Monday, April 15, 2019

Head and Shoulders, Shampoo, Anti Dandruff, Clinical Solutions, 8.4 fl oz, Twin Pack

How and when to wash the hair after the dye?

Whether it is the first time you are going to use a hairdressing dye or dye your hair regularly, we will offer a series of tips on the special care you should take into account when washing dyed hair so you can maintain the health of all the hair .

Head and Shoulders, Shampoo, Anti Dandruff, Clinical Solutions, 8.4 fl oz, Twin Pack
Head and Shoulders, Shampoo, Anti Dandruff, Clinical Solutions, 8.4 fl oz, Twin Pack

Some customers ask us why there are some brands of hair dyes that indicate that after applying the dye you just have to rinse it with water and do not talk about washing it with shampoo. In fact they ask us about it especially when it comes to "tone on tone" since in some cases after applying these tone on tone the dye of the gray disappears in the first wash.

The reality is that this can occur in certain brands of supermarket dyes but when using a professional hairdressing dye , always use shampoo in the dye wash whether it is a color bath (dye without ammonia) or in a normal dye (dye with ammonia).

Should I wash my hair before dyeing it?

It is true that you can find a wide variety of opinions on whether to wash your hair before dyeing since unfortunately many people have confused that having dry hair to apply the dye means that the hair must be dirty before dyeing it.

So if your question is dirty or clean hair before dyeing? The answer is very simple: your hair should be clean and dry . As you can imagine if your hair has traces of chemical products such as masks or styling products , these can prevent the dye from penetrating properly and fixes properly to the hair fiber.

It is true that there are some brands of hairdressing dyes or supermarket dyes that in some of their products as colored baths indicate that the hair must be wet, so in any case not to make mistakes what you have to do before applying a Tint is to read the instructions that are included in the box.

So you already know, if you must wash your hair before dyeing it and depending on the dye you are going to apply, the hair should be dry or wet, but always clean !.

Among all the shampoos to wash the hair that you can buy at the Alpel hairdressing shop we recommend the Valquer shampoo preparer since it is recommended to wash your hair properly before putting the dye as well as prior to any technical hairdressing work put which is responsible for removing any type of residue that may be in the hair.

How to wash the hair after the dye?

As we have indicated in the introduction, some brands of supermarket dyes usually indicate that you should not wash your hair with shampoo after applying it to the hair, simply indicate that it should be rinsed with water.

Some customers have told us that after using a tone on supermarket tone and having washed the hair with shampoo, the dye in the gray has disappeared. This can occur in low quality colored baths that do not cover the gray hair properly and therefore if you wash your hair with shampoo the dye disappears quickly.

In fact in the network you can find tips that will tell you that you should wait a day before washing your hair so that the dye is fixed to your hair as the cuticle stays open and ensure that after a day the cuticle closes. And this is why the question how long I should wait to wash hair after dyeing it has become popular.

For this reason, even if you want to use a bath of color or tone on tone that does not have ammonia so as not to damage your hair, we recommend that you use a professional hairdressing color bath, since even if you wash it with a shampoo it will not go away immediately. mane.

The same applies to professional hair dyes that should be washed perfectly after applying them. The recommended thing is that once the exposure time has passed, put a little water on your hair and emulsions all over and you scrub well around the contour to eliminate the dye marks on the skin.

Then you should wash it with a specific shampoo like the Elgon Color Fix shampoo that is designed to be used in the first wash after applying a dye, also known as post-color shampoo. Remember that you have to wash the head after the dye .

Care after dyeing hair

As we have already detailed above it is not necessary to wait a day or two to wash your hair after having dyed it but we are going to give you a series of recommended tips that you can take into account as care after dyeing the hair .

It is true that many customers consult us about how much dyeing hair should be washed since the dye is effectively disappearing with the washings, and as is logical, the less you wash your dyed hair, the better it will keep its color .

These are the recommendations that we offer you in the Alpel hairdressing shop so that the hair dye lasts as long as possible:

Reduce the frequency of washing

The less you wash your dyed hair, the longer its color will last. A trick to clean your hair without using water is to use a dry shampoo like these that we recommend.

Uses shampoo and conditioner for dyed hair

Shampoos of low quality as dandruff shampoos should not be used on colored hair because they are very aggressive with the tone and brightness of the dye, so we recommend using hairdressing shampoos designed specifically for the care of hair tinctured

If possible, it would also be highly recommended to use shampoos without sulfates since they are less aggressive.

Avoid excess water when you shower

Although we all know the pleasure it gives us to be under the shower feeling the water running all over our body, you should not do it with your hair dyed since this does not go well with the dye.

And as we have mentioned before, you should use good hairdressing shampoos for dyed hair .

Use warm water as cold as possible

The hot water causes the cuticle of the hair to open and therefore the color of the dye can be detached more easily from your hair.

As logically it is not pleasant to shower with cold water, try to adjust the temperature to the temperature less hot with which you are comfortable.

In the pool or on the beach, protect your hair before bathing

Both the chlorine in the pool and the salt water of the sea, and the sun itself, are very aggressive external agents for the color of dyed hair or strands of hair.

A good trick to protect the color of your hair or to prevent the wicks from getting green from the pool chlorine, is to use the Salerm 21 conditioner .