Saturday, March 16, 2019

URCERI GC-1028 Metal Detector High Accuracy Waterproof 2 Modes Outdoor Gold Digger with Sensitive Search Coil LCD Display for Beginners Professionals, Yellow

How to locate places to look for relics?

When we want to look for recently lost things, we limit ourselves to go to the places where we see that there have been great concentrations of people. When what we want is to look for ancient coins and relics, we must go to places where in ancient times large concentrations of people were produced ... or where there have been people over very long periods of time.

URCERI GC-1028 Metal Detector High Accuracy Waterproof 2 Modes Outdoor Gold Digger with Sensitive Search Coil LCD Display for Beginners Professionals, Yellow
URCERI GC-1028 Metal Detector High Accuracy Waterproof 2 Modes Outdoor Gold Digger with Sensitive Search Coil LCD Display for Beginners Professionals, Yellow

Let's make a quick review of the places with the best odds so that nearby relics can be found:
    •       Sources: People have always needed water and went to the sources to look for it.
    •       Irrigation fields: The orchard, and in general all irrigated crops, in addition to requiring greater attention from their owners than other types of rainfed crops, is usually found in the vicinity of populations, so it is visited with much greater frequency.
    •       Crossroads of roads: The crossroads are typical places of rest, where the traveler finds other travelers and where there may have been brawls and commercial transactions.
    •       Front yards and manor house gardens: Typical places of entertainment and, in some cases, commercial transactions.
    •       Rivers and streams in the vicinity of population centers: For the same reasons as in the sources, people have always come to the banks of rivers and streams.

You also have to take into account the names of the sites, that is, the place names:

Places named how (Or that they contain in their denomination) :

The milestone, iniesta, the road, alcudia, albalat, slab, losilla, camino real, old road, costs ...

They tend to allude to the presence of a causeway or road, usually of Roman origin (Beware what you may find yourself transgressing the Heritage Law!) .

The corner, rinconada, the houses, the villas, the villares, the high, the tile, the inheritance ...

They usually allude to the presence of vestiges of ancient population.

The mill, the mill, the watchtower, the hill ...

They are usually dominant places of the environment and it is possible that they have harbored population in times of unrest. It is also possible that if in the vicinity passes or passed a road, they were occupied by armies, observation posts and even by bandits.

The valley, the glen, the rope, the corrals, the royal road ...

They are usually places linked to the transumancia of cattle, and the sources of their proximities have been used during centuries by the cattle ranchers.

Cotas, gentlemen ...

They usually point to old battlefields.

  • In general lines, and finally, the names of the sites usually always have a reason to be, and to find relics nothing more simple than to find out what that reason for being is and why they charged that denomination in their day.
  • If a name catches our attention, let's investigate it.
  • Toponymy is full of data, sometimes mythical or referring to legends or things already happened. Hills of gold or treasure usually indicate only that, well in his day there was something found, well that there was a popular belief that there was hidden, while denominations such as vallejo de los muertos, but of the massacre or things like that can denote the presence of an old battlefield.

More than once and more than twice we will not find anything in those places ... but from time to time ...