Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Clear Shampoo ANTI-DANDRUFF Women Intense Hydration Moisturization of Scalp and Hair with cactus (Intense Hydration Moisturization of Scalp and Hair, 6X400Ml/13.52Oz)

If you have oily hair, you have to wash it SO

If we had to choose between oily hair, but super healthy, and normal hair, but with split ends, most women with oily hair would choose the second option without thinking. And is that the oily hair is one of the beauty problems that gives us more headaches .

Clear Shampoo ANTI-DANDRUFF Women Intense Hydration Moisturization of Scalp and Hair with cactus (Intense Hydration Moisturization of Scalp and Hair, 6X400Ml/13.52Oz)
Clear Shampoo ANTI-DANDRUFF Women Intense Hydration Moisturization of Scalp and Hair with cactus (Intense Hydration Moisturization of Scalp and Hair, 6X400Ml/13.52Oz)

And we can hold many things, but the feeling of having dirty hair is not one of them. Therefore, if your hair secretes more fat than normal it is very possible that you do not let more than two days go by without washing it or that you even do it every day , with the sacrifice of time that entails. And, watch out, because it's not just about lost time: your habits when washing your hair may be responsible for that excess of fat that bothers you so much .

Like the skin, the scalp has to be exfoliated

Most of us have a very established beauty ritual for our skin, but we leave the scalp quite forgotten. What's more, you may be discovering right now that the first step to a healthy and balanced hair is to exfoliate and clean the scalp well .

Exfoliate it is basic to reduce impurities and dead cells, especially in oily hair where excess sebum can reach obstructing the follicles . To do this, use specific combs to massage and capillary exfoliates. Your scalp will begin to balance, adjusting the secretion of sebum.

Wash your hair less

Surely you just put the cry in the sky and you are denying this action, but let us explain why. Every time we wash our hair, we eliminate not only the impurities but also the layer of natural oils that secrete our scalp to protect ourselves . By doing this, we run the risk of entering a vicious circle in which our scalp is 'forced' to segregate more oils to maintain that protection, you wash it again the next day and start again.

To help your hair regain balance , you can not wash your hair every day, even using anti-fat shampoos. To get out of this vicious circle, we propose a washing plan every three days :

  • - Day 1: Wash your hair.
  • - Day 2: Use a dry shampoo (spray and powder) on the roots to freshen hair and remove fat.
  • - Day 3: Make yourself a high chignon, one of those with which on top you look taller . In addition to enduring another day without washing your hair, you will avoid touching it too much, a gesture that messes up a lot.

And back to start.

Avoid sulfates

Before washing your hair, visit your trusted pharmacy, tell them about your oily hair problem and let yourself be advised. In the pharmacies there are great capillary treasures , shampoos and specific conditioners that will help you clean your oily hair, but also respecting the nature of the scalp, helping you in your task of regaining balance.

The key to many of these products is the absence of sulfates , the detergents that are used in many hair and body products and that are responsible for 'cleaning'. These sulfates are very effective, but sometimes they are too. Let me explain: they clean so much and so well that they take away all those natural oils that we have talked about, which has as a consequence an over stimulation of the sebaceous glands that secrete more.

Eye with water

That is not too cold, because otherwise it will not clean the hair in depth, but it is not too hot because it opens the cuticles, one of the main reasons why the hair breaks down. It is best to bet on warm water and if you are not able to hold it in your body (because you have Khaleesi wood and you always shower with hyperheated water), wash your hair first and shower later.

Conditioner: yes but with care

Of course you can use conditioner, but it is best to do it only from half to ends . Avoid applying this type of products in the roots because, basically, they do not need it, just the opposite. However, because of the use of dryers and irons, you can have dry ends, so do not hesitate.

And above all, do not obsess, but if you see that your problem of oily hair does not improve, do not hesitate and go to a hair dermatologist.