Monday, April 1, 2019

Doggie Walk Bags No Handle Bags on a Roll, Red

How to collect your dog's feces

Dogs require important care attention: food, veterinarians, and of course, remove them to make their needs. It is important to know the commitment involved in adopting a dog, and take into consideration taking the necessary time to cover these and other needs of the animal, attending them correctly.

Doggie Walk Bags No Handle Bags on a Roll, Red
Doggie Walk Bags No Handle Bags on a Roll, Red

One of the daily tasks that must be done after feeding him is to take him out to relieve himself, and the owner's main duty is to collect his feces .

How to pick up the dog's stool

  •     The first thing to do is equip yourself with one or more plastic bags, which you will use to collect the animal's feces. In the dog shops you can also get a very nice kit "carry bags" in the form of bones that you can adjust to your belt and always take them with you.
  •     Get your dog out an hour after he has eaten. Take it on a leash to the street or nearest dog park, preferably where there is some grass. The dog will always prefer to relieve itself in the pasture.
  •     When you are in the street and your dog needs it, collect them as follows: take the bag, put it in your hand, turn it around like a glove (so you can take the stool without getting dirty), wrap it and tie a knot . It is very easy and fast.
  •     Dispose of the bag in any of the trash bins destined for that purpose or by the drain of your building.

Tip: Do not leave your pet's waste uncollected. Remember that the street, parks, gardens and other green areas are a public space that must be respected and taken care of. So that we can better enjoy these areas, we must meet minimum standards of coexistence so that we can all enjoy those spaces happily.