Friday, January 4, 2019

Ten steps to use the condom correctly

Ten steps to use the condom correctly

It is the most used contraceptive method but it is not too much to know how it should be placed to prevent pregnancies and avoid contracting STDs .

The use of condoms today is practically everyday, is the method of contraception that in addition to preventing pregnancy, reduces the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as HIV.

LifeStyles Ultra Sensitive Condom - 50 Condoms (50 Pack)
LifeStyles Ultra Sensitive Condom - 50 Condoms (50 Pack)

However, do we know how it should be used correctly?

Here are the steps to follow to use it in the right way:

1. Check the expiration date of the condom. Sometimes, with the rush we forget to check if the condom is in good condition, over time the condom loses its properties and therefore its effectiveness is affected. Some only have the date of manufacture, in that case the condom can be used up to four years after its production.

2. Open the condom packet around a corner, being careful not to tear it with nails or teeth.

3. Place the rolled condom on the tip of the erect penis, and if the condom does not have a reserve tip, squeeze the tip of the condom enough to leave an inch of space for the semen or lubricant to settle there. If the man is not circumcised, then you have to retract the foreskin before unwinding the condom.

4. Now gently unwind the condom along the penis to the base.

5. Smooth any air bubbles, as these can sometimes cause the condom to break.

6. If you need extra lubrication, it should be applied outside the condom. It is recommended that you use a water based latex condom (remember that there is also polyurethane or lamb skin - natural), because those made with oil (Vaseline, baby oils, body lotions) can break the plastic.

7. After ejaculation, to remove it, even with the erect penis, you must hold the condom firmly from the base to prevent the release of semen.

8. When leaving, a knot must be made. You can wrap it in paper and then throw it away in the trash, it is important not to throw it into the toilet, as they are harmful to the environment.

9. You should always use a new condom in every sexual relationship or erotic game.

10. Remember that currently in the market offers a wide variety of condoms, with textures and styles to choose from, you should only know what you want.