Saturday, June 22, 2019

Lysol No Mess Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Ocean Fresh Scent, 8 Count

Lysol No Mess Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Ocean Fresh Scent, 8 Count

Lysol No Mess Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Ocean Fresh Scent, 8 Count

How to clean the toilet: from limescale, urinary stone

Even with the most careful use, the toilet still loses its whiteness over time. How to clean the toilet from urinary stone, rust, lime and other contaminants - all this in our article. What you need to pay attention when cleaning and what means to use to avoid large expenses.

What to look for

Of course, the toilet is a place that can hardly be called the "face" of the apartment. And yet, those who are visiting you quite often, judge your household and cleanliness precisely as a toilet. Yes, and you yourself, you see, is always nicer to use clean plumbing, rather than a toilet, overgrown with yellow bloom.

Another thing is that to achieve whiteness and beauty can be difficult. Few people like to clean up in a place like a toilet, and lime and urinary deposits on the walls, unfortunately, keep very firmly, and to eliminate them, you have to spend a lot of energy.
What do you need to pay attention to when cleaning the toilet so that regular cleaning does not turn into hard work?
The first problematic place of the toilet bowl is the area under the sides of the bowl, where most of the microbes accumulate, lime build-up accumulates, urinary stone is deposited, and over time it all spreads lower and lower in the bowl.
Therefore, when cleaning the toilet, special attention should be paid to this particular area. It is necessary to wipe it as thoroughly as possible with a sponge with a cleaning agent, and, if necessary, clean it with a brush to remove any existing deposits.

The second problematic place of the toilet bowl is the area where the water flows. Everyone at least once saw a toilet, which is quite clean by itself, the appearance of which nevertheless spoils the yellow stripe, which descends from the drain hole in the cistern to the “step”. Modern toilets, where there are no “steps” and the water washes the entire bowl, also suffer from this problem. The fact is that thin streams still flow down the same places on the walls - and over time they begin to leave rusty strips.
So that all this does not have to be cleared away, it is better, without waiting for the appearance of such strips, to especially carefully wipe the walls in these places, not leaving rust even a chance.
Finally, separate attention must be paid to the seat and sides of the toilet bowl. If on the outside of the seat you notice dirt easily, then on the reverse side the bloom can accumulate for a long time and unnoticed. At each wash, the back side of the seat should be thoroughly rinsed - not necessarily with a cleaning agent, you can simply sponge it.

And of course, do not forget to wash the toilet from the outside. This area is less susceptible to contamination, but dust, splashes and household dirt are still deposited on the sides (as on the tank and on the lid).
How to wash the toilet?
Washing the toilet - it is not too pleasant, but at first glance, it seems, quite simple. Especially if you know what to pay attention to. However, in fact there are still a few rules regarding the cleaning process - neglecting them, many complicate their lives, and they simply cannot wash the toilet properly.

First, you can really clean the toilet well only with the use of special tools. It is not enough to simply wipe its walls with a brush or brush and flush the water - this will not remove the inevitable deposits. There are quite a few tools for cleaning the toilet bowl - Domestos, Komet, Silit and other well-known powders and gels. To save a lot of people use the available tools - soda, vinegar, whiteness. What to choose - you decide, focus on your convenience and finances.

Secondly, cleaning the toilet bowl must certainly be carried out with rubber gloves. And the point, of course, is not only that it is unpleasant to touch all sorts of deposits with bare hands. Toilet bowl cleaners, household or chemical, are always quite poisonous and affect not only dirt, but also skin, eating away at it.
Therefore, gloves are needed for your safety - they must be tight and long, so that detergent does not exactly fall on your hands. Pay attention also to the sponge, which you will clean the toilet - it is necessary that on the one hand it was hard, abrasive, because a soft surface is unlikely to achieve a good result.
It is the best of all to fill in a cleaner not on a sponge or "step" of a toilet bowl, namely on its circle under a rim. Most cleaning products even have a special cover geometry that makes it easy to dispense.
Many people, pouring cleanser into the toilet, make a mistake, immediately starting to wash it. This is wrong - in order for a chemical or household remedy to work as it should and had time to thoroughly eat up the accumulated deposits, you should close the treated toilet with a lid and leave for 15-20 minutes just to stand - and then proceed to its immediate cleaning.

By the way, the restroom is a rather cramped space, especially when it comes to a separate bathroom. Therefore, when cleaning the toilet, it is important to ensure proper ventilation of the room. After all, you will have to lean over the cistern and inhale harmful vapors. If this cannot be avoided altogether, then it is necessary to at least reduce their concentration in the air to the maximum.
Do not lean over the tank too low - otherwise you may accidentally splash on your face and get into your eyes.
After you filled the toilet with a cleaning agent, waited, and then thoroughly cleaned the entire surface with a sponge or brush, you can drain the water. At the same time, continue to rub the walls to completely remove the cleaning agent.

At last, the lid and outer sides are traditionally handled - just with a wet sponge, since it is not a question of heavy pollution.
How to clean the toilet from complex dirt
We have listed the main points that need to be paid attention to and the procedure for cleaning the toilet bowl. But what if, for some reason, the toilet is already heavily covered with limescale, urinary stone and rust? Is it possible to somehow eliminate them, or the only way out is to buy a new toilet?
Eliminate ugly plaque in most cases still possible. And even if the toilet does not become “as good as new,” it will still be noticeably cleaner.
It is best to deal with sediment strong acids and alkalis. Thus, for the fight, you can choose a particularly strong tool, in which it is written that it is intended for heavy pollution - for example, Schumanit.

And you can use the household tools. Especially popular are citric acid, ordinary vinegar or soda.
By the principle of action, they work in approximately the same way - the tool is poured or poured into the toilet and left there for several hours (therefore it is advisable to fill the toilet overnight and close the lid). The difference is mainly in the dosage:
if you are using soda, then you need to pour a whole pack into the toilet;
in the case of a bite, there will be enough glass - but it is advisable to warm up the liquid slightly before this and add soda or iodine (spoon) to it;
Citric acid is poured in the amount of 4 - 5 bags.
The whiteness, which is generally very widely used in the household, also helps to cope with the patina.
To remove weak and medium contamination, cleaners simply enough to thoroughly rinse with water, before wiping with a sponge. Strong deposits will have to be fought with a brush.
What to do to the toilet soiled less?
Of course, the best way to keep the toilet clean is prevention. How to create conditions in which plaque and rust will not spread along the walls at all?
First of all, you need to wash the toilet regularly - at least once a week. Then all the sediments that begin to accumulate simply do not have time to go into a serious stage.
In addition, it is necessary to use the toilet carefully at all - that is, to monitor its cleanliness during use, not to forget about the brush.

If rusty smudges constantly appear on the toilet, this is not normal. You need to look into the toilet cistern and try to adjust the drain - once a yellow stripe appeared on the wall, it means that the water continues to flow imperceptibly even in an unused condition.
And finally, to avoid the appearance of urinary plaque, special balls and capsules for the toilet bowl are used, as well as special tablets that dissolve in the tank. Toilet blocks are hung on the rim, with each flush they doused with water, and thus, the toilet is immediately treated with a disinfecting and cleaning agent. In addition, such products also have a pleasant smell - that is, they will additionally deodorize the room.
