Saturday, June 22, 2019

Scrubbing Bubbles Vanish Continuous Clean Toilet Bowl Drop-Ins, Box of 5 Blue Discs (2-Pack, 10 Discs Total)

Scrubbing Bubbles Vanish Continuous Clean Toilet Bowl Drop-Ins, Box of 5 Blue Discs (2-Pack, 10 Discs Total)

Scrubbing Bubbles Vanish Continuous Clean Toilet Bowl Drop-Ins, Box of 5 Blue Discs (2-Pack, 10 Discs Total)

How to clean the toilet from urinary stone at home

It's nice when the plumbing in the house shines clean, and according to the rules of hygiene, just a good tone, there should be a sterile environment in the bathroom. But sometimes the toilet is covered with brown bloom, and then the question arises: how to clean the toilet from urinary stone at home and return it to perfect whiteness? In the article we will tell why plaque and rust are formed in the tank and on the toilet, and what means to use to combat pollution.

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Why is a raid?

To understand how to solve the problem, which drugs to use, you must first find out the type of pollution, the reason for its occurrence.

The main enemies of white toilet:

Urinary stone

Let's get to know the enemies closer.

Urinary stone

The most important enemy that is very difficult to get rid of is the urinary stone. Usually it accumulates in the bottom of the toilet - where there is always water. The urinary stone consists of complex mineral salts that enter the toilet along with urine. The problem with brown deposits occurs in families where households often forget to flush with them or, if the toilet itself is rarely subjected to preventive treatment.

Sediating on the walls of plumbing, salt deposits turn into a rather thick layer of brown color. Due to such deposits, the diameter of the drain may even decrease. Therefore, ideally, it is necessary to fight the urinary stone as it is formed, and not to wait until it becomes “impenetrable”, because then, conventional chemical agents will not cope with it.

The appearance of rusty drips associated with the quality of water, the state of the metal parts of the pipe, the drain tank. The quality of water entering the drain can also be affected by old rusty plumbing plumbing pipes. In addition, if the rubber pads do not completely block the drain, and the metal parts used are of poor quality, then the rust formed on them will flow by gravity from the tank into the toilet and form an unaesthetic rusty strip.

Such a pollutant is less common, as it is found in homes with increased hardness of water containing calcium salts. The higher the water hardness, the faster the plaque will form. Calcium salts, over time, settle in the tank and on the toilet, and on top, on a lime scale, other contaminants quickly form. To get rid of the limescale helps funds containing an acid in its base.

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How to avoid serious pollution?

With different types of pollution easier to cope at the stage of appearance. In order not to look for, than to clean the toilet from rust and plaque with your own hands, follow simple preventive measures:

Eliminate leaks from the toilet bowl. Sometimes it is enough to adjust the float and the toilet will not overflow, and rust will not settle on its walls.
Get pills for the cistern. Preparations, albeit slowly, but still prevent the deposition of salts. In addition, the pills give the water a pleasant smell, color, help dissolve the already formed plaque.
To improve water quality, use different filters.
Ensure that no mechanical damage is formed on the surface of the toilet bowl. Porous, rough surface accelerates the formation of deposits. Do not use metal brushes or products with coarse abrasives for washing the toilet bowl or tank. In addition, hot water cannot be poured into the toilet, since microcracks are formed on the plumbing surface with such an impact.
Do not forget to clean the plumbing, at least once a week. Apply detergent, wipe with a brush after half an hour and rinse.

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How to clean the toilet to white at home?

Before solving the problem of how to clean the urinary stone toilet at home, decide whether it is worth the effort that you expect to spend on cleaning plumbing. If it is quite old, it is easier to buy a new one, especially if the thicket has already served its place in the past millennium.

If the ceramic “participant in the process” is dear to you as a memory or it is not possible to purchase a new one, then get down to business and buy a toilet cleaner with your own hands in the store. As in all cases, methods for solving any problem are divided into benign and radical. We will acquaint you with household chemicals that will help remove the urinary stone in the toilet.
What can household chemicals offer?

The industry offers a huge amount of solutions and powders. All drugs can be divided into four main groups, each of which acts in its own way and in one way or another allows to clean the toilet bowl from urinary stone at home.
Abrasive Scouring Powders

An example of such a means might be “Pemolux”. The principle of cleaning is quite simple. Your actions:

Wear rubber gloves.
Scoop out all the water from the cistern and toilet bowl.
Pour the product onto the plumbing surface.
Using a soft sponge or cloth, scrub the dirt until a white surface appears.

Important! With frequent use of powder on the surface of the plumbing may appear micro-scratches, and the surface will become rough. Therefore, give preference to gels and cream formulations. In addition, they are more economical and easy to use.

Alkaline agents

Liquid preparations contain caustic soda. They dissolve the urinary stone and relieve the plumbing surface from contamination. Preparations are well disinfected, do not damage the plumbing coating. Alkaline preparations perfectly dissolve fats, which allows to remove blockages of organic origin.

To clean the toilet using alkali, proceed as follows:

Siphon water from the toilet and cistern.
Apply the product to the plumbing surface.
Leave the bathroom for half an hour.
Wash away all residues of plaque with water.
Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Important! Consider that such products have a rather pungent and peculiar odor, and also do not have the best effect on the skin. Therefore, be sure to use protective equipment - gloves, mask, goggles. Otherwise, you will be able to clean the urine stone toilet at home, but in return you will get health problems.

Chlorine based products

Suitable for daily care, perfectly cleaned, disinfected, do not corrode the coating, do not form microcracks. Commercially available as a concentrated solution and powder.

Drugs perfectly remove odors, but after themselves leave the smell of chlorine.

Important! The most popular tool with such compositions is the familiar “Whiteness”, it will be inexpensive, which is an undoubted advantage.

Acid Cleaners

These chemicals will defeat the oldest sediments of urinary stone and rust. Apply them in the same way as alkaline agents. However, it is often not recommended to use acidic preparations, since they contain aggressive substances: oxalic, hydrochloric, formic, orthophosphoric acids, and their mixtures, which are capable of corroding the coating to some extent. Yes, and a couple of acids are very bad for human health.

As an example, the leaders of the group of acidic funds are “Sillit”, “Domestos”. Available in convenient plastic bottles. Curved spout capacity allows you to apply the product directly under the rim of the toilet bowl.

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How to whiten the toilet at home folk remedies?

Our mothers and grandmothers had to deal with the problem of hygiene in the bathroom long before the appearance of special household chemicals. Our ancestors knew how at home to clean the toilet from urinary stone with improvised means.

We offer you to use their recipes:

Heat a glass of 9% vinegar to 40 degrees and pour into the empty toilet bowl for several hours. This method is able to remove a significant portion of stone and limescale. To enhance the effect, add a little iodine, salt or soda (1 tbsp of soda per cup of vinegar). Perform all cleaning procedures in the evening to leave the solution overnight. The urinary stone will become soft, pliable, respectively - it can be easily removed.
Solve the problem and acetic essence with a concentration of 70%. From the toilet pump out all the water, the formed void, fill it with essence. Leave the plumbing for 1.5-2 hours. To enhance the effect, add a solution of iodine to vinegar, in a ratio of 1: 1. After the cleaning procedure, wipe the surface with a brush.
Citric acid is a worthy alternative to vinegar. Two or three tablespoons of acid poured into an empty toilet and tank. Leave for a few hours. Clean with a brush and rinse. Repeat the procedure several times until you have completely cleared the urine stone toilet.
Soda can not only enhance the action of acetic acid, but also perfectly copes with pollution. At night, put a whole pack of soda down the toilet and leave it until morning. When you wake up, clean the plumbing surface with a brush with a brush and wash away any residual dirt.
"Coca Cola". This popular recipe was born recently. Fill a dry toilet bowl with 1-1.5 liters of liquid and leave overnight. Soda water quickly corrode deposits.

Apply “heavy artillery”

If all the attempts made did not produce the expected effect, then use tough measures to clean the urinary stone toilet:

Dry oxalic acid. This tool is used in the chemical industry. Apply acid to etch the surface before applying enamel. Sold in powder form. Apply the product on a piece of cloth and wipe the coating. You can also use another method: dissolve a fair amount of product right in the toilet. After application, wash off the acid and clean the surface with a brush. Remember that when using acid, you must adhere to safety measures.
Hydrochloric acid. The tool is sold in plumbing stores. Use acid to clean water heaters in columns and gas boilers. Pour the liquid into the toilet, and after 0.5-1 hour rinse. Disadvantage: can not be used if the sewer pipes are made of plastic.
Monochloride iodine. Liquid can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies. Pour all contaminated areas with solution and immediately rinse with water. Liquid remedy perfectly removes all types of stone, and limescale and rust corrodes within a few minutes. Disadvantage: can not be used in homes with cast iron sewer pipes. In addition, iodine monochloride is aggressive to aluminum.
Electrolyte for acid batteries. The tool will get rid of all hard-to-remove unwanted deposits quickly and efficiently. Apply electrolyte for half an hour and hour and rinse with water. Disadvantage: it is necessary to use very carefully with the use of protective equipment, you can not use in houses and apartments with plastic pipes.

Important! When working with chemicals, use rubber gloves, a protective coat and a respirator. Do not close the door to the toilet during processing. After cleaning, thoroughly rinse the plumbing and ventilate the room well.

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Useful tips:

Do not use potent agents too often, as they damage the coating and leave microdamages on the surface. Once, having strictly removed the urinary stone and lime deposits, regularly carry out preventive measures with the use of more gentle cleaners.
Before carrying out the cleaning work, be sure to dry the toilet bowl. Drain the water with a plastic container, and remove the remaining moisture with a cloth.
In addition to preventive cleaning and sediment control, be sure to adjust the water supply to the tank. Excess water for flushing is not only economically unprofitable, but is also one of the reasons for the appearance of lime scale. The easiest way to reduce the amount of water supplied is to place 1-2 plastic containers with water in the tank. Savings: 2-3 liters with each use. In the case of purchasing new plumbing, choose a tank with a double button and the function of economical use of water.

When answering the question of how to clean the toilet, the choice of means and methods is always left to the user, because it is necessary to take into account not only the features of the sanitary device, but also the type of material, the degree of pollution and the presence of microcracks and damage. If deposits have appeared recently, then you should not resort to radical methods - start with popular, proven means, because you can clean the toilet with vinegar, if its smell does not irritate you. We hope that the information obtained will help you keep the plumbing in perfect cleanliness.
