Saturday, June 22, 2019

Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel Fresh, 2Count, 2.68 oz

Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel Fresh, 2Count, 2.68 oz

Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel Fresh, 2Count, 2.68 oz

How to clean the toilet from limescale (stone) and rust

The rules of hygiene and sanitation are the generally accepted norm, but the measure of their observance for each individual. At home, the question of how to clean the toilet is quite relevant. The methods and means used for this purpose depend on the condition, period of operation and degree of contamination of the toilet bowl itself.

The most common problem in this aspect is the formation of a urinary stone . However, before proceeding to the specific methods of removal, you should be familiar with the reasons for its occurrence on the surface of the plumbing.

First of all, lime deposits contribute to the formation of stone. Their presence is inevitable where water is taken from artesian wells or river intakes. If you look, it's everywhere. With regular use of the toilet urine is only a concomitant factor in the process of "growth" of the stone.
Limestone (plaque) in the toilet - the causes of education?

A certain amount of water contains a fixed amount of dissolved minerals. The amount of precipitated lime is directly proportional to the amount of water passing through it. And such a trivial matter, as an unregulated cistern, favors even more flow of water than when using the toilet for the intended purpose.
Plumbing with a porous and rough surface is more prone to the formation of deposits. Dirt less going where, respectively, less irregularities. This pattern applies to lime and urinary stone, rust.

When buying a toilet bowl should be considered: in glazed models of sanitary ware a smoother surface. This means that the need for cleaning will appear less frequently.

Porcelain can be said to be ideal, since it has an even smoother surface, which naturally affects the price.

Preventive measures to prevent the formation of urinary stone and rust

Plaque with a concomitant unpleasant smell is the result of a rare cleaning. What can be done without buying expensive tools that can easily clean the toilet?

Eliminate the leakage of water from the toilet bowl. To prevent the tank from overflowing, it is sometimes enough to adjust the float. In some cases, repair or complete replacement of valves.
To purchase special pills for the drain tank, which prevent the formation of deposits and help to partially dissolve the existing plaque.
At least once a week you need to handle the toilet cleaner. It is not difficult to apply it to the surface, and after a while just wash it off.

We should not forget about preventive measures, since no single tool can clean the toilet from stone and rust of a centimeter thickness in a few minutes. If this problem is present - the urinary stone has grown over the years of use - go to the store!
Video to combat plaque and rust toilets

Modern household chemicals to help

Abrasive Scouring Powders

For example, the famous tool "Pemolyuks." The principle of its application is simple: put on gloves, scoop out water from the toilet bowl, evenly distribute the powdered product and rub it with a rag until a snow-white surface appears.

Lesson tedious and unpleasant. The disadvantage is that the inner surface of the toilet after cleaning will become rough, because the abrasive leaves microscratches on the glaze or faience, which, in turn, contribute to a more rapid accumulation of dirt.

Alkaline cleaners

The available domestic representative of this group of products is “Whiteness”, the more expensive is the imported “Domestos”. The basis of such funds is usually used caustic soda solution. He is able to dissolve the urinary stone, and the remnants of sediment are easily removed with a brush and water.

How to clean the toilet with alkali? Siphon water from the toilet bowl, apply the solution to the pollution, wash it off after half an hour. If necessary, the procedure can be performed several times, and “Whiteness” (due to its affordable cost) can be poured in place of water.

If the tank even leaks slightly - it is necessary to cut off the water supply to it before cleaning, rinse and wait until it leaves without residue, otherwise the alkali will quickly wash off, without having to dissolve part of the sediment.

Acid cleaning products.

For example, "Silite". The principle of its action and method of use is similar to alkaline cleaners.

Folk remedies

Long before entering the sale of imported household chemicals, people knew how to clean the toilet from the raid using improvised means. It was enough to get a concentrated solution of any acid.

Oxalic acid is dry . It is used in the chemical industry, with the aim of etching surfaces before the direct application of enamels. A certain amount of this substance will fully cope with the removal of urinary stone in the toilet. To do this, apply acid to a damp cloth (gloves must be worn) and wipe contamination or dissolve a fair amount of acid directly in the toilet. After applying the tool is washed off, and the surface is cleaned with a brush.

Electrolyte for batteries . Also an acid. Apply and wash off after 15 minutes (can be repeated if necessary).

Citric acid and soda

Acetic essence . Before its application should drain the surface of the toilet. The sharp smell of vinegar is unpleasant, so it is better not to inhale the fumes.
Coca-Cola or Sprite . This popular "recipe" appeared not so long ago. One or two bottles of drink are poured into the toilet. Citric acid, which it contains, relatively quickly eats deposits.

Conclusion - it is easy to clean the toilet, if you do it regularly. The longer you do not take preventive measures, the more difficult it will be to remove stone deposits. But, judging by the number of cleaning products, this will be possible.
