Sunday, April 21, 2019

Duke Cannon Naval Supremacy Big Ass Bar of Soap for Men (Pack of 2)

Clean your life / 12 baths that purify

Take your bad energy from your home, your body and your mind with the power of water.

Duke Cannon Naval Supremacy Big Ass Bar of Soap for Men (Pack of 2)
Duke Cannon Naval Supremacy Big Ass Bar of Soap for Men (Pack of 2)

These ancestral recipes are also given the gift to neutralize obstacles, attract prosperity and optimize relationships with your colleagues, friends and family. The success! It is about having a positive thought and proceeding with great faith.

To release energies

Wash your home, your car and your business very well with hot water and blue soap. Then, mop with rough liquefied, boiled in two liters of water. Complement placing three incense in different places of the house.

Another thing you can do? Dismantle your bed and thoroughly handle it with a combination of water, vinegar and salt.

To attract positive energies

Place incense in your home, vehicle or business. Clean with liquefied mint and cinnamon powder dissolved in two liters of water. Do it from the outside inwards.

What days? Monday Wednesday and Friday.

To release personal energies

Lock yourself in the nude bathroom and make a incense. Wait until all the smoke comes out and rinse from the neck down, including the soles of the feet, with eucalyptus water. Seal the ritual by showering with a neutral or blue soap, to attract positive energy.

How many days? Seven (only the bathroom).

To strengthen the astral field

In a bowl of water pour a handful of white, red and pink roses. Let them marinate for five days and rinse your body with this preparation, making circles to the right.

Plus! It will help you fall asleep and free yourself from negative energy links.

To attract money

Blend four liters of water, lemon, orange and mandarin peels. Take 12 coins of the same denomination, pour them into the preparation and with a spoon, turn them to the right.

Another option? Bathe with the seven bitter herbs and then with the seven sweet herbs (ask in the market square). Begin and end the ritual with soil soap.

To sell a business

Boil a branch of verbena and of sacred shell in a little water. Then add a beer and a shot of rum. Spray in front of the business for 7, 14 or 21 days.

To improve sales

Make a musk with alcohol and a red apple. Trape the business from the outside in.

To purify the environment

Scrub your house with white rose water. Top with incense sticks. Another option? Use holy water and incense.

To attract prosperity

Clean all the entrances of your house: doors and windows, with vinegar and a pinch of salt. Then, rub with a white cloth and a little bit of sandalwood oil.

To attract prosperity

Bathe with a bottle of champagne. Avoid rinsing.

For the economic solvency

Boil mint and sugar in four liters of water. Stir always to the right. Bathe, leave the water for 10 minutes and remove.

Repeat at least seven times a month.

To attract health

Bathe your body with liquid eucalyptus soap, rubbing it always in circles to the right. Attract energy by lighting blue candles.

How often? Minimum three times a week.

'Extra help of the 21st century'

To optimize your time, válete of the cosmetics elaborated with natural pigments, that in addition to contributing to your beauty, feed the soul.

Find last generation incense, perfumes, creams and oils. Use them according to the utility you want to give them.

Pssst: Hillary Swank and Drew Barrymore have declared themselves faithful followers of rose water to counteract bad energies and incidentally, wrinkles.