Monday, April 1, 2019

Doggie Walk Bags Designer Duffle Bags for Dogs, Ocean, Yellow Paw, Yellow

Why is it important to collect dog feces?

It is not a pleasant subject, but it is important for dog owners. Collecting stool is not only necessary to keep cities clean. Although we do not like to do it (I speak from my own experience, since I have grown up with German bulldogs), collecting the feces of our dogs is a health issue, even if we are in the country where no one can step on them.

Doggie Walk Bags Designer Duffle Bags for Dogs, Ocean, Yellow Paw, Yellow
Doggie Walk Bags Designer Duffle Bags for Dogs, Ocean, Yellow Paw, Yellow

Why pick up?

It is estimated that there are more than 5 million dogs in Spain, and these are only those that are registered as pets. Imagine the amount of feces produced by these dogs every day!
It is estimated that at least 500 tons a day.

Managing the cleaning and disposal of these wastes is very expensive for the cities, and although the irresponsible owners who do not collect them are a minority, this has a real negative impact on the perception of domestic dogs.

In addition, dog feces are a risk to the health of people and other animals because they contain harmful parasites. The most common is a parasite called Toxocara Canis, which can cause a very serious infection called Toxocarosis.

Other dangers related to dogs' feces are:

  • The transfer of parasites and bacteria to wild animals and other pets, not just dogs.
  • The pollution of the environment, especially water. When it rains, the feces can end up in ponds, lakes, rivers, etc ...
  • The contamination of drinking water.
  • The bacteria present in the stool, like E. coli, giardias or campylobacter, all dangerous.
  • With this information, you can help us inform other dog owners with the goal of encouraging everyone to collect feces of their hair out of respect for people and the environment.

Be more ecological

If you want to do more than simply pick up bags and throw away your dog's daily gifts, here are several ideas for a more ecological routine:

The biodegradable sachets

They are already beginning to be found in veterinary clinics and pet stores in Spain. These bags are usually more expensive than normal, but if it is possible to take care of the planet, they are worth it.

Reuse the bags of the Super

Do the Supermarket plastic bags accumulate in your house? Use them to collect your dog's feces! It is not as convenient as carrying bags and they are not biodegradable, but at least you are recycling instead of buying bags manufactured specifically for this.

Compost the feces

If you have compost or a place to start composting, you can add the feces of your dog or another pet. Surely it is the most ecological way to eliminate this waste, but in most cities having compost at home is prohibited.

If you want to do this, remember that the faeces of carnivorous and omnivorous animals take much longer to become compost than the remains of food or plants.

The toilets for dogs

There are "toilets for dogs", which are nothing more than a mechanism that connects with a septic tank to throw dog feces and other waste.

Choose the option that best suits your lifestyle, always trying to eliminate the feces of your dog in the most respectful and ecological way possible.

Do you have more techniques or ideas to collect dog feces effectively and ecologically? Share them with us in the comments!