Monday, August 20, 2018

5 Ways to Use Pumpkin for Dogs Constipation and diarrhea

5 Ways to Use Pumpkin for Dogs Constipation and diarrhea

Constipation in dogs symptoms occur frequently. This may be because of several reasons. The most common causes of dog food, the dog ate. Dog food no fiber and drinking less.

In General, dogs will faeces per day if not longer than 72 hours stool, then known as constipation. Feces is solid cubes will take longer, possibly causing a wound around the anal holes.

Eating pumpkin as remedies constipation, diarrhea of dogs as well

1. Pumpkin juice to dogs drink, there are a lot of fiber, a fiber will result in access to food, eat dog feces resulted in soft feces come out easily.

2. Boiled pumpkin mixed with dog food,  fiber in the pumpkin will absorb the excess water, watching as the dog's intestines. Prevent Dog feces into the liquid stool. In the case of the dog with diarrhea.

3. Bring the cooked egg yolk, mixed with cooked pumpkin to dog eat in the case of constipation or dog not stool for days. (Fiber in the pumpkin is considered as the most secure type of natural fibers)

4. Bringing dog food mix in pumpkin. It can be a way to control the weight of the dog as well, because in the pumpkin no fat and fiber a lot, eh? To appropriate for older dogs and shape fat.

5. Pumpkin is also a food that accelerate the process of digestion of the dog. Because in the pumpkin compounds probiotics help digest and feces out conveniently.

The ratio of the weight of the dog eats pumpkin

* the dog with weight not exceeding 8 kilogram mix pumpkin 1 / 2-1 tablespoon per day.

* the dog with the weight 8 - 20 kilogram mix pumpkin 1-2 tablespoon per day.

* the dog overweight 20 kilogram mix pumpkin 2-3 tablespoon per day.

Nutrition of pumpkin in 1 tablespoon consists of

* Energy 26 kcal
* carbohydrates, 6.5 grams
* sugar 2.76 g
* Fiber 0.5 g
* Fat 0.1 g
* Protein 1g
* Vitamin A 476 mcg 53%
* Beta-Carotene 3,100 mcg 29%
* Lutein and Zeaxanthin. the 1,500 mcg
* vitamin B1, 0.05 mg 4%
* vitamin B2, 0.11 mg, 9%
* vitamin B3 0.6 mg 4%
* vitamin B5 0.298 mg 6%
* vitamin B6 0.061 mg of 5%
* Pumpkin vitamin B 9 16 micrograms. 4%
* 9 mg vitamin C, 11%
* of vitamins. None 0.44 mg 3%
* 1.1 micrograms of vitamin K 1%
* Calcium 21 mg 2%
* Iron 0.8 mg 6%
* 3% magnesium, 12 milligrams.
* Manganese 0.125 mg 6%
* Phosphorus 44 mg 6%
* Potassium 340 mg 7%
* sodium, 1 mg 0%
* Zinc 0.32 mg 3%
* Potassium 340 mg 7%
* sodium, 1 mg 0%
* zinc 0.32 mg 3%

Giving the dog eating pumpkins, they are useful to the body of the dog.

* Vitamin a helps visibility. Boost immune system
* Vitamin c Boost suvarnabhumi great disease accelerated digestion. Metabolism of fat helps collagen synthesis
* Vitamin e slow the aging process. Control the behavior of enzymes.
* Alpha-carotene Repair of damaged cell degeneration.
* Calcium to strengthen bones and teeth strength;
* Iron. Strengthen the immune blood cell production, accelerating the work of the cell.
* A lutein eye lashes

Recipes for dog constipation is chicken, boiled pumpkin. How to make it very simple. There is nothing tricky. There are only 2 major ingredients that is chicken and pumpkin.

How to make

1. bring 1 kg of chicken meat, cut into small pieces. In order to provide a free easy meat cooked.

2. bring 1 kg pumpkin, cut into small pieces. In order to make easy cooked pumpkin meat.

3. bring the chicken and pumpkin into a pot or pan. Enough water to flood the pieces of chicken and pumpkin.

4. boil the chicken, cooked, then remove the chicken laid out plate.

5. boil the pumpkin from stomatitis

6. grind chicken

7. bring the pumpkin that's already come and crush thoroughly, then mix with the chicken.

8. finished !! To give the dog ate it. Or be mixed with food, it is a healthy dog food. Dog food can eat and feces easily.