Saturday, June 22, 2019

Optimal 12 Count Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablets, Bleach & Blue (3 Packs)

Optimal 12 Count Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablets, Bleach & Blue (3 Packs)

Optimal 12 Count Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablets, Bleach & Blue (3 Packs)

How to clean the toilet from lime?

The toilet provides a comfortable life in any apartment, but if it is used for a long time, a lime deposit may occur on it. He does not appear in one day. The raid does not harm human health, but will look very ugly. It is necessary to understand in detail how to clean the toilet from limescale, using methods available to all.

Even if you often flush the water in the toilet, there may appear limescale. The main reason is organic chemistry. If the surface is rough, the deposit there accumulates quickly enough. Of course, urea remains, but there are fewer such traces. It is from the flowing water that lime comes to the surface, which interacts with the urine and as a result remains inside as a bloom.

If people often flush behind themselves after using the toilet, a lot of water passes through the toilet and pollution appears very quickly. The situation is complicated in cases where there are problems with the cistern. Water flows constantly, which leads to a strong plaque. Of course, the liquid is filtered, because it gets into the tank from the faucet. However, lime has very small components that penetrate through the filters without any problems. These components are so small that they cannot be seen, but they can accumulate and create problems.
Fundamental rules

To clean the plumbing was as efficient as possible, you should consider certain rules. Otherwise, you can even damage the surface or damage your health. The rules are as follows:

remove all water from the toilet bowl beforehand. It can be drawn using a disposable plastic glass. Then drain the bottom with a rag;
since many detergents are dangerous to mucous membranes, it is recommended to use a respirator and goggles;
plumbing should be cleaned with rubber gloves. Thanks to them, the skin of your hands will be protected from aggressive detergents. Of course, hygiene is also important, because the toilet is far from the cleanest place in the house;

after applying liquid products to the surface, you need to leave them for some time (to find out exactly how long you have to wait, carefully read the instructions);
After preparing the plumbing, use the selected tool. Just pouring the powder on the surface will not be enough. It is recommended to use a stiff brush or brush (however, the cleaning tool should not be made of metal, otherwise you may damage the enamel).

It is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface, especially those places where there is too much of a raid. If necessary, add more powder in the process. When finished cleaning, flush water several times.

What to buy?

To effectively clean the plumbing, prepare the following:

brush, brush;
powder, cleaning gel;
rubber gloves;
fairly tough sponge;
eye protection goggles, respirator.


You can wipe off old traces using the following tools:

hydrochloric acid;
citric acid, acetic acid;
baking soda;
special means.

You can prepare a mixture of the following ingredients:

pharmacy iodine;
baking soda;
apple, nine percent table vinegar.


Take vinegar (200 ml) and heat it to 50 degrees. To do this, use a closed container. Add also iodine and baking soda. Completely empty the toilet from the liquid and pour the mixture there. Then you need to close it and wait about 12 hours (some leave so the plumbing for the night). Then clean the plumbing using a brush and rinse the surface with water. If there are a lot of traces, repeat the procedure.

It is also possible to apply pure vinegar to the surface . Immediately rub the treated area using a brush on a long handle or a brush.

If limescale appeared long ago, to wash it, you can use the electrolyte. It contains acid, characterized by increased concentration. During work with this tool, you must use gloves, respirator, goggles. It should be very careful to pour the liquid into the toilet, so as not to splash. The tool should be on the plumbing from half an hour to an hour, not longer (the period depends on how many traces on the surface).

This tool can only be used if the pipes are made of steel. If they are plastic, you need to choose another cleaning method.

Lemon acid

To remove traces from the plumbing, clean the surface with citric acid. Enough two small packages. The same amount of money needed for a tank of water. Make sure that the liquid is not poured into the bowl of the toilet bowl.
Carbonated drinks

Today, many remove limescale by using carbonated beverages. Pour three liters of such liquid into the toilet and wait a few hours. After adding detergent, take a brush and rub the surface.
Iodine monochloride

Almost any sediment in the toilet can be removed at home using iodine monochloride. Such a solution can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. It is necessary to apply the product to the surface and after a while wash it with water.

This option is not suitable for sewer pipes made of aluminum or cast iron.

Household chemicals

At present, a variety of cleaning products are available to consumers: liquids, gels, creams, powders. They differ from each other in the main components. The following options are possible:


Chlorine products are usually used for regular cleaning. With their help, you can disinfect and wash the plumbing equipment all the time - and not be afraid that it will deteriorate. The main disadvantage of chlorine products is an unpleasant smell, but it disappears rather quickly.

Acids can be used to remove traces that are already quite old.

Means consist of potent acids: oxalic, phosphoric, hydrochloric, formic. They should not be used too often. It is recommended not to forget about caution.

If you constantly clean plumbing with acids, the surface may deteriorate: they erode faience and ceramics. If you are going to use powder, be sure to read the instructions for use.

Oxalic acid powder can be used in one of two ways. You can mix the powder with water, pour it out and close the lid. Wait for about an hour and rinse the surface with water, get rid of any residue of the bloom with a brush. Another option is to slightly moisten a soft cloth, pour powder on it and treat the plumbing.

You can use hydrochloric acid and not oxalic acid. Having completely removed the water, pour the acid into the bowl. Close the toilet and wait 15 minutes, then rinse the surface with running water. For plastic pipes, this option is not suitable, and for steel it is possible to use one of the above acids.

Liquid alkaline solutions can be used without fear that the plumbing will be damaged. With their help, various contaminants are removed from the surface and they are disinfected. Alkaline means very well remove organic fats that clog sewer pipes, plumbing.

Powder products help to cope with dry contaminations very well. If you are going to use them, carefully drain the drain pipe and bowl. Pre-read the instructions. For application you can use a brush or a hard sponge. It is better not to use metal products, otherwise the surface may be deformed.

Special gels and creams appeared not very long ago, but quickly became very popular. Such means allow to achieve very good results - and at the same time they are soft, do not damage the surface. It is easy to use them, you only need to take into account the recommendations that are listed in the instructions. Gels and creams can be designed for certain actions (combating certain impurities, regular cleaning) or universal.

Immediately understand that it is better to choose for cleaning plumbing in a particular case, it does not always work. To determine the most appropriate option, you need to use different gels, creams, powders or improvised means. So, you can compare the results and choose the best option.
Prevent re-occurrence

Of course, it is always better to prevent the occurrence of a problem than to deal with it. If you want to avoid limescale, do not forget about the following recommendations:

put wet wipes close to the toilet, it is very convenient to clean the outside part and the seat with their help. However, they should not be flushed away, otherwise you may encounter such a problem as blockage;
You can purchase effective tools or special pills, with which you can easily and quickly remove traces. They will get rid of lime and prevent the appearance of new layers;
repair the tank in time, so you will save on water and prevent the appearance of unsightly traces;
if necessary, remember to use a brush;
use a special non-aggressive means to clean the surface; exercise it every week, at least. The frequency depends on the number of people living in the apartment.

Clean the toilet from urinary stone and lime scale regularly. So, you not only can prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant odor in the room, but also achieve a neat appearance of plumbing. Regular meticulous processing of plumbing will ensure that various harmful bacteria do not breed.

And now we recommend to watch the video in which the housewife will tell a simple way to clean the toilet.
