Wednesday, January 2, 2019

9 types of condoms that think about what the woman wants

9 types of condoms that think about what the woman wants

With which condoms do you feel one more? Do they take the condoms into account to the vagina? The market offers everything, in Profile we detail what to analyze when choosing one.

With which condoms do you feel one more? Do they take the condoms into account to the vagina? The market offers everything, in Profile we detail what to analyze when choosing one.

LifeStyles Pleasure Collection, 30ct
LifeStyles Pleasure Collection, 30ct

They are made for the penis and often do not take into account that the vagina is just as in contact with them. Condoms, generally, are designed thinking about the needs of the penis, as they surround it. But do they take into account the tastes and needs of women? Which ones adapt better to what each vagina needs?

We asked the sexologist of Durex Central America, Marianela Arias Lamicq, and we explained below how to choose -in pairs- a condom that works for their needs.

With stitches and streaks

The textures in the condoms are made for a greater enjoyment of the woman. The stitches, stretch marks or lines in this type of condom are designed so that the vagina perceives different sensations. Some people do not notice the difference at the time of penetration, but its design is designed to provide additional stimulation.

Full of surprises

If you are a curious girl for whom the element of surprise is paramount, you should know that in the market there are boxes with "surprise" condoms. These are varied packages with different types of condoms. In the same package there can be prophylactic flavors, textured, extra thin, retardant, and many others.

The feminine

It is a thin and more loose case. It covers the vagina and is as safe as the male condom. It is said that it does not diminish both the sensation and the male condom and, in addition, it is controlled by the woman, which should provide greater comfort and pleasure. One of the advantages is that it can be inserted before the sexual act and in this way it does not interrupt the environment. However, from the aesthetic point of view it is not so pleasing to the eye and, according to some blogs of experiences, it can end up feeling like a little bag inside the vagina.

Pleasure that goes on

In the market there are many condoms with retardant gels whose objective is to prolong the pleasure. If the longer erection time is synonymous with more pleasure for you, this is undoubtedly the best option. The retardant delays ejaculation and the premise is to align sensations and, if possible, enjoy simultaneous orgasms.


A penis that shines in the dark or in a phosphorescent wrap can be fun to laugh and enjoy together. In sex shops there are condoms with different designs and colors that are made to play as a couple, have fun and try new things.

In this case, the sexologist Arias reminds us that this type of condom is used only for foreplay and it is better not to trust because it is not sure that they meet the quality standards at the time of penetration. In addition, the dyes can become harmful when they come into contact with the vagina. Arias recommends changing condoms for one that meets protection standards before penetration.

Extra insurance

If the most important thing for you is the prevention of pregnancy, several brands have extra safe options, manufactured with a greater thickness than traditional, without sacrificing comfort or ergonomics. It is important to talk as a couple if you want to opt for this type of condom because it is possible that slightly decreases sensitivity to having a thicker latex.

Edible or flavors

Of guacamole, of bacon, of pizza, of cotton candy ... Condoms are of all flavors. Some, even, are made with edible materials completely, which adds an original touch to the previous game. It is easy to find these in sex shops or through internet sites. They are ideal for oral sex because they offer an extra touch of the flavor of your preference. Like condoms of colors, it is not recommended to use them for penetration as some may not be 100% safe.

Cold or hot

If you are interested in playing with temperatures to experience different sensations, condoms of extensive pleasure that generate sensations of heat or cold are an interesting option.

The human body maintains an average temperature of 37 degrees centigrade. In cavities as the vagina increases slightly. If we experience sexual arousal, this temperature increases even more. The penis, on the other hand, maintains an ambient temperature, so with penetration part of the excitement is the increase in temperature that is felt when coming into contact with the vagina.

There are condoms that encourage even more heat, or cold, because the body perceives an exacerbation effect when there are various points of heat and cold stimulation throughout the skin.


If you prefer to pretend not to use a condom at all, with the feeling of being "skin to skin", there are ultra thin condoms that allow you to feel your partner more during penetration. They are just as safe as condoms of conventional thickness because brands carry out studies to ensure that this is the case. Both the penis and the vagina will have greater sensitivity because the temperature and contact are easier to perceive.