Wednesday, April 10, 2019

All Natural Shampoo & Hair Conditioner Pack (2 x 33.8 oz)

You think you know how to wash your head, but in reality you're doing it wrong

We have spoken with a professional shampooer (yes, the man who has studied for this), who has revealed to us the secrets of hair cleaning.

All Natural Shampoo & Hair Conditioner Pack (2 x 33.8 oz)
All Natural Shampoo & Hair Conditioner Pack (2 x 33.8 oz)

That you do all your life doing it does not automatically imply that you do it right. We're going to show you that you do not really know how to wash your head. We spoke with Rafael Artero, director of the hairdressing school María y José de Palma de Mallorca and professional shampooer (yes, the man who has studied for this) of Pantene, who has revealed to us the secrets of hair cleaning. And yes, there were a lot of things that we did upside down. Discover them

Choose the shampoo well

We always start badly, most of us trust more of their nose than the label of the product. In a study that P & G did a couple of years ago, up to 70% of people made the decision to buy a shampoo simply because the smell was nice. Crass error: the needs of your hair determine the final result and, to know them, what you have to fix is ​​at the root. And do not obsess over fat. The product's detergents are going to eliminate it, but its mission is to balance it, not make it disappear forever from the face of the Earth. If you do away with all the lipids on your scalp, the skin becomes dehydrated and the brain sends the signal that more is produced to compensate. So the only thing you get to exaggerate in the wash is a rebound effect and an overproduction of sebum.

Click here to see the gallery of 10 shampoos, and for you to choose the one that best suits you

Untangle before wetting hair

The hair is brushed dry before washing. Yes, almost everyone does it the other way around. And that's why we have such a high rate of hair cut in our hair. You discover them against the light, they are that halo that surrounds your head when you have just dried your hair and you have not started with the plates yet. Stopping it is simple: it unravels dry. First, because brushing mobilizes and removes the dirt deposited on the roots and then it is easier to eliminate it. Second, because wet hair is much more fragile, has cuticles open and is unprotected, so it is easier to break.

Wet it first

And do it without fear, with plenty of water. It will not clean, but it is essential for the shampoo soap to emulsify.

So the shampoo is applied well

It is given only and exclusively at the roots. It is not necessary to serve industrial quantities on all the hair, however long it may be. What you have to wash is the root because that's where the grease, dirt, the remains of styling products and pollution accumulate. The rest of the hair only needs a foam pass at the end of the soap. And never directly put a glob of shampoo on your hair. It is impossible to distribute well if you do so. You have to serve the size of a spoonful in one hand and apply it with the other. The most purists even dilute it in a glass of warm water before applying it. Although that enters already in the category of washing of gourmets.

Lava from back forward

It always starts at the temples, then goes to the nape area, then to the crown of the head and finally to the front. You have to do it in this order to not leave any. Generally, the one that always comes out is that of the temples, and that is why it is usually the first to get dirty.

Click here or on the photo to see the gallery of 10 shampoos and for you to choose the one that best suits you.

The rubbing has to end

It is the biggest mistake we all make. And, apparently, it has to do with the Spanish idiosyncrasy. In our country we are committed to burnish and give splendor and treat our heads as if they were the paella of Villarriba. But not only is it not necessary, it is that, in doing so, we are overstimulating again the sebaceous glands to produce more fat. And probably we are also irritating the scalp and unbalancing the pH of that area of ​​the skin. What you have to do is emulsify, with the fingers of both hands crossing in parallel to reach everywhere, but without nailing them to consciousness (and even less the nails). The shampoo surfactants are already responsible for attracting dirt like a magnet and the water will take care of eliminating it.

The conditioner, only from medium to tip

And that is the other most common mistake. This product serves to soften the hair and make it comb better. But if it is applied to the roots it contributes weight and produces fat. You just have to apply it from means to points. If you do it wrong, your hair will get dirty much sooner. The same principle applies to masks. Never in the root, always from means to ends. But if you follow this advice to the letter and then place the hair in a bun at the top of your head so that it stays there while it has its effect, what you are going to get is that the product ends up in the roots. Always pick it up on the neck, so that the mask is not distributed in other areas without you noticing.

You have to clarify very well and with water

There can not be a remainder of the product. And we talk about both the shampoo and the conditioner. In a Pantene campaign throughout Spain in which thousands of heads were analyzed, the result was that 75% of them had shampoo remnants. Of course, it is not necessary to let it act. The shampoo works by negative ions and is very fast. Keeping it a few minutes in the root as if it were a mask is not only an error, it can also create a problem of dehydration.

And once the hair is well rinsed, the styling begins. But that is another story that deserves to be told on another occasion.