Saturday, June 22, 2019

Lysol Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 288oz (4X3X24oz), 10X Cleaning Power

Lysol Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 288oz (4X3X24oz), 10X Cleaning Power

Lysol Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 288oz (4X3X24oz), 10X Cleaning Power

How to clean the toilet

Everyone likes a clean toilet, but cleaning a toilet bowl is not something everyone will like. And no wonder. It is believed that the toilet - the dirtiest, microbial place. It will be so if you do not follow and care for the toilet. The easiest way to prevent severe contamination of the toilet.

But there are cases when the toilet got with bad, so to speak, heredity. You bought an apartment in the secondary market or temporarily rented a house in which the drunks who did not care about the hygiene of the home lived before. In life there is anything. As a result, we have a toilet, as in a public Soviet outhouse. Well, let's proceed to cleaning the toilet from urinary stone and rusty stains.

From what, from what, from what ...

Remember, in the children's song it was asked what the boys were made of. So we will ask this question - what does all this toilet mud consist of?

Mainly pollution in the toilet consists of mineral deposits, rust and waste of our vital activity.

Mineral deposits and rust fall on the toilet wall of the water. The harder the water, the more deposits appear. To get rid of these contaminants, it is necessary to carry out regular cleaning of the toilet bowl.
Tools to help clean the toilet

There are 3 types of toilet cleaner from urinary stone and rust - abrasives, alkaline-based cleaning agents and acid-based cleaning agents. Carefully read the composition on the label when buying detergents.
Toilet bowl cleaning tools

To clean the toilet from dirt, you will need not only cleaning products.

Be sure to purchase rubber gloves to protect your hands. If you use strong acids or alkalis, you will need goggles and a mask.

For cleaning and daily care of the toilet, you will need a brush. The most practical is a double brush with a brush for washing under the rim. If you do not have such a brush, then you can clean it under the rim using an old toothbrush. How to clean the toilet

Pumice stone will help you to cope with strong lime deposits. Ensure that the pumice stone is wet all the time. Of course, this is an extreme tool that should be used on white porcelain toilet. On the colored and enameled toilet pumice will scratch.

Using a foam sponge for cleaning toilet bowls is a bad idea. Because remaining moist after application, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. It is better to use disposable napkins or napkins that can be washed after cleaning.
Preventive measures

In order not to look for ways to clean the toilet from urinary stone and rust, you must follow some rules.

It is necessary to clean the toilet with cleaning products at least once a week (it depends on the number of people using the toilet).

After each use of the toilet bowl it is necessary to drain the water and, if necessary, use a brush.

To timely eliminate the leak from the tank. Thereby, you not only prevent the appearance of rust stains, but also save money (for water).

Use prophylactic agents - pills in the tank or funds that fit the toilet. They do not allow to appear new on the fly, gradually remove the old and have a pleasant smell.

In the toilet in the immediate vicinity of the toilet, you can keep wet wipes (well suited for children without oil impregnation). They can be used not only for hygienic purposes, but also for cleanliness - wipe the seat, toilet bowl outside, etc. They are inexpensive, and you will appreciate the benefits.

Only in any case, do not throw used napkins in the toilet. Wet wipes do not dissolve, which can lead to clogging of pipes.
Brief instruction

Remove all excess around the toilet, so that during cleaning splashes and dirt do not fall on these items. Do not forget to remove everything from the cistern to prevent objects from falling into the toilet during cleaning.
For better cleaning of the toilet bowl, pour hot water there. Be careful! Too hot water can cause the toilet to burst. Apply detergent. Do not forget the area under the rim. And leave for a while.
While the cleaner is doing its job, start cleaning the outside of the toilet bowl. Start from the top to prevent droplets from falling on an already clean surface. Wash the tank, then the toilet bowl outside. Pay particular attention to the back where the toilet is connected to the sewer pipe.
Never neglect to wash the toilet seat. It comes into direct contact with the human body. The seat should be thoroughly cleaned with a cloth and detergent, rinsed with clean water and wiped dry.
Now proceed to wash the toilet inside. Clean and rinse thoroughly under the rim. Then wash the whole bowl. Work well as a brush in the part where the water is. Close the lid and wash the water.
Wipe off any drops of detergent or water that may have occurred around the toilet bowl during cleaning. Remove all trash tools. Put in place all the things that you put away in step 1. Enjoy cleanliness.
