Saturday, June 22, 2019

Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach, 6 Count

Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach, 6 Count

Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach, 6 Count

10 most effective tools for cleaning the toilet

Cleaning plumbing - a mandatory set of regular activities to maintain the cleanliness and safety of use of products. Lime deposits, rust, and urinary stone do not appear on the toilet bowl surface within a single day. The editorial “Plumber Portal” will talk about how to clean the toilet from dirt, using the 10 most effective cleaning tools.

Types of sediments and their causes

To understand how to clean the toilet from stubborn dirt, you need to find out what type of pollution in your case prevails. There are few hard-to-remove deposits and, as a rule, they are of the following types:

Urinary stone It consists of complex mineral salts, which with urine fall under the rim and on the surface of the bowl. This problem is characteristic where they forget to flush the toilet behind themselves or rarely treat the toilet for prevention. For health, it is not harmful, but sanitary ceramics corrodes. If the urinary stone has already appeared, it will be rather difficult, but possible, to eliminate it with the help of ordinary means.
Limescale. In houses where the water is hard enough, over time, the calcium salts contained in it settle on the walls of the tank and the toilet bowl. This is the main reason for the appearance of plaque in the toilet. Typically, lime deposits quickly accumulate various other contaminants. Lime scale in the toilet - what to remove? Use acid based products.
Rust. Rusty drips are often associated with poor water quality. The reason may be both old rusted water pipes, and water from a well with a high iron content. How to wash the yellow strip and whiten the toilet to the original whiteness? Chemical means.

To improve the quality of water, they usually use various filters or add various prophylactic agents in the form of special blisters and tablets that effectively get rid of lime and prevent its appearance.

Important! If time does not remove plaque from the water supply nozzles, deposits can cause them to clog.

During the acquisition of sanitary ceramics is recommended to check the inner surface of the bowl for smoothness. Ideally, it is best to purchase products made from sanitary porcelain, it differs from cheaper earthenware with a dense structure. Namely, the density directly affects the smoothness of the toilet, and thanks to this limescale it is more difficult to penetrate into the structure of ceramics, so cleaning it will be easier.

Mechanical damage to the faience allows dirt to accumulate. When removing contaminants from the toilet, you should not clean the surface of the bowl and cistern with tools that include abrasive materials, or use metal brushes. It is also not recommended to pour hot water into the toilet, as this contributes to the appearance of microcracks.

One of the main reasons due to which a urinary stone appears in the toilet and other types of sediments is the neglect of prevention methods for cleaning ceramics. So that you do not have to often look for ways to clean the toilet, you need to remember that the more often you carry out the planned cleaning of the toilet and clean the plumbing, the longer it will retain the original whiteness.
Folk ways to clean the toilet

To clean the pottery yourself, it is not necessary to purchase expensive chemical toilet cleaner products from the store. Effective substances that really whiten the surface of plumbing, are quite expensive, but for ineffective ones do not want to throw out money.

To avoid waste of money and clean the product from limescale, rusty streaks and urinary stone, you can use the improvised home remedies, which are always available in any self-respecting hostess.

So, here are some good folk ways to clean the toilets from the inside:

Lemon acid. One of the worst enemies of lime scale is citric acid. With its help you can easily remove deposits, the state of which has not yet reached a critical point. To do this, you need to take 3-4 sachets of substances, apply to contaminated places, cover the toilet with a lid, leave for 4-5 hours (best until the morning), wash off the water, process well with a brush. Effective removal of fresh dirt.
Acetic acid. The principle of action is similar to lemon. To apply it, you need to prepare it: you need to take 250 g of vinegar or food vinegar 9%, heat to 45-50 degrees under the lid closed. Then pour warm vinegar into the toilet, for greater effect, you can add a little baking soda (2-3 tsp.), Be sure to close the toilet bowl lid and leave for 2-3 hours or overnight. In the morning it is necessary to wash the toilet bowl intensively with water and wipe it with a brush. When working with acetic acid, it is necessary to protect the airways by covering them with a bandage.
Oxalic acid. It is a cheap and effective method to restore the original whiteness of your ceramics. The product should be applied on a slightly damp and soft cloth or sprinkled directly on the very place of deposition of lime and stone. Saving substance is not necessary. After processing, the accumulation of mineral deposits must be washed with a brush and rinsed thoroughly with water, the bowl will shine again like new.
Baking soda. Soda will help strengthen the action of acetic or citric acid. Soda, which falls on contaminated sites, destroys the structure of mineral deposits and thus allows them to be completely removed from the surface of ceramics. To clean the toilet you will need at least 1 pack (about 200 g). In order to increase the likelihood of destruction of deposits, it is recommended to leave the tool overnight. In the morning, it will only be necessary to process by cleaning the residual sediment with a brush.
Coca Cola. This drink has a good cleansing property. Coca-Cola will help not only freshen up in the heat, but also clean the toilet from the old limescale. To do this, it will be necessary to pour 1-2 liters of liquid into the bowl and leave it overnight. In the same way we clean the toilet "Belize" and get rid of old dirt.

If you are looking for options than to remove limescale in toilet bowls, then feel free to use any of the above folk methods.

Although the improvised means are not very strong concentrations of acids and alkalis, however, you should not neglect safety precautions and you should wear gloves while working with them. And when using vinegar, you also need to protect the airways.

If after the first time the contamination is not removed, the procedure must be repeated until the desired result is achieved. It so happens that the sediments that have “grown” over the years are not amenable to any efforts. Then you need to use the "heavy artillery."
Chemical removal of deposits

Handy tools will help get rid of small dirt. Code from the limescale is not visible cover the toilet, and sediments of urinary stone is dark brown in color, folk remedies can not do here. Here it is necessary to apply "heavy artillery", which is presented in the form of potent chemical cleaners. How to clean the toilet with chemicals:

Orthophosphoric acid. This tool will provide an opportunity not only to get rid of mineral deposits, but also to clean the toilet from rust, which often covers the parts of the drain and filling fittings inside the tank. In order to clean the drain barrel and the bowl of the toilet bowl, it is necessary to pour about 100-150 g of reagent into them, and after 10-15 minutes, rinse the surface of the product with running water. The main positive aspects of this drug is that it does not destroy rubber and plastic products.
Hydrochloric acid. It is necessary to work with it very carefully, before washing the plumbing with it, you must first protect not only the exposed skin, but also the respiratory tract. In order to dissolve lime deposits, it is enough to simply wipe them with this substance. In order to get rid of the urinary stone you need to pour half a glass of the product into the bowl and wait 10 minutes. Before using this reagent, it is necessary to make sure that no rubber or plastic compounds were used during connection of the toilet bowl, since their acid will dissolve as easily as plaque.
Chlorine. It is present in whiteness and is able to dissolve all organic compounds. Chlorine fumes can be harmful to health, because of this, this method is highly undesirable. Also, after chlorine has been used, rubber seals become less elastic and begin to leak water.
Abrasive preparations. Cleaning sanitary ceramics using powders is quite effective. But it is worth remembering that small granules are capable of leaving microscopic scratches on the floor of the toilet bowl, which will contribute to even larger mineral deposits.
With strong and abundant growths of lime deposits and urinary stone, you can use the liquid electrolyte used in automotive batteries. It is necessary to resort to its use only as a last resort, when the remaining funds do not give the desired result. It contains sulfuric acid, so it is recommended to secure yourself in advance before working with it.

Ideally, it is most effective to use special detergents for toilet bowls. Before you clean the toilet from urinary stone and other deposits, using these substances, carefully study the product label.

Very important! With caustic chemicals it is necessary to work only in rubber gloves! Do not neglect safety when using!

When choosing toilet cleaners, it is better to give preference to cream formulations and gels. Compared with powders and liquid products, they are simpler and more economical to use.

Regarding specific brands, based on user feedback, "Silit", "Toilet duckling", "Sanoks" and "Sanitary Gel", are able to get rid of any contamination. Domestos and Breffs do an excellent job with rust.

Universal means can be cleaned not only toilets, but also ceramic tiles: “Komet Universal”, “Santry”, “Sanitol”, “Sarma”, “Gel WC 5+” - are ideal means for daily care, sanitation and removal of deposits.
How to prevent the appearance of persistent pollution?

Many people know that it is much easier to prevent the appearance of pollution than to pick up the means to eliminate them. To prevent the spread of urinary stone and lime deposits, you need to use a few tips on how to prevent deposits in the toilet:

The drainage system must be adjusted so that water does not constantly flow from tank to bowl. This operation will not only prevent the occurrence of lime deposits, but also saves water.
There is no need to flush fat or other food debris into the toilet, since they can cause various tumors on the surface of the toilet bowl.
Take care of plumbing.
Regularly clean the surface of the toilet for prevention, do not allow it to be heavily soiled.
Constantly walk around the bowl after each use of the toilet, this will allow you to clean it of organic pollutants.
Use for the prevention of soapy substances that are mounted on the rim of the toilet bowl or added to the tank.
If you follow these recommendations, then you won’t have to ask how to remove plaque, rust or urinary stone from the toilet bowl.

Summing up, we note that when choosing a tool for cleaning the toilet, you should not often use potent substances, since they adversely affect the plumbing surface, leaving microdamages on it.

Once you get rid of mineral deposits, regularly resort to rehabilitation. If there is poor quality water, install house filters or use special pills that will help prevent the appearance of plaque in the cistern and toilet. With proper care, your plumbing will shine clean.
