Saturday, April 6, 2019

Moms Trust Baby Toothbrushes Oral Massagers 2-pack with Case Easy Clean Pain Relief Option

I learned how to remove tartar and whiten your teeth

  Besides being an aesthetic problem it also generates other complications such as cavities.

Tartar or dental plaque is the accumulation of food that later becomes bacteria, forming a soft, sticky and almost invisible film that is stored in the teeth natural or false, tongue and gums, triggering various diseases in mucosa and teeth.

Moms Trust Baby Toothbrushes Oral Massagers 2-pack with Case Easy Clean Pain Relief Option
Moms Trust Baby Toothbrushes Oral Massagers 2-pack with Case Easy Clean Pain Relief Option

The presence of this anomaly can be appreciated when the teeth look very yellow and rough to the touch. Besides being an aesthetic problem it also generates other complications such as cavities. But here we bring you a practical solution that you can apply in the comfort of your home.

If the accumulation of your tartar is mild, you can start with baking soda, this natural compound is popularly known for whitening and cleaning teeth. The process is
very easy; Then you should only moisten the baking soda, spread on the brush and rub gently, emphasizing the places where the tartar is. I repeated at least once a day.

Also, oxygenated water is a good ally for oral disinfection. In a little warm water you put a little trickle of it, stir for 1 minute and then you gargle at throat and mouth, spit and finally rinse with fresh water.

In addition, fruits such as strawberry, melon and apple are also a good option because they help clean teeth and gums, but they should be eaten with your skin and better if it is after
foods. The secret is to chop it with your teeth and not with a knife.

Strawberry and tomatoes are powerful whitening teeth, every night before sleep cut any of these two sliced ​​and rubbed by your teeth, rinse with plenty of warm water and

The branch of parsley is also ideal for detaching tartar. Blend a little of this with little water, leave a thick mixture, then place it on your teeth for a few minutes and rinse with warm water.

Recommendations: to take better care of your teeth you have to brush three times a day, with a good brush and a generous amount of toothpaste, as well as include the tongue when brushing. Use the
Flossing is vital to remove the tartar that is stuck between tooth and tooth; and finally use antiseptic mouthwash, so you keep your mouth cleaner and cared for.