteness over time. How to clean the toilet from urinary stone, rust, lime and other contaminants - all this in our article. What you need to pay attention when cleaning and what means to use to avoid large expenses.

What to look for

Of course, the toilet is a place that can hardly be called the "face" of the apartment. And yet, those who are visiting you quite often, judge your household and cleanliness precisely as a toilet. Yes, and you yourself, you see, is always nicer to use clean plumbing, rather than a toilet, overgrown with yellow bloom.

Another thing is that to achieve whiteness and beauty can be difficult. Few people like to clean up in a place like a toilet, and lime and urinary deposits on the walls, unfortunately, keep very firmly, and to eliminate them, you have to spend a lot of energy.
What do you need to pay attention to when cleaning the toilet so that regular cleaning does not turn into hard work?
The first problematic place of the toilet bowl is the area under the sides of the bowl, where most of the microbes accumulate, lime build-up accumulates, urinary stone is deposited, and over time it all spreads lower and lower in the bowl.
Therefore, when cleaning the toilet, special attention should be paid to this particular area. It is necessary to wipe it as thoroughly as possible with a sponge with a cleaning agent, and, if necessary, clean it with a brush to remove any existing deposits.

The second problematic place of the toilet bowl is the area where the water flows. Everyone at least once saw a toilet, which is quite clean by itself, the appearance of which nevertheless spoils the yellow stripe, which descends from the drain hole in the cistern to the “step”. Modern toilets, where there are no “steps” and the water washes the entire bowl, also suffer from this problem. The fact is that thin streams still flow down the same places on the walls - and over time they begin to leave rusty strips.
So that all this does not have to be cleared away, it is better, without waiting for the appearance of such strips, to especially carefully wipe the walls in these places, not leaving rust even a chance.
Finally, separate attention must be paid to the seat and sides of the toilet bowl. If on the outside of the seat you notice dirt easily, then on the reverse side the bloom can accumulate for a long time and unnoticed. At each wash, the back side of the seat should be thoroughly rinsed - not necessarily with a cleaning agent, you can simply sponge it.

And of course, do not forget to wash the toilet from the outside. This area is less susceptible to contamination, but dust, splashes and household dirt are still deposited on the sides (as on the tank and on the lid).
How to wash the toilet?
Washing the toilet - it is not too pleasant, but at first glance, it seems, quite simple. Especially if you know what to pay attention to. However, in fact there are still a few rules regarding the cleaning process - neglecting them, many complicate their lives, and they simply cannot wash the toilet properly.

First, you can really clean the toilet well only with the use of special tools. It is not enough to simply wipe its walls with a brush or brush and flush the water - this will not remove the inevitable deposits. There are quite a few tools for cleaning the toilet bowl - Domestos, Komet, Silit and other well-known powders and gels. To save a lot of people use the available tools - soda, vinegar, whiteness. What to choose - you decide, focus on your convenience and finances.

Secondly, cleaning the toilet bowl must certainly be carried out with rubber gloves. And the point, of course, is not only that it is unpleasant to touch all sorts of deposits with bare hands. Toilet bowl cleaners, household or chemical, are always quite poisonous and affect not only dirt, but also skin, eating away at it.
Therefore, gloves are needed for your safety - they must be tight and long, so that detergent does not exactly fall on your hands. Pay attention also to the sponge, which you will clean the toilet - it is necessary that on the one hand it was hard, abrasive, because a soft surface is unlikely to achieve a good result.
It is the best of all to fill in a cleaner not on a sponge or "step" of a toilet bowl, namely on its circle under a rim. Most cleaning products even have a special cover geometry that makes it easy to dispense.
Many people, pouring cleanser into the toilet, make a mistake, immediately starting to wash it. This is wrong - in order for a chemical or household remedy to work as it should and had time to thoroughly eat up the accumulated deposits, you should close the treated toilet with a lid and leave for 15-20 minutes just to stand - and then proceed to its immediate cleaning.

By the way, the restroom is a rather cramped space, especially when it comes to a separate bathroom. Therefore, when cleaning the toilet, it is important to ensure proper ventilation of the room. After all, you will have to lean over the cistern and inhale harmful vapors. If this cannot be avoided altogether, then it is necessary to at least reduce their concentration in the air to the maximum.
Do not lean over the tank too low - otherwise you may accidentally splash on your face and get into your eyes.
After you filled the toilet with a cleaning agent, waited, and then thoroughly cleaned the entire surface with a sponge or brush, you can drain the water. At the same time, continue to rub the walls to completely remove the cleaning agent.

At last, the lid and outer sides are traditionally handled - just with a wet sponge, since it is not a question of heavy pollution.
How to clean the toilet from complex dirt
We have listed the main points that need to be paid attention to and the procedure for cleaning the toilet bowl. But what if, for some reason, the toilet is already heavily covered with limescale, urinary stone and rust? Is it possible to somehow eliminate them, or the only way out is to buy a new toilet?
Eliminate ugly plaque in most cases still possible. And even if the toilet does not become “as good as new,” it will still be noticeably cleaner.
It is best to deal with sediment strong acids and alkalis. Thus, for the fight, you can choose a particularly strong tool, in which it is written that it is intended for heavy pollution - for example, Schumanit.

And you can use the household tools. Especially popular are citric acid, ordinary vinegar or soda.
By the principle of action, they work in approximately the same way - the tool is poured or poured into the toilet and left there for several hours (therefore it is advisable to fill the toilet overnight and close the lid). The difference is mainly in the dosage:
if you are using soda, then you need to pour a whole pack into the toilet;
in the case of a bite, there will be enough glass - but it is advisable to warm up the liquid slightly before this and add soda or iodine (spoon) to it;
Citric acid is poured in the amount of 4 - 5 bags.
The whiteness, which is generally very widely used in the household, also helps to cope with the patina.
To remove weak and medium contamination, cleaners simply enough to thoroughly rinse with water, before wiping with a sponge. Strong deposits will have to be fought with a brush.
What to do to the toilet soiled less?
Of course, the best way to keep the toilet clean is prevention. How to create conditions in which plaque and rust will not spread along the walls at all?
First of all, you need to wash the toilet regularly - at least once a week. Then all the sediments that begin to accumulate simply do not have time to go into a serious stage.
In addition, it is necessary to use the toilet carefully at all - that is, to monitor its cleanliness during use, not to forget about the brush.

If rusty smudges constantly appear on the toilet, this is not normal. You need to look into the toilet cistern and try to adjust the drain - once a yellow stripe appeared on the wall, it means that the water continues to flow imperceptibly even in an unused condition.
And finally, to avoid the appearance of urinary plaque, special balls and capsules for the toilet bowl are used, as well as special tablets that dissolve in the tank. Toilet blocks are hung on the rim, with each flush they doused with water, and thus, the toilet is immediately treated with a disinfecting and cleaning agent. In addition, such products also have a pleasant smell - that is, they will additionally deodorize the room.
