Saturday, June 22, 2019

Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Rim Hanger Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Lavender, 2 Count

Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Rim Hanger Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Lavender, 2 Count

Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Rim Hanger Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Lavender, 2 Count

How to clean the toilet from limescale: how to clean than to wash

Limescale and urinary stone are constant enemies and enemies of housewives. It seems that the more carefully you get rid of them, the more they appear. Indeed, the formation of limescale depends on the frequency of using the toilet. How to clean the toilet? We will arm the housewives with ways to get rid of the “enemy” in any situation.

Causes of lime (yellow) plaque formation on the toilet and in the tank Climbing from groundwater to the water intake, the water goes a long way. During this time, it contains organic organisms, minerals, and about a hundred more possible elements and substances. Some of them are completely dissolved, some are destroyed to the size of microparticles.

When water enters the water intake, it must undergo a good cleaning. But this is only “must”, but in reality in 90% of cities there are old filtration systems. Some have not changed at all since the time of the king of peas. Such systems are not able to produce high-quality cleaning. And if a breakdown occurs or one of the filters breaks, which is not immediately noticed, then part of the water generally goes to our cisterns and toilet bowls in its natural form. Substances that fall into the water, are deposited on the walls of plumbing, forming stones and raids. This is a combination of all sorts of salts, magnesium, iron and residues of human, natural waste. You can save people from such a problem by distilling water in a water intake. But this is too expensive for any municipal budget. Rust, yellow drips also appear in the toilet with an enviable tenacity. This is because there is a lot of iron in the groundwater. Moreover, all the pipes through which water passes are steel or cast iron.

Iron, upon contact with air, begins to strongly oxidize. It is these oxides that give rust in our plumbing.

Is it possible to prevent the formation of yellowness, how to remove plaque

Protecting oneself from such water is possible only in one way: to install a quality filter immediately upon entering the apartment. The filter will allow to sift out iron particles and block lime deposits. Deep cleaning filters make the water clean, suitable for any use, including for food purposes.

In new homes, especially luxury development, such filters are in each apartment. The cost of such a filter is not so high as to not buy it to an ordinary person. In any case, this will allow to preserve its health and its plumbing in its original form. But if you still can not buy a filter, you can buy special pills for the tank. At the heart of these pills are substances that completely break apart iron and lime particles. Additionally, tablets flavor the water, some are also disinfected.

The only caveat is that they are not always effective against rust. But there is only one preventative weapon against it: replacing parts in a tank or adjusting a float. There will be no rust if there is no trickle flowing down the center of the toilet bowl.

However, all these methods help to remove the formation of deposits and rust. But little is protected from the other: living bacteria and microorganisms, which are always present where there is water. Most of them are harmless to humans and animals, since they already exist in our body. But some of them can cause serious illness.

How to clean, than to wash and clean limescale

Mechanical removal of plaque in the toilet Clean up the plaque in two ways: mechanical and chemical. The mechanical method will help to wash and remove the yellowness on the surface of the toilet bowl, and also to whiten the toilet itself:

various brushes,
sponges with metal layers;
cleansing with improvised means in difficult places.

These methods always require more effort than the use of chemicals. But this can not be avoided when cleaning the toilet, because sometimes there are spots that need to be treated specially. The hardest thing to clean sanitary ware from ordinary earthenware. Here you need to carefully pick up cleaning products, because you can damage the coating itself. The process is much easier if the toilet is ceramic or porcelain. Choosing a composition for cleaning, be sure to read the instructions. Many powders have certain substances that may not be suitable for a particular toilet bowl material. The basis of many cleaning pastes abrasive filling that can damage the surface. It is possible to use such pastes at strong pollution, but it is required to scrub the dirt with all its strength. There are alkaline-based powders that are safer for cleaning off scurf. They include poisonous and caustic soda, which quickly eats away stains. It is simple to apply: to process a surface, to fill structure in a tank and in a toilet bowl discharge. Clean walls thoroughly and rinse thoroughly. Normal White is suitable for this method. Just do not forget: the use of such funds destroys the epithelium of the skin, so all actions are done strictly in gloves. For allergy sufferers and simply for people with sensitivity, they will either have to wear a mask or refuse mechanical effects. For heavy pollution, when all methods are powerless, you can use citric acid. She also handles the surface with a strictly soft cloth or sponge. Use acid for cleaning as little as possible. Acid at the sink is in the sewer and can harm pipes.

Than to wash a toilet and to bleach it - popular means to get rid of a raid from water

If you carefully monitor the toilet and all the plumbing, it is unlikely to have to use mechanical methods of cleaning. For the daily care of plumbing and cleaning any surface created a lot of money. Each of them is so effective that almost all the hostesses have refused such means as whiteness. The most important advantage of chemical mixtures is the safety of coatings and the removal of dirt without the use of force. Learn how to clean the toilet properly by reading the video:

Cleaners have a different form of release. Before you work, first decide: what exactly do you want to do? If you need to clean under the rim, then you need to buy a product with a special throat or nozzle. Do not expect to get there in any other way. Determine the degree of contamination not only the surface but also the drain. Particularly effective against lime scale are:

Cillit Bang.
Bref Duo Stik.
Ugly duck.

Comet and Domestos are best used in pairs, since they complement each other perfectly. Domestos well kills bacteria, fungi, copes with mold. But he is weak against rust. Comet cleans well and rust, and plaque, but does not destroy microbes.

Ugly duckling based on hydrochloric acid, is used in advanced cases when other means are useless.
Available in very convenient form: with a curved neck.
This allows you to completely clear difficult places. Bref Duo Stik is used as a prophylactic agent.
Available stickers, each is designed for 450-500 flushes, mounted inside the toilet.
Bref Duo Stik disinfects when draining water, and its foam protects not only the toilet itself, but also its knee from plaque. There are many cleaning products and everyone chooses an option that is more suitable for his budget and demand. The main thing is that today lime and yellow deposits are no longer a problem.
