Wednesday, April 3, 2019

LFHT Multipurpose Handle Cleaning Tools Window Screen Mesh Blind Shutters Cleaner Window Track Brushes -- Set of 3

Infallible tricks to remove cobwebs from home

How to clean arachnid networks

If your house seems decorated for Halloween , then you probably have a problem with cobwebs. Having cobwebs at home means only one thing: you have a few spooky, 8-legged companions living with you as well as your flatmates or family. But come on, the cobwebs are not all bad. They help to get rid of other annoying insects like mosquitoes and flies, and in doing so they decrease the bites.

LFHT Multipurpose Handle Cleaning Tools Window Screen Mesh Blind Shutters Cleaner Window Track Brushes -- Set of 3
LFHT Multipurpose Handle Cleaning Tools Window Screen Mesh Blind Shutters Cleaner Window Track Brushes -- Set of 3

But in the modern times in which we live there is no need to have the house full of cobwebs to avoid a couple of mosquito bites, just spray an insecticide and problem solved. Do not sacrifice the aspect of our home!

Remove cobwebs from home

So, what exactly is a spider's web? They are vacant " houses " that the spiders have abandoned to look for better horizons (which may well be another area of ​​your home). The silk of the spider not only makes your house look dirty but it is a magnet for pollen, dust particles and other debris that can generate allergies and diseases. In a few words: they should not take place in your house and it is time to eliminate them from all corners.

Use a broom

The elongated handle helps us access difficult and high areas. A broom can help you eliminate the cobwebs found in the corners and the roof of the house. The way to use it is to extend it to the web and make circular movements to make sure that no remains of the web remain on your wall.

Clean the cobwebs with the vacuum cleaner

Using the vacuum cleaner is very useful if the cobwebs are in an accessible place. It is an immediate and very easy solution that also avoids problems if the cobwebs are in places with cables and other delicate objects. If you have a head in the vacuum cleaner it is best to remove it to cover more areas.

Remove the cobwebs from the outside of your house

If you have a balcony, or you are going to clean the patio or terrace, surely you will find this unpleasant surprise. The cobwebs outdoors are usually large and more complicated to eliminate as they solidify or become nests of spiders much more resistant. Therefore, to eliminate them it is advisable to use compressed air machines such as a steam wand . If you want to clean up after removing them, the best recommendation we can give you is to use the vinegar , our clean-all par excellence to remove any possible stains and dirt that may have been left.

Use double-sided tape to remove cobwebs

The double-sided tape is perfect for cleaning. Use it so that the web adheres to the adhesive of the tape and no residue remains on the wall.

Clean the house once you have removed all the cobwebs

Once you've removed the cobwebs from your sight, it's time to prevent. Normally spiders avoid places with a smell of mint or eucalyptus. Add to your cleaning kit scents of these scents so that when you clean automatically you are creating a protective shield that keeps the spiders away. You can also leave cotton bags in the cracks where the spiders hide to seal them and avoid their passage.

The cobwebs are usually the result of several years of neglect in the cleaning of the home. That is why we recommend at least once a year to thoroughly clean the house to prevent dirt from accumulating in places that we can not even imagine. Request without commitment a budget for cleaning pests and say goodbye to insects.