Monday, April 1, 2019

Dog Waste Station DWS-2000

Six Funny ideas for collecting dog droppings

The canine remains can be removed with paddles, biodegradable bags stored in funny dispensers and even with a comfortable vacuum cleaner designed for this use.

Dog Waste Station DWS-2000
Dog Waste Station DWS-2000

Collecting the excrements of the dog of the public thoroughfare is something very serious. Not doing so can cause health problems for the population, pollute the aquifers and punish with a fine of up to 3,000 euros according to the city. But This does not imply that they cannot be removed in an original or amusing way. Here are six nice ideas to collect the depositions of the can in the street is more enjoyable. The proposals include from biodegradable bags with scent, which can also take care of the planet, to paddles and shovels to remove the remains without touching them. Other options are to give a new use to the newspaper and to use automatic vacuum cleaners, which absorb the waste without agacharche. They are Also the alternative to be made with a stylish bag dispenser and the possibility of making these accessories at home to the pet owner.

1. Ecological Dogs: Recyclable and scented bags

The most widespread method for collecting dog droppings is plastic bags. Just wrap the hand with it, collect the debris, turn it over and tie the bag well before throwing it away in the trash destined for it.

But Why not make this simple everyday act a little more ecological and fun? One possibility is to use some of the biodegradable bags for canine residues that already exist in the market. There are even with nice smells, to better hide the contents of the bag!

2. Canine Palette, not to touch

Plastic shovels are not only useful for cleaning the cat's sandbox. Why not use these tools also to collect can feces during walks? The option is suitable for the most gourmets and for those who do not want to touch the bowel movements.

Yes, it is important to remember to wash them well with soap when you come home and keep them clean for the next outing.

3. Stylish Bag Dispensers

Dog bag dispensers are fabric or plastic containers where these useful accessories can be transported better during rides. However, there is no reason to be conformed to a dull model. Why not choose one stamped, adorned with colors and even devised by some canine designer?

4. Farewell to Plastic: the paper is here!

Plastic is a waste that is difficult to destroy in nature. Therefore, a more ecological and environmentally friendly alternative to collect the pet's excrement is to use newsprint .

You can keep the diary on top and start one or two double sheets when the time comes to get rid of the canine feces. Simple and very sustainable. Isn't that right?

5. A vacuum cleaner for collecting canine stools

More sophisticated are the vacuum cleaners to remove the dog's waste from the street, without having to touch them, or crouch! These gadgets have a powerful air stream that collects the debris and accumulates it until it reaches the nearest dustbin.

6. DIY Dog Bag Dispenser

An option for the handyman or the lovers of Do It Yourself (DIY): manufacture the bag dispenser for dogs at home. This alternative allows to personalize them to the taste of the owner, to use the material that it likes and to add funny drawings.

One idea is to build them with a hard or vinyl fabric. The following video gives the instructions.