Saturday, April 6, 2019

Fuchs Record V Adult Soft Natural Bristle Toothbrush

Remove the yellow from your teeth with these tricks

If you smile while walking down the street and the cars stop to confuse your teeth with an amber traffic light, you have a problem. Do not worry, 30% of adults do not brush their teeth , so it seems normal that they acquire a yellowish tone that has a solution with the following tips.

Fuchs Record V Adult Soft Natural Bristle Toothbrush
Fuchs Record V Adult Soft Natural Bristle Toothbrush

Why do you have yellow teeth

Each tooth has two fundamental parts: the enamel (the outer layer) and the dentin (the inner part). The enamel is worn out by use, which allows a series of foods to end up progressively staining the tooth. Vinegar, sauces such as ketchup, sugary sodas and citrus fruits gradually erode the enamel . Tobacco is very harmful, not only for the tone of your teeth, but also to accelerate the deterioration of your mouth. Similarly, bad hygiene is another reason to suffer the consequences already discussed.

Tricks to eliminate the yellow of your teeth

After learning how to brush your teeth, this application can be very helpful, you have the option to follow these steps to make the enamel whiter. The most used is a treatment with LED lamps to whiten your teeth. However, there are tricks at your fingertips that will help you recover the lost blancor:

  • - Toothpaste, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide . This trick has to be done only once since bicarbonate, used regularly, can affect the enamel. Mix the pasta with a teaspoon of the remaining ingredients and a last one with tap water. Create a homogeneous paste and brush yourself regularly.
  • - Fruit Before going to bed, rub your teeth with orange peel . You will notice the first results within fifteen days of starting to implement this trick. You can also make a paste with ground strawberries and rub your teeth with it, but always with gentle movements. The lemon is also very efficient when gargling. You can also use its shell to rub your teeth. The apple is perfect to improve your dental health. You have to eat it as it is and chew it as best as possible to make it work.
  • - Basil . You just have to leave some purple basil leaves for a few days in a sunny place. When it is completely dry you must grind it. Add the result to your toothpaste and brush in the usual way.
  • - Charcoal or otherwise burned rosemary, even burned bread. In this last case, we refer to the classic toast that burns you and that you scrape with the knife. These remains can be mixed with the toothpaste, thus obtaining a very convenient natural whitening.
  • The importance of prevention

To avoid that the yellow tone of your teeth go to plus you should take into account the following tips:

  • - Change your eating habits and your unhealthy habits . Stop smoking, try to eat more fruit and make your diet a source of health.
  • - Learn to brush your teeth . You are not brushing a sofa, but the entrance door of the bacteria. Brush well, use dental floss and a mouthwash to help eliminate bacteria better.
  • - Request an appointment with your dentist . As soon as you see that your gums bleed, that the tone of your teeth changes or that the enamel appears damaged, do not hesitate to trust a specialist.

Have you learned something new? Do you plan to implement any of our tips? Everything is for having whiter and shining teeth.