Saturday, April 6, 2019

LAMTO Organic Bamboo Toothbrush Eco-Friendly Wood, Biodegrable, Vegan, Soft BPA Free Bristles, Pack of 4

Tricks to have white teeth

For a start, not everything is to go through the dentist. There are some homemade tricks to make your teeth look like an immaculate white .

LAMTO Organic Bamboo Toothbrush Eco-Friendly Wood, Biodegrable, Vegan, Soft BPA Free Bristles, Pack of 4
LAMTO Organic Bamboo Toothbrush Eco-Friendly Wood, Biodegrable, Vegan, Soft BPA Free Bristles, Pack of 4

What you must do to have white teeth

If you want shiny teeth and restore their whiteness, it is possible to do it from home. Here are some easy tricks to achieve the desired whiteness:

Sodium bicarbonate

    Sodium bicarbonate: The dentríficos use it. So why not use it at home? If you use it combined with meticulous brushing, you will be able to erase certain stains from your teeth. You can use it every time you brush your teeth, but do not use it next to the toothpaste, as you could increase its abrasive effect. You will find this product at the pharmacy.

Baking soda is one of the most effective natural remedies for whitening teeth. The toothpastes found in the commerce also contain it regularly. Thanks to its fine particles, using baking soda in effect, combined with meticulous brushing, we will be able to remove stains from the teeth. As if it were an exfoliant.

Directions: You can use baking soda every day when you brush your teeth, on your toothbrush. In this case, the toothpaste increases the abrasive action, which can cause damage to the teeth. Wash your teeth as usual, and when finished, rinse with clean water.
You can find sodium bicarbonate in pharmacies or in natural food stores.

    Lemon: its acidity is perfect to return the white to stained or yellowish teeth. In addition, it will also help you with bad breath. How to use? Brush your teeth with a little lemon juice finished squeezing. And do it twice a week, no more.

Due to its acidity, lemon is ideal to restore the whiteness of yellowish and stained teeth. It is also perfect for reducing tartar and keeping a fresh breath always. With vitamin C that contains lemon will also strengthen and clean your gums.

Directions: Wash your teeth with just a little bit of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Brush gently before rinsing with clean water. Repeat twice a week, no more. The lemon is acidic and can damage the enamel of the teeth.
To offer a greater whiteness of your teeth, you can also mix 75 g of baking soda with the juice of 1/2 lemon. Mix and brush your teeth with this mixture every morning for 1 week.
Bleaching paste

To whiten teeth naturally, 1-2 times a week, brush your teeth with this mixture.

Directions: Soak the toothbrush in the green clay or baking soda. Add a drop of lemon or tangerine essential oil. Brush your teeth and finish with a mouthwash made with a mint infusion.

Another option is to go through the pharmacy. There are many products and systems that whiten teeth: whitening pastes , gels, rinses.

    All dentríficos with whitening effect help remove stains because they contain abrasive components (such as bicarbonate that we mentioned at the beginning). Some, in addition, contain chemical products that help to brighten the tooth.

But you must bear in mind that they do not perform miracles: they can help you recover one or two shades of whiteness , but they will never reach up to 8 shades of white that your dentist can recover with their treatments.

Other products you can use at home are gels and strips. The gels, based on a chemical compound called peroxide, are applied with a small brush directly on the teeth. The instructions recommend applying it twice a day for 14 days. The initial results are seen after a few days and the result lasts about 4 months.

A similar procedure is carried out with the whitening strips: they are very thin, almost invisible strips, also covered with peroxide-based whitening gel. Apply 2 times a day for 30 minutes and for 14 days. They have the same results as the gel.

    All these products can be found in your supermarket, in the pharmacy, or if you prefer a high quality product specially designed for you, visit your dentist and he will recommend the products that will fit you best.

Professional teeth whitening

And the most effective option to recover in a predictable way the dental aesthetics of your teeth and achieve a perfect smile is to rely on a dental treatment that improves the appearance and color of our teeth.

There are several, and it will be necessary to specify with the specialist dentist what is going to be better: dental whitening with LED lights, composite veneers, porcelain veneers, porcelain luminaries , Invisalign.

Check with your dentist. He will advise you.