Monday, April 15, 2019

TARSUM SHAMPOO/GEL Size: 8 OZ (Pack of 2)

How to clean the hair from the shower drain: effective tricks

In this great article we will explain how to clean the hair from the shower drain with effective tricks. It can be a somewhat tedious task, but if you follow our advice it will be a very easy job to do.

TARSUM SHAMPOO/GEL Size: 8 OZ (Pack of 2)
TARSUM SHAMPOO/GEL Size: 8 OZ (Pack of 2)

Importance of how to clean the hair from the shower drain

If we perform a weekly maintenance with the necessary care, we will avoid many problems in the drainage. One of the most common is to get stuck by accumulated amounts of hair. For this reason, we will be explaining now how to clean the hair from the shower drain .

Home cleaning companies have given us their help to develop this interesting post. They are the best in Spain , and have shown that they have the best knowledge for a good number of years. For this reason, we can trust your advice and put what you say into practice.

Traffic jams: the hair problem

The vast majority of traffic jams in the shower drain are due to a large accumulation of hair. The task of how to clean the hair from the shower drain can be disgusting, but it is necessary.

In this case, you should always have an attitude of prevention , so as not to have unnecessary problems . If the facilities you manage to keep in good condition you will not have to unclog them later, there will be no damage.

For this reason, when we talk about how to clean the hair from the shower drain , keep this in mind. There are several methods that can be used, so you should pay attention to what we will show you here.
Preventions of how to clean the hair from the shower drain

It is always better to take some safety measures, more on how to clean the hair from the shower drain . Therefore, you do not have to spend unnecessary resources or time, you just have to learn everything we offer you. Pay close attention to these tips, which will save your life in the future.
Tip 1

  •     Place a metal grid, both in the shower and in the bathtub, is very necessary
  •     This prevents the hair and any other type of element from going to the pipe
  •     Therefore, if you want to avoid traffic jams, this is a vital point to keep in mind.
  •     When the protection grid is too dirty, pour all your substances in the trash can
  •     It can be a bit unpleasant, but you have to arm yourself with courage to do it
  •     An additional tip that we can give you is that you put this grid not only in the shower drain
  •     It would also be convenient to put it in the whole house, to protect all the pipes.

Tip 2

  •     Pour a pot of boiling water through the shower pipe
  •     This has to be done at least once a week
  •     This step must be taken very much into account, it is one of the most important
  •     In fact, we will repeat it in a numerous manner throughout the post.

Tip 3

  •     Make a cleaning solution or apply a commercial cleaner
  •     Ideally, do it once a month
  •     However, if you keep it in a range of every two months maximum it's fine
  •     We know that not everyone has the same circumstances and can be complicated.

Tip 4

  •     Clean all the plugs in the most regular way you can, and we'll explain why it's important
  •     It is the area where the hairs accumulate the most, therefore, it produces jams that you will later regret
  •     So you have to take very much into account when cleaning the hair from the shower drain .

Tip 5

Paint and solvent-type chemicals can never be poured into pipes of any kind. Much less empty hot wax or something similar, as this will cause large damage .

These products get to stick to the surface, so the hairs are also going to adhere there. Therefore, avoid the best that you can that this happens, to keep the drain in the best conditions .

But this only begins, missing a lot of fabric to cut in relation to this great post. Therefore, now we are going to give you several suggestions on how to clean the hair from the shower drain . In this way the cleaning you do is going to be the most effective and quickest.

Do the following

  •     You can not let the hairs or any other element that is causing traffic jams get through the pipeline
  •     You know that for that you have the protection grids, as we have indicated in the previous step
  •     Use boiling water, one of the best tricks to eliminate drain clogging
  •     Oil-based shampoos should not be allowed to run down the drain, as they cause hair to stick, which creates clogging.

How to clean the hair from the shower drain: homemade trick

On the other hand, you can make a homemade bottle opener, so you do not spend money. For this you will use a little of our star cleaner, along with our king cleaner, baking soda and vinegar. Make a mix of a cup of each and see how to clean the hair from the shower drain .

How to clean the hair from the shower drain: the tutorial

We are going to give you a series of steps so you can learn now how to clean the hair from the shower drain . That way we will concentrate with a good focus on cleaning, so that it is effective and fast.

The domestic cleaning agency have been responsible for providing us with such valuable and timely information. We can trust them with our eyes closed, they are one of the most respected agencies in the whole country .
Step I

  •     The work on how to clean the hair from the shower drain has to be done once a week
  •     The ideal thing for this is that you do this cleaning just before going to sleep
  •     In this way, the cleaner that we will use will make the best effects
  •     It will act throughout the night and the results the next day will be spectacular.

Step II

  •     When we talk about how to clean the hair from the shower drain, remember the following
  •     The best you can use, one of the most effective tricks is the use of hot water
  •     In fact, it's going to be much better if it's boiling
  •     This will serve to eliminate any kind of clogging in the shower drain
  •     Moreover, it is the most effective for any type of pipe, do not stop applying this advice.

Step III

  •     When you've added the cleaning substance, it's time to call a friend
  •     We are going to use a manual plunger
  •     When the subject is how to clean the hair from the shower drain , this makes the job much easier.

Step IV

  •     Clean the symphonic boat as best you can
  •     This is on the floor of any type of bathroom
  •     To remove gloves from the area you have to put on gloves
  •     This way the cleaning will be perfect and you will be able to eliminate all the dirt residues
  •     If you follow all these points with great care, the work of how to clean the hair from the shower drain will be very simple.

One extra step

We're going to watch a good YouTube video, which comes in handy to fully complement the information. That way the knowledge you have on how to clean the hair from the shower drain will grow.

How to clean the hair from the shower drain: eliminate traffic jams

To be able to do a deep drain cleaning, you have to eliminate the hair jams. This way you will eliminate bad smells by knowing how to clean the hair from the shower drain. Pay attention to the following tips that we will be giving you in this section .

How to clean the hair from the shower drain: mop

  •     Tie a bag to a mop, which the latter is well placed
  •     Insert this utensil into the shower drain
  •     Make movements from the inside out
  •     You have to repeat this operation until you no longer have hair attached to the mop
  •     Remember that the mop has to be of an appropriate size and you have to remove the hairs in each pass.

How to clean the hair from the shower drain: dishwasher

  •     This product is used to dissolve accumulated fat, which is the cause of the hair sticking
  •     Put some detergent in the area and let it take effect
  •     To top off the process, pour a bucket with boiling water
  •     Wait 20 minutes and everything will be ready.

How to clean the hair from the shower drain: bleach

  •     Place bleach in the drain
  •     Let this take effect for a space of 30 minutes
  •     Then test the drain, to see if the hair jams have already been removed.

How to clean the hair from the shower drain: by hand

  •     Use a manual plunger
  •     This generates a large vacuum which presses the hair
  •     Therefore, if there are jams by hairs, this will be eliminated
  •     Place it in the hole of the pipe and make pressure from top to bottom.

How to clean the hair from the shower drain: hanger

  •     Stretch a hanger
  •     Place it in the drain
  •     Make movements in a circular way to extract the hair
  •     This is one of the best tricks on how to clean the hair from the shower drain .

How to clean the hair from the shower drain: secrets

Many people in any part of the world have been clogged by the hairs. For this reason, there are some secrets that cleaning companies in Spain want to reveal to us.

Secret 1

When we are talking about how to clean the hair from the shower drain , you can use a commercial cleaner. There is a wide variety of substances on the market that are all available to you. It is only a question of knowing how to choose the most suitable one for your drain and your pocket.

For this reason, we are going to give you a small recommendation that you should take into account as soon as possible. Buy the following product in this Amazon link that we will give you, at the best price of the moment.

Wc Net Energy Saver - 1000 gr

Secret 2

  •     Pour a bucket of hot water every day
  •     That way you will never accumulate hairs in the area
  •     We have repeated it many times, but this is the remedy that is most effective, and the most economical
  •     Remember that the best thing is that the water is boiling.

Secret 3

  •     When we talk about how to clean the hair from the shower drain , there is a great trick we can use
  •     We are making mention of caustic soda, but be careful, as it is a corrosive substance
  •     If not used in the right way it can be harmful
  •     Once you apply this product, you should pour the star remedy
  •     As you guessed, apply a good bucket with boiling water on the pipe
  •     In this way all the hairs are going to be eliminated completely.

Secret 4

  •     One of the simplest but most effective secrets is the one we are going to give you now
  •     Just insert a wire through the hole in the pipe
  •     This way you will be able to extract the accumulated hairs in the drain
  •     If you do it in a timely manner, there will be no clogging due to excess hair.

Secret 5

  •     Pour some soap in liquid form through the pipes
  •     This is going to make the whole piping system lubricate
  •     Therefore, the hairs are also going to feel the effect
  •     To finish, as we have always done, pour a bucket full of hot or boiling water.

Secret 6

  •     This is the final secret on how to clean the hair from the shower drain , and it is one of the most effective and practical
  •     Place about three tablespoons of fruit salts in the drain, combined with a glass full of white vinegar
  •     Wait for the solution to take effect for several minutes, this way there will be a better reaction
  •     And to conclude the operation, hold on, this will be the only time we will not use our great hair cleaner
  •     This time we are going to pour a bucket, but with cold water.

An extra secret

In order to reveal all the necessary information on this topic, we will see a good video explaining YouTube . This time we will be learning how to clean a drain , either by the hair or something else.

Conclusions of how to clean the hair from the shower drain

how to clean the hair from the shower drain

We have concluded with all the information regarding how to clean the hair from the shower drain effectively. You already know everything you need, the hair accumulated in the area will no longer be any kind of problem.

You can use hot water, hands, homemade products and also some chemical cleansers, many tricks. That way, the work of how to clean the hair from the shower drain will not be complicated for you.

Now, if you liked this article on how to clean the hair from the shower drain, you can find more. On the website of Dimasplus you can find a wide variety of tips related to many cleaning issues.

The best in cleaning: Dimasplus

We are a large cleaning company that has been able to provide quality services for a long time. If you browse our blog, you can find out about the best tricks for all kinds of maintenance and hygiene. We invite you to visit our portal , it's totally free.

We can teach you to eliminate bad odors , exterminate pests , clean houses , buildings and even other companies . And all with the simplest homemade products to use, so that it is at your fingertips. The information and training we receive is continuous, and is at your entire disposal .

On the other hand, if you want to do a cleaning job , you should not hesitate to call us as soon as possible. In an instant we will be for you, with the best machinery and the latest technology , to make a quality service. Check our prices , you will not find budgets so tempting.