Friday, January 4, 2019

What you should know about condoms before your first time

What you should know about condoms before your first time

Having sex will always be complicated, but it is much more if we talk about the protection you must have during your first time . So here we give you some tips on how to use the condom correctly.

One Condoms Super Sensitive, 12-Pack
One Condoms Super Sensitive, 12-Pack

1.- The condom has many myths . The most common myths about this contraceptive are: It does not feel the same or that it can be broken in case you are very passionate. In both cases it has been shown that they are lies.

The condom can break if you do not know how to properly position it. In terms of sensitivity, it is known that it is the same and in case of being super sensitive, there is much thinner condoms in the market.

2.- The condom is one of the best methods of contraceptive barrier. It is true that the market is full of options: patches, pills, vaginal rings, ampoules , but when we talk about sexually transmitted diseases , nothing keeps you away from them than the condom .

3.- Currently, the female condom is also available. This condom provides the woman with more autonomy to control her fertility and sexual health . It has no side effects. Its effectiveness is from 79 to 95% and can be placed up to 8 hours before having sex ; without counting that it is not necessary to remove it immediately after the ejaculation .

4.- It is super important that before placing the condom you set the expiration date. I opened the package with the fingertips, do not use nails, scissors or teeth, as they could tear the latex .

5.- Place it on the erection penis the tip of the condom, squeeze that tip with your fingers so there is no air there, while you hold squeezing with one hand , with the other unrolls the rest of the condom , when it is to the base of the penis , release the receptacle.

6.- Do not let air enter since it can break during sexual intercourse . Once the ejaculation has occurred, remove the condom when the penis is still in erection , holding with your fingers between the base of the penis and the arum.

7.- Remember that you should use only one condom , either yours or your partner's , never use 2 condoms in the same relationship, with a well placed one you can protect yourself very well and thus prevent them from breaking.

It is important to remember that both condoms are the only ones that prevent both STDs and pregnancies.