Monday, March 11, 2019

OOTORI SL Massage chair - Full body massage, Roller Massage from Neck to Hip, 3-Rows-Footroller, 6 Auto Mode inc. Yoga/Stretch Mode, w/Bluetooth speaker and LED Light Beige

Foods that help improve blood circulation

Blood circulation problems? Diet is a good ally to help fight this problem. We talk about foods that help improve circulation.

Swollen feet , varicose veins, tired legs ... Circulation problems are quite frequent among women and it is not something that should be taken lightly, as they can lead to serious pathologies and, therefore, require advice and medical attention.

Swollen hands or feet, a certain bluish color on the skin, cold extremities, tingling in some parts of the body and varicose veins in the legs are some of the most common symptoms that reveal poor circulation of blood .

The problems of poor blood circulation are frequent in pregnant women, in overweight people or may also be due to bad lifestyle, such as sedentary lifestyle, smoking or abuse of alcohol. However, after a poor circulation of the blood there may also be the genetic factor.

OOTORI SL Massage chair - Full body massage, Roller Massage from Neck to Hip, 3-Rows-Footroller, 6 Auto Mode inc. Yoga/Stretch Mode, w/Bluetooth speaker and LED Light Beige
OOTORI SL Massage chair - Full body massage, Roller Massage from Neck to Hip, 3-Rows-Footroller, 6 Auto Mode inc. Yoga/Stretch Mode, w/Bluetooth speaker and LED Light Beige

We already know what the symptoms are and some of the possible causes, now we are going to pay attention to their treatment and how they can be improved and alleviated. The most important thing is to reiterate that circulatory problems always need medical attention and treatment. There is nothing to replace this, now, diet and exercise are fundamental allies to combat and improve these problems. A healthy life , with healthy habits help prevent circulation problems.

We are not talking about just having a healthy and balanced diet in which fruits and vegetables predominate: there are also specific foods that have properties that favor better blood circulation, as in the case of citrus , for example, thanks to its high content in vitamin C they help to avoid an excess of accumulation of fat in the blood, thus facilitating the circulation of blood. Garlic has also always been known as a fundamental ally to enjoy a good circulation, as it helps to avoid the formation of clots and dilate the blood vessels. These are just some examples, but the list of foods that help improve circulation is broad. Discover them and incorporate them into your diet!

1. Eggplant
Eggplant has a high antioxidant power, helps reduce cholesterol and promotes circulation of the legs and blood in general. In addition, it is rich in vitamins, minerals and is low in calories.

2. Garlic

There has always been talk of how beneficial garlic is for the circulation of blood . This is because it has anticoagulant and vasodilator properties that facilitate proper blood flow.

3. Orange

Orange is very rich in vitamin C, so it helps to strengthen the capillary walls, to fight the accumulation of fat in the blood and thus improve circulation. In addition, it facilitates the formation of collagen, a protein whose function is to keep tissues and organs together and provide elasticity and resistance to these tissues.

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon helps prevent the formation of clots and thrombi, so including it in our diet is a very good idea.

5. Lemon

Like the orange, the high content of vitamin C found in lemon makes it difficult to accumulate fat in the blood, reduces fluid retention and thus promotes blood circulation. In addition, it is perfect to help us purify toxins.

6. Pumpkin seeds

We have already spoken on other occasions of the benefits of pumpkin seeds to, for example, raise the spirits, but, in addition, they are beneficial for the circulation, since they have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, its richness in vitamin E makes them perfect to protect the body's tissues.

7. Ginger

Ginger has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that have a positive effect on the blood circulation. It also improves the elasticity of the arteries and veins.

8. Turmeric

Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make turmeric a perfect ally to improve blood circulation . In addition, turmeric helps stimulate liver function and reduce blood sugar levels.

9. Walnuts

The nuts are effective to fight against bad cholesterol, in addition, the vitamin B they contain helps to improve blood circulation .

10. Water

We know that water is of vital importance to help the functioning of our body and, in particular, is essential to help purify toxins from the blood and fight the appearance of clots.

11. Tomato

The tomato is rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps improve blood circulation , since it makes the blood less thick.

12. Chile

Chili helps strengthen arteries, blood vessels and improve the circulation of blood throughout our body. Although it sounds shocking, its spicy effect is a good propellant of circulation.

13. Watermelon

Like the tomato, when it contains lycopene, watermelon is a good ally to improve circulation.