Thursday, April 11, 2019

KAMINOMOTO Charge Shampoo B&P 300ml

How to wash your hair so as not to damage it

Washing hair is much more than applying shampoo and rinsing with water. As important as the quality of the product is the temperature of the water or how you dry it. Washing your head well is noticeable in the health and appearance of your hair.

KAMINOMOTO Charge Shampoo B&P 300ml
KAMINOMOTO Charge Shampoo B&P 300ml

Washing our hair is a simple task that we do mechanically and to which we do not pay too much attention. But we should take care, at least, of four basic aspects so as not to damage the hair. From the temperature of the water to the composition of the shampoo or the way you dry your head, everything influences to make your hair look healthy and beautiful.

The three basic steps of washing

  •     Combing it before washing it. It is the best way to detach loose hair and eliminate the remains of hair products.
  •     Use warm water to rinse. When you want to remove the remains of shampoo, conditioner or mask do not use very hot water because it tends to dry out the hair.
  •     Finish with cold water. Even if you are very impressed, do it whenever you can, because it stimulates the circulation of the scalp. Drop the water for at least 30 seconds.

Choose the shampoo well

Sometimes, hair is damaged by the use of inappropriate products. When you go to buy it, look at the label: if it says that it is free of sulfates, better, because it is less aggressive, especially with the sensitive scalp and the fine and dyed hair. Sulfates produce a lot of foam, dry hair and remove natural protective oils from the scalp. The best thing is that the shampoo is enriched with moisturizing and plant-based ingredients.

Beware of the amount

The washing ingredients present in the shampoo eliminate the protective fat layer of the cuticles, leaving the hair unprotected. In addition, they clarify the color of the dyed hair, since they drag the pigments of the dye. Use little shampoo and wash your hair 2-3 times per week at the most. There is an obsession for how much more foam is better, but if the hair is not very dirty, once you apply the shampoo, that's enough, the dermatologists advise it! A second pass is not necessary. In addition, when you soap, massage the shampoo only on the scalp, without rubbing the hair together, because the cuticles are raised and broken.

Eye with water

A recent study says that traces of copper pipes accumulate in the hair, damaging it. To avoid this, place a filter in the shower sprayer and use a cleansing shampoo once or twice a month: it is a purifying shampoo to thoroughly clean the hair and drag waste that may have been deposited on it.

How to dry it correctly

Wet hair is more fragile and easy to break than dry. When you have washed your head, wrap it in the towel as a turban instead of rubbing the hair, because the cuticles are raised and the hair curls. If you have a lot of hair, use a microfiber towel, more absorbent than the classic cotton. Unroll it with your fingers or a separate barbed comb, not with a brush, and strand by strand, holding the roots gently to avoid pulling and tearing.