Friday, April 5, 2019

Green Sprouts Silicone Finger Toothbrush

When should I start cleaning my baby's teeth

It is advisable that you start cleaning your baby's teeth as soon as the first buds of those white pearls appear (for most babies around 4 months ).

"At the beginning, use a piece of gauze soaked in water to clean the plaque from your baby's gums and gums ," says Howard Reinstein, a pediatrician in Encino, Calif., And a spokesman for the American Academy of Pediatrics. twice perday.

Green Sprouts Silicone Finger Toothbrush
Green Sprouts Silicone Finger Toothbrush

Once your baby has teeth, you can start using a tiny toothbrush that has only two or three rows of soft bristles. Ask your pediatrician about the use and type of toothpaste. The recommendation of the American Academy of Dentists (ADA for its acronym in English) is that you use a tiny amount of toothpaste (the size of a grain of rice) with fluoride, a mineral that strengthens the tooth enamel making it more resistant to tooth decay .

Keep in mind that fluoride can be dangerous for children if they swallow it in large quantities. (The US Poison Control Centers handle hundreds of phone calls about toothpaste cases each year in that country.) To prevent problems, keep toothpaste away from your baby's reach.

Too much fluoride can also cause dental fluorosis , a type of discoloration in the teeth.

Brush your teeth once in the morning and before you put him to sleep. Starting this routine early will help you become a habit for your baby.