Monday, March 11, 2019

Gideon Shiatsu Massage Cushion with Heat Portable Chair Pad Massager with Deep Kneading Pain Relief for Full Back & Neck Includes Six Program Remote for Home, Office and Car Use

10 foods to improve blood circulation

Arteries and veins run through our body carrying blood where it is needed, but if it is difficult to circulate, problems may arise

According to the Traditional Chinese Medicine , to enjoy a correct blood circulation depends on the chi or energy of spleen and liver. There must be enough spleen energy for the blood to circulate well through the blood vessels and, in turn, if there is accumulated toxicity (eliminating it is a liver task), the veins may lose elasticity.

Caring for the lymphatic system is also essential to avoid poor circulation, since it collects a large part of the waste circulating in the blood through the lymph; Then this liquid is transported back to the bloodstream. This is an essential immune process.

Gideon Shiatsu Massage Cushion with Heat Portable Chair Pad Massager with Deep Kneading Pain Relief for Full Back & Neck Includes Six Program Remote for Home, Office and Car Use
Gideon Shiatsu Massage Cushion with Heat Portable Chair Pad Massager with Deep Kneading Pain Relief for Full Back & Neck Includes Six Program Remote for Home, Office and Car Use

Maintaining an active life , avoiding constipation, raising the legs when resting and using hydrotherapy techniques helps good circulation.

10 foods to prevent poor blood circulation

The feeding is decisive. Avoid sugars and refined flours, toxic, hydrate well and avoid carbonated drinks. Hot foods according to oriental medicine (such as meat, alcohol or coffee) also favor obstruction.

1. Lemon improves elasticity

Its vitamin C is essential, since it intervenes in the formation of collagen and elastin , proteins that influence the capillary wall.

Take the juice of 1 lemon in a glass of water in the morning. If you take advantage of the skin (you can grate a little) and the white part you will get even more antioxidants. You can also dress your vegetables with lemon juice.

2. Turmeric protects against inflammation

It is anti-inflammatory and easy to use. Much of its benefits for circulation are due to its antioxidant effect, which counteracts the action of free radicals and toxins in the body.

Consume 2 slices of fresh root daily in infusion, smoothie, cream or sauce, always with black pepper and a little oil.

3. Ginger liquefies blood
Its frequent and habitual consumption helps to mobilize the energy and activates the circulation of the blood when fluidifying it. Consume it fresh or dry daily in sauces, vegetable creams, sweets or infusions.

4. Sunflower seeds provide vitamin E

In addition to providing essential amino acids necessary for the maintenance of capillary structures, they are rich in vitamin E , one of the most potent antioxidants for our body.

The recommended consumption of sunflower seeds is 1 tablespoon per day, as is, or better still, slightly toasted or soaked 12 hours and dehydrated.

5. Garlic has an anticoagulant effect

This natural anticoagulant helps the blood circulate better in the vessels. Together with the onion, it stimulates blood circulation and decreases the viscosity of the blood.

Each day it takes 1 crushed raw tooth.

6. Horsetail improves the condition of the vessels

It is rich in silicon, necessary for the formation of collagen and, therefore, the maintenance of vascular walls .

Every day you can take 2 cups in infusion, better with the ground plant. Or toast a little and add it to the gomasio, to the salads and to the vegetable creams.

7. Buckwheat reinforces the action of vitamin C

This pseudocereal is rich in a flavonoid called rutin that acts in synergy with vitamin C, protecting the wall of the vessels and capillaries . Its habitual consumption thus contributes to the protection of blood vessels.

Each week consumes 2 or 3 servings of buckwheat, cooked for example with leeks and shitakes.

8. Dark berries improve venous tone

Berries such as black grapes or blueberries are very rich in antioxidants and, in synergy with vitamin C, they also help to improve venous tone .

Black grapes and blueberries: a handful a day, alone or in dishes like a salad.

9. Millet tones the spleen

It is the cereal par excellence to tone the spleen , according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. The spleen governs the blood vessels and allows blood to remain in them and circulate properly.

Wash the millet before and cook it in plenty of water. Take 1 or 2 servings a week, as cereal or in the form of croquettes or cake.

10. Nuts are vasodilators

In addition to omega-3, fatty acids necessary for its anti-inflammatory effect, provide vitamin B3, which by its vasodilator effect promotes circulation and venous return.

Enjoy a handful of nuts a day, better lightly toasted or soaked a few hours.