Saturday, June 22, 2019

Fluidmaster 8300 Flush 'n Sparkle Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaning System, Bleach

Fluidmaster 8300 Flush 'n Sparkle Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaning System, Bleach

Fluidmaster 8300 Flush 'n Sparkle Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaning System, Bleach

Methods how to clean the urine stone toilet

The maintenance of the toilet room takes quite a lot of time and effort. Occasionally, rust stains of urinary stone may appear on the toilet. Without effective means it will be almost impossible to get rid of such a problem. What methods, how to clear a toilet bowl from an uric stone, exist?
Causes of urinary stone

There are several of them. It so happens that the stone appears because of the banal laziness of the owners to wash off after themselves. But this is not always the main reason. Even if the owners are especially clean - there is no guarantee that it will be possible to avoid the appearance of a raid. Here are the main reasons:

The appearance of microcracks on the glaze of the toilet. This happens if the surface is cleaned with metal wire wool, as well as due to the use of hard abrasive cleaners.
In microcracks accumulate lime deposits that appear with each flushing with hot water.
The water contains minerals. And, the more there will be flushes and water being flushed down the toilet, the greater the formation of urinary stone.
The other extreme is that the amount of water being washed is less than necessary.
Rare preventive cleaning.

how to clean the urine stone toilet
Disposal methods

There are several ways to clear the urinary stone, but folk methods are the least expensive. Choose a specific method of cleaning should be based on several factors: how strong the degree of contamination of the inner surface, and what the thickness of the plaque. You should not hope to clean the toilet to shine from the first attempt, but to achieve a good result after several regular cleanings is possible.

In no case is not recommended to try to get rid of plaque by scraping, with a knife or other sharp objects. From such merciless cleaning, the glaze will be damaged, and there will be even more problems. Most often, do without acid will not work. At the same time, you should wear rubber gloves, of sufficient density.
Folk remedies

Folk remedies are good and effective, and the undoubted additional advantage is their low price.

With the help of vinegar can be cleaned quite problematic and old urinary plaque. We take a metal saucepan, pour 0.5 liters of 9% vinegar into it, and heat well. Sprinkle the toilet from the inside with one glass of soda, and then pour the vinegar from the pot onto the walls. In this form, leave for the night. The next day, you should rub the problem areas with a sponge and wash the vinegar with water.
Citric acid

It is also effective, gives good results. We take a couple of tablespoons of acid, sprinkle the walls of the toilet bowl. Leave, as it is, all night. The next day, you should first wash off, then a brush to walk through the problem areas, again rinse. If you could not immediately achieve a positive result, then you can add soda to the acid. If the thickness of the urinary stone is of impressive size, then sachets of citric acid will be needed more.

what to clean the toilet

Such a way as to clean the toilet, suitable for less contaminated surfaces. Soda can not immediately take a fairly large thickness of the raid. It is applied just as simply: pour soda on the walls of the toilet bowl, wait a few hours or night. After washing and rubbing the problem areas with a brush.

We remove water from the toilet bowl to the end with the help of a plunger. Whitewash spill toilet and problem areas. Close the lid, put a rag on top to minimize harmful fumes. Waiting for the night. In the morning you should clean the dirt with a sponge, rinse. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
Household chemicals

When choosing a chemical cleaner should opt for those containing hydrochloric and formic acid. Below are some examples of household chemicals:

In "Silit" are quite strong acids, including hydrochloric. This cleaning is the most effective.
The main part of the means "Duckling active" - ​​hydrochloric acid. It helps to clean even the most old urinary deposits.
"Mr. Muscle" also provides a positive result. For several hours, the problem areas are filled up with granules, then they are simply washed away.

Preventive stone prevention measures

It is impossible that the water flowed without the need - this is one of the main causes of the stone.
Flush away with plenty of water.
Take care of regular toilet cleaning.
