Monday, March 4, 2019

Oliver Smith - Organic Cotton - 10 Inch - Perfect Sleep - Comfort Plush Euro Pillow Top - Cool Memory Foam & Pocket Spring Mattress - Green Foam Certified - Twin



The polyurethane foam, besides acting as an insurmountable thermal insulator, waterproofs. It is not necessary to coat the back of the walls to guarantee the impenetrability before rainwater. It is considered a continuous waterproof system, which meets the new CTE in any circumstance.

Oliver Smith - Organic Cotton - 10 Inch - Perfect Sleep - Comfort Plush Euro Pillow Top - Cool Memory Foam & Pocket Spring Mattress - Green Foam Certified - Twin
Oliver Smith - Organic Cotton - 10 Inch - Perfect Sleep - Comfort Plush Euro Pillow Top - Cool Memory Foam & Pocket Spring Mattress - Green Foam Certified - Twin

  •     In inclined roofs other anchors are not necessary due to the strong cohesion of the foam with the other materials.
  •     On flat roofs and on the upper face of slabs , higher density foams capable of withstanding an> 200 kPa compression should be used.
  •     In industrial roofs it is successfully applied for the insulation and waterproofing of industrial light covers. A foam with a density of not less than 45 kg / m3 is used and must be protected from solar ultraviolet (UV) rays with a quality coating of sufficient thickness. It is a very effective insulation to avoid heat and cold in industrial buildings. With only a thickness of 30 mm, it reduces the thermal transmission of the roof by 7 times.
  •     Being integrated in the same cover sheet, prevents condensation.
  •     As it is a continuous coating, it covers the joints and waterproofs the cover.
  •     The fire rating of the foam assembly plus its protection, is Broof.
  •     It encapsulates the surface avoiding the migration of asbestos fibers in those covered with old fiber cement sheets, which are manufactured with this dangerous material.
  •     When applied on the outside of the roof, the work of the industry does not interfere, an advantage that is very much appreciated by the clients.


  •     Polyurethane foam is the most insulating material that exists. Its coefficient of thermal conductivity is the lowest of all insulating materials (lambda 0.028 for an already aged material). With equal thickness, we obtain greater thermal resistance and therefore more insulation.
  •     Polyurethane has great ease and speed of application. A team can apply between 300 and 600 m2 of foam per day.
  •     The polyurethane when being pumped from a truck on the outside, does not require lifting to work or occupation of space with bulky materials.
  •     Seal possible cracks and air intakes. It waterproofs the wall of external humidities that could penetrate by capillarity of the work.
  •     It is not necessary the internal plaster of the back of the wall. (Report 17.257 of 11/10/1999 of the Eduardo Torroja Institute).
  •     Polyurethane is considered to be a continuous waterproof coating.
  •     The polyurethane foam by itself is sufficiently resistant to water vapor that it does not require a vapor barrier under normal conditions of use.
  •     Yes, it will be required in special applications such as in cold rooms. However, it allows the building to breathe.
  •     The polyurethane foam, lacking joints to be perfectly adhered to the support on which it projects, does not allow the formation of dampness by condensation between the insulator and the backing in the enclosure wall.
  •     The polyurethane foam improves the acoustic insulation of the enclosure with foam thicknesses of 2 to 4 cm. In a reduction in the measured noise step in decibels comparable with other fibrous insulators (Report nº 17,691 of the Eduardo Torroja Institute of 30/07/02001).
  •     Polyurethane is preferred by architects and other building professionals, in the most used system for the insulation of walls and roofs. It has become the benchmark for all other insulators.
  •     Since January 1, 2004, European polyurethane foams do not use gases that damage the ozone layer.
  •     When it is served to work in liquid form, which occupies 50 times less volume than the foam that will obtain these components, it saves a great amount of energy in its transport.
  •     It has calculated its "life cycle" for a period of 50 years and is enormously favorable and ecological. (The "life cycle" analyzes and calculates the energy that will be saved in that time compared to the energy consumed in the manufacture and placement of the material).
  •     The polyurethane foam can be recycled.
  •     The polyurethane foam does not require maintenance or replacement throughout its useful life.
  •     The projected polyurethane, in addition, does not contain CFCs or HCFC's, so it does not contribute to the destruction of the Ozone layer, and helps to combat the effects of global warming.
  •     A good level of thermal insulation, with a uniform treatment of the singular points guarantees the absence of condensation, and avoids the formation of molds and humidities that can damage the building.