Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Tahe Botanic Detox Anti-Dandruff Shampoo 300 ML

The secrets of a clean and shiny hair

How to wash your hair at home the same (or better!) Than in hairdressing

Washing hair is a mechanical act for many, but that is the first and most important step in the care and attention of hair and also has its tricks and secrets. It's okay to get under the shower head and rub your head vigorously, but that does not mean at all that you can not do much better ...

Tahe Botanic Detox Anti-Dandruff Shampoo 300 ML
Tahe Botanic Detox Anti-Dandruff Shampoo 300 ML

But if there is a frequent question about hair hygiene, it is undoubtedly whether washing it a lot is positive or, on the contrary, harmful. The (wrong) popular belief is that washing the hair often makes it dirty even earlier because it produces a "rebound effect". False. The scalp is made up of skin, like the rest of the body, and should be cleaned as often as necessary. What, in the case of oily hair, which produces a lot of sebum naturally, can be daily. In addition, this ensures that the scalp is oxygenated, because if it is left covered by the fat that is produced, there is a risk of suffering a dermatitis.

Choose the most suitable shampoo

Rafael Artero is the shampooer of the Pantene brand. Of course, before continuing, many will wonder what is a shampoo ... It is simply the expert in everything related to the techniques of washing, selection and application of hair products. Through their advice, we know better what is the proper washing and care of the hair.
Rafael Artero proposes an analysis of the scalp through sight. To do this, you have to stand in front of a mirror, make a line in the middle and observe the skin's color, its brightness or opacity.

  • White - Ivory and normal brightness: The skin is normal and you will get a shampoo for this type of hair.
  • Reddish: Presence of irritations, infections or vascular problems. Shampoos with soothing active ingredients are recommended, specific for sensitive scalps.
  • Yellowish and very bright: Excess of sebaceous secretion. A purifying or oily hair product is needed.
  • Grayish and matt: Insufficient irrigation. It is advisable to choose a shampoo that activates the blood supply, for example, one that has menthol.
  • Presence of scales: It can be because of irritation, in which case you need a soothing shampoo, or dandruff. The best treatment for this is an anti-dandruff shampoo, which should be used regularly.

Step by step of washing at home

The advice of the Pantene shampoo is simple to follow. Initially, you have to brush your hair to remove traces of lacquer, gels or foam. Before applying shampoo, make sure that hair and scalp are completely wet, always with warm water. Cold does not remove fat, and hot dries it excessively.
It is important that the hair hang naturally during the wash, whether standing in the shower or reclining in the bathtub. Afterwards, a little shampoo is poured into the hollow of the hand, not directly over the head. The product is distributed throughout the hair with the help of the fingertips, but without any need to rub vigorously or entangle the hair. It's time to use gentle gestures.
It is good to follow an order, starting for example on the top of the head, then the sides, the crown and middle areas to end in tips and nape. It is important to remember that the hair keratin softens in contact with water, which means that wet hair is much more fragile than dry. So do not jerk or brush brusque ahead of time! Although it can not be seen with the naked eye, this would break the hair. It is better to use conditioner and, with your help, go gently combing the hair.
To clarify it, it is necessary to let the water slide through the hair from top to bottom, accompanying the jet from the inside to the outside. Again, the previous maxim applies: no rubbing or tangling!
It is advisable to clarify thoroughly so as not to leave any shampoo, checking that it does not have bubbles, no shiny tricks or a slippery touch, ending with cold water to close the cuticle and enhance the shine. Then you can switch to applying the conditioner or, occasionally, a mask, to hydrate and nourish the hair.

Quantity and quality: the frequency of washing

How much shampoo is there to use? What is the proper frequency of washing? These questions are answered by the experts of Jean Louis David.
The amount of shampoo depends on the mass of hair you have. The more quantity, the more product is needed. But by way of approximation it can be said that for a half mane, it is enough to fill the hole in the hand.
The most important thing is to distribute the product evenly throughout the entire set of hair, both front and side and back, sometimes forgotten.
In the first shampoo it always costs a little more to get foam, the more dirty the hair is. In general, if a shampoo does not get too much foam, it is that its cleaning capacity is not too high.

When the hair is not clean it is best to give shampoo twice, but if it is in an intermediate stage, with once enough.
Whoever washes their hair every day will only need a shampoo. In dry hair, sometimes it is enough to just rinse the hair very well with shower water and then spray detangling spray.
It is convenient to wash your normal hair once a week with purifying shampoo, which helps to clean it thoroughly. In case of dry hair, it is enough once every fortnight.