Thursday, April 11, 2019

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How to wash hair without Shampoo

No poo, variation of the English no-shampoo (without shampoo), is a current trend that advocates not to wash your hair with shampoo as they consider that their chemicals are harmful to the hair.

Coal Tar Psoriasis Shampoo Psoriatrax 25% Coal Tar Solution 12oz Bottles- Psoriasis - Equivalent to 5% Coal Tar (2 Bottles)
Coal Tar Psoriasis Shampoo Psoriatrax 25% Coal Tar Solution 12oz Bottles- Psoriasis - Equivalent to 5% Coal Tar (2 Bottles)

A trend that recommends washing your hair only with water or natural products, such as baking soda or vinegar, in case the hair is very greasy. His followers tell us how they look like healthy hair.

However, many dermatologists do not agree with this trend. They claim that there is no scientific evidence that fat secretion regulates itself over time. They assure that bicarbonate or vinegar have a very high and low pH, respectively. So they can irritate the scalp.

On the other hand, we "no-poo" tell us that over time, the commercial shampoo may be that some people with the most delicate hair, can be harmful. It can end up damaging it, so it would be advisable to use natural products that respect their pH. The oily hair gets dirty easily, so you have to wash it more often, which can harm us, as some commercial shampoos can damage the natural protective layer of our hair. There are natural alternatives to wash the hair , using exclusively these natural products we can keep our hair clean and healthy.

The nopoo experience of Katherine Martinko and Margaret Badore, 6 months later.

Katherine Martinko with Margaret Badore (both editors of, decided to conduct an experiment which involved a radical change in the way they wash their hair, they would leave the shampoo and only use baking soda and apple cider vinegar. In theory the experiment should last a month, but Katherine has not been able to stop because of the results.

In July he turned 6 months and today we bring you his experience told in the first person:

It's been six months since I stopped using shampoo. It all started as a one month experiment, when my editor asked me if I would like to try the "no poo" method only in the month of January. I reluctantly accepted, and along with Margaret Badore, I plunged headlong into the world of extremely alternative hair care. Our experiment resulted in this post: " The experiment without shampoo ". While Margaret left it a month, I continued to 'wash' my hair with baking soda and apple cider vinegar.

I never dreamed that I would still be doing this in early July, but here I am, faithful to the "no poo" method with no intention of returning. There are so many things that I like about him, I tell all the people who are curious about my strange habit of hair washing.

There was almost no adaptation period for me, I think it's common in people with very thick hair, or hair that does not wash more than once or twice a week. The biggest obstacle for me was psychological and getting rid of the fleeting smell of salad in the shower when I washed my hair with vinegar for the first time. Do not worry - it goes away immediately and there is no residual smell.

My hair is every day more healthy and manageable, more and more the longer I avoid the shampoo. It becomes less greasy and I can spend more time washing, usually 4-5 days. It is softer, brighter, and less curly than before. I have less bad days for my hair, and I can get the natural, loose curls that I like with a little coconut oil, rubbing it on damp hair.

There have only been twice that I have used natural shampoo instead of baking soda and vinegar, and that was when I traveled to Honduras and Mexico. Both times I thought it was better not to be asked about a strange white powder in my luggage. I noticed a big difference after washing myself with shampoo. My hair was drier, and it looked more greasy only in two days. I also noticed that my scalp itched after using the shampoo.

In six months, I've only spent one carton of baking soda and half a bottle of vinegar. There are no empty plastic bottles of shampoo in my house, no conditioner to throw in the recycling bin, no end of hair care products that I bought to tame my hair.

If the "no poo" method has intrigued you, why not give it a try? The result may pleasantly surprise you. This is what I do:

I put 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a 500 ml glass bottle. Fill the jar with water and stir to dissolve the baking soda. I made it through my head and rubbed my hair. Rinse I put 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in the same jar. I add the water, pour over the head, and rinse almost immediately.

(These amounts are for long hair.) If yours is short, use 1 tablespoon of baking soda and vinegar in 1 cup of water.If your hair does not look clean enough once it dries, use a little more next instead of bicarbonate).