Saturday, June 22, 2019

Clorox Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablet - 3.5 Ounce, 6 Pack

Clorox Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablet - 3.5 Ounce, 6 Pack

Clorox Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablet - 3.5 Ounce, 6 Pack

How to clean the toilet from lime and urinary stone at home?

During operation, no matter how accurately its rules are observed, the inner surface of the toilet bowl is covered with bloom, which is based on mineral salts. Accumulating on the surface, such a bloom, whose color varies from light yellow to dark brown, not only spoils the appearance of the entire device, but also causes an unpleasant smell to spread. In addition, if you do not take any measures to clean the toilet from limescale, then, having grown, it can cause a decrease in the lumen of the drain of the device, which will lead to a deterioration in its performance.
Getting rid of plaque on the inner surfaces of the toilet bowl, for which you can use both special compositions and proven folk remedies, does not take much time and effort in those cases, if you do it immediately after its detection, without taking the situation to extremes.

Causes of sediment
Stone in the toilet, as it is often called, appears as a result of the deposition of minerals on its walls contained in the composition of any, even filtered water. Even if the toilet is cleared of mineral deposits, they will reappear with time, and such a process will be more intense the more often the surface of the device will be in contact with water from the drain tank. The most common reasons for the active formation of plaque on the inner walls of the toilet bowl are:

Leaking drain tank, from which water is constantly poured on the toilet wall. In such cases, plaque on the surface of the device is formed in the form of unsightly brown strips running from the point of water leaving the cistern to the toilet drain hole.
On the inner surface of the sanitary device there are microcracks and roughness, on which mineral deposits accumulate.
The toilet is often used to drain food into it. Contacts of the toilet bowl surface with hot food residues are especially undesirable, since cracks may form on such a temperature effect.
Thus, in order to spend time as little as possible on the cardinal cleaning of the toilet bowl from mineral deposits on its walls, it is sufficient to regularly maintain the cleanliness of such a device and monitor its technical condition, as well as follow the rules for operating such devices.
Cleaning with improvised and folk remedies
Clean the toilet from limescale, especially if its internal surface is not heavily polluted by it, you can use improvised means. The use of such means, some of which are able to cope even with old sediments, allows not only to save money on the acquisition of fairly expensive special compositions, but also to ensure the maintenance of the toilet bowl in proper hygienic condition.
Lemon acid
Such an inexpensive and widely available remedy, like citric acid, can be used both for cleaning limescale and urinary stone from the inner surface of the toilet bowl, as well as for removing mineral deposits from the walls of the drain tank. The process of cleaning the elements of the sanitary device using this tool is as follows:

All water is removed from the toilet bowl and its drain hole.
The surfaces on which there are mineral deposits are moistened with a wet cloth, after which citric acid powder is poured onto them. It is also necessary to pour lemongrass into the drain hole of the device, since there is necessarily a lime scale on its walls.
After half an hour, all cleaned surfaces are treated with a brush, and then thoroughly washed with clean water.
Acetic acid
With the help of table vinegar, which is based on acid, it is possible to remove limescale and rust from the surface of the toilet bowl, urinal, and sink. Since the acid content in such a tool is low, it can even be used to take care of sanitary devices connected to the sewage system through plastic pipes.
To clean the plumbing with table vinegar, proceed as follows:
All the water in them is removed from the drain holes of the sanitary devices, and their cleaned surfaces are wiped dry. To free the drain holes from the water, in such cases, you can use a plastic cup or rag.
Contaminated surfaces that need to be cleaned are wiped with a cloth moistened with vinegar.
The toilet lid is closed and left in this state for 5-6 hours. It is best to leave the toilet-treated toilet overnight so that all the mineral deposits present on its inner surface can dissolve better.
After the above time, the cleaned surfaces of the device are treated with a brush, and then washed with water several times.
Oxalic acid
One of the most popular tools used for cleaning plumbing from lime and urinary stone is oxalic acid, which is inexpensive and is sold in many hardware stores. The algorithm for applying such an agent, which is a white crystalline powder, is as follows:

The walls of the device to be cleaned are moistened with a wet cloth, after which oxalic acid powder is applied to them, for which you can also use a cloth. If you also need to clean the walls of the drain hole from limescale and urinary stone, then the acid is poured into it.
After 15-20 minutes, the places of pollution are treated with a brush, after which they are washed several times with water, blowing it out of the device’s drain cistern.
You can repeat the procedure described above several times if the contamination on the walls of the plumbing fixture is too large and is not removed after a single application of oxalic acid.
Baking soda
To help get rid of plaque on the walls of the toilet, if it is not very old, can the usual baking soda. When used as a cleansing agent, soda is poured onto the pre-moistened places of dirt, wait for a while, and then the surface is treated with a brush and washed several times with water from a drain tank. In order to make the result of using soda as a cleansing agent more impressive, it can be used together with vinegar, which is done as follows:
Vinegar, using lockable dishes, heated to a temperature of 500, then add soda to it.
The resulting solution is poured into contaminated places and left on them for some time.
The surface to be cleaned is treated with a brush, and then washed with water. After performing this procedure, the surface of the toilet can be further cleaned with clean soda to fix the result.
Coca Cola
Remarkably, such popular beverages as Coca-Cola, Sprite and Fanta can also be used to clean toilet walls from limescale and rust. Such properties of these drinks are explained by the fact that they contain citric acid, which acts as a decomposition on such contaminants.

The process of cleaning plumbing using popular carbonated drinks is as follows:
2-3 bottles of aerated drink containing citric acid are poured into the toilet bowl that was previously freed of water. Pour a drink should also be the walls of the device and the space under its rim.
After waiting for 2-3 hours, the surface to be cleaned is treated with a brush, then washed with clean water.
Chemistry on guard of purity
Today there is a large variety of chemical products on sale, with which you can effectively remove mineral deposits from the surface of sanitary devices. Among themselves, such tools differ in both chemical composition and application features, which must be considered when choosing them.
Orthophosphoric acid
Phosphoric acid, which is mainly sold in automotive stores, copes well with the removal of lime and urinary stone, but it does not adversely affect the rubber and plastic elements of sanitary devices and sewer systems.
To perform cleaning with orthophosphoric acid, it is treated with contaminated places, then close the lid of the toilet bowl, wait about 15 minutes, then wash the cleaned surface with plenty of water from the drain tank.
To enhance the effect of the use of this tool, particularly contaminated places can be further treated with a brush.
Hydrochloric acid
Apply hydrochloric acid, which is a powerful cleaning agent, it makes sense in cases where mineral deposits on the walls of the toilet and in its drain hole are long-standing in nature. You can not use this tool in cases where the toilet is connected to the sewer system through plastic pipes and fittings, which from the interaction with such a strong acid can simply become useless.

To clean the toilet bowl with hydrochloric acid, it must be mixed with water in equal proportions, pour the resulting solution into the bowl of the device to be cleaned and its drain hole, wait 10 minutes, then wash the plumbing with a large amount of clean water.
Bleaching powder is one of the most traditional means by which you can not only clean the plumbing device from the old raid on its surfaces, but also effectively disinfect it, destroying most of the harmful organisms. Cleaning plumbing using this tool is performed in the following sequence:
a package of chlorine is poured into the bowl of the device and left in it for the night;
The cleaned surface is treated with a brush and washed with plenty of clean water.
Cleaning powders and pastes
The most popular powder products specifically designed for cleaning toilet bowls and other plumbing devices are Pemolux and Komet. Such means are most effective in dry form, therefore, before using them, the plumbing device must be wiped dry and all the water must be removed from its inside.
After the completion of the preparatory procedures, the powder is poured onto the contaminated surface, it is kept on it for some time, after which, using a brush, a stiff brush or a sponge, they begin to perform the cleaning process itself. After cleaning, the plumbing surface should be washed with plenty of clean water.

For cleaning toilet bowls from limescale, you can use special pastes, which, in addition to the active substance, corrodes mineral deposits, include abrasive particles. The principle of using such pastes is quite simple: they are applied to the contaminated surface with a sponge, wait for some time, and then begin cleaning, practically rubbing off the surface of the device mechanically.
Liquids and gels
The efficiency of using special fluids and gels for cleaning toilet bowls is explained by the fact that chlorine (Domestos, Whiteness, etc.) or acid (Toilet Duckling, Bref, etc.) form the basis of the majority of such products. Gels are more effective and convenient in use, because at the expense of their thick consistency, they flow more slowly along the walls of the toilet bowl to be cleaned, respectively, affect the surface longer, dissolving the impurities present on it.
Both liquid and gel cleansing agents use the same principle, which is as follows:
means put on the polluted surface;
give it time to dissolve lime;
scrub residues with a brush or a hard sponge;
perform a thorough flushing of the device.
Most of the above listed chemical cleaners are highly toxic, so when using them you should take care to protect the skin, eyes and respiratory system.
Preventive control measures
Not to be in situations where the surface of the toilet bowl needs to be cleaned of mineral deposits, or to be in them as rarely as possible, can help preventive measures to combat such pollution, which are as follows:
Regular, performed at intervals of at least once every two weeks, cleaning the device with the use of gentle means - special liquids and gels. The frequency with which it is necessary to perform such a procedure is determined by the number of regular users of this sanitary device.
At each sink, if there is a need for this, you should use a brush to clean the surface of the device from the impurities formed on it.
Do not allow leakage of the tank, timely carry out its repair and adjustment.
Use special tablets placed in the drain tank of the device, and gel blocks, fixed under its rim.
