Thursday, March 7, 2019

Life-Flo? Biotin Drops 10000 mcg with 200 IU Vitamin D | Liquid Biotin for Healthy Hair Growth & Nails | Natural Vanilla Flavor | 60 Servings

How to grow hair very fast - 7 steps

Having short hair is a very common problem, especially among women. In fact, we are many who for various reasons-abundant fall, breakage, slow growth, weak points, etc.- We spend months and months with hair in the same measure. And is that each person grows hair slower or faster according to their properties. In addition, lifestyles very common in our day to day, negatively affect hair growth; nerves, anxiety, bad nutrition, bad habits when it comes to taking care of our hair, etc. All of them are very common reasons in modern life and it costs a lot to put aside. Even so, as we know that having a nice and healthy hair is fundamental for all of us, since it stylizes a woman a lot, today at we want to explain everything you need to know about how to grow hair in a very fast way . With this, all the problems that go on your mind will go off with four simple tricks applicable to your day to day.

Life-Flo? Biotin Drops 10000 mcg with 200 IU Vitamin D | Liquid Biotin for Healthy Hair Growth & Nails | Natural Vanilla Flavor | 60 Servings

Life-Flo? Biotin Drops 10000 mcg with 200 IU Vitamin D | Liquid Biotin for Healthy Hair Growth & Nails | Natural Vanilla Flavor | 60 Servings

Instructions to grow hair very fast

So that your scalp can generate its own vitamins and your hair grows stronger, you should try not to wash your hair daily. Try doing it 2 or 3 times a week. In the event that your hair produces too much fat, what we recommend is that you try to lengthen the washing days little by little; that is, first try to do it every two days and progressively you see lengthening the days. You will see how your hair gets used to producing less fat.

You must take great care of your diet and hydration. Keep in mind that we are what we eat, so hair is directly dependent on our diet. Thus, you must promote those foods that carry many proteins - eggs, nuts, fish, different types of meat, etc. - In addition, you should drink a lot of water -1.5 or 2 liters a day-.

Periodic capillary massages. Encouraging blood circulation in the scalp is very important for the rapid growth of hair. Therefore, try that someone can give you two or three times a week a hair massage - about 10 or 15 minutes . It is a practice that can greatly enhance hair growth, as it activates circulation, but also helps you relax. You can accompany your massage with 5 or 6 drops of hair oils - castor oil or coconut oil.

Regarding the washing of your hair , try to use shampoos that enhance hair growth - there are many brands that have specialized full ranges - or else, use natural biotin shampoos . You can use softeners every time you wash your hair - applying mostly to the tips - and once a week you should make a mask. We recommend you try homemade masks, because they are very good for your hair and they are also very affordable and economical. First opt ​​for the mask of egg white and honey or aloe vera mask and olive oil.

The irons and the hair dryer are the main enemy of growth. Keep in mind that you should avoid these contraptions, since they burn and dry the hair. In addition, the plates break the ends of the hair. Thus, try to avoid its use and otherwise, always use heat protectors.

Regularly cut and sanitize your hair. Keep in mind that although it seems contradictory you should cut your hair periodically - every 3 or 4 months. With this, the tips will be healthy so they will not break and will continue to grow healthily. Having a long mane is as important as having healthy hair, since long hair does not look if it is not well hydrated and cared for.

Finally, you can use external vitamins . Thus, you can buy biotin pills in your pharmacy - very affordable, you must take 2 at breakfast time. Or, you can also resort to the most recognized pill treatments such as Pilexil or Vitacrecil. Keep in mind that these remedies boost the vitamins your hair needs - iron, zinc and vitamin B above all. So, you can also choose natural pills.

What do you need to grow hair very fast?

  1. Shampoo rich in biotin or specialized for damaged hair.
  2. Softener.
  3. Mask bought or natural - eggs, aloe vera, olive oil, honey.
  4. Healthy diet rich in proteins and iron - eggs, fish, meat, nuts. Lots of water -2 liters per day.
  5. Hair oils -coconut or rosemary, for example.
  6. Visit to hairdresser every 3 or 4 months.
  7. Vitamins in pills -biotin, zinc, iron, vitamin B.

Tips to grow hair very fast

Try not to get picked up that pull much of the hair root. In addition, you should not touch your hair too much during the day to day, since this way you have less possibilities of breaking it and it greases a lot less.

 You can try sleeping with one or two braids and the next morning brushing your hair. Massage your hair when you apply the shampoo and when leaving the shower, try to dry with a towel in a delicate way .

 Massage your hair when you apply the shampoo and when leaving the shower, try to dry with a towel in a delicate way .