Monday, April 1, 2019

FYDELITY- poopyCUTE: Doggie Breeds | Fashion Dog Poo Bag Dispenser

How to collect your dog's feces

Look where you look at collecting your dog's feces is not a pleasant task, but quite the opposite, it is a dirty, uncomfortable and unpleasant task, but as much as you do not like it, the fact is that every dog ​​owner you must collect your stool, not only if you do it in your home or in places where it is specifically stated that the stool should be collected, but always collect it, no matter where you do it.

FYDELITY- poopyCUTE: Doggie Breeds | Fashion Dog Poo Bag Dispenser
FYDELITY- poopyCUTE: Doggie Breeds | Fashion Dog Poo Bag Dispenser

Picking up your dog's feces helps to keep a whole area and environment clean, since not picking them up already or only implies a bad smell or someone can step on it, but it can be a health hazard, since our dog's feces can cause several diseases that transmit to humans, such as giardiasis, salmonellosis, or toxoplasmosis, for example. Next, we will show you how to collect your dog's feces and dispose of them properly, so that you can fulfill your responsibilities as responsible owner.

Use plastic bags

The most used method for speed and comfort is the plastic bag. Every time you take out your dog to relieve itself, I recommend you take two or three plastic bags with you. Any plastic bag, like supermarket bags in principle can work, but it is better to use dog bags, which are smaller and more manageable, in addition if your dog's faeces are very smelly you can choose perfumed bags, and you can even choose some with ties to close them, which can later be much easier to close the bag. Finally you have more ecological options, such as the use of biodegradable bags. Remember that you can buy different sizes of bags according to the size of your dog, since their feces are also relative to their size. The bigger the dog, the bigger the "buns" will be. You can find these bags in supermarkets and pet stores.

Once your dog has defecated, take a bag, open it and turn it over, that is, change the inside to the outside and vice versa. Now insert your hand in the bag (in this way you will avoid getting dirty with the feces). Then open your hand and get ready to collect the excrement from the floor. You should always do it in the cleanest way possible. For example, if the excrement is on grass, form a claw with your fingers and take them as low as possible to collect the excrement, surely also pick up a bit of grass. On the other hand, if you are on hard ground like concrete, you do not need to scratch the concrete with your fingers.

The harder the excrement is, the easier it will be to clean it, but if it is soft (like a diarrhea) it will be harder to pick it up. If you forgot to take bags before leaving home look for something on the floor so you can pick it up or go to the nearest store to ask for one. Finally do not forget to hold your dog's leash very well while you are collecting your droppings. Once you have grabbed the excrement with the bag, with your free hand fold the edges of the bag up with your fingers. Tie a knot and close the bag tightly so that it does not open when you throw it into the organic waste bin.

Use excrement catchers

If you are a person who is apprehensive and you do not like the idea of picking up excrement with a bag because of the possibility that you can get dirty then maybe it is a good idea to invest in buying an excrement catcher. You can go to your store for animals or gardening to get them. It usually comes in a kit along with a shovel and a rake. I recommend that you look for a dustpan that is resistant and that you can handle with one hand while with the other you grab your dog's leash. Also some may be prepared to put a bag at the end of the dustpan.

Remember that a dustpan will not do you any good if the excrement is soft. After your dog defecates, he prepares an open bag and picks up the excrement with the collector. If your dog has defecated in concrete it is possible that you need to help you with the shovel to collect the excrement. Picking them up on the lawn is easier, but if by chance you can not find everything together, you could help yourself with the rake. Then you must put the dustpan in the bag and open it to release the excrement inside the bag. Then tie and pull the bag.

Discard the bags of excrement

This depends on the municipal regulations, so find out where you can get rid of your dog's bags of excrement. Although you can usually throw them in cubes of organic matter, and even by the toilet in your house. With these tips on how to collect your dog's feces you can be a responsible owner and help keep the environment and your area clean.