Thursday, April 11, 2019

Dollylocks 4.5oz Tea Tree Spearmint Dreadlock Shampoo Bar

Are you washing your hair properly?

On how to apply the shampoo, the importance of pre-brushing and the correct temperature of the water. Sure you have a lot to learn.

Dollylocks 4.5oz Tea Tree Spearmint Dreadlock Shampoo Bar
Dollylocks 4.5oz Tea Tree Spearmint Dreadlock Shampoo Bar

Ana Morales - @anamorales_rom - Think about it, I 'm sure that on more than one occasion you've seen yourself 'involved' in some conversation that revolved around hair washing , especially regarding its frequency. And is that the debate on whether it is good to wash every day has always been there. And, from time to time, it even becomes a topic of conversation (in the hairdressing salon and among any group of women talking about beauty things). That's how it is. However, we may not talk so much about its step by step . Probably you thought -I the first before writing this article- that the washing was reduced to applying the shampoo (once or twice, there is another debate), clarifying, applying the conditioner and ending with a cold water jet for that of giving more shine to the hair. However, properly washing the hair is not just that. Because you may not be doing everything right, we summarize the perfect process of hair washing. And we warn: by following all the steps your hair will be prettier, brighter and (oh, yes!) It will last you more clean time.

First, brush

It is essential that you untangle the hair before washing it. And is that this gesture exfoliates the scalp, removes the remains of products, stimulates blood circulation and prevents hair from getting tangled in the wet, while facilitating the penetration of the shampoo.

How to apply the shampoo

It may seem banal, but it is not at all. And the way in which you apply the shampoo will determine the effectiveness of the wash. According to Adolfo Remartínez , creator of the mythical onion shampoo of Nuggela & Sulé , it must be moistened with lukewarm water before and never exceed the amount of product. And then it is important not to apply the shampoo directly on the hair, but first in the hands and then distribute it in the hair. But keep this in mind (here is the crux of the matter): work the shampoo only on the root and let the rest of the hair be cleaned with the foam that is falling from middle to ends, without adding more shampoo and without rubbing.

The importance of massage

The colorist of the celebs, Christophe Robin , insists on the importance of taking time when massaging the hair during the application of the shampoo. He says it is the secret of beautiful hair and that it should be done by lifting the roots of the hair and massaging the scalp by lifting it slightly to stimulate blood circulation.

Should I apply the shampoo twice?

Although if you wash your hair very often you can apply the shampoo only once, the expert from Nuggela & Sulé recommends applying it twice, once as a cleaning gesture and the second as a massage. And the massage, according to the expert, should last about three minutes.

The importance of clarification to have more volume

According to Robin it is necessary to take our time again in this step because it will depend on us having more volume in the hair . That is why he insists on the need to clarify it well, without leaving any remaining shampoo in the hair, and finish with a cold stream of water . "There is nothing more effective for a natural shine," explains the expert, who remembers that the cold closes the hair cuticles and prevents the scalp from greasing.

Beware of the conditioner

And is that, apply the conditioner and let it fall on your back while you soaping, can have negative consequences on your skin . This was explained by the dermatologist of Kendall Jenner : the oils of these products can touch the skin, adhere to it and clog the pore. Hence, his recommendation is to apply the conditioner and pick up the hair at the top of the crown while you soaping your body to avoid this problem.

And the eternal question, how do I know what product I need?

Choosing the right product is also essential for the washing to work. To know if you have dry or oily (and choose the type of shampoo), Rafael Artero , Pantene shampoo , recommends putting this trick into practice: open a line on your scalp and observe its color. If the color is pink, it is healthy. If it has an opaque or grayish color, you may have a blood circulation problem and also dry hair. And if it is a yellowish color, they are indications of fat tendency. Depending on the result, you can choose the shampoo that best suits your needs.