Friday, January 4, 2019

Female condom

Female condom

What is it?
It is a cylindrical bag of a thin and resistant plastic (polyurethane), lubricated with dimethicone, which has two flexible rings, one internal and mobile that is used to insert the condom and another fixed external one that is placed outside the vagina.

ONE Ultimate Sampler Pack, Premium Lubricated Latex Condoms with Silver Pocket/Travel Case-24 Count
ONE Ultimate Sampler Pack, Premium Lubricated Latex Condoms with Silver Pocket/Travel Case-24 Count

How do you avoid pregnancy?
The female condom works as a reservoir for the ejaculated sperm, preventing them from coming into contact with the vagina.

How is it used?
The correct use of the condom or female condom includes the following steps:

  •     It must be placed in the vagina before contact with the penis. It can be placed before penetration or several hours before the sexual relationship
  •     The woman should choose the most comfortable position possible: squatting, lying down with her legs bent or standing with one of her legs resting on a chair.
  •     Remove after the exit of the penis from the vagina, or a few minutes later (if lying down, remove the condom before getting up), securing and twisting the edges of the outer ring, and then gently pull out of the vagina.
  •     Use a new female condom for every sexual relationship
  •     Using the female condom in all sexual relationships
  •     Other aspects should be considered: check if the wrapping is well closed and in good conditions of use (expiration date), open the wrapping only before placement, place in a waste bag after using it.

What is its effectiveness?
When the use is correct and consistent, around 5 of every 100 women can get pregnant during one year. In normal use can be pregnant 21 women out of 100.

  • Medical eligibility criteria for the female condom
  • There are no medical conditions that contraindicate their use. The use of a female condom is not recommended when a woman has one or more severe pathologies in which a new pregnancy can expose her health to a risk, given the high range of pregnancy rates in those who do not use it correctly and consistently .

What are the side effects?
There are no side effects. A small percentage of people may have a lubricant allergy.

IMPORTANT: Female condoms may protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and, eventually, against HIV infection (laboratory studies show that the condom blocks the passage of the HIV virus) although there are still no conclusive studies in humans. Condoms probably offer protection against genital herpes, genital wart virus and other diseases that cause genital ulceration.

Instructions for the correct use of the Female Condom
  •  Open the package carefully on one of the edges so as not to break the condom.
  • Do not use scissors or sharp objects. Nails and rings can tear them .
  •  Place the condom in the vagina before penetration to prevent the passage of sperm present before ejaculation and the transfer of infectious organisms between sexual partners.
  •  Put yourself in a comfortable position: lying with your legs open or standing, with one leg raised on a chair or bed.

With the left hand, open your genitals or lips, and with the right hand take the inner ring of the condom and tighten it slightly until it takes an elongated shape

Insert the inner ring into your vagina, pushing it as deep as possible.

 Then insert the index finger into the condom until it touches the inner ring and push it into the vagina

 The outer ring and a small part of the condom will remain outside the vagina (covering a part of the external genitalia or lips)

 During intercourse the penis must be inserted inside the condom. It is possible that the outer ring moves during intercourse, since it is not fixed; do not worry about it.

  •     You must interrupt the sexual relationship if the outer ring is inserted inside the vagina or if you notice that the penis is below or on the side of the condom.
  •     Use the condom in all sexual relationships and a new one for each intercourse.
  •     Do not use condoms whose wrappings are broken. Look at the package and see that they are not expired. Also, do not use condoms that do NOT have a uniform appearance, have changed color, feel brittle, dry or very sticky.
  •     After ejaculation you should remove the condom carefully so that semen does not spill into your vagina. Take the outer ring and twist it so that the condom closes at its open end. Then gently pull the outer ring to remove the condom from the vagina. After removing the condom, discard it in the trash or toilet. Do not leave it within the reach of children and other people .