Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Khadi Natural Herbal Amla and Bhringraj Shampoo for all Hair Types (210 ml)

Bicarbonate for hair

If you are looking for an effective, simple, inexpensive product with immediate results to take care of your hair, with bicarbonate you will hallucinate. A wash with bicarbonate will clean the excess chemical product of daily shampoos, will remove impurities and clean the hair better than any other more expensive product on the market.

Khadi Natural Herbal Amla and Bhringraj Shampoo for all Hair Types (210 ml)
Khadi Natural Herbal Amla and Bhringraj Shampoo for all Hair Types (210 ml)

What is the process? Well, very simple, once in the shower when you have wet hair pour a teaspoon of baking soda into your hand, moisten it until you get a thick paste and massage it into hair and scalp. Leave it on the hair for about five minutes and then rinse well. Then use your usual shampoo. You will notice that most shampoos and conditioners work best after applying baking soda on your hair. You will notice more foam than usual and hair with more vigor and clean .

If you want you can complement the effect of baking soda on the hair by also applying apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water, 1 part cider vinegar for 4 parts water. You can also add essential oils such as thyme or tea tree oil if you want. After letting act another five minutes, rinse with your usual shampoo.

The apple vinegar is used later, to restore the pH of the hair giving it shine, softness and flexibility . The bicarbonate being more alkaline than the scalp can cause dryness or lack of shine in some people, which is why apple vinegar is used which is acid helping to restore the natural pH of the hair. Apple cider vinegar also acts as a natural antiseptic by dissolving fatty deposits and reducing dandruff .

    Each person is different, so it is not a bad idea for you to experiment, observe the results and decide what is best for your hair. Depending on the type of hair the results may vary, if you have dry hair you may need to moisturize the hair with some conditioner later.

There are many people who only clarify after washing with baking soda and apple cider vinegar without using a shampoo , either by allergy to the chemicals of most commercial shampoos and conditioners or for more new age reasons. It can be a strange feeling when you're used to the soapy feel of the shampoo, but more and more people are not using them. We must not forget that the modern shampoo as we know it today is not more than a century old (it was introduced for the first time in the 1930s with "Drene", the first non-soap synthetic shampoo), and humans and Our beautiful hair we have many more years on earth.

Using baking soda to wash your hair once or twice a week is enough to benefit from its active ingredients. It may be the case to produce a detoxification period that does not last longer than three washes.

In some people the use of bicarbonate for long periods of time can produce side effects such as dryness or irritation of the scalp. In that case it is convenient to rest and use shampoos with ph more suitable for our hair. It is also convenient not to wash your hair every day as you end up weakening or even eliminate the thin protective layer that the scalp has like the rest of the skin of the body, hence the gels are mostly neutral pH, respect that protection.