Saturday, April 20, 2019

Natural Handmade Organic Olive Oil Soap, Luxury Soap Bar Helleo (4.2 oz, Prickly, Aloe Vera)

How to clean your body deeply

Who taught you to clean yourself completely? With so many books on how to clean almost anything, why does not one of them talk about our body? You can learn the proper techniques to bathe and choose hygienic products, and to reach the deepest dirt and prevent it from returning. Stay clean inside as well as outside.

Natural Handmade Organic Olive Oil Soap, Luxury Soap Bar Helleo (4.2 oz, Prickly, Aloe Vera)
Natural Handmade Organic Olive Oil Soap, Luxury Soap Bar Helleo (4.2 oz, Prickly, Aloe Vera)

Part 1 Bathe properly

  •     Go back to the basics. Cleansing yourself completely involves first understanding what we are dealing with. There are all kinds of solvents, soaps, cleaning agents, scrubbing products, etc., for almost any type of substance you may have in the body, but once that special circumstance has been resolved, you must go back to the basics. There are three basic things that we have to clean when we wash. Each part requires a different method of cleaning.
  •         In the first place, there is the dirt and grime that seem to stick to us from who knows where. We even get dirty sitting in a clean room.
  •         Second, there are the dead cells that are constantly shedding our skin.
  •         Third, there are body oils under the skin, not just those on the surface.

  •     Understand why we get so dirty that you can address the cause. The dirt, the dirt, the filth, etc., that are on the surface of the skin tend to stick to us for two reasons. Generally, they have some cohesive power of their own or are mixed with the oils of our skin, which are always secreting to protect us from our environment. That's why even the dust that ends up on our skin will eventually look like greasy mud.
  •         We have two types of body secretions: oil and water (sweat). These and the things that mix with them are best cleaned with a compound that breaks down the oils, makes them more soluble and allows them to be easily washed. This is the soap.
  •         Regardless of the additives of odor, cream, color, etc., the objective is to decompose the oils and eliminate them from the body. That's all in terms of washing according to most people, but they're wrong. Keep reading!

  •     Bathe less, but bathe better. How often do you really need to take a bath or shower? No more than 3 to 4 times per week. While recent studies reveal that almost 60% of people shower every day, [1] there is some evidence that less showering can help your body to further improve its natural self-cleaning mechanisms. [2] The more effectively your body is cleaned, the healthier and cleaner you will be inside and out.
  •         The more you apply shampoo to your hair, you strip it of more natural oils and your body will have to produce them more often to compensate. In fact, if you take a break from the showers, you may find that you are less greasy, oily or fragrant in the middle periods.
  •         Some people will need to shower more regularly than others. If you sweat regularly or have excessively oily skin, for example, you may need to shower twice a day and use an appropriate moisturizer. All bodies are different.

  •     Choose a good soap. What kind of soap? When you choose a soap, there are three basic things you should look for. A good soap should remove dirt, get through oil and grease, and rinse without leaving a film. Many different soaps can be suitable for this purpose, from basic Dove bar soap to handmade organic soaps.
  •         Some soaps leave more or less waste. A simple test is to take a transparent glass, a glass, a cup, a saucer, etc. (but it should be transparent), and spread a small amount of cold fat (bacon, oil, etc.) through a small part. Rinse it with cold water. Use bar or liquid soap to scrub part of the grease stain. Rinse with clean water without scrubbing or drying. Let it air dry. Look through the glass and compare the unwashed fat with the washed part with soap. A bad soap will leave a cloudy finish next to the grease. A good soap will leave a clear finish. What remains in the glass after the soap is what will remain on your skin.
  •         Shampoos and medicated soaps are sometimes recommended for people with dry or flaky skin, while other people may choose natural or organic ingredients for optimal health.

  •     Work on removing dead skin. Dead skin is the cause of most stinks. Regardless of the publicity for antibacterial agents in terms of their ability to eliminate stenches, it is rare that simply good hygiene does not work wonders. Think of your school gym. Do you remember the marked aroma when entering? This came from the skin and the oils that were fermented and decomposed in the clothes that remained in the lockers. A humid environment with dead matter (in this case, dead skin) is a great medium for the growth and decomposition of bacteria.
  •         Consider using an exfoliant or a loofah. Exfoliating products usually have ingredients such as nutshells, sugar or other granular ingredients that can be used to remove dead skin from your body. They are commonly available in the form of shower gel or bar soap. Vegetable sponges are like textured cloths that can be used to rub your body and remove dead cells. They are also traps for bacteria, so it is important to rinse them thoroughly and change them regularly if you try to use one.
  •         You can also learn how to prepare your own exfoliants or a basic sugar scrub . There are many different types of recipes, but a basic version involves mixing two tablespoons of sugar with enough olive oil and honey to obtain the consistency of the toothpaste.

  •     Consider the temperature of the water. For a deep cleaning, opt for a very hot shower or bath, since taking a cold bath or shower will not reach the oil under the skin. You have to open the pores and have them expel (secrete) their contents to clean them. Bacteria can reproduce in your pores. The accumulation of oils can cause everything from acne to death through necrotizing diseases. The easiest way to open your pores is with the heat. You can achieve this through exercise, because it affects both the sweat glands and the pores, but the heat itself is also effective. Taking a nice hot bath is excellent, but a quick hot shower is also fine. Make sure it makes you sweat and that it opens your pores, allowing you to secrete its contents.
  •         Be careful that the water is too hot, especially if you have dry skin. The best temperature for showering may be slightly less than you think. [3] Excessively hot water, over 49 ° C (120 ° F), will dry out your skin and can cause long-term skin problems. Instead, try taking a shower with water that is not hotter than your body temperature.
  •         Consider finishing your shower with a quick spray of cold tap water. This helps to strengthen the skin and close the pores again, which will prevent them from catching dirt and other dirt that you have washed in the shower.

  •     Wash the wrinkles and marks of your body. Rub your skin with a sponge or rough cloth that helps eliminate all dead cells and die. Make sure you rub all over twice, once while you wash with the soap and a second time when you are washing during the final rinse. Focus on the armpits, the areas behind the ears, under the jaw and chin, behind the knees and in the spaces between the feet. Larger cultures of bacteria that cause stink are reproduced in these areas. This is due to the sweat that gets trapped in the layers of the skin. Make sure you wash these areas every time you take a bath.
  •         Wash your buttocks and groin also and then make sure you rinse properly. Soap that gets trapped in these areas can cause irritation.
  •         Another consideration is to dry yourself completely to the point where you no longer secrete (sweat) for hot cleaning before dressing. If you have done a deep cleaning, the moisture that your clothes will absorb will dry without any odor. You are constantly moving the dead skin, but if you have just finished cleaning yourself, there will be many less of these dead cells that end up in your clothes to begin to decompose and embarrass you.

  •     Steam your face before showering. Some people like to perform purifying sprays and for this reason they take very hot showers. This can be an excellent way to open your pores and make sweat flow out of your body. However, treat it as a ritual apart from the bathroom.
  •         Start your bath routine by steaming your face with a hot towel and a drop or two of a little mint or tea tree essential oil. This can be an excellent way to open your pores and release toxins without damaging your skin in the shower.

  •     Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner 3 to 4 times a week. Wet your hair completely and apply an amount of shampoo about the size of a coin in the palm of your hand. Rub your hands through your hair, lathering with the shampoo and massaging it on your scalp for 1 to 2 minutes. Be sure to put the shampoo on the hair behind the ears, as this is what causes most of the oil to form. Then, make sure to rub it on the back of the head and bring the ends of your hair closer.
  •         Rinse the shampoo completely from your hair, running your fingers through the strands as you do so. If your hair is still slippery, the shampoo has not been removed and will become oily in the space of the next 24 hours. Repeat this process with the conditioner to strengthen your hair. Rinse it completely.

  •     Dry completely. After showering, be sure to dry your body with a clean, dry towel. Water that remains on your skin can cause irritation. Try to dry off as soon as possible after finishing bathing.

Part 2 Keep you clean and healthy

  •     Clean your towel regularly. What's with that towel that you use all the time to bathe? How many times can it be used before it starts to smell bad? The towel accumulates dead cells and oils that remained after a poor cleaning. Dealing with this requires a good scrubbing with a sponge, a cloth, a brush or a similar item. The key is to remove as many of the loose dead cells along with the oils before using the towel.
  •         To keep your body as clean as possible, it is important to wash your towel regularly and store it properly so that it dries properly. Wash your towel after 2 to 3 uses.
  •         Never simply leave a wet towel lying on the bathroom floor or powdery mildew accumulates and it will quickly get dirty. It is important to hang it properly and allow it to dry completely.

  •     Try using a mineral deodorant instead of a normal deodorant. The organic rock salt deodorant kills the bacteria that cause the bad smell and also helps to clean the lymph nodes. When you start using a mineral deodorant for the first time, you may have a strong stench for 1 or 2 weeks, but do not give up, because this means that your body is detoxifying from all the bacteria it has accumulated from using regular deodorant .
  •         To keep the stench in check while your body eliminates toxins, get therapeutic-grade essential oils, such as lavender, rose, lemon or a purification mixture, among many others, to apply directly on your armpits to reduce odor .
  •         Avoid the antiperspirant. Although our society has created a tendency that sweat is disgusting and unattractive, making your armpits do not sweat is deliberately obstructing the lymph nodes in your body. Our body has lymph nodes throughout our system that help in a number of ways, including keeping our immune system strong and eliminating toxins and even bad odors.

  •     Moisturize your skin After bathing or showering, you may want to apply a moisturizer to your skin to help keep it healthy. Even if you have oily skin, the moisturizing cream should be used regularly to help keep the skin hydrated. Commercial moisturizers generally contain some combination of natural lipids and other compounds that your body naturally generates. Look for water based moisturizers.
  •         Identify problem areas, such as heels, elbows and knees, and apply moisturizing cream in those areas every night before bedtime. This can help soften the skin and improve your overall health.

  •     Try the regular facial masks . Facial treatments, such as masks, can be used regularly throughout the week to clean and strengthen the skin of your face. There is a variety of natural remedies and ingredients that can be used to obtain a good facial mask . Try the following:
  •         Use honey, lemon, milk, chickpea flour, green tea and fresh fruits such as papaya, mango, oranges and sweet lime.
  •         You can also buy a face mask or a mix. Read the ingredients to find out which ones they use so you can prepare your own mix.

  •     Test products that contain natural and organic ingredients. Shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, facial cleanser, deodorant and even makeup and lacquer can promote a healthier body. When you apply products full of toxins and severe chemicals, this affects your health and your body's ability to regulate itself.
  •         Avoid shampoos, conditioners or shower gels containing propylene glycol or sodium dodecylsulfate (or lauryl ether sulfate). These compounds can cause hair loss, dry hair, accumulation, itching, dry skin and sometimes allergic reactions.
  •         Consider using homemade alternatives. For some people, deep cleaning means avoiding commercial products altogether and focus on cleaning your body with softer home remedies. Instead of shampoo, you can use baking soda, apple cider vinegar and warm water. If you are interested in learning about more home remedies, consult the following articles:
  •     Stay clean inside, as well as outside. It is important to eat well and stay hydrated if you want to be clean inside as well as outside. Your diet has a direct impact on the health of your skin and hair, which means that good nutrition is part of a good cleansing regime.
  •         When you diet to lose weight, you lose even some of the important nutrients, so do not starve yourself or reduce your carbohydrate and fat intake completely.
  •         Try to increase the number of antioxidants in your diet. Drink green tea and eat tomatoes every day. Each morning, try to eat fasting basil leaves or soaked fenugreek seeds, which are used as a common natural detoxifying remedy.


  •     Exfoliate once or twice a week also eliminates dead cells and oils.
  •     It is a good idea to use hot water on cold water to cleanse your body, but try to use cold water to wash your hair, because the cold water will make the hair cuticle flat, which gives the hair a silky and shiny appearance .
  •     Check how you are doing. How many days does it take for your towel to start smelling like a costume when you sniff it? If it's only a few days, you have to improve a lot. If you can spend a month without this happening, you're doing very well. In general, it is normal to use it 3 to 4 times a week for 2 to 3 weeks before it develops an odor.
  •     Use medicated products to address skin problems. Not all products will be appropriate for all skin types. Very sensitive skin may not react well to the natural soaps of peppermint oil, while excessively dry or irritated skin may react better to an oatmeal shower gel, which is medicinal for the skin. Talk to a dermatologist about particular products and methods you can use to cure your specific problems.


    Rubbing scabs and other wounds can be annoying. Cleaning around the wound is important. The scab itself is a combination of coagulating protective body fluids and new and delicate skin cells. You should not remove the scab unless the wound is almost completely healed. Washing it with a sponge by pressing and releasing it is more effective in removing loose matter and allowing delicate skin cells to remain. Ask your doctor if you are worried, but normally using a soap with a soft and delicate contact is sufficient and safe.