Saturday, June 22, 2019

Fluidmaster 8102P8 Flush 'n Sparkle Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaning System Refills, Blue 2-Pack

Fluidmaster 8102P8 Flush 'n Sparkle Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaning System Refills, Blue 2-Pack

Fluidmaster 8102P8 Flush 'n Sparkle Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaning System Refills, Blue 2-Pack

How to rid the toilet of lime and urinary stone

The appearance of urinary stone and lime scale is not a single day process. Health is unlikely to harm him, but sanitary ceramics is quite likely. In addition, the type of contaminated toilet or sink can spoil the whole picture of your perfect bathroom. Today we will tell how to fight the worst enemies of sanitary porcelain and earthenware in ordinary, home conditions.

Causes of sediment

In order to choose an effective way to control deposits on sanitary ceramics (faience), it is necessary to begin to find out the causes of their appearance, composition, etc. The proverb “You need to know the enemy by sight” is appropriate in our difficult task.
Plaque not only spoils the appearance, but also destroys the enamel of the sanitary device

Limescale is a deposition of minerals that are abundantly contained in tap water, on the surface of ceramic and chrome products. Contamination mainly occurs in places of flushing in the form of yellow-orange stains. And the more often the water in the toilet is washed off, the faster the plaque.

Important! If time does not remove plaque from the water supply nozzles, deposits can cause them to clog. Monitor the condition of each of your "home helpers."

Urinary stone is the deposition of minerals contained in the human body. They are derived from the urine and deposited on the walls of ceramic products. Combined with the minerals contained in the water, they form a dense and very unaesthetic layer of gray-yellow color. Irregularities in the coating of ceramics exacerbate and accelerate this process.
If the pottery is initially of poor quality, then the deposit on it is formed faster due to the porosity of the material.

When choosing sanitary ceramics, check the smoothness of the inner surface of the bowl. The ideal option is to purchase products from sanitary porcelain, in contrast to cheaper earthenware, it has a dense structure. This is achieved by increasing the temperature at which the product is burned. And it is precisely the density that makes the porcelain toilet bowls smoother, and the plaque and the stone do not so quickly eats into the porcelain structure, so it is much easier to clean it with your hands.

It should be understood that sanitary porcelain is the material for the manufacture of luxury plumbing, so the price of it is much higher than that of models from faience. Whether to attribute this feature to the minuses is up to each user to decide.
Porcelain ware

The main reason for the appearance of deposits of any kind is the neglect of prophylactic methods of cleaning ceramics. It should be remembered that the more frequent the planned cleaning of the toilet room and the cleaning of sanitary ware, the longer the toilet remains in its original form.
Cleaning with improvised and folk remedies

To clean the toilet, sink or shower tray from plaque, it is not necessary to run to the store and spend money on expensive chemicals. In addition, effective substances are expensive, and even less effective, I don’t want to spend money. In order to save yourself from unnecessary waste, and the toilet from lime and urinary stone, you can use the available tools that are always in the arsenal of any housewife. So, several methods of cleaning plumbing, borrowed from the people.
Lemon acid

The main enemy of limescale is citric acid. It very effectively fights sediments that have not reached their critical point.
Citric acid is an excellent means to remove plaque.

For this you need:

buy 3-4 bags of substance;
apply on contaminated sites;
close the toilet lid;
wait 4-5 hours (better until the morning);
wash off the water, thoroughly cleaning with a brush.

For greater efficiency, you can repeat the procedure several times.
Acetic acid

Works the same as lemon. But for its use, vinegar must be prepared:

measure out 250 g of vinegar or edible vinegar 9%;
heat the liquid to 45-50 ° C (be sure to cover the container with a lid to avoid caustic acetic odor);
pour warm vinegar into the toilet;

When working with acetic acid, remember to protect your airway with a bandage.

for efficiency, you can add a little baking soda (2-3 tsp);
be sure to close the toilet bowl lid;
leave for 2-3 hours or overnight.

In the morning, rinse the bowl thoroughly with water and rub with a brush or other brush.
Oxalic acid

This tool in our days goes to the background and comes across the stores less and less. But if you met him in the modern market, feel free to buy it since it is a cheap and effective way to restore the original whiteness of your ceramics. Apply the product should be on a slightly damp soft cloth or sprinkle the place of deposition of urinary stone and plaque. Sorry for the substance is not worth it. After processing, collect mineral deposits with a brush and rinse thoroughly with clean water.
Oxalic acid will clean the surface of the toilet in a short time
Baking soda

This drug is in the kitchen for everyone. Using soda, you can enhance the action of acid, acetic acid or citric acid. Soda that has fallen on contaminated sites destroys the structure of minerals and completely removes plaque from the surface of ceramic products. To clean the toilet will need at least 200 g (1 pack). For greater efficacy, it is best to leave the drug working overnight. In the morning, it will only be necessary to process the bowl with a brush, cleaning the remnants of mineral deposits.
Soda is absolutely safe and effective for cleaning the toilet
Coca Cola

No matter how strange it may sound, but with this wonderful drink you can not only quench your thirst, but also remove old lime. To do this, pour 1-2 liters of liquid into the bowl and leave it overnight. It is not known how the cleaning properties of Cola were revealed, we can only assume that the drink was poured into the toilet by a caring mother, who later discovered that he “ate” all the deposits.
Important! Although the tools at hand do not have a high concentration of acids or alkalis, it is necessary to work with them with gloves. And when using vinegar you need to take care of the respiratory tract.
Some housewives use even Coke to remove plaque.
Chemistry on guard of purity

With improvised substances, non-critical contaminants can be cleaned. When calcareous deposits look more like a toilet bowl cover, and the formation of a urinary stone has acquired a dark brown shade, folk remedies are useless. Only heavy artillery in the form of potent chemical cleaners will be able to handle it.

Very important! With caustic chemicals it is necessary to work only in rubber gloves! Do not neglect safety when using!

Orthophosphoric acid. This tool will help not only to clean the mineral deposits on the bottom of the toilet bowl, but also to get rid of rust, which covers the parts of the drain and filling fittings inside the tank. To clean, it is necessary to pour about 100-150 g of the preparation into the bowl and into the toilet bowl, wait 10-15 minutes and rinse the surface of the product thoroughly with running water. The main advantage of this tool is that it does not destroy rubber and plastic products.
Hydrochloric acid. It is necessary to use it extremely carefully, protecting not only the skin, but also the respiratory tract. It is enough to wipe the limescale with a substance, and it immediately dissolves. And to remove the urinary stone, it is necessary to pour ½ cup into the bowl and leave it for 10 minutes. When using, make sure that plastic or rubber compounds are not installed when connecting the toilet bowl. Hydrochloric acid will dissolve them along with the bloom.

Working with household chemicals, follow the instructions.
Chlorine. Used in whiteness and dissolves all organic compounds. Chlorine fumes are dangerous for the body, so this cleaning method is highly undesirable. Also, after using chlorine, rubber seals lose their elasticity and begin to leak water.
Abrasive preparations. The use of powders when cleaning sanitary ceramics is quite effective. But small granules can leave microscopic scratches on the surface of the toilet bowl, disrupting the smoothness of the coating of the product, which subsequently will lead to even greater deposition of lime and urinary stone.

It is best to use specialized detergents that are intended only for toilet bowls. Before use, be sure to examine the product label.
Having sustained means, surely process chusha with a brush

With critical and extremely abundant growths of mineral deposits, you can use a liquid electrolyte, which is used in car batteries. It can be used only as a last resort, when other means have not brought results. It contains sulfuric acid in its composition, so do not forget to take care of your own safety.
Preventive control measures

Everyone knows that it is much easier to prevent the appearance of pollution than to seek means to combat it. In order to prevent spread of lime and urinary stone deposits, you need to use several tips:

Adjust the drainage system so that water does not constantly flow into the bowl from the barrel. This will help not only to prevent lime deposits, but also to ensure an economical consumption of water resources.
Do not drain into the toilet fat and other food debris, they contribute to the appearance of tumors on the surface of the toilet.

Avoid severe surface contamination - perform routine cleaning regularly.
Every time after use, scrub the bowl with a brush, cleaning it from organic contaminants.
Use prophylactic soap substances that are added to the tank or attached directly under the rim of the toilet bowl.

If the toilet is kept clean, it will not be necessary to use caustic chemicals. With proper care, your ceramics will shine clean for a long time.
