Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Transer Home Plastic Multifunction Dust Removal Window Screen Brush Cleaner Brush Tool (White)

How to clean a cobweb duster

Feather dusters use soft nylon or polyester bristles to collect dust and cobwebs in hard to reach places. Unlike traditional dusters that capture and hold dust particles in small bird feather beards, modern feather web duster bristles have an electrostatic charge that actively attracts dust to the hairy head of the device. Due to this electrostatic charge, it can be more difficult to clean a duster from the modern spider web than it is to clean a duster. The duster only requires a quick movement to dislodge the dust, but the duster of the spider web often needs to be washed.

Transer Home Plastic Multifunction Dust Removal Window Screen Brush Cleaner Brush Tool (White)
Transer Home Plastic Multifunction Dust Removal Window Screen Brush Cleaner Brush Tool (White)


1 Put a dust mask over your nose and mouth and wear rubber or plastic gloves. Take the outer cobweb feather duster and shake vigorously. Slap firmly against a hard surface such as a wall or railing until the dust comes out.

2 Form a loose fist and pass the gloved hand up and down on the bristles a couple of times. When there is no more dust coming out, take the duster from the spider web inside. You can take the dust mask at this point.

3 Apply a few drops of dishwashing soap to a sink with the cap closed. Fill the sink with several inches of warm water. Dip the duster of the spider web in warm water and swish with it.

4 Gently run your hand over the submerged bristles several times to loosen the last one from the ground. Drain the sink and rinse the feather duster thoroughly with warm water. Shake excess water from the spider's feather duster and carefully dry with a dish towel or paper towels.

5 Dry air from the spider web duster for several hours on a dish rack or some other place where it can be supported without flattening the bristles.

Tips and warnings

  •     If there is an outside breeze, be sure to stay snug when shaking dust off the spider web duster.
  •     Do not try to use the cobweb duster when it is still wet. If it does, it will make a bigger mess than if it had not been dusted at all.