Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Types of condoms

Types of condoms

In recent years, ads about condoms have proliferated
exotic especially coinciding with Valentine's Day (as if the rest
of the days of the year, abstinence is practiced in this country). Without
However, my experience on the other side of the counter tells me that there is still
many individuals who are unaware of the existence of other * types of
condoms * beyond the classics of "the blue box".

Trojan Her Pleasure Sensations Lubricated Condoms, 12ct
Trojan Her Pleasure Sensations Lubricated Condoms, 12ct

In general, people between 20 and 40 years old face the exhibitor
contraceptives and spend a while to observe and browse. They ask
for the offer and the occasion and do not notice questions about the different
types of condoms and lubricants. They explain to you and you
you explain. And so happy everyone.

In older people, the purchase process is usually lightened and
simplify a lot Many women, especially around the menopause,
They feel a certain shame in dealing with these issues. If the pharmacy is in
a small town, this modesty is transformed into panic if the neighbor,
the friend or sister-in-law discovers them asking for those condoms more
or less exotic. It is a fact that pharmacies in small towns
They sell condoms ... for the inhabitants of the neighboring small towns.

Probably to some of you who read this post these attitudes
They may seem anachronistic and outdated. However, in the year 2018
Sex remains a taboo in many areas and lack of information
about sexual health, a serious generalized problem.

  Types of condoms most used in Spain

    Classic condoms

They are the best sellers, those of all life. The brands with the highest
presence in pharmacy are Control and Dúrex. Both are similar:
Transparent, lubricated and made of latex. However, they present
two millimeters difference in nominal width (54 mm in the brand
Control against 56 mm Dúrex). That is, Dúrex condoms
They are slightly wider than the Control.

They are the cheapest condoms and in famacia it is common to find
offers two boxes for ten euros (€ 0.40 the condom). I insist on
the price because sometimes it is used as an excuse (especially
between teenagers) when it is actually possible to find a box of
quality condoms so it costs us a drink.

    Condoms XL

The XL (or XXL) condoms as requested by those who have
authentic prodigies of nature) are similar to the classics but
with greater length and nominal width. Actually they are not much more
widths: 57 mm (in this case they measure the Dúrex ones equal to those of Control).

According to a particular survey conducted by myself during long
years, 50% of men who ask for XL condoms lower their
pretensions to be informed that XL condoms, in addition to
To be bigger, they tend to be more expensive. As for the braggarts that
They ask for size XXL, 100% end up buying the classics.

    Extra-fine condoms

Ultra-thin, extra-thin, sensitive or full-contact condoms
(according to what the marketing gentlemen want to publicize) they present
20% less thick than classic condoms. Your goal is
offer an experience with greater sensitivity to the user guaranteeing
the adequate security.

    Extra-thick condoms

Theoretically they offer greater security. To be able to mention it in the
container is not enough to be thicker but must have overcome
certain resistance tests. Its use is rare.

    Extralubricated condoms

There are situations in which greater lubrication may come well,
for example, during the first sexual relations because in some
cases can be more painful. Other situations that may require
greater lubrication are the postpartum or the menopause (in this case
there is greater vaginal dryness due to the loss of estrogen).

Specific lubricants can also be used for this purpose. Is
important to remember that they must be water-based so as not to damage the
condom and respect the vaginal pH. Vaseline should not be used,
oil of any kind or the hand cream that rests on the bedside table

    Condoms with retardant

Inside the condom contain benzocaine, an anesthetic
present in other products such as the famous Hemoal or Dentispray (for
toothache). Benzocaine causes desensitization
superficial on the penis which theoretically could scratch some time
before ejaculation In some cases the desensitization goes
accompanied by the "cluelessness" and an unexpected Game Over.

    Stretched condoms

Although visually they have the appearance of torture apparatuses
medieval, these presevatives have dots and striations arranged
strategically along the condom to favor the
female excitement

    Condoms with spermicide

Spermicides slow down the movement of sperm and
They act as an added contraceptive. However, in 2003 the
WHO warned that its use can increase vaginal injuries and for
both its use is not convenient in the context of HIV prevention.

The most used spermicide is Nonoxynol-9. Although some
manufacturers removed their condoms with this component, Control lo
continues to market with the name of Control Protect

    Condoms with flavors

There is no ceiling for the imagination of aromas and flavors in
condoms The more tropical the fruit and the more aphrodisiac
look like the name of the spice, the better. There are some that offer even a
Stimulating "chill effect.
There is everything in the vineyard of the Lord.

Although chocolate is always a classic, another survey conducted by
myself for many years yields revealing results: the flavors
exotic are those of the impulse purchase and the classic flavors those of
the loyal purchase We have not discovered America yet.

It is striking that the concern about health and safety issues
is such that some of the claims of these products make
reference to the absence of sugars in its composition. I will have the
detail of saving you the easy joke.

    Condoms with colors

I remember the United Condoms of Benetton that appeared there for the year
97 causing great stir. Except for specific gracietas, they are not products
that have high demand among consumers.

    Condoms with heat and freshness effect

Either you love them or you hate them. They do not leave anyone indifferent.

    Condoms "with shoehorn"

Yes gentlemen, Control has some condoms called "Easy Way" with a
kind of applicator to place them more easily. After seeing the
I just renamed them "Condoms for Dummies". What
ad? A Control announcement in which you compare the placement of a
preservative with sheathing a medieval sword and that has no
waste. At this point I must say I do not know if I learn a lot
writing these posts, but I have a lot of fun.

    Condoms without latex

Although the percentage of people allergic to this material is small,
until recently they complained bitterly (and rightly so) about the high price
of condoms without latex. The price of these condoms can
be up to € 3 per unit (about 7 or 8 times more than condoms)

Currently we find the Real Feel condoms as an alternative
, from Durex.
They are made of polyurethane (like most condoms)
without latex) and also have less thickness. Its price is similar to
rest of the special condoms (flavors, flutes, etc.) and
It ranges between € 0.80 € -1 per unit. It is certainly great news for the
allergic to latex.

    Condoms combined

If we already warned that there was no ceiling for imagination in the
flavors, neither is there for combinations of types of
condoms Some examples are:

  The advice of the Apothecary

You may not find anywhere in the world with so many types
of condoms like in the famous Condomerie <http://condomerie.com/>
of Amsterdam. It is a store in which the prophylactics
expose in the showcase hanging on a string with clips (as if
socks drying in the sun it was). Apart from the curiosity that
They can awaken condoms with marsmallow flavor or shaped like
Dutch mill (with its blades included) the certain thing is that the protection
in sexual relationships is not a matter of laughter.

Preventing unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases is
The main function of a condom. And for diseases of
sexual transmission I do not mean only AIDS, but others
simple to infect such as hepatitis B.

If someone wants to have fun in a tupper-sex with their friends, I think
perfect. If someone wants to celebrate a bachelor party and do
Grace with bizarre condoms, I also think it's perfect (maybe
a little ordinary, but perfect).

Now, when it's time to have sex and
especially if it is not with the usual partner, my advice is that
condoms are from brands such as those mentioned above, which
scrupulously comply with manufacturing requirements. And, although I
accuse you of sweeping for home, that you buy in establishments that
offer all the guarantees.

All * types of condoms * in the world are very fun to
play, but with sexual health is not played.


Siegfried N. Nonoxynol-9 to prevent vaginal infection of the
HIV infection from men to women: RHL commentary (last
revision: September 25, 2003). / The Health Library
Reproductive of the WHO /; Geneva: World Health Organization.