Showing posts with label Collagen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Collagen. Show all posts

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder 1Pound Pasture Raised Cattle Non-GMO Grass-Fed Gluten-Free Certified Kosher Unflavored and Easy to Mix - Premium Beef Collagen Peptides 16 onces

Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder 1Pound Pasture Raised Cattle Non-GMO Grass-Fed Gluten-Free Certified Kosher Unflavored and Easy to Mix - Premium Beef Collagen Peptides 16 onces

Collagen, why is it necessary?

Eating, cooking or practicing sports are some of the activities that people do every day without thinking about how to execute them. However, what seems simple a priori requires the presence of a certain protein to be carried out: collagen .

But what is it? Collagen is a protein that represents more than 25 percent of the total proteins that are part of the organism of mammals, which makes it the most important protein . Its importance lies in the fact that it generates very resistant and flexible fibers, the so-called collagen fibers. These are part of numerous tissues in our body (joints, bones, skin, muscles and tendons), and gives them their properties.

Given its relevance, people must ensure that they maintain adequate levels of this protein in their body. In this way they will be able to achieve a correct functioning of the parts that contain it.

Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder 1Pound Pasture Raised Cattle Non-GMO Grass-Fed Gluten-Free Certified Kosher Unflavored and Easy to Mix - Premium Beef Collagen Peptides 16 onces
Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder 1Pound Pasture Raised Cattle Non-GMO Grass-Fed Gluten-Free Certified Kosher Unflavored and Easy to Mix - Premium Beef Collagen Peptides 16 onces

Although the human body produces collagen naturally comes a time when the body loses the ability to generate this protein. As of that moment the problems will begin, since the zones that contain the collagen will begin to age and the people will be able to lose the mobility of the articulations or the smoothness of the skin , among other capacities.

This fall in the level of collagen occurs after 30 years, so people should pay attention from that age to continue enjoying a good state of health and mobility.
Collagen in the diet

In traditional Spanish cuisine there are many recipes rich in collagen (made with animal tissues, such as skins or bones). The problem of these dishes, mainly broths based on meat or fish, is that they are not usually included in a balanced diet, because of its high fat content.

In addition, the preparation of such menus requires a long period of cooking, since collagen is a difficult protein to assimilate, and if it is not prepared for its consumption in an adequate manner, it ends up being excreted without being used.

A recommended and simple way to add and maintain the proper levels of collagen in the body to allow the functioning of bones, joints and muscles is through the intake of hydrolyzed collagen .

This nutritional supplement converts natural collagen into a soluble and totally assimilable protein nutrient allowing to replace the decrease in the production of collagen.

There are different compounds that allow the incorporation of hydrolyzed collagen. However, when choosing to care for the joints and the skin, it is important to select high quality products with a certified raw material.

In this sense patients can choose one of the products that have managed to develop complete formulas, where the high absorption collagen is complemented with other substances that enhance its effects such as vitamin C , K and A , as well as magnesium and Hyaluronic acid.
Groups of special attention

The consumption of this protein goes beyond alleviating the signs of aging. In fact, hydrolyzed collagen is not indicated only for people of advanced age. Due to its important role in performing daily functions there are certain groups that should consider taking it.

In the specific case of athletes and professional athletes . All physical activity causes a wear of the cartilaginous tissue and this affects, among others, the joints causing injuries such as tendinitis , osteoarthritis , chondromalacia ...

Thanks to the properties of collagen can not only prevent injuries, also get a quick and correct recovery after training.
Recommendations on hydrolyzed collagen

Hydrolyzed collagen is a food supplement that poses no risk to health. In principle anyone can take it , as long as it does not have important health problems, in which case it is advisable to consult with a specialist.

In general, when including this food supplement in the daily diet, it is not necessary to take breaks. If you opt for more complete formulas containing other substances such as hyaluronic acid or magnesium, it is recommended to rest one month every 3 months of treatment.

The approximate time in which you begin to appreciate the results is between 1 and 3 months, depending on the characteristics of each person.

RENEW Multi Collagen Protein Powder - Premium Blend of Hydrolyzed Grass-Fed Bovine, Marine, Chicken & Egg Collagen Peptides | Type I, II, III, V, and X | Vital Supplement For Women & Men | KETO | 11oz

RENEW Multi Collagen Protein Powder - Premium Blend of Hydrolyzed Grass-Fed Bovine, Marine, Chicken & Egg Collagen Peptides | Type I, II, III, V, and X | Vital Supplement For Women & Men | KETO | 11oz

Collagen, an essential protein for our body

When we think about collagen , the first thing that comes to mind is the world of cosmetics and its application in aesthetic treatments, but in reality collagen is a natural substance generated by our own body that plays a key role for good maintenance of our tissues.
What is collagen and what is it for?

Collagen is an essential protein produced in large quantities by the human body, essential for the elasticity of tissues and their regeneration. In this way, we identify that collagen is present in the composition of bones, skin, ligaments, cartilage and tendons.

With the passage of time, this natural protein is cracking and losing effectiveness, this being the time when bone density begins to decrease, we suffer arterial pain and the hated wrinkles appear .
Collagen in the diet

Seen in this situation of aging and deterioration of our health, the solution that remains is to administer more collagen to our body to reinforce what it can no longer generate or that has weakened, so the importance of ensuring that the collagen is contained in our diet.

But here is another obstacle to health, since our precious protein is only found in foods with excessive sugars and fats, such as gelatins and sausages, and many foods lose much of their protein content during the process cooking However, an expert nutritionist can recommend the best food to eat the collagen you need.

RENEW Multi Collagen Protein Powder - Premium Blend of Hydrolyzed Grass-Fed Bovine, Marine, Chicken & Egg Collagen Peptides | Type I, II, III, V, and X | Vital Supplement For Women & Men | KETO | 11oz
RENEW Multi Collagen Protein Powder - Premium Blend of Hydrolyzed Grass-Fed Bovine, Marine, Chicken & Egg Collagen Peptides | Type I, II, III, V, and X | Vital Supplement For Women & Men | KETO | 11oz

For all this you may be interested to know that there are over the counter food supplements in pharmacies and health stores, with which we can provide our body with the collagen it needs to nourish the tissues , and thus reduce pain and discomfort in the joints, prevent osteoporosis and help fight osteoarthritis. And of course, to revitalize the skin , making it more elastic and less prone to generate wrinkles.
How to consume collagen

If we choose collagen as a food supplement , ingesting it in an amount of 10 g daily will be enough to start noticing its benefits in the period of 1 to 3 months, but as it is a substance that is not harmful or has contraindications, its use can be extended throughout life. But remember to consult with a professional before starting to use it.

It's a surprising protein, is not it? And above all, an option to be very present for those people who practice sports and who submit their joints to a great physical effort, as well as those who are thinking about performing plastic surgery or similar treatments.

Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel Protein Mix, Chocolate Coconut,Supports Healthy Hair, Skin, Nails and Joints, Promotes Muscle Repair, 13.9 Ounce

Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel Protein Mix, Chocolate Coconut,Supports Healthy Hair, Skin, Nails and Joints, Promotes Muscle Repair, 13.9 Ounce

10 foods that help you protect your joints

Trauma, diseases and advanced age are the main causes of inflammation and joint pain . Did you know that proper nutrition can help relieve the symptoms of joint problems? And, most importantly, with a balanced diet rich in nutrients you can prevent discomfort while taking care of your health. We review with you the essential nutrients and food for the joints that can not be missing in your menu.

What are the fundamental nutrients for the health of your joints?

The joints of the upper and lower extremities of the body are meeting points between two or more bones that allow a wide range of movements. Ankle, patella, hip, arms , are just some of the points of the body where there are joints.

In these cases it is mobile joints , the most numerous in the skeleton and those that are most easily inflamed . In this type of joints a fibrous capsule joins the bony limbs, the surface of the joint is covered by cartilage and the synovial membrane. The latter includes veins and arteries, and nerve endings.

Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel Protein Mix, Chocolate Coconut,Supports Healthy Hair, Skin, Nails and Joints, Promotes Muscle Repair, 13.9 Ounce
Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel Protein Mix, Chocolate Coconut,Supports Healthy Hair, Skin, Nails and Joints, Promotes Muscle Repair, 13.9 Ounce

These are complex structures that allow us to perform many of the actions of each day and have some type of joint discomfort can compromise our quality of life . Therefore, prevention can not be neglected with a correct supply of nutrients. But what do your knees, ankles, elbows and other joints of your skeleton need to be in shape?

First, all the nutrients that help keep bones healthy: calcium , vitamin D , magnesium , vitamin C. All these nutrients play an important role in the production of collagen , the most abundant protein in the body and present in both bone and cartilage and synovial fluid.

A healthy habit that can help you take care of your joints is to choose those foods that contain these nutrients. Do you know where they are?

Top 10 food for joints

In a healthy diet there are some foods that can not be missed because of their important nutritional value. To protect your joints, your menu has to be balanced and rich with ingredients such as:

  •     Nuts and seeds. They are known for their high energy value and for containing unsaturated fatty acids, but they are also foods that contain calcium , magnesium, zinc, potassium. Mineral salts essential for the health of joints and bones.
  •     Blue Fish. It is one of the foods richest in collagen , mineral salts, vitamin D and omega-3.
  •     Whole grains In another article we talked about foods with magnesium and its importance for psychophysical balance. Magnesium is essential for proper joint function and bone health.
  •     Green leaf vegetables.
  •     Onions, garlic, leeks and other vegetables from the same family are rich in sulfur, an essential mineral that contributes to the production of collagen.
  •     Olive oil. Rich in antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids is a powerful ally of your joints and a food with anti-inflammatory properties .
  •     Legumes They are rich in mineral salts and proteins. For its nutritional value are considered basic foods of a balanced diet.
  •     Fruits of forest . Blackberries, raspberries, cherries and other fruits with red pigments are rich in antioxidants and have an anti-inflammatory effect .
  •     Citrus They are rich in vitamin C and therefore have antioxidant properties. This same vitamin is very important in the synthesis of collagen.
  •     Turmeric It is increasingly spoken of this root for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can be useful to relieve joint inflammations.

Articular problems caused by trauma, tissue wear or age-related degeneration can be prevented by the integration of collagen-based supplements and enriched with essential vitamins and minerals .

From the age of 35, in fact, the body begins to decrease the production of collagen and the integration of collagen in the diet can help prevent joint problems or relieve the symptoms of inflammation or pain.

Finally, you can not forget the importance of water for health . During adulthood our body is composed of 65% water. Bones and joints are composed of water and proper hydration also helps maintain healthy joints.

Premium Anti-Aging Marine Collagen Powder 17.6 Oz | Wild-Caught Hydrolyzed Fish Collagen Peptides | Type 1 & 3 Collagen Protein Supplement | Amino Acids for Skin, Hair, Nails | Paleo Friendly, Non-GMO

Premium Anti-Aging Marine Collagen Powder 17.6 Oz | Wild-Caught Hydrolyzed Fish Collagen Peptides | Type 1 & 3 Collagen Protein Supplement | Amino Acids for Skin, Hair, Nails | Paleo Friendly, Non-GMO

Six foods that produce collagen to your skin naturally

If you want to avoid those annoying wrinkles and delay the aging of your skin, follow these recommendations

Foods that contain collagen and that you should not miss in your diet

Over the years, our body and skin are losing the firmness of youth because collagen , which helps fight aging, begins to weaken and disappear, leading to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles .

Fortunately, there are foods rich in collagen and antioxidants that replenish this substance in your body. The nutritionist Julizza Pezo gave a list of what you should not miss in your diet to look beautiful and healthy skin.

Premium Anti-Aging Marine Collagen Powder 17.6 Oz | Wild-Caught Hydrolyzed Fish Collagen Peptides | Type 1 & 3 Collagen Protein Supplement | Amino Acids for Skin, Hair, Nails | Paleo Friendly, Non-GMO
Premium Anti-Aging Marine Collagen Powder 17.6 Oz | Wild-Caught Hydrolyzed Fish Collagen Peptides | Type 1 & 3 Collagen Protein Supplement | Amino Acids for Skin, Hair, Nails | Paleo Friendly, Non-GMO

  •     Proteins : hair, skin, nails and joints are basically supported by collagen, so it is important to consume protein, such as chicken, salmon, tofu, eggs.
  •     Lentils, chickpeas and sesame: contain lysine which is an essential amino acid and must be obtained through food.
  •     Camu camu, orange and kiwi: rich in vitamin C which helps in the production of collagen, to keep the skin firm and healthy. This vitamin is also found in lemons, strawberries, tomatoes, peppers and broccoli among others.
  •     Cashews or cashews : are nuts that have high amounts of copper. You only have to consume a handful. It helps in the formation of collagen in the body.
  •     Colapez or gelatin without flavor : it contains collagen and you can also find it in chicken leg soups.
  •     Spirulina : it is a dry seaweed that contains manganese and you can find it in powder or in capsules. You can take it fasting or juice.

Protect yourself against the Sun

If you are one of those who go to the beach in search of the perfect tan, you must stop. Do not abuse exposure to the Sun and never leave your home without having put on sunscreen. Also, avoid the consumption of cigarettes and alcohol as this favors the premature aging of your skin.

With these tips and advice you will begin to notice the results on your skin, in a few weeks.

Keto Collagen Protein Powder with MCT Oil – Keto and Paleo Friendly Pure Grass Fed Pasture Raised Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides – Perfect for Low Carb Diet and with Keto Snacks – KEYTO Chocolate Flavor

Keto Collagen Protein Powder with MCT Oil – Keto and Paleo Friendly Pure Grass Fed Pasture Raised Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides – Perfect for Low Carb Diet and with Keto Snacks – KEYTO Chocolate Flavor

The importance of collagen in the body

The passage of time and the aggressions from outside make our skin is not in perfect condition. Usually wrinkles appear that accentuate our age, and that in many cases make us even older.

This process is mainly produced by a loss of elasticity in the skin caused by the collagen descent . In addition to appearing in our face small wrinkles that with the passage of time will increase, also decreases the facial filling in lips, eyelids, cheekbones, and is that collagen is essential to overcome the passage of time in the skin.

Collagen is a substance that our body produces, but over time we lose, although this process can slow down if we take care of ourselves in order to produce the necessary collagen that we will need. Of course, cosmetics in this aspect play an important role with creams that incorporate this component, although it is essential to produce collagen from within .

Keto Collagen Protein Powder with MCT Oil – Keto and Paleo Friendly Pure Grass Fed Pasture Raised Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides – Perfect for Low Carb Diet and with Keto Snacks – KEYTO Chocolate Flavor
Keto Collagen Protein Powder with MCT Oil – Keto and Paleo Friendly Pure Grass Fed Pasture Raised Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides – Perfect for Low Carb Diet and with Keto Snacks – KEYTO Chocolate Flavor

In this aspect, the diet is fundamental , and it is important that we know the foods that will help us to avoid this aging of the skin due to lack of collagen. First of all we must take into account that it is a component found only in animals and certain fish, since collagen is part of the joints and many of the fibers of animal origin.

For this reason it is important that we take into account that a main source of collagen is 100% animal gelatin , since it is obtained directly from the animal marrows. It is a food that should be consumed habitually, because in addition to containing high amounts of collagen is low in fat and calories. This contribution of collagen is not only going to help our face, but it is useful to improve the health of the joints, which are also formed by collagen.

We can also find collagen in animal meats such as lamb, pork legs, cod, salmon ... Since part of its structure is gelatinous, in fact when heated usually release a kind of sticky liquid that is mostly collagen that will help us to maintain our fibers and strengthen the skin.

An essential nutrient in the formation of collagen is vitamin C , and that is one of the causes that we maintain good levels of this component. We must not overlook that this vitamin is one of the main architects of maintaining healthy body tissues. We can find it in fruits such as citrus fruits, kiwis, tomatoes, vegetables of the cabbage family ...

It is important that we take into account the collagen and try to maintain adequate levels in the body, as not only directly intervenes in maintaining the youth of the skin, but also is a major component of all tissues such as bones, muscles, tendons , ligaments ... This is why we do not have to overlook his existence or the needs we have of him.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel Protein Mix, Vanilla Coconut - Non-Dairy Coffee Creamer & Smoothie Booster- Supports Healthy Hair, Skin, Nails and Joints, Promotes Muscle Repair

Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel Protein Mix, Vanilla Coconut - Non-Dairy Coffee Creamer & Smoothie Booster- Supports Healthy Hair, Skin, Nails and Joints, Promotes Muscle Repair

Which fruits contain collagen?

Which fruits contain collagen?
5 foods rich in collagen to stay young

In our blog we have already talked about why collagen levels are reduced with age. It is a physiological process that can be prevented thanks to proper nutrition and the use of supplements. Some foods more than others help us to prevent the effects of aging and even allow to stimulate the production of collagen.

Discover the 5 collagen-rich foods that take care of your health and beauty!

5 foods rich in collagen
The sardines and the blue fish in general are foods rich in collagen. Collagen represents 25% of the proteins present in the human body. It is produced in cells from essential amino acids such as lysine, proline and glycine.

Some foods are especially indicated to stimulate the production of collagen because they contain good doses of these amino acids and other antioxidant substances:

Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel Protein Mix, Vanilla Coconut - Non-Dairy Coffee Creamer & Smoothie Booster- Supports Healthy Hair, Skin, Nails and Joints, Promotes Muscle Repair
Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel Protein Mix, Vanilla Coconut - Non-Dairy Coffee Creamer & Smoothie Booster- Supports Healthy Hair, Skin, Nails and Joints, Promotes Muscle Repair

  1. Lemon. This fruit is known for its high contribution of vitamin C, an antioxidant of vital importance to fight free radicals and essential for the synthesis of collagen.
  2. Lean meats and blue fish (especially wild salmon and tuna) are foods rich in lysine, a basic amino acid in the composition of collagen. The fish, in addition, provide good doses of omega 3 fatty acids with benefits for the skin.
  3. Vegetables. Beans, lentils, chickpeas and other foods in this category contain good amounts of glycine. Another amino acid essential for the production of proteins.
  4. Peanuts These roots that are usually considered nuts are rich in mineral salts, vitamins (A and B), proteins and unsaturated fatty acids.
  5. Fruits and vegetables in purple, red and orange. All vegetables, but especially those with these characteristics are high in antioxidants. They provide basic substances for the production of collagen and act by preventing the effects of time

Is a good diet enough?
The lemon contains vitamin C, food necessary for the synthesis of collagen in the body

In normal health conditions, if you consume organic foods with high nutritional value and follow a healthy lifestyle (you exercise every day, do not smoke, do not consume processed foods, sugar, do not drink alcohol) your body will receive stimuli and substances to produce collagen.

If you comply with all the previous recommendations, congratulations and keep it up! Otherwise, do not despair. We all know that achieving all these elements together on a day-to-day basis is complicated in practice.

The ideal is to try, of course, and take advantage of the benefits of quality supplements to integrate the lack of nutrients in the diet or mitigate the effects of age.

Also, keep in mind that age is not the only factor of collagen deterioration:

  • Periods of strong stress have degenerative effects on the body. They affect the production of collagen causing premature aging of the skin, hair and nails, and other consequences.
  • Exposure to the sun's rays without proper protection degenerates the collagen present in the skin and increases the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging.
  • The sedentary life affects most of the physiological processes and comes to affect the processes of collagen production.
  • On the contrary, people who have a very active life on a physical level more easily wear out their reserves of collagen.
  • The same happens in the elderly, whose production of collagen decreases markedly and can cause disease such as osteoporosis.
  • The impoverishment of the soil caused by intensive cultivation and the consumption of fast foods, unfortunately reduce the quality of the nutrients in our diet. This, as we have seen, can unbalance collagen levels in the body.
  • Integrating your diet with supplements based on hydrolyzed collagen and minerals is an easy and safe solution at your fingertips. Of course, to make the results even more satisfactory, try to follow a diet as balanced as possible and cultivate healthy habits.

Vital Proteins Collagen Powder Stick Packs - 20ct

Vital Proteins Collagen Powder Stick Packs - 20ct

What does collagen produce in the body?

Produce collagen naturally for younger skin

Collagen is a protein that is made up of fibers, the same, gives strength to the structures of the body such as the walls of the blood vessels, the digestive tract, the heart, the kidneys, ligaments and connective tissues; One of its important functions is to support the skin, if there is a lack of collagen, causes a loss of firmness in the skin, sagging and appearance of wrinkles.

But why do we lose collagen? The reasons may be free radicals, aging, poor nutrition and unhealthy lifestyle habits, or medical problems.

Vital Proteins Collagen Powder Stick Packs - 20ct
Vital Proteins Collagen Powder Stick Packs - 20ct

Now, how can we recover or increase collagen production?

1.- Taking approximately six to eight glasses of water per day.

2.- Gelatin is one of the main sources of collagen, it is obtained from animal collagen and it is composed of approximately 90% of collagen; so you can consume it, it can be as a dessert.

3.- Green tea is an antioxidant, it will help you fight free radicals that you buy the collagen fibers.

4.- It is important that you consume vitamin C, it helps to affirm the body so that it generates more collagen, you can consume foods rich in this vitamin, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, oranges and cherries.

5.- The avocado has moisturizing properties for the skin due to its high oil content, stimulates the formation of collagen and delays the aging process due to its vitamin E content.

What do you think about the recommendations to increase the production of collagen in your body? Leave us your comments below.

Multi-Collagen Protein Powder Hydrolyzed 20oz - Type I, II, III, V, X -Grass-Fed All-In-One Super Bone Broth + Collagen - High Quality Blend of Grass-Fed Beef, Chicken, Wild Fish and Eggshell Collagen

Multi-Collagen Protein Powder Hydrolyzed 20oz - Type I, II, III, V, X -Grass-Fed All-In-One Super Bone Broth + Collagen - High Quality Blend of Grass-Fed Beef, Chicken, Wild Fish and Eggshell Collagen

What does hydrolyzed collagen do?

Improve your appearance with Hydrolyzed Collagen

f beauty is concerned, women do not repair in applying any type of treatment to show a smooth and young skin.

However, not all treatments usually give us the results we expect, because not all are suitable for our skin type or because we are allergic to some of its ingredients.

If you have gone through this, stop worrying and forget about all those treatments because we have good news for you to say goodbye to those annoying wrinkles and look younger with a natural product ... It is Hydrolyzed Collagen.

Collagen is a protein that the body produces naturally and provides elasticity to the skin but with the passage of time, wears, and elasticity. In figures, collagen represents 80% of connective tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments), 75% of our skin and 30% of our entire body.

Multi-Collagen Protein Powder Hydrolyzed 20oz - Type I, II, III, V, X -Grass-Fed All-In-One Super Bone Broth + Collagen - High Quality Blend of Grass-Fed Beef, Chicken, Wild Fish and Eggshell Collagen
Multi-Collagen Protein Powder Hydrolyzed 20oz - Type I, II, III, V, X -Grass-Fed All-In-One Super Bone Broth + Collagen - High Quality Blend of Grass-Fed Beef, Chicken, Wild Fish and Eggshell Collagen

Hydrolyzed Collagen is a nutritional supplement, used to promote the production of collagen by the body, helping to improve the appearance of the skin and strengthen the joints, nails and hair. This supplement can be found in the form of capsules or powder, the latter can be found with or without flavor and can be diluted in water, juices, teas, soups or smoothies.

Hydrolysed collagen goes through a process of hydrolysis, by which the organism assimilates it better because when it reaches the collagenous tissues, it stimulates the work of the cells of our body responsible for synthesizing collagen.

At a cellular level, scientific studies have shown that the presence of hydrolyzed collagen stimulates the synthesis of collagen itself, therefore tissue is regenerated.

5 benefits of Hydrolyzed Collagen.

1. Being hydrolyzed, has a high percentage of absorption in the body and is very powerful to prevent diseases such as osteopenia, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, as well as sports injuries or some type of accident linked to the bones.

2. Delays the passage of time; acts as a direct oxygen to your skin and cells; helps in the repair and regeneration of ligaments, tendons, joints and bones.

3. Smooths fine lines of expression and facial wrinkles.

4. Strengthens and beautifies the hair; reduces its fall; it increases the volume and the aspect is more shining and healthy in a NATURAL way.

5. Strengthens your immune system; reduces cases of constipation and gastritis and is recommended when you want to lose weight or keep you in a healthy size, because it does not contain fat, cholesterol or carbohydrates.

It is important to note that these benefits are obtained mainly when accompanied with a healthy diet.

An easy and practical way is to consume it every morning.

Dilute 5 grams of the powder (one teaspoon) in a simple glass of water, either fasting or with the first food for 3 months, stop taking it a month and take it for another three months and so on

This way you will have the minerals and nutrients that your body needs. Of course, make sure it is a natural product, without chemicals and that it is not made with animal protein.

You can find it in pharmacies, drugstores, health food stores, food supplement stores and online.

The hydrolyzed collagen will change the appearance of your skin from the first days of its consumption; Remember that it is also important that you consume foods rich in antioxidants and drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Great Lakes Gelatin, Certified Paleo Friendly, Keto Certified, Collagen Hydrolysate, Peptides, Pasture-Raised Grass-Fed, Non GMO, 16 oz, Frustration Free Packaging

Great Lakes Gelatin, Certified Paleo Friendly, Keto Certified, Collagen Hydrolysate, Peptides, Pasture-Raised Grass-Fed, Non GMO, 16 oz, Frustration Free Packaging

What foods contain collagen for hair?

10 foods that strengthen your hair
Having healthy and resistant hair is easier than you think! You should only add a couple of foods to your diet.

    Dairy products

Milk, yogurt and cheese are rich in calcium. Therefore, they will prevent you from having a brittle mane.


Nuts, almonds and seeds help prevent baldness, as they contain large amounts of vitamin B and zinc. Turn them into your best ally for healthy and strong hair !


Chicken and turkey are low in fat and good sources of protein for your hair.


Especially the spinach. Vegetables are key elements in the oxygenation of your scalp. They help improve circulation and prevent your fall.

Great Lakes Gelatin, Certified Paleo Friendly, Keto Certified, Collagen Hydrolysate, Peptides, Pasture-Raised Grass-Fed, Non GMO, 16 oz, Frustration Free Packaging
Great Lakes Gelatin, Certified Paleo Friendly, Keto Certified, Collagen Hydrolysate, Peptides, Pasture-Raised Grass-Fed, Non GMO, 16 oz, Frustration Free Packaging

The myths and truths of the hair


It is essential to give elasticity and firmness to your hair. It contains omega 3 and vitamin B, so it will also give an incredible shine.


Fruits rich in vitamin C, such as orange, lemon and grapefruit, stimulate the production of collagen. Include them in your diet for stronger hair.

Your advantage? They make the hair grow faster and more resistant.


If you tend to dye your hair or bleach it very often, cereals like wheat germ are a great solution for you.

Being composed of fiber, they help the hair cuticles and restore from the root to the tip.

5 daily habits that are damaging your hair


The clear of this food provides a large amount of iron and proteins that will strengthen your hair.


It is not by chance that there are so many hair treatments made with this ingredient.

Its high content of vitamins and minerals soften your hair and, of course, make it stronger.


They are highly recommended if you feel that your hair is weak and falls easily. Lentils, beans and beans are the best results.

Advanced Collagen Supplement, Type 1, 2 and 3 with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C - Anti Aging Joint Formula - Boosts Hair, Nails and Skin Health - 120 Veggie Capsules - by ForestLeaf

Advanced Collagen Supplement, Type 1, 2 and 3 with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C - Anti Aging Joint Formula - Boosts Hair, Nails and Skin Health - 120 Veggie Capsules - by ForestLeaf

What does collagen do in the human body?

Do you know the importance of collagen for your body?

Collagen is an essential protein for our body as well as one of the most abundant in our body. It is present in bones, nails, hair, teeth, cartilage, tendons and ligaments, on the skin and even in the eyes. It protects our muscles and vital organs and is part of the wall of blood vessels, cornea, gums and scalp. In addition, along with elastin, is responsible for giving flexibility, firmness and resistance to the dermis.

Director of the Unique Centers Medical Department, talks about all the properties of collagen, as well as its importance in anti-aging treatments .

With age, the production of this protein is reduced. At age 25, approximately 1.5% is lost annually and at 40, fibroblasts produce half as much collagen as in adolescence. This loss is part of the natural aging process, however there are certain factors that can accelerate the process such as stress, smoking, poor diet, lack of sleep or inadequate exposure to the sun. It is essential, therefore, to avoid bad habits and take concrete measures to stimulate their production.

First of all, it is advisable to follow a diet rich in protein provided by the amino acids precursors of collagen , such as pork, chicken, turkey, fish or veal; and other foods that do not contain it directly but help its formation, such as fruits, vegetables, eggs, red fruits and nuts .

Advanced Collagen Supplement, Type 1, 2 and 3 with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C - Anti Aging Joint Formula - Boosts Hair, Nails and Skin Health - 120 Veggie Capsules - by ForestLeaf
Advanced Collagen Supplement, Type 1, 2 and 3 with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C - Anti Aging Joint Formula - Boosts Hair, Nails and Skin Health - 120 Veggie Capsules - by ForestLeaf

You can also resort to medical-aesthetic treatments such as Ellansé ™ - M, a revolutionary treatment for immediate facial and hand rejuvenation. It combines the correction of wrinkles and facial folds with the stimulation of collagen itself, offering natural and lasting results.

In addition, it acts on the subdermal layer of the skin, returning volume to depressed areas such as the folds, the chin line, the nasolabial sulcus and on the hands . In this way, it is possible to return the elasticity and thickness to the skin that begins to be lost as a result of aging. This innovative treatment also favors neocolagenesis, which consists of biostimulation of the patient's own collagen.

It has a durability of approximately 2 years . In this way, an appearance of general rejuvenation is maintained until the product is completely removed from the body. It is a quick procedure, minimally invasive and painless, perfect to show a firm and smooth skin, thus returning youth to our face.

Bulletproof Collagen Protein Powder, Unflavored, Keto-Friendly, Paleo, Grass-fed Collagen, Amino Acid Building Blocks for High Performance (17.6 oz)

Bulletproof Collagen Protein Powder, Unflavored, Keto-Friendly, Paleo, Grass-fed Collagen, Amino Acid Building Blocks for High Performance (17.6 oz)

What foods contain collagen and elastin?

Foods rich in collagen and elastin that benefit your skin

Do you want to improve the appearance and quality of your skin over the years? Taking foods rich in collagen and elastin will help you maintain an adequate amount of these proteins in your body. They are involved in performing the functions of your body so that your skin and other areas such as muscles, hair, bones, and tissues in general can regenerate.

Both provide diverse properties and benefits for your health, emphasizing mainly in giving a young image to all your skin. While elastin offers resistance and prevents sagging, collagen is responsible for improving the tone and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
What are the foods rich in collagen and elastin?

Both collagen and elastin are two proteins of natural production, and although you can take them directly in food supplements, the best formula is to eat foods rich in these proteins.

Among the foods that possess elastin are those rich in Vitamin A (melon, potatoes or carrot), in Zinc, soybeans and also green leafy vegetables such as spinach or lettuce.

Bulletproof Collagen Protein Powder, Unflavored, Keto-Friendly, Paleo, Grass-fed Collagen, Amino Acid Building Blocks for High Performance (17.6 oz)
Bulletproof Collagen Protein Powder, Unflavored, Keto-Friendly, Paleo, Grass-fed Collagen, Amino Acid Building Blocks for High Performance (17.6 oz)

On the other hand, you should know that some foods stimulate or promote the production of collagen. They are red fruits (cherries, strawberries or apples) and those rich in Vitamin C (orange, pineapple, lemon, kiwi or mango). It is also found in most vegetables (vegetables with vitamin K) and foods with a high sulfur content such as celery or bananas, soy milk, cheese, avocado and also tea.

However, there are a number of food groups that directly contain collagen. Next, you have the properties and the proportion of that protein that gives you.
Foods with collagen

  •     From the meat of chicken, pork, ox, turkey and cow all kinds of products with the highest content of collagen, especially present in the legs of the aforementioned animals.
  •     Fish : have a lower proportion compared to meat, although both tuna and salmon, for example, maintain a significant amount of collagen. In addition, it has numerous other benefits as they also contain omega-3, which gives us elasticity in the skin and hair.
  •     Eggs : their inner and outer membranes have collagen, as well as the part of the yolk. Along with other nutrients that participate in protein formation such as vitamin E or sulfur, consuming eggs gains strength and elasticity in the skin.
  •     Dairy : although they have more fats, also their high content of collagen as well as a large amount of other proteins suppose a benefit for the regeneration of the dermis.
  •     Fruits : these help prevent the destruction of collagen, while providing vitamin C. Blackberries, blueberries, plums, grapes, figs or currants are good examples.
  •     Nuts: almonds, nuts, peanuts and many others have a high proportion of collagen, in addition to Omega-3, 6 and 9 to produce it in your body.
  •     Gelatin: practically 90% of it is derived from collagen, so it is an ideal complement to your diet, also because it barely has calories.

Ideas for cooking these foods

The best way to consume these foods is raw , or depending on the product, steamed , as it is the way of cooking in which fewer properties are lost. The ideal is to introduce them in a well-balanced diet, with contributions in the five daily meals, but without abuse of certain foods. The nuts can be taken between meals, the dairy at breakfast and a piece of fruit at the end of each meal.

You already see that eating foods with elastin and collagen to avoid flaccid skin are a great way to combat the passage of time on your skin.

Premium Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides(21oz) - Best Value?Non-GMO, Grass-Fed, Gluten-Free, Pasture Raised Cattle?Unflavored and Easy to Mix - 100% Pure Ultimate Collagen Powder Type 1&3

Premium Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides(21oz) - Best Value?Non-GMO, Grass-Fed, Gluten-Free, Pasture Raised Cattle?Unflavored and Easy to Mix - 100% Pure Ultimate Collagen Powder Type 1&3

10 foods that contain magnesium and collagen are in your diet?

Eating is an indispensable action for life. But, sometimes, the intense rhythms of day to day make us forget how much it is important not only to eat, but to nourish ourselves. Vitamins , minerals , proteins and all the nutrients present in food are essential for health.

In this post we focus on foods that contain magnesium and collagen. Take note and add them to your diet for a better quality of life!

Why is it important to take foods that contain magnesium and collagen?

Collagen is an indispensable protein for life . It is the most abundant in our body and responsible for the elasticity of the skin , the resistance of the bones, the health of the joints, nails, hair, teeth, cornea and connective tissue.

For this reason it is considered an important nutrient for human health and well-being.

Magnesium is also essential to stay fit and healthy. In this case it is an essential macromineral that is found mostly in the bones and in lesser amount in soft tissues, blood and body fluids.

Premium Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides(21oz) - Best Value?Non-GMO, Grass-Fed, Gluten-Free, Pasture Raised Cattle?Unflavored and Easy to Mix - 100% Pure Ultimate Collagen Powder Type 1&3
Premium Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides(21oz) - Best Value?Non-GMO, Grass-Fed, Gluten-Free, Pasture Raised Cattle?Unflavored and Easy to Mix - 100% Pure Ultimate Collagen Powder Type 1&3

Foods with collagen and magnesium are highly recommended because of the synergy that exists between these two nutrients.

Magnesium is essential in more than 300 enzymatic reactions in our body, among which is the production of collagen.

So eating foods rich in collagen and magnesium is twice healthy, because they are a natural source of this protein and at the same time stimulate its production.

In addition, they represent a source of indispensable nutrients for those who practice sports .

foods that contain magnesium and collagen
10 foods that contain magnesium and collagen

The foods that contain collagen are especially those that contain protein: meats, fish and nuts. It is important to introduce them into the diet to maintain good levels of this protein in the body .

On many occasions, the same foods rich in collagen also contain magnesium. These are some examples:

  •     Seeds: especially pumpkin seeds.
  •     Nuts: nuts and cashews among others.
  •     Cow meat.
  •     Broth of bones .
  •     Salmon and blue fish in general represent a good source of collagen.
  •     Eggs
  •     Mussels
  •     Peanuts
  •     Jelly.
  •     Legumes, rich in glycine, the most abundant amino acid in the chains that make up collagen.

Remember that other foods such as oranges, kiwi, strawberries and citrus, thanks to its high contribution in magnesium and vitamin C promote the production of collagen. So you can combine them with those ingredients rich in collagen to increase their benefits for the skin and your health.

foods that contain magnesium and collagen

If on a daily basis it is difficult for you to add foods with magnesium and collagen in your dishes, do not worry. The smoothies and juices with seasonal ingredients are perfect to guarantee your daily intake of these nutrients. You can choose a mix of fruits and vegetables rich in mineral salts, vitamins and fiber and mix a dose of hydrolyzed collagen for a rich and nutritious breakfast .

Magnesium and collagen are foods that are the basis of a balanced diet. A balanced diet is synonymous with health and well-being.

Colvitae supplements based on hydrolyzed collagen enriched with magnesium, vitamin C, calcium and hyaluronic acid help keep you in shape. Even when the rhythms of life make it more complicated to take care of your diet.

BioOptimal Collagen Powder, Collagen Peptides Grass Fed, Non-GMO Premium Quality Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein, Pasture Raised, Dissolves Easily, 300 Grams

BioOptimal Collagen Powder, Collagen Peptides Grass Fed, Non-GMO Premium Quality Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein, Pasture Raised, Dissolves Easily, 300 Grams

What are collagen peptides?

Collagen peptides - THE EXPERTS in health and beauty

Collagen peptides are a versatile source of protein and an important element of healthy nutrition. Its nutritional and physiological properties promote the health of bones and joints, and contribute to beautiful skin.

Collagen is composed of three polypeptide chains. These so-called alpha-chains are intertwined with each other to form triple-helical macromolecules. They have a sequence of amino acids, of unique size and exclusive structure. In the collagen sequences, glycine (Gly) is present as a tertiary residue. This allows the formation of the three chains in a triple helix structure. Therefore, the common feature for all collagens is a sequence that can be expressed as (Gly-XY) * n, where X and Y are frequently represented by proline (Pro) and hydroxyproline (Hyp), respectively. It is necessary so that the collagen can be mounted on fibrils. These, in turn, form fibers that give the extracellular matrix of the connective tissues their unique structure and strength.

The raw material used to obtain the collagen peptides, as well as for gelatin, is the collagen protein. The collagen peptides, however, are relatively small molecules with molecular weight less than 10,000 g / mol. The peptides are composed of at least 2 and at most 100 amino acids. They are characterized by an excellent solubility in cold water and do not form gels even in highly concentrated solutions.

BioOptimal Collagen Powder, Collagen Peptides Grass Fed, Non-GMO Premium Quality Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein, Pasture Raised, Dissolves Easily, 300 Grams
BioOptimal Collagen Powder, Collagen Peptides Grass Fed, Non-GMO Premium Quality Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein, Pasture Raised, Dissolves Easily, 300 Grams

Great Lakes Gelatin, Certified Paleo Friendly, Pasture-Raised Grass-Fed, Collagen Hydrolysate, Collagen Peptides, Non GMO, 16 oz, 2-Pack, Frustration Free Packaging

Great Lakes Gelatin, Certified Paleo Friendly, Pasture-Raised Grass-Fed, Collagen Hydrolysate, Collagen Peptides, Non GMO, 16 oz, 2-Pack, Frustration Free Packaging

What is the benefit of hydrolysed collagen?

Benefits of hydrolysed collagen taken orally

It is interesting to know how collagen acts when taken orally, provided it is the appropriate form of collagen.

Collagen is a very abundant and widespread protein in the body and provides structure, resistance and elasticity to all tissues of the osteoarticular system and to the skin.

From the age of 25-30 years, the cells that synthesize collagen slow down their capacity for synthesis, which has important effects on our body.

Collagen is the glue that holds our body together, and that accounts for 76% of the connective tissue, skin and muscles.

Being an essential constituent of bones, cartilages, tendons, ligaments and joints.

The loss of collagen is the main cause of wrinkles, flaccidity and other torments of age.

When the loss of collagen occurs at the level of articulation, the cartilage loses thickness and resistance, degrades and the bones begin to rub against each other causing pain of osteoarthritis.

Great Lakes Gelatin, Certified Paleo Friendly, Pasture-Raised Grass-Fed, Collagen Hydrolysate, Collagen Peptides, Non GMO, 16 oz, 2-Pack, Frustration Free Packaging
Great Lakes Gelatin, Certified Paleo Friendly, Pasture-Raised Grass-Fed, Collagen Hydrolysate, Collagen Peptides, Non GMO, 16 oz, 2-Pack, Frustration Free Packaging

When the loss is at the bone level, the bone becomes porous and brittle due to decalcification, since the calcium salts that are attached to the collagen are also lost.

This leads us to think that the calcium taken orally either in supplement or in the diet is not absorbed or used without the presence of collagen.

When it affects the skin, it loses thickness and elasticity, causing flaccidity and wrinkles.

All these processes are accelerated with the arrival of menopause due to the decrease in hormone levels.

The collagen in the food has a very low bioavailability, which must be supplemented to get a sufficient contribution to the body.


Collagen is a protein difficult to digest, it is practically not assimilable less than 1%, but when it is subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis, in which the polypeptide chains of the strand are fragmented, which are reduced to peptides and amino acids (AA) with a average molecular weight of around 4000 Da giving rise to CH hydrolyzable collagen, it becomes more digestible (absorption greater than 80%) why its molecular weight is much smaller and will be able to cross the intestinal barrier and via blood reach the collagenous tissues to nourish them.

Upon reaching the collagenous tissues, the hydrolyzed collagen stimulates the work of the cells of our body responsible for synthesizing collagen, (chondrocytes in the cartilages, osteoblasts in bones and fibroblasts in skin and connective tissue)

At a cellular level, scientific studies have shown that the presence of hydrolyzed collagen stimulates the synthesis of collagen itself, therefore tissue is regenerated.

The effect of collagen is dose-dependent, that is, it does not effect at low doses. The intake of 10 grams of collagen per day is recommended, a minimum concentration of collagen peptides is needed to stimulate the regenerative process and a minimum amount of CH ingested to receive health benefits within a reasonable period of time (3 months for reduction of joint pain of wear)

No results have been obtained with non-hydrolyzed collagen or with hydrolyzed proteins other than collagen.

Said dose in capsules would imply at least 10-15 capsules a day which would inconvenience the consumer, that is why it is in powder form.

Dermal studies have shown that taking 10 g of hydrolyzed collagen daily reduces the depth of skin wrinkles.

It has no side effects and contraindications except those people with severe kidney or liver problems and who must follow a low protein diet.

It is a supplement that can be consumed for a long period of time. Rest periods are recommended after three months of treatment of at least one month.

The benefits are noticed after 15 days and if you stop taking the effect it disappears.

It is a product free of fat and with a very low caloric intake of carbohydrates, so the caloric intake is not very high.

In case of people who have a diet with high protein intake, they should temporarily restrict the single protein intake.

They can consume gluten intolerant or lactose intolerant.

Poly-medicated people are better advised to consult with their doctor because although they should not present incompatibilities with the consumption of medications, any product can alter the absorption of medications.

Taking Hydrolyzed Collagen is no problem in healthy people that leads a balanced life, but in case of any doubt related to health issues, it is recommended to consult.

Thus, collagen contributes to the natural regeneration of tissues, especially cartilage, tendons and bones.

It contributes to improving the mobility of the joints and keeps them in perfect health.

Prevents injuries of athletes, such as tendonitis and strains and promotes recovery.

It helps reduce pain in people of advanced age and those who exercise.

Improves the appearance of the skin, nails and hair.

Composition of amino acids:

Glycine, Proline, Alanine, Hydroxyproline, Glutamine, Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Serine, Lysine, Leucine, Valine, Threonine, Phenylalanine, Isoleucine, Hydroxylysine, Histidine, Methionine, Tyrosine.


I have tried both and they have gone very well, the only difference is that the Colnatur I do not like the taste and add honey.


Natural assimilable collagen, neutral taste.

How to use: take 10 g daily dissolved in animal or vegetable milk, yogurts, infusions.

300 gr pot

Prepared by: Protein


High solubility, low caloric intake and does not cause allergies.

Hyaluronic acid has been added to this formula to keep synovial fluid in the joints more elastic and viscous.

The hyaluronic contribution allows recovering the viscosity and elasticity as well as the flexibility and lubrication of the joints. It favors the conservation of the cartilage

420 gr pot price approx. € 21.00

Recommended daily amount: 14 gr a scoop and ½ in a glass of water juice or coffee, preferably in the morning, tastes like vanilla.

It has vanilla flavor, for the hyaluronic it costs a little to undo.

Pharmaceutical Peroxides Laboratory.

Some people have hyaluronic stomach discomfort.


DR Lajusticia adds magnesium to its formula, since magnesium is a catalyst in almost all the chemical reactions that are generated in our body, contributing to the good functioning of the muscles.

If you are interested in the subject I recommend a book, which explains very well the consequences of the lack of collagen.

Win the Osteoporosis of Ana Maria Lajustica ed Edaf

We have introduced Prisma Natural's collagen into our pharmacy because they are more specific compounds for different problems.

  • Collagen Plus Daily
  • Collagen Plus Flexyplus
  • Colageno Plus Soprt
  • Collagen Plus Woman

Orgain Grass Fed Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides Protein Powder - Paleo & Keto Friendly, Amino Acid Supplement, Pasture Raised, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Non-GMO, Type I and III, 1 Pound

Orgain Grass Fed Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides Protein Powder - Paleo & Keto Friendly, Amino Acid Supplement, Pasture Raised, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Non-GMO, Type I and III, 1 Pound

What are the amino acids of collagen?


A protein is defined as collagen if it contains the triple collagen helix predominantly in its molecular structure forming an extracellular aggregate with a predominantly structural function.

Collagen is an insoluble fibrous protein that is characterized by containing large amounts of a regular structure forming a cylinder of great length. Collagen is found in all tissues in which it serves as a support frame. Its importance corresponds to its high percentage: for example, it means 4% of the liver, 10% of the lungs, 50% of the cartilage and 70% of the skin.

Collagen is composed of three chains that form a triple helix ( * ) Each chain has about 1400 amino acids of which one in three is a glycine. At other regular intervals, there are other amino acids, proline and hydroxyproline, which are rare in other proteins. The presence of these particular amino acids allows the three chains to coil around each other forming a very resistant fiber. In addition, hydrogen bonds are established between the chains, which give the collagen great stability.

Orgain Grass Fed Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides Protein Powder - Paleo & Keto Friendly, Amino Acid Supplement, Pasture Raised, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Non-GMO, Type I and III, 1 Pound
Orgain Grass Fed Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides Protein Powder - Paleo & Keto Friendly, Amino Acid Supplement, Pasture Raised, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Non-GMO, Type I and III, 1 Pound

At least 12 types of collagen are known, numbered I to XII ( * ). The simplest, type I contains a long strand of triple helix that ends in the so-called telopeptides (each of which ends in a -COOH or -NH2 terminal), which are small segments that no longer have superhelical structure. Type I collagen molecules are associated side by side with a reaction catalyzed by a specific enzyme, the lysyl oxidase which binds the hydroxyproline of one chain with a lysine residue of another chain. In this way, long fibers are formed. In other types of collagen, the chains end up with more or less globular structures. For example, the basement membrane that supports the skin is a type IV collagen ( * ) that has a globular end or head and an extra tail. In the basal membrane, the heads are joined to one another while the tails are associated four to four forming complexes in the form of X. In this way a reticulum is formed in which other molecules (in this case laminin and other proteoglycans) ) intersect forming a dense sheet ( * ). Type I collagen is encoded by the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes .

Type II collagen ( * ), abundant in the hyaline cartilage, in the vitreous of the eye and in the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral discs, is made up of much thicker fibers.

Collagen type III is encoded by COL1A3 . It is found in almost all tissues in which type I appears as exceptions, bones, tendons and cornea.

Type VI collagen ( * ) is found in many tissues, including the aorta, tendons and skin. It is produced by fibroblasts.

The synthesis of collagen begins in the cytoplasm, forming isolated chains that are taken to the endoplasmic reticulum where the lysine and proline residues are hydroxylated, by means of enzymes that require Fe + 3 and vitamin C as cofactors ( * ). The hydroxylation of proline makes the protein thermostable, while the hydroxylation of lysine will allow the crosslinking of several triple helices. At this point, the glycosyl transferases of the endoplasmic reticulum glycosylate some hydroxylysine residues. The triple helix is ​​then assembled with the ends remaining as free polypeptides, which can be folded to form the globular structures. The triple helices are transported to the Golgi apparatus where they are modified by sulphation, some serines being phosphorylated. The resulting resulting procollagen is excreted from the cell through secretory vesicles.

The conversion of procollagen to collagen takes place extracellularly. The terminal telopeptides are hydrolyzed by specific proteases and the triple helices are assembled into fibrils, at which time other connective tissue proteins such as laminin can participate. Some of the hydroxylysine residues are converted to reactive aldehydes by lysyl oxidase, aldehydes that react with other lysine or hydroxylysine residues to form the crosslinks.


Some details are known of the defects that can occur in the synthesis of collagen and associated diseases:

  •     Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: this name is given by a set of at least 10 disorders that are clinically, genetically and biochemically different, but all of them are manifested by a structural weakness of the connective tissue.
  •     Osteogenesis imperfecta: at least 4 diseases with this name characterized by multiple fractures and deformities are known
  •     Scurvy: results from the deficiency of vitamin C in the diet, which can not form hydroxyproline because the enzyme lysyl oxidase needs this vitamin as a cofactor. Collagen in patients with scrobute is less stable than normal, which explains many of the clinical manifestations of this disease
  •     Marfan syndrome: a connective tissue disorder that affects mainly the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems and the eyes. The patients show an asthenic complexion, with tall stature, long arms and hands and fingers like those of a spider. The musculature is poorly developed, with little subcutaneous fat and great laxity of the joints and ligaments. The disease is due to a mutation of the FBN1 gene that encodes fibrillin-1

Cutis lax    

    Cutis lax: a very rare disease, acquired or congenital, in which the degeneration of the elastic fibers of the skin makes it loose and pendulous. The disease is due to a defect of lysyl oxidase, a copper-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the cross-linking reactions of elastin

Kuivaniemi et al. (1997) have reviewed data on the nearly 278 different mutations found in the genes encoding type I, II, III, IX, X, and XI collagens of 317 unrelated patients. Most of the mutations (217, 78% of the total) were from a single base, either by exchange of a codon of a critical amino acid or by an abnormal splicing of the RNA.

Mutations of these 6 collagens cause a wide spectrum of diseases of bone, cartilage, and blood vessels, including osteogenesis imperfecta, a wide variety of chondrodysplasias, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome types IV and VII, and, occasionally, rare types of osteoporosis, osteoarthritis. and family aneurysm.

Collagen is used in cosmetic surgery in the so-called collagen replacement therapy, a procedure that involves injecting subcutaneously natural or synthetic collagen in the areas where wrinkles ( * ), scars or other imperfections of the skin are to disappear.

They are also being used as support in cultures of cartilaginous cells to subsequently implant patients who have suffered injuries, with a new technology called tissue engineering.

Youtheory Collagen Advanced with Vitamin C, 290 Count (1 Bottle)

Youtheory Collagen Advanced with Vitamin C, 290 Count (1 Bottle)

How is collagen synthesized?

Collagen synthesis

Previous sections have anticipated the autonomous ability of the human body to synthesize its own collagen and how that capacity is suffering a slow and irreversible deterioration with the passage of time, to the point of becoming half of the original at the approximate age 30 years old

Likewise, it has been apostilled about certain situations that accentuate this deterioration, being the most relevant the one that happens with the arrival of the climacteric in the female sex, something that is explained by the strong dependence of the intervention of the estrogens that characterizes the synthesis of collagen .

If we propose to select a truly key factor in accentuating this deceleration in the ability to synthesize collagen, perhaps we should point to what is known as " oxidative stress " derived from the accumulation of free radicals in cellular metabolism, among whose causes, to its Psychological stress, environmental pollution, excessive exposure to sunlight, a deficit of restful sleep, or the intake of medicines and stimulants , all of which can be enhanced with a diet lacking in vitamins, minerals and sources natural collagen (which will be discussed in detail in later sections).

Youtheory Collagen Advanced with Vitamin C, 290 Count (1 Bottle)
Youtheory Collagen Advanced with Vitamin C, 290 Count (1 Bottle)

oxidative stress
Avoid degradation of collagen synthesis

In this order of things, we must bear in mind that the available weapons to stop the degradation of collagen synthesis point to two complementary fronts: on the one hand, to reduce oxidative stress and, on the other, to try to ingest the greatest amount of nutrients that contain principles favoring the synthesis of this capital protein structure. It is evident the advisability of eating a diet rich in collagen precursor foods, such as those that will be pointed out later, a diet in which the consumption of those foods that produce, albeit transiently, hyperglycemia, should be postponed, since This is the so-called glycation, a process by which surplus sugar molecules adhere to the collagen fibers to the detriment of their strength and flexibility.
Collagen synthesis

Let's go on to describe in detail how the synthesis of collagen develops in the bowels of the organism. This has its beginning in the cellular cytosol , where chains of isolated amino acids are made that are transported to the rough endoplasmic reticulum, that ribosome rich organelle where the remains of lysine and proline undergo the necessary hydroxylation to transform into the two main amino acids, together with glycine, from the collagen molecule: hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine. For this chemical reaction to take place it is essential that there is a sufficient amount of iron in its reduced form (+3) and vitamin C, both cofactors strictly necessary for two enzymes, prolyl-4-hydroxylase and lysyl-hydroxylase, trigger the reaction.
What is the importance of hydroxylation of both amino acids?

Specifically, as far as proline is concerned, it is responsible for making collagen a more thermostable protein than most, while that of lysine is what makes the formation of the triple helical characteristics that collagen adopts as a structure high school.

After the hydroxylation arrives another determinant phase carried out by enzymes present in the endoplasmic reticulum, the glycosyl transferases , responsible for glycosylation, that is, to join a molecule of glucose, hydroxylysine residues so that this triple helical figure is perfectly assembled with the ends occupied by free polypeptides, which constitute the starting point of the classic folding in globular form that characterizes the quaternary structure of collagen.

Golgi apparatus Finally, the triple helices are transported to another prominent organelle of the cellular cytoplasm, the Golgi apparatus , in which they are subjected to a sulfation reaction involving the amino acid cysteine ​​rich in sulfur, to which is added the phosphorylation of its homolog serine.

At the end of these stages, the resulting metabolite is the procollagen or immature form of collagen, whose fate is its evacuation by the fibroblast to the intercellular matrix using its secretory vesicles. In this extracellular fluid, procollagen becomes the substrate of new enzymes, peptidases and proteases, which give rise to the tropocollagen molecule, the stage immediately prior to the definitive collagen fiber. The dimensions of the tropocollagen are 300 nanometers in length and 1.4 in diameter and are formed by three polypeptide chains, of about 100,000 daltons of molecular weight each, called non-helical α-chains, of levorotatory configuration and each of which is composed of a polypeptide containing a tandem replica of three amino acids.
Defects of collagen synthesis

In all described above can be given a series of Defects of collagen synthesis .

Collagen Peptides Protein Powder - Grass Fed, Pasture Raised with Aminos - Promotes Healthy Skin Hair & Nails – Bone & Joint Support - Hydrolyzed, Unflavored, Non GMO, Gluten Free - Easy to Mix -16 oz

Collagen Peptides Protein Powder - Grass Fed, Pasture Raised with Aminos - Promotes Healthy Skin Hair & Nails – Bone & Joint Support - Hydrolyzed, Unflavored, Non GMO, Gluten Free - Easy to Mix -16 oz

What are the types of collagen?

Discover the different types of collagen!

As we discussed in our previous post, collagen is the most abundant protein in our body . There are many types of collagen and each helps with a part of our body. We will focus on three types of collagen and discuss what forms can be found in most stores.

The collagen must come from natural sources and be obtained through a specific enzymatic hydrolysis process. This is the only way to ensure that all fragments are of the same size and composition, which ensures their complete absorption and assimilation.
Types of collagen

  •     Type I: comprises 90% of the skin, hair, nails, organs, bones and ligaments. If you're looking for a collagen with anti-aging effect, this type of collagen is considered the best.
  •     Type II: shapes the cartilages.
  •     Type III: we find it in bones, cartilages, dentine, tendons and other connective tissues.

Collagen, vitamin C and hyaluronic acid

You can acquire collagen powder, pills or liquid collagen, but it is important that it contains vitamin C and hyaluronic acid. Minerals such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, vitamins such as D, K, B12, B6 or Coenzyme Q10, will help to make the action of collagen more complete.

Collagen Peptides Protein Powder - Grass Fed, Pasture Raised with Aminos - Promotes Healthy Skin Hair & Nails – Bone & Joint Support - Hydrolyzed, Unflavored, Non GMO, Gluten Free - Easy to Mix -16 oz
Collagen Peptides Protein Powder - Grass Fed, Pasture Raised with Aminos - Promotes Healthy Skin Hair & Nails – Bone & Joint Support - Hydrolyzed, Unflavored, Non GMO, Gluten Free - Easy to Mix -16 oz

Vitamin C is key to the synthesis of collagen. Without it, taking collagen does not help much. Whether you take collagen powder, pills or liquid, make sure it contains vitamin C.

It has been confirmed that hyaluronic acid is an essential element to retain the internal hydration of the skin . According to studies, people who ingest hyaluronic acid for four weeks show more hydrated skin, a reduction in wrinkles and an overall improvement in their appearance.
Hydrolyzed collagen

It is a protein obtained through a hydrolysis process. Quite simply, what is achieved is to decrease the molecular weight of the collagen protein so that we can assimilate a greater amount of it.

It has a very low calorie value and does not contain sugar. It helps soften stretch marks but does not eliminate them completely. It also helps to improve flaccidity and, if combined with a daily walk of 30 minutes, will enhance the results. You will notice that hair and nails grow more vigorously and quickly.
Collagen powder, collagen in tablets or liquid collagen

The recommended daily dose of collagen is at least 10 grams per day. We can find this protein in capsules, powder or liquid.

Some people prefer to take collagen powder. You can take dissolved hydrolyzed collagen powder in a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
Collagen: against indications

In general, collagen is a safe substance although some recommendations can be made:

  •     Collagen, being protein, is not indicated for low protein diets .
  •     People with allergies to animal protein should not consume it, nor those who suffer from hereditary phenylketonuria or phenylalanine intolerance.
  •     There brands can contain lactose, sugar or sucralose. If you are allergic to any of these substances you should look at the list of ingredients before ingesting collagen.
  •     Some collagens of marine origin contain a lot of calcium. If you do not want to consume this mineral, you can opt for collagen of porcine origin.

Remember that the results of collagen in the body are visible after three months. The body assimilates collagen and works from within. Be patient and give your body the time it needs.

Premium Multi Collagen Peptide Capsules (Types I,II,III,V,X) - Anti-Aging Formula, Healthy Skin & Hair, Strong Joints, Bones & Nails - Hydrolyzed Protein Supplement for Women and Men - 30 Day Supply

Premium Multi Collagen Peptide Capsules (Types I,II,III,V,X) - Anti-Aging Formula, Healthy Skin & Hair, Strong Joints, Bones & Nails - Hydrolyzed Protein Supplement for Women and Men - 30 Day Supply

What amino acids make up collagen?

Collagen is a fibrous protein that forms the connective tissue, and in mammals and birds it constitutes a very important proportion of total proteins, of the order of a quarter of the total, which makes it the majority.

There are several types of collagen, designated by Roman numerals. In type I collagen, the most abundant, the constituent structural unit is the tropocollagen, a protein of around 300,000 molecular weight, made up of three chains of the same size, two of them identical, called 1, and another slightly different, the a 2. The three chains are joined together by hydrogen bonds between the amino and carboxyl groups of the glycine residues, and by hydrogen bonds with the hydroxyproline side chains, forming a triple helix, peculiar structure of the Collagen This propeller only breaks at the ends.

Collagen type III is formed by three identical chains to 1, and has the peculiarity that at the carboxyl terminal end the three chains are not grouped in helical form, but joined together by disulfide bridges. This type of collagen, located in the perimyo and endomysium of the muscle, seems to be especially important in terms of conferring hardness on the meat.

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Premium Multi Collagen Peptide Capsules (Types I,II,III,V,X) - Anti-Aging Formula, Healthy Skin & Hair, Strong Joints, Bones & Nails - Hydrolyzed Protein Supplement for Women and Men - 30 Day Supply

The tropocollagen units, which have a length of about 2,800 amstrongs, are grouped in parallel, joined together to form the collagen fibers. Within the fibers, the units are displaced approximately a quarter of their length with respect to the adjacent ones, and each unit is about 400 amstrongs from the next one.

The amino acid composition of collagen is quite particular. Glycine represents, in moles, approximately 1/3 of the amino acids present. They also contain very high amounts of proline, and of hydroxyproline (up to 10%), and it is one of the few proteins that contains hydroxylysine. The presence of hydroxyproline is often used as an analytical criterion to evaluate the amount of collagen (connective tissue) present in minced meat products.

Both hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline are produced after the synthesis of the polypeptide chain, by modification of the non-hydroxylated amino acids by specific enzymes.

The primary sequence of collagen chains is also very peculiar, since, except at the ends of the chain, glycine is distributed regularly, occupying the position of one in three minoacids.

The peculiarities of the collagen sequence make possible its peculiar secondary structure. The small size of the glycine allows three chains to cross each other, while the rigidity produced by the proline ring favors the angle of rotation they adopt.

As the age of the animal increases, collagen has a higher number of crosslinks by covalent bonds between the chains. These bridges are formed by the initial action of the enzyme lysine oxidase, which transforms aldehydes into lysine or hydroxylysine, aldehydes that can later be condensed by spontaneous chemical reactions with other groups.

The heating of the collagen produces its denaturation, whose first consequence is an enormous shortening of the fibers, shortening that occurs at a temperature characteristic for the collagen of each animal species. The triple helical structure is also destroyed. The temperature at which the collagen is denatured depends on the content of proline and hydroxyproline: The higher the content, the higher the temperature required. In this sense, there is a great difference in proline content and in the temperature of denaturation between the collagen of warm-blooded animals and that of fish, both much smaller in the latter. In some cold-water fish, the collagen is denatured at less than 20 ° C. In cooking foods, part of the collagen is solubilized and forms the "gelatin", which imparts viscosity to the stews.

Collagen is an abundant component in skin, tendons, vascular system and other waste materials, from which commercial gelatin can be obtained, which is a product of partial degradation of collagen, extracted by heating after treatment in an acidic or alkaline medium. Depending on the type of treatment, a different type of gelatin is obtained. Gelatine is a very useful material in food technology, to obtain thermally reversible gels, with a very low "fusion" point. These gels are formed by cooling by the binding of chains by partial reconstruction of helices of the collagen type, but with large disorganized zones.

From a nutritional point of view, collagen and even gelatin are very unbalanced proteins in terms of their amino acid composition. Collagen is very deficient in tryptophan, and gelatine practically lacks it, since the little that existed is usually destroyed in its preparation. The ease with which it protects itself depends a lot on its state. Native collagen is quite resistant to proteoliis by most proteinases, while denatured collagen is easily hydrolyzed.

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NeoCell Super Collagen and Vitamin C 6,000milligram Collagen Types 1 and 3 Plus Vitamin C,250 Tablets

Demonstrate the efficacy of native type II collagen in the treatment of osteoarthritis

Native collagen type II reduces pain and inflammation and improves joint mobility in osteoarthritis, according to two studies presented by Bioibérica at the World Congress of Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal diseases (ESCEO 2015) held recently in Milan (Italy).

Native type II collagen is the main protein in the articular cartilage structure and provides resistance and strength. In general, in the joint pathologies degradation of this protein occurs, which leads to a degradation of the joints.

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NeoCell Super Collagen and Vitamin C 6,000milligram Collagen Types 1 and 3 Plus Vitamin C,250 Tablets

Therefore, the oral administration of native type II collagen has been shown to help regulate the inflammatory response at the joint level, thus preserving the health of the joints.

The first of the studies was carried out jointly with the Department of Pharmacology of the University of Florence (Italy). It is a pre-clinical study with rats to which osteoarthritis was induced. The results show that a dose of only 10mg / Kg per day of native type II collagen improves pain and motor skills and decreases inflammation and joint degeneration.

In addition, it has been seen that its analgesic effect is comparable to that of the group to which 250 mg / kg of glucosamine was administered per day. "The demonstrated efficacy is especially relevant considering the dose to which native collagen is applied," says Daniel Martínez, director of R & D in the area of ​​Human Health of Bioiberica.

The second investigation is a clinical study done with the Faculty of Medicine of the Osmangazi University (Eskisehir, Turkey) with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of this complement in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. The patients were divided into two groups: one who took acetaminophen and another who took acetaminophen combined with native type II collagen for three months.

At the end of the study, patients treated with the combination showed a significant improvement in pain and mobility, compared to the start of treatment and in the group that only took acetaminophen. "The results show that native type II collagen can provide an additional benefit to conventional therapy," adds Martinez.

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Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Powder, 5 Types of Food Sourced Collagen, Providing Types I, II, III, V, and X, 16.2oz

The 6 benefits of collagen for the elderly

The lack of collagen in our body has many consequences for the elderly : the appearance of diseases of bone fragility such as osteoporosis, joint pain, the appearance of wrinkles, hair loss ... Taking hydrolyzed natural collagen can help prevent or reduce those consequences . In this article we analyze its benefits.

Over the years, our body generates less amount of collagen. Collagen is an essential protein. It is the most abundant in our body. It gives elasticity, resistance and flexibility to the body's tissues. It is key in the strength of bones, in the health of tendons, ligaments and joints or in the vitality of our skin.

Taking natural collagen has 6 benefits for the elderly . They are the following:

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Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Powder, 5 Types of Food Sourced Collagen, Providing Types I, II, III, V, and X, 16.2oz

1. Helps prevent the onset of osteoporosis and bone fragility

Calcium is responsible for keeping our bones strong. But if we lack collagen, the body does not have the capacity to take advantage of it. The bones are formed from a collagen mesh. The collagen protein is responsible for fixing calcium in the bone. To have hard and strong bones, we need to have adequate levels of collagen in that mesh.

Taking collagen helps prevent the onset of diseases related to bone fragility such as osteoporosis . Also, if you already have that disease, it can help reduce your symptoms.
2. Reduces joint pain

The daily intake of collagen can reduce pain, inflammation, edema and stiffness of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, juvenile arthritis and gout . Taking collagen helps repair all the cartilaginous tissues of our body. Among them, those of the joints: knees, joints of the fingers, elbow, neck, etc.

The wear of the articular cartilage causes chronic pain and the loss of the mechanical capacity of the tendons and ligaments, contributing to the inactivity of the joint and aggravating the problem. Scientific studies show that ingesting a quality supplement such as Colvitae strengthens the joints and prevents or reduces pain.
3. It improves the health of the skin and reduces wrinkles

The collagen protein also acts on the tissues of the skin , favoring the reduction of wrinkles. Collagen helps to improve the general appearance of the skin, helps regenerate the connective tissues of the skin and stimulates the formation of natural collagen to preserve a soft, supple, young and more resistant skin.

With the passage of time the dermal collagen is reduced. The union between the skin cells decreases. The consequence is the loss of firmness and elasticity. The skin ages and wrinkles appear.

Taking natural collagen helps maintain the flexibility, strength and firmness of the skin. When wrinkles already exist, it helps to reduce them.
4. Help strengthen hair

Collagen also has a key role in the strength and vitality of hair. Taking natural collagen helps maintain a strong and healthy hair; avoiding its loss.
5. Helps strengthen the nails

Another part of our body in which collagen is essential are nails. Like the bones, the nails are formed by a collagenous mesh that holds the cells. Strength depends on the health of that mesh.
6. Vitality!

Reduce the symptoms of bone fragility or osteoporosis, reduce joint pain, decrease wrinkles and improve the health of our skin, strengthen hair and nails ... all this leads to feel better and, consequently, feel more vital. Collagen can help you recover that vitality you had lost to continue enjoying life and yours.

Taking hydrolyzed nautral collagen is recommended in older people to enjoy better health and quality of life.